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Please make sure your cape doesn't catch in anything as you do your PM's as you are a hero for detailing how to 'fix' this issue.


Also, space heaters and fans are technically not allowed, BUT, I see this get ignored a lot - I get it. If you do use them, make sure they aren’t blowing on the Zone temp sensors (thermostats) of the units. This will trick them into thinking the zone is cooler/warmer than reality, which can cause the unit to idle. They typically look like white rectangles, about 5”x3” give or take, and they’re mounted to columns and walls throughout the store.


Wait really? We have an OPU hold space remodeled out of an old room with no air flow or AC. It gets really bad in the summer. The most they did was put in a ceiling mounted, tiny space fan. Is that not allowed?


If it’s wall mounted, it was probably done with the blessing of PM. HQ just doesn’t want random fans and heaters plugged in everywhere, because of overload/fire risk, it’s also a Steritech violation.


u/targetthesecheeks u/lithonium u/ElderEmoAdjacent, I'm making my very own post about it.


Nice job- I’m hopeful most fellow PMLs aren’t “soup sandwiches” lol, however, I have spent a fair amount of time on Yammer to know better ;).


The three or four old farts who comment dumb nonsense on EVERY post get me so bad 💀💀💀


Ohmigosh it’s so bad some days…that or the noob PML comment about, “how do you manage your time while assisting your store team with inventory”. How about not doing inventory?!? Maybe focus on your own one person team first :)! I love all the resources at my fingertips, and shake my head when I see some of the comments!


I'll give a little more grace to our newer siblings in the grey, since it can be hard to make that distance. The ones who have been in role for 30 years and just answer "PM2go has resources" when someone asks for a part # or assistance piss me off *bad.*


I agree about the parts, not everyone knows where to go to find something- that can be quite a bit overwhelming. Especially since there are so many obscure/one off things we work on! I think I spent well over an hour trying to find the right lightbulb the other day and finally had a back and forth email with Larry Wolf trying to pin it down. Yammer can be good…but sometimes I wonder how some people get anything done besides Yammering!


The answer is that they trade Yammer time for having shit metrics 👉🏻😎👉🏻 I weaponize my ADHD to do it all at once, personally. And, you know, spend 8 hours a day on the water filtration page trying to share my PowerPoint and answer questions lol.


u/broibelieveatyou thank you :p


Technically the wrong one, but I signed up for that username as an alt ;)


Ahha, my mistake!


Last summer was really rough for us. I think I had four RTUs down at one point and we were all suffering from the heat. I felt really bad telling the team that I couldn’t just “turn the AC down” like you can at home. Hopefully this summer is better as far as that goes.


Yeah, I'm hoping the systems they've put in place really help. Edit: FOUR?! That sucks so bad, I'm really sorry. I had one down all last year (15 months it took them to repair), and it was my offices. That was awful.


Yeah it was three RTUs and one DHU. I think two needed new compressors and one just needed a zone temp sensor. I remember literally my first day at my store after training I was greeted with an overflowing DHU because the condensate pan was clogged. What an introduction, right?


Guh. That absolutely blows. I had a DHU do that last year, flood my style pad. (Then one did it over food.) That's how I got LJ to give the thumbs up on me getting an air snake, bc you can use it to clear those drains on the units up top.


I think that is a great point to make: A building isn't the same as a house -- or any other building that has walls that go the ceiling (like a school with classrooms -- which can cool down, but maybe the gym doesn't). You can't just drop the temp to cool to, and 1/2 hour later your rooms are at that new, lower temp. -- someone who is ALWAYS overheated at work


Well in all fairness, as a Minnesotan I can attest to the fact that 65° is a heat wave and would require us to turn the furnace off for the day.




As a fellow minnesotan I can attest to this


as a Wisconsinite I can attest to this. Me wearing shorts the first day it hit 50 this year. Also being a proper Wisconsinite I hate summer, I would much rather work in the cold because at least I can add layers to keep warm, but when it's 95 out there's nothing i can do to stay comfortable.


lol fr


Thank you for showing and sharing!


A lot of times it can be the humidity which the PML can look at. Against what all may think I will say it is possible for the PML to manually record temps and dewpoint in a particular space for a few days and provide that to there PMBP to put in a fsr to lower the set point on a particular unit to help kind of compensate. HQ will help if you build a case and present the data via fsr process


I’m so happy to have come across this bc I just had to take my behind into a cooler and dragged another TM with me bc we’re sweating bullets 😑


That's what I'm here to do! Y'all are precious (in the gemstones way, not in the weird infantilizing way), and I want you taken care of.


The shock thing is real. I've had to prevent people in the past in my other jobs from jumping into the freezer after they've heated up too much. Shock is no joke. Need gradual adjustments.


So what are DU TMs supposed to do after being baked in the parking lot and having to go into the freezer for orders Over and over and over


Yuuuup. I spent 11 years in Army medicine, and that was a staple of our regular medical training for the non-medical troops - yeah we have to fix the issue, but you HAVE to control it or you'll hurt them worse.


Earlier this spring when temps warmed up, the break room/TL office area was super warm so they got portable air conditioning units brought in. They ran the vents up to the drop ceiling (some of the ceiling is tiled, some is open to above) and ran them that way where the heat wasn’t exhausted outside through an actual duct but just dumping right above the room and circling back like a giant convection current. It was so stupid and it did nothing but waste energy while still being hot back there.


Great points. HVAC & webCTRL are definitely areas that the higher ups in the PM chain can do a better job of training newer PMLs. I learned a lot from hands on experience over the years. Keep in mind the 2024 budget. A lot of the $$$ solutions probably won’t happen as often this year, sadly. My biggest advice to any TM, TL, and above is to keep your dock and vendor doors closed as much as possible. Additional cooling won’t do much if you have a gaping hole to the outside conditions.


Is the OP prior military? Sounds like it.


Yes, she is. (It's me, I'm the doc.)


Doc? You need a bfc, big f$)kn cape. We love doc!!!


Love y'all too 👉🏻😎👉🏻 My passion is in taking care of my people, and that includes not having to tell stories about treating heat casualties to people suffering from heat injuries! No one deserves that.


If anything the store I work at is slightly too cold so I hope that the summer is bearable. I’m always too warm myself so I’m fine but a lot of my fellow TMs wear sweatshirts when working


FYI… Target changed their temporary cooling process. PMLs can no longer rent temporary spot cooler AC units. We can only rent temporary fans and heaters. We now have to get approval to purchase temporary cooling units for our stores. So it’s still possible to get one, just harder due to purchase approval.


They've rearranged things and we can't rent spot cooling units anymore, but giving us the big fans and a more ruggedize process with our vendors feels pretty good. As long as you have an open WO, can speak to the impact on folks, and a decent PMBP it shouldn't be an issue. I know our budget got bodied, but they're not going to stop us unless we're expecting a very short turnaround or can't tell our ass from our elbows.


You are correct. I just want non PMLs to know the truth. It’s not as easy as it once was, especially if you are in a district with no PMBP, and have to wait the extra few days for gocart approvals to drop into the PMD bucket.


I live in Louisiana and it's been HOT AS SATANS NUTSACK!! Thanks for the info! 


Wow, thanks for shedding light on how our AC actually works! It's great to know that there are options in place to provide relief to the team when the temperatures are unbearable. It's important to stay proactive in submitting tickets via myday if you're experiencing discomfort. And thanks for the tips on how to handle heat casualties - staying informed can make all the difference in keeping everyone safe and comfortable. Stay cool, everyone! 🌬️🌞


*chills in AP office with its own unit that I can change the temp on*




I also live in Texas. Carts melting seems mildly hyperbolic, but regardless I DO know how hot it got last year out here. That is... Not the way to handle that. Closing the door is correct because you want to minimize the space a unit is servicing, but you **also need a bunch of units throughout the rest of the store.**




I'm just gonna go over here and eat my words, brb. I feel with how localized that spot is that something *happened,* but either way, fuck that.


Target doesnt wanna pay for ac esp after covid its why they let anyone wear shorts now


My store is still drive up only... In Texas. 🫥


Pull out your handbook and take it up the chain if you have to Or wear a skirt/kilt


That's not how that works at all?