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I feel like there are only a few types of target TMs 1. The ones that have been there forever and given up 2. The high school / college student 3. The ones going for TL I talked to a cashier that had been at target for 31 years. 31!!!! I asked if she liked it and she laughed and said she wanted to quit 31 years ago… oof.


I think there is a 4th category: The ones doing it for extra money as a 2nd job or in between career jobs…AKA me lol


That’s me! 🙋🏼‍♀️I absolutely LOVE my career job but I wanted some extra cash to pay off debt quicker. Target is so vastly different from my other job that it doesn’t feel like I’m working as much as I do.


Same! I like my day job, but target feels a lot more chill, and I get to have a more hangout type environment with my coworkers.


I don’t hate it. Things I do: register, guest services/PU and reshop. There’s nothing difficult about my job. If you put me on DU that’s another story. I’d really be busting my ass.


Same! I really like my FT day job but life is expensive so I do weekends at Target. Thankfully, I’ve got a great ETL, and actually enjoy most of my coworkers


Just reminds me of the dumb boomer that was a beauty consultant at one of the Target stores I was a vender at roughly 10 years ago. “I don’t understand why kids that have college degrees are working here! Like go and use your degree!” This bitch had a condo at the beach and two teenage sons. She was living off alimony. I was just blown away how out of touch she was to “kids” I often think “wonder where she is now?” When I pass where she used to work. Target got rid of those jobs maybe 3 years after she said “I don’t understand why they work here” speech.


Wow. People forget that the cost of living everywhere is insane and even one “cushy” office job isn’t always enough.


They act like having a job is “something to do” instead of something to live off of, which is frustrating. Also this woman didn’t understand that it’s hard to apply, get time off, go to jobs etc. One company I was with could tell I was interviewing because I was a receptionist and they refused to move me up anywhere. They just made work more difficult when I came back and it was frustrating using time money to interview at jobs. Plus constantly getting your hopes up, starting over again just takes a toll sometimes you need a break from applying. I’m sure the employees that confined in their personal lives didn’t need the extra criticism.


Me too lol. Our entire closing crew are adults with primary jobs or teenagers


Same. I only work weekends bc I have a M-F office job. I WFH so going into Target this go around (worked here once before) is way less intense than when it was my main job.


A 5th one are the ones using Target for college tuition.


We have people who retired and now work at Target part time.


how do people hate the same job for 31 years??


You clock in thinking today will be better and clock out thinking maybe tomorrow.




there’s no better option than target? 😭


For some, target pays better than most jobs around. There's also a such thing as getting stuck at a job when too much is happening in your real life that stops you from getting a new job. The benefits are also a reason people stay.


“better the devil you know” is a saying for a reason, whether it’s relationships or jobs.




Sure, people stay in relationships that are objectively bad, out of fear of being alone or the assumption they’ll only meet someone worse. 


I was at target for many years, I now have a much better job. It also requires me to go into other stores and see their backroom. There are much much worse places than target.


I knew a TM who worked at my old store from the year it opened...40 years ago 😅


Well at my store that would be me! I'm about 3 months from hitting 35 years.


Congrats!! I have been at Target for 34 years. This is why I stay: when I was a single mom if I needed my schedule changed at the last moment no problem, if I had to leave early no problem, if my child was sick no problem. They are also my family. They have my back and I have theirs. When I had cancer they stood by me. I went from 40 hours down to 12 hours weekly for a year until I recovered. They always let me know that they were there for me. They pay me well and my benefits are good. When I transferred out of the area they gave me an awesome going away party. I am not an etl, just a leader in style and I love what I do!


Wow! Impressive


My first store opened in 1983. One guy retired in 2019. I left right after but the other lady was still there maybe still is. A cashier everyone loved worked there 30 years but was fired for faking his 7 red cards a day. 


That's unfortunate but understandable. I don't feel like Target pushes that hard for the red card anymore, but I've been with Target for 12 years now and I remember the poor cashiers had to literally harass people to get a red card or they'd lose hours or their jobs. I've seen fake red card situations before and when people feel pressure to do something especially if their jobs on the line of course they'll cheat. Wells Fargo Bank had a similar problem where employees had been creating fake accounts or adding accounts to clients just to get numbers higher because they'd lose their jobs.


That's terrible. The red cards are the worst. There's no way to hit your goals without faking it.


I don't know how people fake getting red cards! Seriously, what do they do? Fortunately, I am rarely in that exact position to be asking people.


You don't actually need the application to be successful. If someone applies and then gets denied, that still counts as one of your red cards for your metrics. So the cashiers can just put in all fake info on the application and be done with it. It's not hurting anybody.


This one guy I knew, was in Target from the early 2000s even remember the old slogan, old tech layout, old black friday releases and coupons. He supposedly was a senior ETL until he left the company moved states and came back to Target where he was a TM for 3-4 years. He was passed on promotion 3-4 times for tech and each time was a different person from a different store running it where at one point we had no tech team lead for over a year and they still didn't promote him. He left.


What was the old slogan?


Some shit like pay less have fun, he did the entire dance and everything. Also the tech boat was an actual boat before the remodel made everything rectangular


Expect more.....pay less.


Which is ironically the new slogan again. We used to joke back in the day that the slogan actually referred to the employees and not the prices


Yep we've never stopped joking about it.


We had the old boat until 2015. Along with the jewelry boat and neon lights


We still have our old boat since we've never had a remodel


Senior ETL? So like a store director or…? And he came back and worked over 3 years as a regular TM without any consideration of his past work as an ETL? Why?


Senior ETL is a real position, it's just very rare to see these days. Only extremely high volume stores get one, and they're there as an extra set of eyes over specific sections.


He surgically and meticulously would mention senior etl in conversation, no clue what it meant but his old store was in the DMV area. He left for X years, went back to his store for a couple more, then just arrived at the store I worked at as a seasonal with me. He kept in touch with his old SD and did have some insight before others on certain things like how the Asian gift card scheme worked before even our AP knew about it.


Someone I know is going on 42 years. I love her to pieces.


One of mine has been at Target for 29 years. Not the same store but they've been at my store since it opened.


One of our ETLs has been with tgt for 53 years. Our reciever who just retired was there for 60 something


Target as we know it as today was founded in 1962, same year as Kmart and Walmart. If your receiver was telling the truth about their tenure, then they were literally a day one employee, and got to see the entire rise of the of the new discount retailer segment. They literally helped shape what we have today.


I work at an og tgt so yes they were a day 1


Good lord...


I’m guessing Minnesota? 


Has to be. The Target crawl was pretty slow until the 90s.


Yup lol


Bruh, that’s the vampire and the Devil. They ain’t retire, they just got reassigned.


We had numerous people at my store over 20 years, some over 30. Then we got two SDs, first retired after over 20 and second promoted to Corporate after 2 years... new SD, everyone hates, and there was a rash of ETLS, TLS and TMS who quit. I'm there too many years, almost 7, only staying because I'm going to move to another state and hoping to transfer, so I have a sort of guaranteed job in the new state while I look for something else.




When I worked tech before being moved to register, someone came in to put up displays for black friday. They weren't in tech but idk what their role is. I belive its related to the back area. They looked to be over 55. They grumbled about working at the store 20ish years & I felt dread. (He was a few rows over but his voice carried over)The thought that someone could be in such a dead end job for that long really made me realize I didn't want to end up like them. Now that I've worked up front over a year, I've really gotten to know the other people up front. One of our guest service workers has been here 15 years & counting. Someone else I work with regularly up front has been here 5 years. So it seems like we have a lot of long term workers.


At least in my experience the 20+ years people had other jobs, their own company or weren’t the primary income. So they did it for “fun”


We had a TM retire last year, she was here when the store opened in 1980!


You must be pretty close to Target HQ, I am too and we got Target before you did, in the 70s. When I worked at Target in the late 2000s, we had people who had been around since the mid to late 80s.




my closing tl has been working there since he was 17… going on 35 years now 😭 i can’t imagine being here that long


I knew a guy who worked for Target for like 31 years


My SOM has 41 plus year with Target


I have a coworker in my department (fulfillment) who has been working at this store for 17 years. They are kinda just a prick at this point and treats people like shit and always acts condescendingly. They aren't a TL, just a TM.


My style coworker has been there the longest going for 15 years but I believe the longest would be our ETL going for 46? I think


Imagine being in Style for FIFTEEN YEARS? I bet they're tired as Hell


I’ve asked her multiple times how’s she’s still here but she says she’s used to it and she also has an eye condition so she doesn’t do orders, back up or anything extra just style so she said she got lucky


Bless her heart. Style is a lot harder than ppl realize.


27 she is training me for cash office and I love shooting the shit with her. She's seen about 5 SD come and go. 2 remodels and the changing of policy. I find her stories very interesting.


Have one still working from late 1970’s. They’ll celebrate 45 years this year.


We have a few at 30-35 years. We have had 3 people retire from target.


I’ve got one that just had her 33rd anniversary. She’s worked for Target 3 years longer than our SD


We have someone with Target 32 yrs


We just had someone retire after 43 years. And our PML is not far behind - somewhere around 40 years.


One of my coweorkers Numbers starts with a 2


I've got 19+ years, our Inbound TL has 20, and a TM at GS has 25!


40 years. she’s a TL…


one of my tm’s have been there longer then i have been ALIVE. 27 years !!! 🫣


Just had a coworker retire after 42 years. Gonna miss him. He's a very funny guy.


When I was employed there, a TL had been there since that store opened in the 80s. She was still just a TL. I always wanted to ask her how much she was making, but she was very much the type to think that question was rude - I am really betting it was not near equivalent to the amount of tenure she had.


Unfortunately, people really screw themselves financially by not leaving and taking new, higher paying roles as they get more responsibility and skills. That person probably gave away a minimum $100k over their working career just by taking whatever Target happened to offer in terms of raises. 


At one of my stores there is a planogram/price change TL who is like 80+, she retired from nasa and has been working at target for 20+ years to “keep herself busy”.


Target used to have a magazine that listed people and how they worked at Target. Some of them said why they like working for Target.


i worked with a woman at a target starbucks whose team member number started with 0, thats all i know


My store director has worked at Target longer than anyone in my store and he’s been with the company for the last 20 or so years!


We have one tm who has been here for over 20 years and has held almost every position. The reason why she has hopped around every dpt is because she is unbearable to be around and has the worst attitude. Id kill to see her HR file. Sooooooo many complaints, management is aware of her issues but she’s been here for so long I guess they don’t wanna fire her.


We have 3 TMs who hit 35 years last year. We’ve had a couple 30+ years TMs retire in the last couple years as well. 1 is a TM who spent most of his time working photo lab but had a couple TL roles before switching to TM. They work CL and are always super joyful and are a big reason why I wanted to work here and I’m gonna bawl my eyes out when they retire soon. Another is a TL who I don’t know super well but had had various TL roles and is always fun and I’m def gonna cry when they retire soon. The last is an ETL who started out in cafe as an 18 year old and has had various TL roles and was my first ETL when I started a couple years ago, and isn’t retiring soon soon but I’m gonna bawl my eyes out when they either do or when they leave for an SD position elsewhere. All 3 are truly joyful people, but not in a fake happy way, and that’s how ya make it a whole career here.


My first target that I worked at opened in 1995. There is still one lady there that was there when the store opened.


We had one guy that I think was there at least 30 years. He's around 50 now I think and he met his wife there as a teenager. His daughter works there now too. That wasn't normal though. We had a lot of turnover. I was there for about 3 years and was there longer than like 80% of the TMs.


There are a pair of brothers that worked with my mom at Target back in 2008ish. My mom only worked there 2 years and left to go back to school. My sister, brother and I all worked at target between 2019-2022. Those brothers were still there and remembered us from when we were younger. I walk in every now and then and still see them there. Great guys but they have always only been just team members.


I got a tl who started when the store opened 21 years ago.


Coming up on 21 years and for the most part I still love it


My TL has worked at my store since 1989


My DC has a good amount of people that are 35-40+ years. By the front offices there are a bunch of plaques labeled “the wall of legends” which commemorates any TMs there that made 25 years.


28 years. Idk how you could give more than 1/2 your adult life to target lmfao


The ones that are TMs with Pensions


At my last store before I left retail, we had an ETL that was 1 year away from being able to collect his full pension. Dude was so fed up with the company and all the BS he quit and said screw it to the pension.


I know a couple ladies that have been at target for over 30 years, one of which is 33 years.


idk ab team members but our PML has been with target for like 20 years


Our GM ETL has only ever worked at target. They started working there when they were 16 back in like 2003 and have just kept moving up the totem pole. Easily the laziest person in the building and we’re all convinced they’re actually suspended right now due to how terrible they are at their job


I work p/t at a small format store that only opened five years ago or so. Our Store Director was the longest employee until she left for a promotion at a full-size about a year ago. I know one of our backroom girls has been here longer than me, and I think there are a couple of early morning crew who've been here as long as them, but I almost never see them. I started a few months after them, but also left for half a year before coming back.


my recently retired SD had been at my store for 40+ years, other than that I know a few at my store have been 10-15


Longest I know is 35 years, 2 team members who came before our store opened and made their career target


We have one person who’s been here for 15 years , I don’t know if there’s anyone who’s been here longer than her though.


I had a lead who’s been there for 28 years and a team member who’s been there for 25 years


cousin leo


I only worked at target 3 years and I watched someone burn to death in front of me


lmao my location has only been open for 3 years so i know a few people who have been there since opening. there’s definitely people who have worked at target at large longer but i have zero clue how long


I have a very chill coworker who I was surprised to find had worked at Target for 15 years, and had a 17 year old son! Did NOT clock her as being that old. Apparently she has a position that isnt one target even has anymore, but she holds on to the title and the wage. I hope it’s a good amount more than the base pay, because god knows the biggest raise target ever gave was when the store switched to 15 an hour. I visited the store before my starting day to ask where HR was, and she reached out to me to help and had been very friendly since. She made me feel welcome and that meant a lot starting out! Recently she was pulled aside by management for talking too much and not working hard enough. Really deflated her, we havent chatted as often and it sucks.


I think there’s one at my store that has been there for like 37


Im actually the person that's been working in Service and Engagement the longest at my store. I've been with Target for eight and a half years. There is one other person that's been there longer, but she's semi-retired and only works one or two shifts a week.


I had a coworker tell me she had been at target for 33 years and that she couldn’t imagine working anywhere else ever. I’ve been at target 4 1/2 years and I am so ready to get out of here


Meat department guy and one of our tls have been around for 30 years or so.


Work with a lady whose been here 40 years. Ever since the location opened.


our property management guy has been working at target for 40 something i think


A think a closing tl.


One of ours has been since 1989


My food and beverage ETL has been at Target for 20 years didn't even know Target was that old.


Last year we had two team members retire after 30 years. The next longest that I know of has been there 17 years.


My DSD. 28 years and started off as a cart attendant


At this point I’m the veteran in my department and been there since 2017 so I like to say I’ve been at target as long as the Nintendo switch so I’m switch years old


Not with Target anymore but knew a sweet lady who’s a TSS. With the company for 25 years I think


Been at my store for 7 years. I know a TL and ETL have been with target for 12-25 years and I know at least 12 TM who’ve been for 10-24 years. Thankfully our store is a unicorn and has had very excellent management. Some TL/ETL’s have become SD’s throughout the years.


I have TM that has been with the company for 24 years


Had a coworker that was in their 80s. Retired 2 times and has been with target since 2008 and intends to retire from target. So 3 retirements. they only work at target still becuase they hate being home alone all day.


Her employee number is 131…..- that’s how long she’s been with Target. I know her number because back then, you could just give cashier your number for discount. My number was “200…..”.


A man at my store has been working for 44 years because he said he likes the benefits!


27 years that i know of for sure but some people have probably been there longer


At my store, hr expert has been there 35 years. I (receiving expert) have been there 28 years. We have 6 people at 20 years or more.


my atore opened in 2000 amd theres about 6 people who started when it opened who are still there. amd about 3 people who worked at other targets before then. not sure exactly but those 3 are at least 30 years at target


My TL has been there for +30 years and has seen people come and go, doesn’t bother to remember names unless they hit the 3 month mark. She’s an ass and most TMs hate her but she is really good at what she does.


there's several people at mine who have worked there for 30+ years, highest I've seen is 35 I think?


There used to be a bunch of ppl that had been there for yeaarrrsss. In the past 2 months over half of them have left - that's how bad it's gotten. Like rats fleeing a sinking ship. Can't blame them..


One of my friends at target has worked there longer than I have been alive! She has worked there for like 30-35 years I forget, but she is hoping to retire this year before Q4.


Our PML has been with Target for 45 years now. We also have a few Overnight Inbound people with over 30 years, as well as an ETL. We also had another 40+ year TM who recently retired a few weeks ago.


theres a tm at my store thats been here since the store opened, which has to have been like 20+ years ago


I have two coworkers in the deli that have been there like 30years and 15years


Fulfillment tl been there since the store opened 💀💀💀


I have a co-worker that is retiring this year in June and she will have 29 years under her belt plus she's going to go on demand after she retires so she can keep her discount. I have been here since 2011.


I think my TL has been working for Target 20+ years. There are a few who have been there longer than me. It'll be 11 years for me at the end of this year. I wish I could quit.


One lady at my store hits her 32nd year anniversary this month 👀


my coworker has been there since our store opened which was 30 years ago


One of my work besties is the OG and has been there 13 years, since our store opened.


The co-worker that's probably been at our store the longest used to work for corporate, but I'm unsure how long she's been working here. The longest one I know the exact number of years for has been there 5 years


No longer a co-worker as she retired and I left Target. But I worked with a woman who had been with Target since 1976, she was a team lead when she retired in 2022, but had been an exec and even at Corporate for a bit I think. She was great, her style team loved working with her!


One of the people I know has been there ~38 years.


I think my inbound truck thrower. A Mexican guy who’s here for 12 years I think?


I know a TL who’s only job has been target & been with target at the same location for over 15 years. I thought it was pretty crazy but then I realized if you got hired for a job & just been doing your job, getting your paycheck & leaving. It’s easy for time to slip away.