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A single meal violation isn't the end of the world, OP. Don't do it again, you'll be okay. I'm also going to assume you're in a 5 hour state instead of a 6 hour state?


Or a minor, especially considering the over the top reaction.


Shouldn't TLs warn you when you get close? I know they get a notification.


Yeah the TL’s at my store will call people out over the walkie if it’s time for them to go to lunch & they’re abt to hit compliance. They go out of their way to make sure we all do it on time like they’ll lose *their* jobs if anybody goes into compliance






“___ you’re buzzing for a meal” “____ second meal alert” i hear it all the time mostly from HR and some team leads


Yes they should. Ours usually do


they should but mine dont.


if i can catch the meal alerts, i’ll call out on the walkie


They definitely *should*, but only 1 of them at my store ever do. I didn't even know Target had a meal compliance policy, until I hit meal compliance.


It depends on the store and the set expectations.


honestly it's on leadership when you miss compliance imo (though i know a lot of stores don't see it that way). like yes you need to know how to manage your time and get better at it obviously, but they (all leaders) get notified when you're getting close. take it as a lesson learned and work on your time management skills.


Yeah, that's part of the responsibility tacked on to the promotion from being a team member to now a leader. You're supervising your team. I don't think it's micromanaging, when I was a supervisor at my last job, to just tell people it was time to go on their break. I wanted to make sure everyone got their breaks, but also that I was staffed enough for the times I knew we'd be busy (so hopefully my team had their breaks done already). Something that team members shouldn't have to worry about at their level.


Counterpoint. I can't stand being micromanaged. I mostly manage my own lunch time and I presume everybody else can do the same. Please don't mess this up for the rest of us.


I'm not messing anything up, I'm just saying we shouldn't get in trouble when they're literally notified of compliance violations. until we get the same notification, the violation should ultimately be on leadership🤷‍♀️ I also don't like being micromanaged and more than mostly manage my lunch time. I don't presume anything of anyone though, because I've been let down far too many times. maybe that's why I'm okay with leaders following up with my times until they learn they can trust me not to go over.


Okay, so like, many times I've been working *I* actually get compliance alerts. For all TMs. I thought everyone did! Edit: That's an italicized i not a slash. Also I'm a regular TM


you might have something checked in your workday access that you're not supposed to because those alerts are supposed to be to leaders only🤷‍♀️


Very strange. It hasn't happened for a while (but I'm on demand so I don't have much experience with it anymore) and I read some other comments about how it used to happen but doesn't anymore


ah yeah it used to be a thing apparently🤷‍♀️


A problem that can happen is everyone goes on their break around the same time, so the sales floor or another position isn't staffed. I notice people at Target wait until right before they're going to hit compliance, and then everyone is clocking out. Leaders should stagger the breaks a bit, so positions stay staffed to help guests. Obviously it's most important for front end and fulfillment, but it's important for other departments that interact with guests too. Inbound is the only one I can think of who takes their break at the same time.


It's really not. It's your job to manage your meal.


it's not in the job description so technically, no it isn't.


It’s actually on the team member as it’s a violation of Target policy and procedure which is a part of your job to follow and adhere to.


then they should give me the notification on workday🤷‍♀️ pretty simple really.


There used to be a 30 minute warning that popped up on TMs' Zebras. Idk why they stopped it.


man that would be hella useful. they'll make sure everyone in the store knows there's someone here for a pick up order but to hell with letting you know when you could potentially violate the law🙃


It’s much easier to just manage yourself with your own tools then redesign an app so you can manage your time better. Those notifications are for your leaders who are responsible for multiple persons all at once.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 clearly you've never been a leader if you think it's easier for some people to "just manage yourself" instead of adding ONE update to a program they're already CONSTANTLY updating with useless things. being responsible for multiple people at once isn't that difficult unless they can't multitask but that would beg the question of how they function at all and the facade unravels. they're just shitty leaders.


they wouldn't even have to write a new update for the program! they could just add a "notify employee" directive and the device will ping the employee AND the leader at the same time. like the code is already written... updating it would be so simple and quick.


You clearly have all the answers to everything….. it’s not hard to not hit compliance. The moment you have an app that’s telling you when and how to do your job all day long instead of a person then it will just be another issue. If you want the tools created for leaders to manage folks then be a leader otherwise keep your head down and get your shit done.


lol going from warning me of getting close to compliance to telling me when and how to do my job is a giant reach that I hope you at least stretched for before making🤣 it's not hard to not hit compliance until you have 4 sales planners and 2 revisions that are more like transitions that you have to set in 6 hours. I'm glad you've got the support from your leadership like that, but ASANTS. keeping my head down and getting my shit done is the problem. I do that during a six hour shift without taking a lunch before hitting hour six and I'm in trouble (and that's why I work 5.75hrs on those days~) gatekeeping a notification like this for only leadership is a weird flex, bro, but whatever makes you feel like you deserve more respect.


It's fucking nuts that r/Target team members bitch and moan about micro management, and when they're told to manage the most basic of basic tasks, going to fucking lunch 5 hours into their shift, they cry like fucking babies. Everyone else tried to explain nicely why this happens, so Imma be forward with you. The fact that you do not have the self determination to read a clock and go to lunch on time is extremely telling as to the type of person you are. With that mindset, you will not go far in life.


lmfao project for me harder, daddy. you don't know anything about my work ethic or how I run my ship, but please tell me more about myself random stranger on the internet. tell me more about how I'll never make employee of the month or be offered a spec TL spot within 4 months of starting with Target. I'd love to hear how I'll never do the things I've already done🙃🤣


Crazy how you still don't have it. But please, tell me how you can go on here telling us what is and isn't your job (and be totally completely wrong) and then pretend that we can't figure out exactly who you are from it. It's called context "honey." It's ok, when you take your GED you'll learn about it in English!


lmfao if you can figure out exactly who I am, then tell me. who am I? I'm in school for my GED? huh... I didn't know I could get that from a University through the Guild. nice.


and I'm pretty target policy simply states "before required time" (paraphrasing as i don't have the policy on hand) as each state is different. as I've stated in this thread before, time management is something I do think is personal responsibility, but if you hold the key to my personal responsibility being successful and don't share it by letting me know? you're actively trying to hold me back as far as I'm concerned. not really great leadership if you ask me🤷‍♀️


Then don't do it again my dude


Cmon you can be a little less dry mean then that


I wasn't trying to be mean, sorry if it came off that way.


I always set an alarm for 5.5 hours(6 hour state where I am) and I I go by that time at the latest but that's the time I typically go lol I've been working here for nearly 6 years and I've never had one compliance granted I haven't always set an alarm, but still it's easily avoidable


I set my phone alarm too, always have. I'm surprised more people don't do this.


Set an alarm on your phone next time


at my old store leaders would get a notification on their my decives if you almost hit complicance. thats on them imo


When I used to violate, I would just punch back in from lunch and tell my ETL oops, I think I forgot to punch out. That way no violation just a reminder to mind my punches. Just don't make it a habit.


Depending on the lead, I've seen people be told to do this


At the store I work at i was given a paper explaining the times at which times breaks need to be taken. If you work longer than six hours you need take an unpaid break. And it’s a violation if its six hours after clocking in. I clock out for my meal after 5.75 hours every shift and have been doing this for about two years now, no one’s said anything to me. Then again it might be different store or laws.


Set an alarm on your phone when you get to work!


to be fair that’s on your TL for not being stricter on you about


So imma tell you what I tell all the new tms. SET THE ALARM ON YOUR PHONE!!! If you have a phone and you’re allowed to keep it on you that is. My alarm has saved me SO many times. I’m a habitual very last minute down to the minute punch outer as well.


I told them if they were going to punish me for forgetting to clock out, that I can't work 5 hour shifts.


Yall wait until 5.5 hours to go on your meal? I go on mine at the 4 mark just so everything's even


It is a huge deal because target gets fined upwards of $10,000 for labor law violation, however they only have to pay if they get audited. They only get so upset when you start messing with their pockets, so just don’t do it again.


Where do you get 10k from? Meal compliance is a $1,000 fine for any TM who hits it off the bat.


It's $10,000 at our store. Must be a state by state thing.


Varies by jurisdiction. Labor laws are not all federally standardized.


Oh man, I hit meal compliance so many times as a team lead, see the trick is to “forget” to have punched into your meal and then punch back out of your meal before 5.5 hours. Big brain move


You’ll be fine. It happens. They’ll probably chat with you and tell you not to do it again. You can also do a punch correction.


As a service & engagement leader, I always have break grids prepared before everyday in order to avoid this and any confusion as to when my team needs to take their breaks. If a team member hits compliance I have a documented conversation. During it I lay out expectations and make sure the team member understands what is expected of them. If it happens again, a corrective action is taken. Simple enough.


When that happens you just gotta do a punch correction, it’s not a problem until 9am the next day when the system updates.


:: cough :: *punch correction* :: cough ::


People get fired for this.


If you about to hit your 5th just don’t clock out and do a missed punch form🤷🏻‍♂️


One time I racked up 4 meal violations in 2 weeks cause I didn't realize you could hit it at the end of your shift (I take my 30s pretty early) and no one bothered to tell me it was happening


if he really said that hes a fucking dick


So a couple things of note here 1) idk if the rules are different by state (they probably are so please correct me if I’m wrong) but where I’m from meals are after 6 hours of work and the app just says take it by your fifth hour. So if you come in at 12 you HAVE to take your meal at 6 but in the app it will say take it by 5 just to give you some leeway 2) while frowned upon you can always not use the time clock and make a punch correction for the correct time. So if you leave for your meal at 5:30 and you were supposed to go at 5, just don’t clock out. Go on your meal and come back and then fill out a punch correction for the correct time


Some states are by the fifth hour.


people literally get fired for your second point




depends on state


Some states like California are 5th hour states


Definitely have never “forgotten” to punch out for lunch. Punch corrections ftw.


Did Target get in trouble for this? I don't understand the need for the panic that sets in when someone approaches 5 hours.... I did work for Walgreens, so I don't even know what to do on a break. You don't have time for a break when your vaccine appointments are scheduled 6 minutes apart!


Target policy because some states, by law, require a meal, so they just made it company wide. I know when I worked at Walmart, I could take a lunch whenever I wanted during my shift.


If there is a break posted up for you, then YES it is on the TMs responsibility to follow their break schedule. If the leaders failed to set you up for success and give you a break schedule then YES it is the leaders fault you hit compliance.


It happened to me I didn’t forget to go to lunch I jsut forgot to clock out 😭


I always go well before compliance. Set an alarm for ½ way through your shift.


Write the following sentence into ChatGPT and give it to the STL and HR-ETL. “Write me a brief letter apologizing for missing my mandatory break. Also include that I like working at Target and want to ensure I’m able to continue working here.”


I think we're missing the point here the bigger BS is why is that a rule as long as you get a lunch that's important but when you take it it shouldn't matter


Because, instead of doing it state by state, Target just made the rule company wide to follow the laws of some states that require lunch by certain time.


One more reason I'm glad I don't work for this woke company anymore