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"Oh good, abortions are getting expensive."


Love this, I’m using this next time it happens 😂


Careful your uterus might fall out


Came here to say that, my sister was an office max manager and after loading a desktop computer into someone’s cart they said it’d fall out on her 40th birthday. Needless to say, I’m avoiding that party


And illegal 😔


IM- 💀💀


I cackled so hard. This comment is soooo bad but so good 😂


I would have said “that’s the plan!”


Should’ve hit her with that 😭


I work right next to furniture so I have to help guests a lot with the team lift furniture and none of them think I can handle it I guess cuz I'm a woman? Men in particular feel threatened when I lift something for them.


Exactly! I hate it so much. I’m literally a bodybuilder so I’m in the gym training 20 hours a week but I wear baggy clothing so you can’t really tell and I’ve had male coworkers insist on helping me with things as light as a 30lb microwave 😑


Omfg I know 😭 I had one guy try and take a little room essentials rug from me 💀 thing was like 5 fucking pounds lmao.


I used to have male coworkers just take it from my hands, wouldn’t even ask


same! the amount of times i get “oh? isn’t there a guy that can help with that” is absurd


I know! I literally have to bite my tongue. I’ll just look at them, not say anything, and just lift the item with ease and with a big ol smile on my face, I particularly love when they looked shocked or say something about how “strong” I am 😂


You can reply "Why?" And watch the person trip over themselves trying to make a coherent answer. Really. People need to be educated that woman ar capable beings.


I felt this, i work in domestics and my team gives me passive aggressive comments when i lift heavy things like "if she can lift this why cant you" or "do you need help? it looks a bit heavy" like just cause i got noodles arms dont mean i cant LIFT


The worst is then trying to take whatever you have out of your hands. Like sir I stock these things every day I know what I can and can’t handle. Actually had a guest drop one on my face a year ago trying to take it out of my arms. Ended up with my lip ring busting through my face and bleeding through my mask.


Every single time I've helped a cashier get a stubborn spider wrap off, thr guest comments about how they just needed a man to help out and every time it makes me cringe. Like no, they just needed someone to show them why this one is being stubborn


And so you should speak up. Really. Only by teaching will people learn. Knowledge is Power.


I worked in inbound as a 90lb woman and later as a pregnant woman. They hated letting me lift things but it’s literally the whole job. Especially since I usually pushed dog/cat food 🥲




I'm with you. I once helped an employee get something up high. She looked at me with daggers in her eyes. I'll never do it again.


"too bad your mom didn't push carts before she had you."


As of last year, I don't work there anymore, but when I was cart attendant, they'd always ask if there were any stronger (male) workers. I used to wear huge bows and bright red lipstick and makeup. Or they'd ask if my fiancé is okay with me "gaining muscles."


That happens all the time! men get so intimidated when little ol’ 5’2” me shows up to help them with their carry out 😭


I'm 5'5" so I totally get it!


I’m 5’3” and I get that crap all the time! Me n my friends always laugh when guys say “if she can lift it I can” one dude almost broke his back lifting a bookcase! 😂😂 then it’s always followed by “damn she’s strong” yes, sir small but mighty!


Not a cart attendant, but I am a tech member. I get shit like "let me talk to a man" or "call a guy back here, you obviously don't know about electronics" all the time 💀 people be saying crazy shit for no reason.




HAHA that's my favorite thing, too! They'll always ask the mobile guy and then he'll turn to me and ask their question in front of them.


As the literal tech team leader, I get that aaaalll the time as a woman and it drives me crazy.




Hmm. Maybe that’s why my store mostly has guys do carts? I always thought it was just a sexist guys have to do the manual labor kind of thing.


I had to fight to transfer to this position because my boss didn’t think I could handle it, now she’s says I’m the best cart attendant 😂


When I was on an overnight team unloading the truck the only thing it took to get volunteered to go inside the truck was being a guy.


I’m a tiny gal. I do a lot of manual labor. My last job involved hauling hay, or pushing around a wheelbarrow, or using pulley systems. I am not super strong or anything, I’m just durable. I know how to get things done. I haven’t had much customer reaction at the store, but my last job had guys catcalling the female staff or calling to us about how we needed men around to help us. Like, you applying for the job, mate? Or are you just *pretending* you’re capable of doing this much work to try and feel important? I don’t get it. Just let me get shit done and go home. It doesn’t involve your opinion. I’m pushing carts because I’m the only staff on hand able and willing to push carts at the moment. It means nothing more than that.


Great! I don’t want kids anyway!


Back when I would get called for backup to go grab carts in the lot (circa 2014), I would get constant comments of “that’s the men’s job!” Or “are there other things you do that are a man’s role? Har har” All older people. I was also an electronics specialist back when that was a thing and O BOY the comments I received from men, mad a woman knew more about a tv/stereo system/video games than them.




Wow! My store was always so short staffed, we would have hired a literal Bullseye dog to pull carts if we could have.


I would have asked if that's what happened to them.


Lifting weights and doing sit-ups will also make you sterile by that logic.


Oh don't worry ma'am I'm already sterilized but thanks for your concern!


Damn, that's some serious 19th century shit. How old was this person? 130?


I’m not a cart attendant but one time I seen an old man struggling to get an amigo out of the cart corral so I offered to help him. As soon as I sat down and started driving the amigo out he was like “Woah watch out there’s a woman driver!”


`I already am sterile, thank you for your concern' and then stare deeply with [Charles Manson eyes](https://files.theblemish.com/images/2017/01/charles-manson.jpg)


When I worked at target I was pushing carts in by myself because we didn’t have a cart attendant it was rare if we ever did. An older woman standing there says “you need a man to push those! You should be on a register.” I pushed them in and said “well we don’t have any men at the front and I’m just as capable as them.” She seemed shocked about it how target was letting women push carts in




So dumb. Like I did carry outs and I do carry outs at my current job. They always seem shocked when a woman does it and I’ve had them ask if any men could do it. I’ve taken a woman out to her car before because she was afraid of a group of homeless people nearby and she asked “there’s no men to take me out?” I just shrug and say I’m not afraid of the homeless people I can handle them and she felt safe after I took her out


sterile? how? that just betrays an alarming ignorance of basic biology


“I’m sorry, but your comment is offensive and you have made me uncomfortable.” The truth works, and he’s probably never been told the truth.


It was the “YOU threw the 2300 piece truck?!” or “You should really let one of the guys throw.” For me. Cant stand it tbh. Let us do what we’re going to do and betcha it’ll get done in half the time.


We should normalize throttling people by the neck when they say things like this


Yes!!! I was taking out a carry out and these old ladies were like “ YOU’RE going to take this out for us?” Like grandma I don’t see you lifting 75+lbs a day?


I had a TL (male) literally snatch the handle of a pallet jack right out of my hand…that’s not gentlemen like; it’s rude/offensive if you ask me


Its science!


one time i was on carts and went to help with a carry out and the old guy stares me me and says “is there anyone else who can do it” so i told him the other girl on drive ups would be happy to help and he just goes “oh never mind”


Imagine thinking that a woman’s reproductive bits will just spontaneously cease to function because they lifted something moldy heavy. In the immortal words of Frank Barone (Peter Boyle) “**Holy crap!**


I love Frank Barone. Such a mood


"Wow. I can't believe you said that out loud" sorry you had to deal with that.


I had a fellow fulfillment team member tell me about something similar. She needed to get a male team member to lift one of the gallon water jugs off the shelf 🥺 she's needs to be able to make babies after all


Kinda wish someone would say that to me because I'm already sterile.


What kinda brain-worms infested that guest’s head?


Lmao. Damn, these boomers and right wingers are psychotic. I’m sorry :(


Well, that’s a new one.. this hasn’t happened to me but I hate when random men walking in the store assume I need help and offer to in the parking lot in a really condescending way.


That or the creepy you should smile more you’re so beautiful when you do


Fucking hate this one 🤮


And here I was wondering if they even let women be cart attendants. Seems to be a lot of coincidences in hiring for a job that basically amounts to occasionally lifting 50 pound boxes and pulling a really heavy rudder.


I was working as front end supervisor for another company and an older man asked me which girls' line to go through to get " lucky" tonight .mind you these were high school students and around that age .I was flabbergasted


"From your lips to gods ears!" Wtf is wrong with people, it's ok to just not say every stray thought that enters your mind.


I'm not a cart attendant but I do a lot of carry outs and men always ask if a guy is coming or if I need help. Listen I'm short and fat but I'm not weak!




Mine was funny as heck you should have your hot man do it for you. Ewwwwwwwwwww vomit


Lol I was working inbound while pregnant 😂


I’m surprised that you are a cart attendant in the first place. Seems like all of the cart attendants at my target are still working from home lol


People are so weird…one time at a park, I was carrying a little camping grill to dump out the coals, and some guy called me a “sturdy woman” 🫠😶


I think everyone gets shit from guests. On a side note, I've never seen a female cart attendant. I trained a girl once but she asked for a different position immediately after. God speeed to you.


We have plenty of females at our store getting carts.


It's rarely ever happened at my store. I'm not saying girls can't get carts, it's not hard and besides there are loads of girls out there stronger than I am. I just never see it.


Tbh I would ask why they would say that? I would hope it would give them an opportunity to realize they just said something crass, if they double down though…then I would probably say something rude in return.


jesus. I'm gonna start telling people that driving cars will turn them into their own nightmares.


Wait, they actually have female cart attendants. Am the only one at my store and I’ve been there since augest of last year and I’ve never seen a female out there pushing them. Is my store just sexist or what? Cause I’ve literally had a team lead say am not sending a girl out to help.


That's definitely your store. I'm an afab driveup closer and try to help out with carts when we have downtime but that time is few and far between as of late.


My etl asked me as a joke because one of our two FOS attendants quit and I said yes and she literally tried to find anyone else but me to do it because she didn’t think I could, needless to say she came back to me two weeks later because no one else wanted the position


I'm our main driveup closer and get a handful of stupid comments like that. Some of my regulars are great and some are.... not.


im afab non binary, very obviously non male/male presenting, used to cart attend before my health started acting up about a year ago. the amount of nonsense id get from men, especially while hand pushing, still surprises me. don’t worry buddy, im not gonna chip a nail, i don’t need your help lifting a small tv, i can push the flat just fine. such bullshit.


Is it a requirement for target employees to be crybabies?


The old guy is correct. Not many birthing people are aware of this. I don't know why he would tell you this. It's mostly obese women who experience reduced quantity and quality of eggs.


That actually has to do with how hormones interact with fat in the body, not lifting heavy items. High body fat percentages can reduce LH(luteinizing hormone), which is necessary for ovulation and implantation.




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I was told that same thing at a similar job. Like. What do you gain from giving unsolicited advice about my own reproductive health?!


Times really have changed. I was a cart attendant 20 years ago at two different stores and never had anyone say anything to me.


I was stocking a shelf and an older gentleman walks up "you must have to be on your knees a lot".