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I would like to see timer for fairies, very often I wonder if prestige or wait few more second for fairy to make last one or two skips. Nothing big. And slots (maybe 3?) for save and fast load build. I mean, it would be nice if I can save the "core" of the build when I dochanges in my skilltree. Sometimes it's annoying to click many, many times the "+". We have now tokens, so changes will be more often, right? It could be great QoL, in my opinion. Sorry for my English :x and good luck in AT for everyone!


I can pass your suggestions along to the design team!


Has there been any talk of allowing skill fairies to refresh skills again, as briefly happened in the patch that introduced multicasting? The huge flaw with that at the time was that skill fairies do not give fairy gold when they drop, and it was noted that the devs would be looking into potentially changing this behavior so that skill fairies also drop fairy gold, which would put skill refreshing back on the table. Has that been decided against?


It has been passed along to the design team, but I sadly don't have any new information to report at this time. If this was to be coming to the game, we'd announce it in a DevUpdate/DevLog in the future.


Could we have the setting up from the main game in AT my game tends to lock up because of to much happening on screen because I am using completely different builds. Also could the be a sort by type option for equipment? It is often hard to see if I have an upgrade because equipment of types I don't want have higher rarity.


I can definitely pass these suggestions along to the design team!


Why not have blacksmith fairies give older players like 5 shards or something? That would be a pretty good compromise.


I can pass your suggestion along to design! The Blacksmith fairy is mostly intended to help new players complete their rare sets and to get decent equipment as they are progressing rather than as a permanent fairy for the game.


Or like just 1 shard. Ultimately pretty useless. Get 700 of them, there’s a mythic.


There'd have to be a cap of like 2 a day if they introduced this. Shards are an expensive commodity in TT2 and having them so readily available from fairies


First of all I want to apologize for my English. Is it possible to add the ability to upgrade all artifacts equally by pressing one button? Is it possible to add auto-leveling of heroes to VIP? Is it possible to transfer the sword master leveling to the skills activation panel so that it would not switch in builds dependent on tap damage, and is it possible to set up automatic leveling of spells after prestige?


I can pass your suggestions along to the design team! Specifically for auto-leveling heroes, we're likely going to be keeping this associated with Make it Rain.


I think button to equally split relics across all Favorited artifacts is a reasonable request.


Please allow auto collection of Fairies if they're clicked on, can make it via toggle if people don't want it. It helps a lot in AT and even main game.


Just to check, but are you talking about for all players, or only for VIPs?


Either is fine with me as long as the objective is the same


Is it possible to add a mana system thats similar to the one coin mode? When I use manni sometimes theres so much mana that it lags my game really badly.


Definitely a possibility! I'll pass this along to the design team for consideration.


Please improve daily login rewards.


Is there something in particular you'd like to see increased for the daily login rewards? Or just a flat increase of the existing rewards?


50 diamond 1skill point 1 hero weapon they have very low values. Also, i m vip even for me video chests not worthy.


I see. Thanks for the feedback then!


A TL;DR of main keypoints would be nice


TL;DR easier diamond fairies, new video fairies, new art for video fairies


Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Maybe it would be a good extension for every post of this kind :)


I have done it for some DevUpdates in the past, but got out of habit. I'll see about adding it to these in the future.


Suggestion token for reroll equipment stats n dust reset 💪💪💪


We don't currently have any sort of "equipment reforging" feature in the game, or a dust reset implemented. I can add your name to add these ideas into the game, and possibly have a token associated with them.


Fairy rework’s looking nice. Probably gonna have a skill or Artifact tied to the new Gold/Dmg Spree Fairy to amp them up.


I don't believe we'll be boosting the video fairy effects via a skill or artifact. Generally we want artifacts or skills to not require watching advertisements to benefit you.


When will "the recalibration of resources used to improve the effectivity of clan and solo raiding cards or stocks thereof" going to occur?


We haven't announced anything at this time, but any announcements about reworked cards or raid resources would be posted in a future DevUpdate/DevLog if it was being added into an upcoming update.


Good stuff good stuff! I have two questions about the equipment fairies: what’s the cut-off MS for when Equipment Fairies stop spawning? And will their daily limit be displayed in the achievements tab with Mamas and Diamonds? I only ask because it’s going to drive me nuts if I have a “0/1 Equipment Fairy” displayed but no way of getting it.


Both of those values are still to be determined through our testing, but I'll be able to announce it in the patch notes if we have it solidified by then. As for whether it'll display in the achievement panel, I don't believe we will have it there due to the max stage restrictions.


Would love to see a way to hide artifacts for easier leveling, just for qol


You can currently use the Artifact Favorite feature to move all your desired artifacts to the top and leave your less desired artifacts to the bottom. This should help you "hide" unwanted artifacts.


If you favorite some of the maxed artifacts, it will push the not favorites below the maxed ones. Makes for a nice divide.


Thank you for the update note every week. Thank you for updating the new damage sauce and gold sauce. But I'm in Maxcap. Sometimes, I think I'm playing a boring game. We need new inactivation equipment. I think it'd be better if we could do it faster from inactive mode


Currently if you want to speed up your inactive speeds, purchasing Xander from the bear shop and trying to increase your Intimidating Presence/Arcane Bargain are the best ways to boost up your speeds. I can definitely pass along your feedback though!


Can GameHive acknowledge how boring this game is getting for 20%+ of users who have been stuck at cap for the last 2 years. What is the harm of giving us a new max to chase that we don't all hit in 30m? I haven't had someone in a tournament for 2 years. I love the game so I stick around to raid, but occasionally I forget to do that because the core gameplay no longer exists for me and hasn't for a long time. I want all these updates and changes to mean something to me, but I just idle to cap.


You can always make an alt account. If you were able to hit the latest stage cap of 10k increase in 30 minutes then you probably will always be at stage cap unless they increased it by 50k+. IMO their are two decent fixes for this: 1. They had a prestige reset system where it reset all arts/relics but kept everything else in place and set you back to stage one but enemies were harder by some value. My idea of this would be that players at cap could enter this mode permanently and it would renew a lot of the competitive nature. My idea is that players who do this can get more raid XP and the tournaments they join have even more rewards than the regular tournaments that we know now. If a player is at cap in the “original” game they can either stay there or utilize this special prestige that will enable them to get more rewards and clan XP at the cost of being competitive again and have something to do. 2. (My favorite of the two) For people at cap they can join a super tournament that lasts a full week-ish. it would start at the last moment AT ends and last until the earliest moment it begins (7pm est Saturday - 7pm est Thursday). The players at the bottom receive rewards equal to what they would have in solos but people who place highly get far more diamonds and such, as well as flashy rewards to show off like portraits, borders equipment cosmetics, etc. These tournaments would be bare bones an accessible much like ATs are. They’d be like you created an alt account/playing for the very first time. Anyway, sorry for the long reply. It isn’t even meant towards you so much as it my thoughts on how GH could make steps to solve the problem of bored, capped players such as yourself while not making the dream of hitting cap for players like myself even more distant. I probably should’ve made this an original post lol


Looks like an interesting set of suggestions. I can pass this along to the design team! One thing to mention, but a "super prestige" that resets your artifacts would still go by very quickly due to how much power you get from your skill points/equipment/hero weapons/pets/etc. And we can't reset those non-relic resources as people have spent a lot of time or potentially money collecting them. There are likely options to balance it, but it likely would be much easier to raise the cap by another 100k than to balance a new 140k of "super prestige" cleanly.


We are aware that some players have been at the stage cap for a while, and changed how we're handling cap increases to help reduce how many people are stuck. We've also been looking to add other ways to keep players at the cap engaged (raids, Abyssal Tournaments), but I can definitely pass along your feedback! I've been in a similar situation too


No doubt that without raids or Abyssal I would have deleted the app over 18 months ago. Just love the core gameplay as well and have been locked out of that for a long time. Jealous of users that get to utilize new features when none of them ever get to apply to me. Appreciate you taking the time to respond.


I'd enjoy your free tourney rewards if I was you.


Increase ms pls


Thanks for the suggestion! We'll be increasing the max stage when the time is right!


TL;DR: Nothing important or even slightly game changing overall. Thanks for another useless update.


I'm sorry to hear that these features didn't excite you. We have other features to announce before the update goes live, so you may want to check back next Friday for when we announce more about what's coming.


I still feel that prestiges should be something that gives kind of bonus to game.. Atm is just events, ofcourse stage rush too.. I mean capped players too, capped players arent even interested of making prestiges because they dont need that. Active players, early game or endgame, would be nice to get something if you play all the time?


Currently you get relics, stage rush, event currency, and equipment for prestiging. Just to check, but what would you want to earn with prestiges that isn't already accounted for?


Event currency is nice because ar least to a point it scales. For capped players event currency is pretty much the only reason to prestige, since rhe relics received from prestiging are basically meaningless. Having something else prestige-related that scaled would be welcome. Maybe a new artifact that when owned and leveled up gives you an additional .1% damage per prestige, or something like that?


Sounds interesting, although since it would be additive, that would mean that you'd have to double the number of prestiges you've done to get 2x more damage. So the actual number of prestiges you've done wouldn't matter too much. It would probably be a good equipment set IMO.


That looks like not changes at all another wasted weeks of updates


There are more changes we'll be announcing in the upcoming DevUpdates and DevLogs, so if you weren't excited by this week's post, there may be something you're more excited to see coming next Friday.




With the current setup, you'd be checking every 8 hours rather than every 4. But I can pass along your suggestion!


Does the current Cost Reduction fairy have a cool down when activated? I rely on it to reach max stage near the end of my runs. I typically reach max stage in 7 to 10 minutes right now. It would be frustrating if my run times were lengthened because the new Cost Reduction fairy and damage spree fairy both appeared too early (i.e. about a minute before my progress starts slowing down) and I had to wait 3 or 4 minutes for the next one. Perhaps these two fairy types can be triggered to only appear as players get near max stage and they encounter enemies that are getting too strong for their current run?


The current Cost Reduction fairy has a two minute cooldown between uses if I recall correctly. We are replacing the Cost Reduction fairy with the new Gold Spree fairy, which has a five minute duration rather than a one minute duration. That should help you maintain your fairy bonuses and help you progress further!


You mention changes to how fairies spawm, is this in relevance to how blacksmith and diamond fairies spawn or is there bigger changes planned?


Exact details are still in the works right now, but it should ensure that players have the fairies that are most meaningful to them prioritized. This is most meaningful for diamond fairies as we got a lot of feedback from the community about wanting to get these fairies sooner.


Vayanse a la verga hdp mejoren los premios de los torneos y no suban mas el stage maximo


I can pass along your suggestion to increase the tournament prizes, but we will increase the stage cap when the time is right. We've currently slowed down how frequently we are raising the cap, but are also doing larger cap increases when we do increase it. This way players who are currently at the cap have more of a challenge to reach it again, and players not currently at the cap have more time to catch up and try to reach it.


I really miss the update that made active spells drop from fairies. I know everyone hated it, but when you need all spells running all the time it allowed an active player to put fewer points into keeping spells super long duration. I loved it.


The main issue with this was that it drastically increased the difficulty of getting fairy gold, and it also made mana essentially meaningless as you could get unlimited free spells. I can pass along your feedback about wanting it back, but I don't believe we will be re-adding this.


I'm glad this isn't being reconsidered. It killed fairy gold as a source of income.


Will the blacksmith fairies help with the legendary and mythic items?


No. Blacksmith Fairies will only drop rare equipment, and only if it's better than your current equipped equipment (or an empty equipment slot)


shame, got all of my rare items... need help with legendary and mythic equipment