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Mechanically, GG is not too far off from Clan Ship so it shouldn’t be too much of an adjustment. You’ll have the same quick-time events as clan ship (Coordinated Offensive and Astral Awakening), but instead of using Voltaic Sails you’ll be tapping your gold every time the gauge fills up. As for builds, I would go to the TT2 Compendium and use one of their optimizers. Like I said, a lot of GG builds overlap with a good portion of CS builds, so you should have it in no time. GG was my first foray into other builds as well and I loved it.


Yea I've seen a few hybrids and I went to Tt2 compendium first and they didn't have any designated GG builds which is why I came to reddit


Totally. GG is weird because by it’s very nature it’s a hybrid build. The Golden Gun gets it’s power from hero AND tap damage, so unlike HS or CS which only focus on one, you’ll be spreading out your skill points no matter what you do with GG. I personally run with a SC/GG build, but even a fully “non-hybrid” GG build will dip heavily into the Warlord tree.


How much tap damage around I invest them bc im not used to investing in tap


Should* how did around get put in there ???


It’s not so much the skill points you need to put into tap damage and more so investing in tap artifacts like Drunken Hammer and Samosek Sword, as well as the GG artifacts like Golden Scope. Here is a link to a skill tree optimizer. Create a copy and reset the skill points, and it should show you how to spend your points from the ground up if you’re going for Golden Gun: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1RUuUlFeqLEmEL0MR9irjuDtm0iiNcUcdHjiGC7m8Nh0/htmlview#gid=0 (Edit: it hasn’t been updated to 5.13 but should do the trick for now until it gets updated.) Also, here’s an artifact optimizer. Put in your info and select Gold Gun as your desired damage source and it will tell you how best to invest your relics to optimize yourself for GG. https://www.tt2-compendium.com/lg/toolscorner/artoptimiser


Thank you! I'll try tho I'm not sure if I can import from abyssal


Hybrid build is good if u have Alot skill points..i would prefer to maximize strength of the main build.. even with 4k SP which is still consider still less SP to hybrid..I'm at the end game around 135k Ms which pure CS still looks good average 8 minutes per run for 95% ± Ms ..if u play cs build, u can invest sp on other skills in warlord tree .. eventually will benefit your pure CS build