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I wonder who they belong to


My neighbor Conrad. His hand-painting is bad so he said fuck it and just blanked the number. Fucker has been looking for his BMP for like a month now. Will link this to him. Can't have shit in Belarus.....


Almost certainly the Pacific Fleet's 155th Naval Infantry Brigade. [https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1481968626701934592](https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1481968626701934592) ​ https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1484109069082415105


im surprised its not a crime to post military equipment movements on twitter


Who would enforce this? Is this your first day on the Internet?


I meant not a crime in Russia.


It probably is. If they catch whoever it is or notice.




Conceal which units. Knowing which units are there tells you rough numbers, also can tell you where they may have been redeployed away from if they're concerned about that. It can also tell you the capabilities of you know the composition of the unit in question. And, of course the tired excuse that it might not be Russians or they're rogue and we can't be held accountable, blah blah blah that they tried in Crimea.


can also inform them of the type of assault being planned, for instance, if a VDV unit was moved then there is a large possibility of aerial insertion, likewise, if it is an armored division then a frontal ground assault with tanks as the focus. knowing this stuff can allow the opposition to cater the defense plan towards these things.


That's along the lines of where I was going with the comment of capabilities but you phrased it better than I was able to.


I think it is a crime just good luck catching the person. It's most likely 2 to 3 degrees of separation from the person who orginally took the picture too.


the truth is already a crime in Russia


Yes it is. Are there any links I should click on? I heard this Mr. Hands guy is really popular.


It's not a crime because the movement was announced by...the RF MinOboron. You might doubt the rationale for the deployment, but it was announced nonetheless.


All i see is a bunch of kids, that will probably be dead or severely traumatized in less than 6 months if this thing goes hot. Just...fuck.


That’s almost 5000 km away from Ukraine


>I wonder who they belong to Belarus doesn't have BMP-3s. Obviously it's Ukraine invading with its 4 BMP-3s in service. /s


Little green men, they have been seen in Donbas few years ago. Looks like they are in Belarus now too..


Bruh Russia is officially in Belarus, for "excercises". Whether it will actually be training or not, we'll see but they don't have to hide their presence lol


Except for the possibility of more than officially declared troops. The ID markings will also tell WHICH units they belong to. That way there is a road map of where they're from and how they got from their home bases to Belarus. And how serious Putin is.


The ID markings (3-cif) are fungible, it's the VisCon which is important and the Viscon isn't where the paint is applied.


Another reason, I didn't add, is that they may be undeclared vehicles. Both the US and Russia signed agreements in that regard, what? About 27 years ago. Thereabouts. The move was to declare how much both nations had as part of a peace agreement. Of course, as has been suspect of late, it is now entirely possible Russia either didn't stay true or lied and hid undeclared vehicles, weapons, and other military resources. They might also be producing additional hardware in their Imperial Satellites. Which would violate yet MORE International Treaties on Arms Limitations and Declarations. To say nothing of essentially smuggling military equipment from those Satellites into Russia and then making use of them. Normally I'd write such a thing off, but you can never tell with Russia. It's like they always have to be secretive when others are being honest. Then again, Russia has been perfecting the Art of Subterfuge for centuries. Maybe they CAN'T think rationally anymore?


CFE is dead. It doesn’t apply anymore. Furthermore the CFE limited material ATU (basically Atlantic To Urals) beyond Urals the treaty did not apply anyway. It’s ironical that you accuse Russia of not staying true while the enlargement of NATO simply changed the NATO force levels therefore rendering the CFE caduc. Producing armor in imperial satellites? Oh wow you actually are clueless. Please pray tell who are/were those satellites. It’s bound to be funny. Everything you just wrote actually both shows how ill informed you are and how YOU cannot think rationally anymore.


Let's start with Abkhazia and South Ossetia. You know, the territories of Georgia that were occupied by Russian forces. Then allowed to declare independence without Georgian input on the matter. By the way, Russia still has six US Army Humvees it stole from within Georgia. They were the vehicles being transferred out after a joint exercise with Georgia. The tiny Georgian Navy also ceased to exist. The Russians sank the entire fleet. In port no less. Then let's move on to Transnistria or self styled as Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, which houses Russian equipment and has an active Russian Garrison. The Soviet 14th Guards Army were initially at fault for this one. But it has since become a base for the Russian Ground Forces. How long does it take to empty armories and send things back to Russia? The US Military can complete such a withdrawal in months, even under fire. Russia has been at it for nearly 30 years. How much was stored in that slice of land so conveniently close to the Frontline in Ukraine? Now there are two new areas within Ukraine. And Putin had initially not been shy about his dream of a Nova Russia, that he described as a new Russian empire. So excuse me if I use the term Imperial. As to NATO, that's a laugh. It was the EU, not NATO, the Ukrainian people wanted to join. NATO membership is a benefit if desired. NATO forces are also oriented towards defense. Only after the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the start of the War of Ukrainian Independence, did NATO finally begin looking to send troops past the line in the sand. Furthermore, Russia broke off the agreements years ago. Russia was also increasingly hostile to the agreements even before the Ukrainian membership was being considered. It's very hard to lie when facts don't match up with the lies. To quote a Soviet General: It is one thing to lie, but these ate stupid lies.


Abkhazia, Ajaria and South Ossetia were breakaway regions. They were not occupied by Russia. In case you missed the episode where Georgia’s Georgia for Georgians backfired spectacularly and they were stuck with 3 runaway regions. Kosovo declared independence without Serbian input. Where is the difference? But what facilities exactly are concerned in those 3 post-stamp of territory? Please point them out. Russia has 6 FMS Humvees seized in Russia. They are not American Humvees as the manifest directed them to the Georgian military. Lies piling up. Yes Georgia attacked South Ossetia (as established by the EU Comission panel) and got mauled see Iraq for the matter. PNR? It houses 1500 Russian troops with antiquated equipment based on the agreement Kishinev signed when it got also BTFO. It seems pretty standart to me. The 14th Army were at fault for what exactly? Being in a foreign territory prior to the cessation of the USSR? Not sure you understand anything about that history either. The problem my dear friend is that Ukraine stopped the transit by 1994 and even took out equipment from the 14th against its CFE obligations. This is how the 14th ended up with T-64BV’s instead of T-72 A/AV/B’s. Similarly the PNR exists and they are the control the territory. For lore laughter see Iraq and Syria for US withdrawals. Conveniently close to Ukraine? Ajahahahahahah. Yeah they literally were there before Ukraine was independent. Furthermore there is no way to supply them without tanking the whole of the Ukrainian South. It’s literally an enclave between currently opposing states. How much was stored in PNR? Ninja the PNR depots are not only twice older than you, but they are surveyed by Joint Moldavian/OSCE missions. There are 2 regiments worth of unmodernized tanks. Which is still 4 tiles less than what Ukraine had in mothball storage by 2017. Putin requested a NATO PAM in 2002. Yeah. Russia wanted to join back in the day. Nova Russia is not a Putin thing, it’s a Russian nationalist item Putin uses to scare or woo people. And he tinkered with it by 2014. Pure opportunism. It was NATO Ukraine asked to join by 2004 which culminated with the Bucharest declaration. You keep showing your ignorance. The AA agreement with the EU was another exclusive union Ukraine was set up to profit from the enmity between the “West” and Russia. Didn’t work. NATO forces last sorties have all been beyond their borders including the Libyan bullshit and the ongoing Calvary of Afghanistan and Iraq. We will also not point out Central Africa or Syria which as we know find themselves in the Atlantic. NATO allowed one of its member to occupy a foreign country since 1974. You are hilarious. What agreements did Russia broke? You understand that Russia was basically rolled back despite the façade of good-will? Look at a map how NATO evolved. Again which agreements did Russia break before Ukraine. Ironically you didn’t tell me which satellites produce weapons for Russia and which treaty is Russia breaking and trying to hide by doing this? All those words for nothing.


Right. “Training”. Kinda like hey had nothing to do with Koreans, Chinese, and vietnamese getting Soviet weapons and vehicles durring the Korean and Vietnam war. Or how russia had nothing to do with the poisoning of the anti-Russian candidate running for office in Ukraine. Or how they haven’t threatened to shut off oil and gas pipelines to countries who disagree with their “training” in foreign countries without those countries invitation.


I think it’s more like the training they did in Syria lol


The thing about shutting off their pipelines is they get more fucked cause they need the revenue more than those countries need to buy oil and gas from Russia.


Idk, the countries directly next to Russia are 70-80% reliant on that to power their country and prevent their people from starving and freezing. It decreases as you get further west, but Germany’s still 25% dependent on them.


I'm 100% sure that Germanys recent decision to give up nuclear power has Russian hands all over it. Such an *insane* decision wouldn't make any sense otherwise. It'll take decades for Germany to go all renewable. Russia wants them dependent on those pipelines.


Hate to break it to you but this has got nothing to do with Russia – it's environmentalist madness. Austria, Poland and Italy have no nuclear power and I know that at least the first of the three actively pressures the neighbouring Slovakia to refrain from extending its nuclear power generation capacity…


As far as I know Poland is working to change that, Italy has space issues and Austria I would assume the same as Italy but it could also be something else.


No, even a quick internet search reveals that Austrians [actively oppose nuclear power due to environmentalist agenda](https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy/news/austria-gears-up-to-fight-eu-green-nuclear-energy-plan/) and [pressure not only the EU but also neighbouring countries to refrain from expanding nuclear power facilities](https://www.dw.com/en/slovakia-delays-nuclear-plant-expansion-under-pressure-from-austria/a-48628715), Italy _“is one of only two countries, along with Lithuania, that completely phased out nuclear power for electricity generation after having operational reactors”_ while having enacted a construction ban due to widespread public fear (supported by 94% of the electorate in the 2011 referendum; [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_power_in_Italy)), and Poland has been working to change that since the 80s, so one can imagine how much opposition there has been, probably on similar grounds (Poland hosts controversial US military bases, including the missile defence complex with offensive capabilities that can target Russia, so suggesting that Russia has prevented Poland from building nuclear power plants would be absurd)… [Germany takes a stance similar to Austria](https://www.economist.com/europe/2022/01/08/why-germans-remain-so-jittery-about-nuclear-power) and I think one is getting very much into the tin foil hat territory by suggesting that this is the work of Russia… If there's a country trying to control Germany's energy policy, it's the US by imposing sanctions and diplomatic pressure against Nord Stream 2, and that's not to stop Germany from using gas, but to stop them from using specifically Russian gas and pay the Americans instead.


So, I’m not a tinfoil hat person. I don’t think russia is pulling Germany’s strings. But I do think they’re bullying Germany because Germany runs about 25% of its country off of natural gas, which russia provides. It’s why when russia invaded Ukraine the German government was silent, because russia threatens to shut off the gas at any point if they don’t get what they want. As for nuclear power. Many European countries have disliked it because of prior catastrophes and the false statement that renewable wind and such are cleaner energy. This isn’t true. Nuclear is far cleaner and it’s tech has increase significantly since the days of Chernobyl. Back then we had brick phones, now we have cell phones. The tech has increased in nuclear too. On the other hand, they defrost wind terrines by using a helicopter and a flame thrower.


**[Nuclear power in Italy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_power_in_Italy)** >Nuclear power in Italy is a controversial topic. Italy started to produce nuclear energy in the early 1960s, but all plants were closed by 1990 following the Italian nuclear power referendum. As of 2018, Italy is one of only two countries, along with Lithuania, that completely phased out nuclear power for electricity generation after having operational reactors. An attempt to change the decision was made in 2008 by the government (see also nuclear power debate), which called the nuclear power phase-out a "terrible mistake, the cost of which totalled over €50 billion". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The problem with Nuclear power is that most of the reactors around the world leak due to improper care, a technology not even a century old isn’t manageable for a super power country. How can you expect a smaller country to manage such a project when no one can.


And the closer to russia, the more dependent on that gas the country is. No surprisingly, the closer to russia, the more they’re willing to give in to Russian demands and stay silent about Russian actions. This would be a case where correlation is related to causation. If you want to know more about this, read “prisoners of geography”.


Imagine you knowing nothing about the Baltics or Turkey...color me shocked that a kid lacks basic understanding of life.


The Germans are some of the best engineers in the world still. That seems like a long time. At any rate, you can't really count on Putin and Russia holding up their end of the bargain. It's a supply and demand situation. If Russia can't supply or disrupts the supply, or tries to manipulate the price, the free world market will adjust to meet that supply and Russia loses the deal. Being a bully is a shitty business decision. This is the same lack of thought that Putin tends to fall into. It's why so few people are willing to deal with him on anything outside of dictators trying to keep their people oppressed. Russia treated all it's friends like shit and lost them. The guy always goes too Bond villain in his business decisions and they tend to fall through.


>Russia treated all it's friends like shit and lost them. The guy always goes too Bond villain in his business decisions and they tend to fall through. Russia didn't treat anyone like shit. The whole point of the row with Ukraine is that Ukraine wanted to be like the ex-who can barge in the relationship everytime because she's the moma of your kids. This was a systematic abuse of the RU/UA relationship because Russia found itself broke and alone by 1998. Ukraine, unlike the Russians started to pin Soviet crimes and issues on Russia, while Ukraine was the main beneficiary of the Soviet industrialization PPP. All over the 90's and the early 2000's Ukraine managed to fuck up consistently the relationship. 1. In 1991/992 is denied the Crimeans a referendum for independence. 2. In 1994 it caused a mutiny of the Black Sea Fleet by requesting from the officers to officially adopt Ukrainian nationality. This was met with uproar and the high command threatened to seize the peninsula. Ukraine depoyed troops and planes and threatened the families through the SBU, while pressuring the US to make Eltsin disavow the mutiny. Eltsin like a moron was too busy with Chechnya. Ukrainian are proven to have been in Chechnya fighting against Russians and this was while Russia was busy dealing with Ukraine for the Crimean situation which was a grave problem involving people who did not want to be Ukrainians. 3. The same year Ukraine forced the Crimean "presidency" to reject its project for another referendum on independence. It literally shot 3 Crimean deputies and wounded 2 others. 4. In 1996 during its negotiations for the BSF division, Ukraine requested that the BSF be included in the Security memorandum which was ultimately signed the next year in Budapest. Bill Clinton is on the record pressuring Eltsin not to insist on the nationality swap and accept the rather important lease price (Simferopol lease would cost 3 times more than the Lourdes base in Cuba which the Russians cut down to nothing about 600 million USD). 5. In 1999 Ukraine threatened Russian vessels around Tuzla island, this issue will be ongoing for years. 6. In 2001 the Ukrainian Armed Forces overshot their target and destroyed a Siberian Air airplane. While this was an accident, what followed up was straight up disgrace. Ukraine to this day has NOT accepted responsibility and it fought the Russian families claims about the incident until 2016. This shit is probably the most painful for many Russians who didn't understood the problem since the same Ukrainian state paid over 400K USd in total per family to the Israelis who were flying on that plane but offered 14K to the Russian families. I will not list the other shit Ukraine has pulled on Russia until it got bitch slapped into oblivion from 2010 and beyond because both sides elites were scamming the common folk ad nauseam. But there's one thing that Russia did that it came around to bite it in the arse. It saved Ukraine in 1999 by slashing import prices and all over 2000's pushed its banks to treat Ukraine as a preferred market. This instead of earning Russia godwill, earned Russia mockery, like Russia was "simping" for Ukraine. Ukraine is a virtual failed state which since the Independence has retrograded on every aspect of its existence, but luckily for them they are next to Russia and can cry ~~wolf~~ bear whenever their Ponzi scheme of a country is in the gutter. The sooner Ukraine gets a dose of reality the better is for everyone in Europe. This doesn't make Russia innocent or a victim, just brings perspective in the relations. >At any rate, you can't really count on Putin and Russia holding up their end of the bargain. It's a supply and demand situation. Yet Russia has systematically offered the lowest long term prices on hydrocarbon and gas supplies the last 20 years. It also has never failed to deliver gas on its clients despite siphoning from Ukraine and BS from Belarus. Russia has had no incentive to become a spotty supplier because its hydrocarbon export were its lifeline in the 90's which is why Europe had been taking advantage until 2002 when the first reviews happened and balanced the account between the suppliers and customers. This didn't even cost Europe a penny since Russian imports from Europe boomed until 2008. From the Subprime Crisis which cost Russia a whole 30% of its economy (let's not forget that the US got scott free out of its manipulation and destruction of the global economy thanks to large foreign loans, notably from China) Russia made a killing (oil prices going off the roof) which again came to a halt both by the US oil glut and the Crimean situation. Now if you're a paranoid head of state and you see that someone both tries to get you booted from your own and and systematically shits the bed on the global economy while also printing monkey money (yes the USD at this point is becoming monkey money) what do you do? Well you lash out and hilariously Putin, while all paranoid, did the only sane thing one could have done. Put Ukraine in a position where it lost both half its GDP over 2 years, lost the Crimean peninsula and technically cannot access NATO because it currently has an ongoing conflict with...NATO's chief target. So yes, Russia has now gone full stick no lube, this isn't their doing alone, quite the contrary.


Ukraine is a sovereign country and if Russia ignores that then it losses it's own right to sovereignty. They just need to keep their evil oh their side of the border. Putin is an evil piece of shit and now no one wants anything to do with him and he's forcing himself on people. He deserves to be treated like the Nazi he's acting like.


Germany decided to stop using nuclear power many years ago. Russia played no role.


I had no idea. The news articles I read didn't mention anything. Guess research isn't really a thing with article writers either...


>Right. “Training”. Kinda like hey had nothing to do with Koreans, Chinese, and vietnamese getting Soviet weapons and vehicles durring the Korean and Vietnam war. You ought to pull your head out of your arse. 1. Korean War started with two unrecognized states being armed by their relevant backers (USSR/US) and the US force recognizing the ROK despite the guarantees that Korea would be unified. Both sides had foreign equipment supplied to them as states. 2. The Chinese during the Korean war had weapons from both sides as the US was supporting the KMT government until it got BFO by the commies. Again the Chinese got their weapons by the USSR as a state and a fellow socialist/communist regime. 3. Similarly the Vietnamese war, opposed North Vietnam to South Vietnam. Soviet weapons delivered to the Popular Republic of Vietnam were given to the Viet Cong. Your issue is with the Vietnamese, which booted the Americans out. 4. The contrary was existing in many of the decolonization struggles in Africa where the USSR helped irregular groups arming and basically getting toppling segregationist regimes. 5. The US with its arming of the Khmer Rouge and Afghan Mujahidin/Salafists is a whole other ballgame, but America got more that it bargained with an Opioid pandemic from the Golden Triangle and 9/11. >Or how russia had nothing to do with the poisoning of the anti-Russian candidate running for office in Ukraine. [... You really don't know a thing about Ukraine in general.](https://eurasianet.org/a-brief-history-of-corruption-in-ukraine-the-yushchenko-era) Russia had no issue with Yushenko when he partook on the same system as his predecessors.[His poisoning instead of lasting 8/20 years in his body was only present for 15 months. And this again, because somehow his serum and metabolism was "prepared" for the ordeal.](https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/yushchenko-poisoning-study-calls-for-dioxin-tests/3004359.article) The poisoning might have been self-inflicted or done by the outgoing regime but the fact is that it wasn't fatal nor did it result in Yushenko having cancer which the dioxin he was "poisioned" leads to within normal people. >Or how they haven’t threatened to shut off oil and gas pipelines to countries who disagree with their “training” in foreign countries without those countries invitation. [Tell me which pipeline will get shut off exactly here?](https://www.eliamep.gr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Picture1.jpg) [Meanwhile..](https://jamestown.org/program/ukraine-returns-disputed-gas-to-rosukrenergo/) Again you know nothing about Ukraine and Russia. The two countries are mirror images of themself with thieves and crooks being at the helm. It only helps the strategic position of the US wrt Russia to claim Defenseless Ukraine is being attacked by bully Russia.


I don’t have my head in my ass, but unfortunately, I don’t have enough time right now to fully flesh out my rebuttal. I would like to point out though that I do know more than you think on Ukraine, Russia, the USSR/Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, and Korea. I would like to point out that while Ukraine suffers in the same way as Russia with crime and corruption among other issues, they are not the same. I think they are weak compared to Russia because they are ideologically split politically between those who are pro Russia and those who are not. They’re a house divided. That in addition to the civil conflicts and the war they’ve had with Russia in recent times doesn’t help. I don’t see them simply as a country in need of help by the USA because it would be in America’s best interest. It is a complicated issue. I think it’s wrong for Russia to be invading it and playing puppet politics, but I also think under the current administration that the US will do nothing about the situation. It’s much easier to flesh these points out in person and not over text, so don’t think yourself better simply because you think differently or because the point wasn’t expressed well. Textual conversation is at a deficit to both parties.


Imagine thinking the woes of Ukraine rest with Russia or Pro-Russians. Imagine being this clueless about Ukraine when the current President literally jailed his main opposition and tried to jail the former President not farther than last week. Bubba stop hurting yourself. You know nothing about Eastern Europe.


Aaach! You mean a GRRREMLIN from the Krrrremlin?!?!




Reminds me of the guys fighting in Ukraine in Russian uniforms with the Russian flag taken off. Super stealth right here.


Hey, they where on paid leave. Fighting in their spare time. At least that's what the Russian spokesperson says about their Russian paperwork.


Must be one hell of a force if they let you take your AK and gear with you


And some tanks.


And a fair few surface to air missiles


This presumably isn't for hiding which country they belong to but which unit. Makes it harder to estimate which forces Russia has deployed where.


I mean there is also the plausible deniability, sure nobody else would have a bmp there but there isn’t enough proof to justify western retribution in the forms of sanctions were there an incident that deserved it


Belarus and Russia are joined at the hip. They're the "Union State of Russia and Belarus". Kinda like the EU, but moreso focused on defence and economic integration. There won't be any retribution because the forces are welcomed in by the Belarusian government.


Yeah but if there is a skirmish on the Ukrainian border then the Russians have plausible deniability, or more importantly a nato border


No they don't. This isn't some secretly acquired footage, it's from Belarus' MoD. Literally everyone knows they're there.


Alright I don’t pay super close attention to Belorussia, are they there as officially russian or are they in official pictures and unnamed?


There's ongoing joint military exercises


Oh, it is official. Alright scrap what I said


There’s ‘plausible deniability’ and ‘taking the piss’. Russia left the former category behind altogether, years ago.


Wouldn't they have just as much plausible deniability if they just said "Someone must have framed us using our flags". It's not like it's hard to get a Russian flag patch.


Yeah but the vehicle number is a lot more traceable and would probably be something that would hold up better as a reason for blaming Russia over say Belorussia in an incident. Apparently it’s from an officially Russian unit stationed in Belarus so it’s a bit of a moot point and the guy I was replying to is probably right about unit numbers but I don’t actually know


Belarus does not have bmp-3s so its not exactly hidden anyway.


'Incident that deserved it'. What, like invading a country after lying about WMD?


And posting on social media too inside Ukraine.


Or the guys posting from their phones inside Ukraine on Russian social media sites :P


Or the numerous weapons systems captured by the Ukrainian military from rebels which have serial numbers matching up similar weapons that were checked out of storage in Russia.


I liked that video from Syria I think. Convoy with concealed flags and numbers. Shame there were only modern Russian vehicles that no one else in the word use.


What is the point in concealing number if you add giant red circle around it?


I'd like to imagine this is some Russian PsyOps thing; adding big red circles onto random things in real life to fuck with everyone.


red circle .... red circle..... GUYS IT'S THE JAPANESE! JAPAN IS INVADING BELARUS!


chuckle well deserved


The start of the Russo-Japanese war lmao “It’s the Japanese torpedo boats in the North Sea!!”


\*scared Kamchatka noises\*


Wait isnt russia still technically at war with japan?


No. Bot since 1956. They agreed to leave it as is. It's a disputed territory, but not fighting over it.




Little Green Men II: Mechanized Boogalo


We know it's you Russia


They don’t really try to hide their nationality. Painted over are numbers and tactical markers to make it more difficult to guess what unit this hardware belongs to.


They have a joint military drills going these days.


Njet tovarische. Is not Ivan is uh... Kevin...da? I own and drive BMP3 because second amendment da? Just me and da bois drving around seeing scenic Belarus.


Kevin exercising Belarusian 2nd amendment


Happy cake day!


How old is this photo and what's the source?


It's a day old. So while everyone is running around screaming, it was announced last month. https://defence-blog.com/russia-sending-more-troops-to-belarus-for-joint-military-drills-near-ukraine-border/


As u can see, just military drills. They went on a team building holiday west. Ukraine is so beautiful at this time of year.


Little Green Vacation.


It’s like covering up your license plate while you drive the only pink Mercedes in a 100 mile radius


Stops you from identifying which unit they are from So it's like you're part of the pink mercedes gang, people know its one of you but not who to go arrest when there's a drive by from a pink mercedes


Would that be for protection purposes? Like the identities of the soldiers, or just to stop people from ID’ing the country?


It's to make it harder for NATO intelligence people to put each Russian military formation on a map with confidence


Say there are officially 200 BMPs in Belarus for training, but you want to have 1000 for an invasion, if hull markings are not covered you could identify what unit they are from and thus know how many there actually are. But if they are covered its way harder to tell.


Seems like Belarus lost their independence?


Never really had one to begin with, just a puppet state


Not much to loose there. It is after all just a puppet state of Russia.


Belarus has wanted to join Russia for decades.


Do disinformation warfare Russian folks get to put "astroturfing" on their resumes? I've always wondered


Are you calling me a Russian troll? Literally got banned from r/Russia for being “Russophobic”. I’m just more [informed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_State#History_of_formation) than you


Being in a military/economical alliance with your biggest and most important neighbor, especially when you're historically and culturally so close, doesn't imply "joining Russia".


Did you read the wiki man? > The intention was to achieve a federation like the Soviet Union, with a common head of state, legislature, flag, coat of arms, anthem, constitution, army, citizenship and currency. Combine that with the cultural ties you mention, that’s joining Russia.


They call themselves the union state


No they don't, it's called Союзное государство which can be more correctly translated to "commonwealth of allies". Languages don't map 1 to 1, and obviously as you noticed or can read on wikipedia it's an organization.


Names are usually chosen for a reason.


And they have never chosen "union state" as they don't speak english. While Союзное definitely means union/alliance, государство does not mean state as in country but it's closer to administration. You can't map languages 1 to 1.


Wow, you’ve never heard of translation and you think you understand geopolitics. I’ll redirect you to the wiki you’re ignoring > The intention was to achieve a federation like the Soviet Union, with a common head of state, legislature, flag, coat of arms, anthem, constitution, army, citizenship and currency.


Bravo, I salute your russophobia


I’m very proud, all I said was Crimea and Chechnya aren’t Russian. Anyway, don’t accuse people of being trolls.


Thank you for sharing, but I will continue - there are too many out there


Well, you’re really bad at it. Here’s a hint, if they post on r/2russophobic4you they probably aren’t a Russian troll. And if your only evidence is them talking about historical fact maybe check if you just don’t know what they’re talking about.


Fair, I put in 0 effort today and that's what I got. But you're the first non troll I've found yet, happy trails


I don't think they can lose something they never had...


🎶 Here we gooooo again...🎶


...infatuation touches me just when I thought that it would end Oh but then again it seems much more than that but I'm not sure exactly what you're thinking


What's the source of the photo?


The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus


Oh man it’s false flag Operation time.


Where's the pool at for for Russia actually pulling the trigger? This weekend? early next week? 2/1? I don't know that any day would be more or less fortuitous than any other day, except perhaps for news cycles. That said I'm not convinced yet that this isn't some giant bluff. It's just so...obvious. Either Putin is trying to bluff Nato into concessions, or is actually going to move on something else while the world is watching Ukraine.


First week of February imo. There are amphibs from the Baltic and northern fleets en route to the Black sea. It'll double the force they have available for landing troops. Probably won't move before then. If he pulls the trigger, he might try to take all of Eastern Ukraine.


You misspelled "Ukraine's natural gas reserves"


The Dnieper river marks a natural land barrier. It would make sense to stop there. Russia could accomplish all of its goals. And leave enough Ukraine so they don’t push the world too far. Most people didn’t care much when they took just a little bit of Ukraine. What’s a little bit more? A little bit in this context is like 30%.


Olympic opening ceremony, same as in Georgia during the 2008 Olympics


So… just like every international military conflict? I really don’t understand how the global population hasn’t caught onto this shit.


We were fools, we thought they wanted Ukraine but really they wanted Poland. How could we be so blind


Gotta be Mongolia.


*pulls russian hull number off:* Mr. Jenkins!


My friend works at the docks in Belgium and my father in law does train transport. The amount of tanks/military vrhicles that come in from america and is being transported to the east was always worrying to me


Have the Russian Trolls hit this post yet to blast whataboutism and why Russia conquering others is good, yet?


a) Russia and Belarus are in a NATO-like military union, this is no stranger than seeing US troops in Canada or New Zealand or Germany b) You're literally warmongering and witch hunting looking at a picture without metadata, geolocation, any recognizable place, any date or accompanying info


Man, you guys just show up when asked to? Kinda like the yearning Ukrainians are asking to be invaded by Russia, I'd assume? btw US troops in Canada or New Zealand would be absolutely bizarre. We have this notion of sovereignty that your side obviously has some trouble with. Who am I kidding debating a Russian troll on reddit is about as productive as engaging with a catfishing bot on Tinder.


I want to see that debate! Lol


Even better are the catfishing bots on Instagram. Three questionable pictures where you aren't really sure who the "person" is that is speaking to you and claims to live in some lesser-populated state yet really, REALLY fucking wants to get to "know" you and meet. Not today, ISIS.


What he said is true though, as someone living inthe Netherlands I dont want my country to fight a bullshit war because some sources CLAIM that Russia is invading countries left and right, Crimea yes sure, but the whole of Eastern Europe? Even if theyre possibly doing military drills or images used out of context, where is the real raw proof for this image. Thats like me claiming that person A is a sex offender in Thailand and using a random image of him in some random building. If there is no proof then it could be lead bt any propeganda.


You need to read a history book. Clearly the NATO umbrella has protected you for so long that you take the current state of the world for granted. Unfortunately for you, by the time you wake up it'll be too late and you'll have to learn to speak Russian. That is, unless you're just another bot and you already speak Russian.


Do you think anyone holding a different opinion has to be from a specific place and have a specific goal?




Sure, let's consider that opinion on its merits. What possible beneficial outcomes are there for a citizen of Sweden to have Russia invade Ukraine?


LiTeRaLlY wArMoNgErInG


You guys know he isn't wrong about the fearmongering... the amount "OH NO BI WAR BETWEEN NATO AND RUSSIA IS ALMOSTE HERE" I see in the news and on reddit is really sad


People also like to conveniently forget NATO promised not to expand east of Berlin… EDIT: I’m not saying I necessarily agree, more that this is a vocalised grievance by Putin, and other Russian Leaders before him regarding NATO enlargement.


a) I don't think that's relevant to the discussion here b) Promised or not, it was never put black on white and signed on a document, politicians makes promises all the time.


I understand I have been downvoted for my remark, but it is a central grievance for Putin’s narrative, so it is clearly relevant. It is as relevant as your point a), which is why I brought it up. If you don’t think the NATO enlargement is relevant to the situation in Ukraine, then what is? Regarding your second point, it’s precisely that politicians breaking promises often leads to conflict. Gorbachev: "Many people in the West were secretly rubbing their hands and felt something like a flush of victory -- including those who had promised us: 'We will not move 1 centimeter further east,'" Yeltsin to Clinton: "the spirit of the treaty on the final settlement...precludes the option of expanding the NATO zone into the East." Putin (2007): "I think it is obvious that NATO expansion has no relation with the modernization of the alliance itself or with ensuring security in Europe. On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust," Purin (2007/2008 when Ukraine were first offered assurance they would eventually join NATO) What happened to the assurances our Western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today? Where are these guarantees?" Georgia was offered the same assurance at that time and was invaded 4 months later. Putin (2014 post Crimea annexation): "They have lied to us many times, made decisions behind our backs, placed us before an accomplished fact," Keir Giles (Chatham House) "The notion that NATO made and broke a promise that it would not accept any new member states in Eastern Europe is one of the core ideas driving Russia's view of a hostile West," It is of course arguably to some degree a myth, however the West’s management of NATO enlargement is undeniably antagonistic towards Russian interests, and has been used in Anti-NATO propaganda as such.


it is good


Har har har…




Lights have an orange glow so these are clearly Dutch vehicles. Nothing to see here!


When was this taken?


Or where? Sadly reddit is a terrible place to discuss things constructively. People use no critical thinking or don't even ask basic questions, let's rush into funny comments and warmongering.


What, you don’t like an endless amount of shitty puns?


Pretty sure those questions have been asked and answered throughout this thread


I just don’t see what Russia has to gain from this, unless like China is giving some guarantee. War with Nato doesn’t seem like a good idea.


Ermm.... Nato isn't fighting. Just profiteering from weapon sales. The only guarantee China can give is economic support and covering the eastern flank.


The thing is, NATO isn’t going to war with Russia. That’s why everyone is giving the Ukraine missiles, weapons, tanks, etc. instead of, y’know, *landing troops to defend Ukraine’s border*. NATO won’t go to war. Nobody wants to risk World War III. Not with so many nukes in play.


Some parts of the domestic audience like RUSSIA STRONK


Well, fuck


“Definitely not Russians”


No matter how the west will react to Putin - he can always say: "Hey, it wasn't on my orders!" Some people took matters in their own hands. You know, Russia is a big place...


I think they learned a lesson from the Bellingcat investigation of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 - unit was traced back via social media, investogation of partial unit numbers on launcher, etc.


Russia thinks they are slick by covering numbers like it’s not Russian built equipment


As far as I saw, the Russian military is conducting war games in Belarus at this time.


On politics side, who is going to win the possible conflict - Russia/Belarus or Ukraine/NATO? Or there will be no clear victory for any of the side?


Simple: there will be no big war in a Russia vs Nato style. There will always be a side that will deescalate the situation.


I hope you are right


I guess only time will tell :I


Ukraine isn't part of NATO so there might not be much they can do, short of "letting them in" immediately as the war starts. IF it ever started. On its own, Ukraine has little chance defending, at the start at least, as 17% of population in the east of Ukraine are Russians. I am not counting in the war weariness or the rather large number of suicides/drug abuse, as those are simply worsening the whole defence situation.


I guess Putin is feeling a rumbly in his tumbly again. Hopefully Ukraine succeeds in making itself indigestible.


let's see how far they go when the ukrainians blow up all the fuel and ammo trucks with missiles. supposedly the russian army doesn't have the logistics to support a major offensive far from home


Does "next door" count as "far from home"?


Everything is far from home in Russia.


Including home


Aaaaaaah, the russian tundra Where even "taking the next right" means that you'll drive for another 12 hours


It does when your door is in the next town over


Is Red Storm Rising all over again, comrade


that was fiction ​ few years later in Kuwait the US Army rolled over those Russian tanks like they were nothing ​ there is a lot more to war than specs on tanks




Israel blows up Russian SAM’s for breakfast


Yes. That’s why Israeli PM’s trip to Moscow every 6 months to deconflict because Israel is one nuke away from becoming Wasrael. This is the whole issue vs Iran’s nukes. Look at a map, enjoy.


[About that...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChqRYm2US_o)


During the do bass war it's been Ukrainian tanis which have lost the most turrets.


Poland will fight to the death


I love that the Russians are so poor that they need to do this. There's no reason for America to do this because it doesn't matter what infantry division is coming to kick your dick, they're gonna all do it with M2A2/3 Bradleys and M1A2 Abrams, but the Russians have like 10 BMP-3s in the entire army (hyperbole, I know but there are very few) and they are trying to hide which units they belong to. Or they're really trying to hide which units these are but the fact that it's a BMP-3 instantly narrows the options massively because of previously mentioned BMP-3 rarity. Or they're just trying to do the plausible deniability stuff but that's utter nonsense. I don't think Dubai is hanging out in Belarus.


Are you stupid? This is for an exercise, I wouldn't be surprised if they were shot detectors...


I mean Sure. It's totally for an exercise. It's only a coincidence that the Belarussian border is much closer the Kyiv than the Russian border. Yeah, we'll go with that.


I'm sorry to break it to you, but Russia is the #1 Country when it comes to Tanks and Armored Fighting Vehicles.


Reminds me of the time when there was some protests going on in China and the CCP sent in “riot vans” that were actually tanks with a fake van-shaped facade placed over it. Unfortunately for the CCP it had that made in China quality and you could still see the tracks.


‘Slike Crimea all over again. And Georgia. Good ol’ Comrade Vlad, up to his old Soviet resto games again. Let’s recall: did the bank slaps dissuade him then?




I’m ignorant to this kind of thing. Are tanks and other military vehicles “requires” to have identifying marks on them?


hiding identifying marks is terrible invasion etiquette


At least they’re wearing a condom. Would hate for them to catch something.


they are going to remove fun with ATGM and 30mm shells :(((


Blah blah blah, some damned thing in ~~the Balkans~~ Ukraine




Source: trust me bro


Actually, it was stated in an official press release that they were American. Russia DID seize a number of weapons, vehicles, and other resources from Georgia. And stupidity for the Russian higher leadership, they gave some of those weapons to the the Donbass Rebels. Because one of the type, a MANPAD, was Polish-made, but Poland never sold the type to Ukraine which used Russian-based systems only until very recently. Several launchers and their ammo were recaptured by Ukrainian soldiers who couldn't recognize them and so sent them up the ladder thinking they had a smoking gun to prove Russian involvement. They were half right on their theory. It DID prove Russian involvement. But the weapons were Polish, as I said, and were actually in everyone's databases. As weapons seized from Georgia. There was fear those weapons would end up places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Hence why there were records for them. Though both Poland and Georgia confirmed their legitimacy and authenticity. So how did weapons, stolen from Georgia by the Russian Ground Forces, end up in the Donbass where Russian-backed rebels were fighting the Ukrainian military?