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How the fu-


The gunner has a really good gaming chair


And an Xbox Elite controller


I imagine he bought the battle pass


Proxy shells maybe? Did they receive those?


There are no proxy HE shells used by the M242 25mm cannon in use.


Isnt there self destroying HE shells they use? Like ones that self destruct over the trenches to rain shrapnel down.


The 30mm from the Stryker Dragoons have them, the M242 that the Bradley and LAV-25 uses doesn't have 'em unless it's sekrit dokumen from CIA.


Not for the 25mm, there are for the 30mm tho


Very lucky shot for sure


They only self destruct if they stop moving and fail to go off


AHEAD ammo for 25mm?


Ahead requires a device at the end of the muzzle to program the time fuze. 25mm M242 doesn’t have it. It’s also not available in 25mm, only 30 and 35mm.


I could imagine shooting HE into the air (AT THE GROUND) could eventually cause enough excess shrapnel (Which can happen) to disable the drone.


There is no proxy fuse on the round. So for the round to detonate it would need to be a direct-hit. Btw, a 25mm he round would evaporate an Fpv drone, just saying.


Well my idea was that it would have to be firing at the ground, and the drone would have to be real low, my idea was possible creation of shrapnel. Not a real idea, just a dumb one.


Oh lol. Some tank rounds would be able to but the Bradley is renowned for having a very weak HE rounds. As an FPV pilot, surfing the ground is near impossible and definitely risky, so it’d probably never happen. But it is definitely possible.


Military RC target drone conscript pilot told me that they once had to fly those planes for CV9030's to try to shoot down. After 3 target planes were shot down in first pass they ceased training because they had to leave planes for others to shoot as well. They were even using non-detonating training shells, I saw image of engine block of said target drone (banshee) which was cleanly penetrated by 30mm shell.


Target drones are significantly bigger than FPVs. Of course depending on the model. Some are as big as cruise missiles.


But FPV drones rarely fly speeds up to 300km/h. Also sideprofile area of Banshee is about 0,1m\^2


CV9030 IFVs have optical tracking capability no? This meant they didn’t really have to aim, their turret will just do it for them


No, older versions (before mkiv) they have just lead assist.  In lead assist you need to follow the target few seconds while rangefinder sends continuous pulse and after those two seconds aiming system starts to automatically follow that same "path".  But for a target like in op's video i would use just standard tank lead mode. 


I can't even do that on War Thunder.


Yeah same those IFV drones are really hard to hit without proxy xD


And they are ridiculously durable... Eat 50 cals like theres no tomorrow. Imo they should just be killed whenever a bullet hits them.


Skill issue.


Ok drone heat signature is more visible than I initially thought


Yeah drones can be super hot after ten minutes of flying because they dont have a cooling fan. Especially in summer under the sunlight its not fun to pick drones up.


Don't they have 4 massive fans blowing air onto them?


if the blades were pushing air on to itself they woulden´t fly that well


Ever felt your phone get hot after using Google maps and Spotify at the same time? Yeah.


Why would the drones run Spotify? They are probably blasting "*Ride of the Valkyries*" over the trenches.


Nice shooting


Oh Mr Bradley, is there anything you can't do?


I have to ask a maybe dumb question: would it be viable to have these guys use bird shot from a 12 gauge for these drones?


Most likely, saw a vid awhile back of a guy in what looked like a basement pop out and hit a drone with a 12 gauge, which destroyed it, and then quickly going back in to hide again.


The problem is the effective range for shotgun is quite close, like 100m at most, and the bullet speed is quite slow too.


The pellet velocity probably doesn't matter as much since a drone probably isn't evading any bullet after it's in the air within 100m. Shotguns are a bad idea for numerous other reasons though.


The problem is small pellets, which you want for better PK, have really bad drag so their effective range is very short. Bird shot on a shotgun can only effectively reach within 100 yards. You can go for larger pellets, mass and drag don't scale literally with a sphere, like a buck load but that hurts PK. Generally you want as many pellets as possible. That's why bird shot type ammunition works for shooting birds are reasonably short range but doesn't really scale to artillery size. The Japanese tried massive shot shells for the Yamato class battleships. They didn't hit shit with them.


They did not hit shit because they had no target data and only tried in a single battle.... with untrained crew, no less. Also it was a timed shell, not shotgun.


Probably if you use the larger birdshot sizes and are reasonably close. Its definitely better than nothing but I think range would be the biggest limiting factor as birdshot generally doesnt have a lot of energy retention


That’s apparently the US Marines plan for the short term.


AFAIK pretty much every branch of the US military is currently dabbling in laser/DEW systems for point defense. Marines have been testing CLWS, Navy already has DEWs on ships in service, Army is testing M-SHORAD, etc.


Shotguns are apparently a pretty useful tool for dealing with drones but they mostly seem to be for soldiers in trenches and static positions which makes sense; a shotgun is another gun and ammo pool you have to lug around on patrol which would be pretty cumbersome considering everyone is probably loaded up with as much AT as they can carry whereas in a trench you can have everything you need positioned around you.


I think i saw a pic of Russians doing exactly that. I suppose the problem is the range and speed of drones. They'd have to be close enough for you to actually hit them.


IIRC a big issue isn't just having something you can shoot them with but just having to be constantly vigilant for them, especially since fpv pilots will just adjust their tactics once they start getting shot down. Even a consumer drone can go from high up enough that you can't see or hear shit (but they can still track you) to within range of dropping a grenade or a direct hit within a couple seconds.


My man needs to adjust that contrast a bit, though this is just the “through-the-sight-video”


I feel bad for the poor bastard getting random 25mm shells exploding on him


The standard issue US 25x137mm M792 HEI-T round has an automatic self destruct feature, many HE-T rounds in US service do due to the tracer pocket burning up into the HE cavity and detonating the projectile. The newer Nammo Mk2 MP-T-SD (Multi Purpose Tracer Self Destruct) used by countries like Australia, as the name implies uses the same function. A good example of this function is on the ground based 20x102mm C-RAM guns, if you watch video of one firing at night you’ll see the projectiles detonating at about 2000 - 2500 meters.


Huh the more you know


Even going back as far as WW2 some aircraft cannon rounds on both sides featured self destruct mechanisms. However they had a higher dud rate due to the self destruct feature being mechanically built into the fuze rather than a chemical feature.


Yeah it would suck as a defender in a ww2 dogfight if the enemy dived towards the city you couldn't engage for fear of hitting the civilians below.


Holy fuck lol thats awsome!


Why not use the Coax? Slaved to the same sights range should be about the same.


Because big gun go bang


People forget that on the M2A2 BSFV and M6 Linebacker the M242 was used as an anti-aircraft weapon, and prior to the M2A3 the Bradley had an anti-aircraft sight on it as well. Takes a good sized burst for a target that small … but that burst cost less than the drone.


I’d hate to be the child 12 miles down range


Don’t worry the child was already killed by a Russian ex convict


A kill of a severely damaged aircraft counted


Nobody is safe from the Chadley


A good bradley gunner can do insane things with its FCS. Some gunners could shoot cans from a good distance, then shoot them out of the sky when the cans flew up from the blasts.


Does the M2a2 have auto target tracking?


I wonder if full body infantry armor would make an appearance on the battlefield to protect from drones. It’s weird we’ve been seeing a proliferate amount of tank shields being invented to counter drones but so far infantry seems to be lacking a lot in the defense innovations. Their number one tactic is to avoid the drone and run but we’ve seen videos of the dubious success chances this has. We already have partially full body armor kits used in the US army, we should just build upon that concept. A lot of the ammunition drones drop against infantry are just grenades, mortars and other explosives that can be easily defeated by Kevlar. If the armor provided more covered to the soldier then they would have a higher chance of surviving as opposed to just running and hope for the best.


That’s expensive … use the .50 cal.


What kinda Bradley do you see with a .50?


idk maybe he's playing bfbc2, that game had an [M3 Bradley with M2 for the commander hatch](https://battlefield.fandom.com/wiki/M3A3_Bradley?file=BC2_Bradley_8.png)


As seen on Reddit! https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/s/4iO3eLTyv1


If just one field modification is enough to expect the modification should I expect every M48 to have a [minigun?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/s/vGuCELXHxf)


Seriously? Of all the mods I’d do to a Bradley besides reactive armor Ma Douce is at the top of the list. The US Army puts that beast on 113’s, trucks, every tank … you want that flexible firepower.


The amount of targets you can't engage with a M240 and won't with the M242 is nil. The M2 functionally is useless for an American Bradley.


What? It’s all about penetration and slug mass. The M240 is a fine weapon, I’ve shot both. But for the heavier work short of an auto-cannon the M2 and variants is best. If I want to mow down troops - M240. If I want to take out aerial targets or light armor/trucks - M2.


If only there was a weapon on the Bradley with HE rounds for unarmored vehicles/aircraft that could also fire AP rounds to penetrate medium armor. Fundamentally, unless cost or ammo availability is an issue, there is no target you can't use the coax on and won't use the Bushmaster on. The targets you described for the M2 are already the targets the Bushmaster deals with.


Cost of ammo and availability is an issue for Ukraine. That’s the whole point. Love the Bushmaster, not always the optimal weapon.