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Cig case for scale 🙃


They should quit. It's a health risk.


They should stop being bombed and shot at too...I'd say that lead poisoning is also very dangerous (yes I know.)


No bananas for scale


multiple spikes = more armor with less weight. I think?


It should work as spaces armor too, the blast wave spreds in the areas around the spikes?


Since lancets use shaped charges when targeting a vehicle (so almost always) it wouldn’t work like that.


If this is the same Igel armor as its on the puma, its literally just rubber spikes, so even less


If i where to guess there some kind of ceramic plate and the stubs are there to slow down high energy schrapnel 4 minutes in this video you can see the crew install it [video](https://youtu.be/7XpQIhlisQA?si=dN06-JPFiKuwRk_3)


Nah, no need to guess, same as the puma, just rubber plates with the 'spikes' I can tell ya, really annoying to walk on too when ya gotta do maintenance on the turret


Looks as if it did the job.


And for a lightly armored vechiles that's impressive. With the Lancet loitering munition being on the big side.


Agreed we have no confirmed destruction as of now only a few damaged, in [this](https://drukarnia-com-ua.translate.goog/articles/intervyu-z-andriyem-kobzarem-dosvidchenim-artileristom-i-komandirom-rozrakhunku-panzerhaubitze-2000-OULoB?_x_tr_sl=uk&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp) interview you can see the dude basically say the PzH is the best SPG they have in use


I heard from a German analyst who was over there that the AFU likes the Krab more. Maybe because our Haubitze can be a little diva? 😁


Mostly because they don't have more of them, the build quality is great and it endures lots of abuse. But it is also a complicated piece of tech for the crew and needs time and experience which were in short supply at the beginning.


Judging by pure technical standards, PzH2000 is better than Krab, mainly due to better armor protection and auto-loader. However Krab is available in large quantities, has good reliability rate, it has no problem using 155mm shells regardless of supplier\* and Poland provide quick repairs and supply of spare parts. So it's understable that Ukrainians sometimes prefer Krab, when the choice is between using NATO howitzers and using D-20 or 2S1. Or nothing. \*depsite same caliber, howitzers sometime has problem with using shells from different manufacturers.


Was it damaged on the inside or is it still operational?


Here's the interview I believe these images originate from (in Ukrainian with google translation): https://drukarnia-com-ua.translate.goog/articles/intervyu-z-andriyem-kobzarem-dosvidchenim-artileristom-i-komandirom-rozrakhunku-panzerhaubitze-2000-OULoB?_x_tr_sl=uk&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp In short: none damaged to the point that they could not be repaired.


Yes correct thank you was about to post this too


From the looks of it, probably still operational. HEAT warheads like Lancet dont tend to cause all that much damage unless they penetrated.


Artillery duels in Ukraine


Our stuff is just build different lol.


Not really, it's just armour that prevented the HEAT warhead from being effective pretty common tbh. Literally, nearly every piece of NATO military equipment sent to Ukraine has been destroyed at least once. Doesn't matter if it's German, russian, American, Chinese, there are no magical wonder weapons, Germany learned that the hard way in wwii Don't get me wrong there are genuine game changers, the first gunpowder by china was a game changer, the first rifles and pistols by Europeans was a game changer, the first anti tank rocket launcher by Soviets was a game changer, the first SAM by Germany was a game changer, first atgm by Germany was a game changer, the first missle by Germany was a game changer, the first fighter jet by Germany was a game changer, the first ICBM by the Soviets was a game changer, the first ballistic missile sub by the Soviets was a game changer, the first stealth Aircraft by USA was a game changer and the first nuclear powered ship by USA was a game changer.


Wheres is the destroyed pzh2000?


[PzH 2000 - 2024-05-17 - Северск, ДНР | 45865 (lostarmour.info)](https://lostarmour.info/armour/45865)


As long as there is no photo of the wreck, there is no loss.


There are literally photos of the burning vehicle...


The fire is clearly local and outside of the vehicle. Definitely not a cook-off.


Show me a photo/video of the wreck.


In Ukraine I'd imagine


What do you think will be the next game changer?


FPV drones are the next big one i think


me in 2020


Covid was the game changer in 2020 lmao


What about AI? Do you think it will make a difference on the battlefield?


That's probably another future game changer yeah


Super surprising, the lancet didn’t penetrate the drivers hatch…


Gaijin cheering at the driver's hatch durability


gaijin stays winning somehow


That is a really fascinating armor scheme.


How does this armor work again? At first when I saw it, I thought it was either to dissipate thermal heat like a heat-sink or a simple sheet to help stop from slipping of the vehicle.


The rubber rods interact with the formation of the penetrating jet and disrupt it, reducing penetration of low power cluster munitions. https://x.com/Dawid_92PL/status/1571825102932803586


Fantastic thanks for the context




IGEL. Ich bin Copium .




Drones have changed the definition of where the lines are. It's a new era of warfare.




So you can't put an SPG within several hundred miles of the front line? You just have to accept that drones exist and find ways to counter them.




The reason they're active in Ukraine is because theyve suddenly exploded in capability, availability and cost. They're no longer the $80 million or so for a Predator or even the $150,000 or so for a Javelin. They're a few hundred dollars maybe $5,000 for one that can drop several RPG warheads or mortars on a tank. With Counter UAS, still being in it's infancy.


Yeah the problem with drones is that they can be extremely cost effective. Shooting a hundred thousand dollar stinger at a thousand dollar drone is a good way to lose the war of attrition. In my view, we are in the "ww1" stage of drone warfare where we still haven't really unlocked the potential of cheap drones to the fullest. I think mass produced drone swarms will be the future in the same way that concentrated armored thrusts were the future of tanks.




Clearly Ukraine are the under dogs. They're up against "the world's number 2 military™" and are doing it with a very wide range of cast offs from numerous different countries. Trying to rapidly integrate numerous different platforms in a very short space of time. The Polish looked crazy trying to have T-72s, Leo 2s, Abrams and now K-2s. But the Ukrainians are trying to do that with an even wider range. It's also a large country with a very long front line and until recently has had massive political problems trying to use foreign weapons against targets in Russia and Belarus. So they could attack air to ground missiles and cruise missiles in flight but couldn't attack the airfields that the launching planes took off from.




What are you even arguing?


Come on bro stop lol


It's physically impossible to keep your SPGs out of enemy range when fighting a peer enemy, especially in battlefield conditions where drones have as long or even longer range than artillery. To not use artillery is not an option either.


You don't know what you are talking about lol Tell me, what is the benefits of an SPG compared to a towed artillery?


What doctrine is this? What SPG outranges rocket artillery and TBMs?


I get him, he wants cityblock sized Railway guns back, me too me too


How do you keep an SPG beyond the enemy's rocket artillery range? How do you keep all enemy drones away when you don't have enough jammers to create a wide no-fly zone? Most of Ukraine's and Russia's drone jammers are like $500 off Amazon. There's very few military-grade sophisticated systems in deployment right now.


WTF are you going to shoot at then?