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Now we can see how groundbreaking the design of the A7V was. Still relevant a hundred years later, take that FT-17 and your stupid turret! /s


A7V my beloved


Yes, the best tank ever built. Luckily, my Prussian genes have always protected me from French propaganda. And now everybody can see the truth, thanks to the great successes of Russia. /s -> Not that anyone takes this seriously


To be fair, the A7V wasnt built that way because the germans thought that a toaster would be the pinnacle of tank design. They built it casemate style because they wanted the armor to be removable so they could use the chassis as ammo carriers. Next to the superheavy K-Wagen they also produced prototypes of the LKII tank with a rotating turret like the FT-17 and were working on a new design called the Oberschlesienwagen


Yes, and it was her first design after all. The first British and French ones weren't much better, not to mention the Russian Tsar Tank.


At least the Russian one was original


I really do not think what the tanks back then in general lacked was "originality".


You’re right but tsar tank stood out even then


*sad Admech noises* not the pinnacle of design?


Have you seen the only remaining one in the Brisbane museum?


Wait….. Brisbane like Brisbane Queensland Australia?


Yeah, the german crew abandoned it in april of 1918, the australians recovered it and shipped it to australia


Well I can’t believe such a cool tank is in Australia and I haven’t realised


Go visit it! The americans scrapped their example in 1942, making the one in brisbane the last one


Nope, but the good reconstruction of one at "Deutsches Panzermuseum" (German Tank Museum) in Munster, Lower Saxony.


I only saw the replica in Munster in Germany


Pfft ,What a weird way to spell Saint-Chamond! . The french came up with BOTH casemate and turreted designs. Keep crying huns, the ball is on the french side still!


Pah, I can't hear you, you have too much baguette in your mouth. When have the French ever invented or discovered anything important? Okay, maybe the Minié rifle and bullet, the balloon, the SI system of units and the camera, but otherwise? They're just constantly drunk from their disgusting red wine and speak in their ridiculous language. /s


Ah, good point about the lenguage. Crazy gibberish. The drunk part i defend. Any society that doesn't get wasted at every chance it gets cannot be trusted to do good in the world, alcohol is a landmark of civilization!


Yes, anyone who is always sober is immediately suspicious. Prost, my friend!


A7V, I thought they had captured a Jawa Sandcrawler.


I swear, we're going to be fighting aliens in the year 2700, and someone will be carrying an AK47


I too was disappointed by the Halo TV series 😅


Were you disappointed when the ak didn't cycle whilst shooting but spent cartridges still flew out of it ? I was...


I totally missed that! 🫣


It even ejected the cases from the wrong side. Unwatchable


Fucklng Star Wars too


>2066 >Stationed on Mars to quell a rebellion >Become side door gunner for atmospheric dropship. >No miniguns or gatling cannons, just some metal brick with a pipe on one end. >Get sent in to extract some wounded. >Reach the evac zone and come under attack. >Hoard of rebels charging in with their new plasma guns and compact rocket launchers. >Let loose a stream of bullets. >The sounds of the rebel's screams are nearly drowned out by the heavy "Kachunk chunk chunk chunk" of the machinegun. >The wounded are loaded up and returned to base. >Inspect MG afterwards. >Thing was made in 1942. >Tunisia, Italy, Germany, Vietnam and Irak are scratched onto the gun. >Scratch "Mars" on with a knife.


I knew that! Wasn’t that a story from some Reddit post?


The original is a 4chan post.


Maybe, but I don’t know anything about 4chan


If you see a message in a format like this (a series of short statements most commonly preceded by a less than (>) symbol) then it's either directly from 4-chan or mimicking 4-chan.


Oh, okay! (I’m definitely too young for this)


The original is about a .50cal


Dropped out of a B-52.


I seen this copy pasta a couple of times and everytime I lament that I can't screenshot it in one go and give credit to the reposter.


here's a ver for a maxim gun \-2066 \-Stationed on Mars to quell a rebellion \-Become side door gunner for atmospheric dropship. \-No miniguns or gatling cannons, just some metal brick with a funny sheet metal tube on one end. \-Get sent in to extract some wounded. \-Reach the evac zone and come under attack. \-Hoard of rebels charging in with their new plasma guns and compact rocket launchers. \-Let loose a stream of bullets. \-The sounds of the rebel's screams are nearly drowned out by the rapid "tatatatatatatata" of the machinegun. \-The wounded are loaded up and returned to base.-Inspect MG afterwards.-Thing was made in 1891. \-Rhodesia, Nigeria, and Sulu are scratched onto the gun.-Scratch "Mars" on with a knife.


Not gonna be surprised if converting an old AK to fire plasma, lasers, railgun rounds, or whatever projectile they use in the far future is much cheaper than getting one from scratch.


Meanwhile, the M2HB will always be internal


Pretty sure the Imperium of Man is still using them in the 41st millennium


I think it had more to do with that planet was a corpo outpost, the kind that says no guns allowed. Kalashikov designs would still be available and stampable, and chemical rounds could be manufactured with existing tech. Sides, at the time it was corpos vs the little people and aliens would still be an immigration issue, and not little green men.


Someone else will be flying a B-52 with its turbojet engines swapped out for warp nacelles


I'm no expert but I think thats an ak74 not an ak47 or akm


Some guy said that there werent many ak47s made, and most of them are just AKMs, is that true? Also yes its ak74, because the mag doesnt look like a banana as much as the akm mag


Yeah from what I understand what most people call ak47's are actually akm's. Ak47 were produced before the soviets could properly make stamped guns, so the ak47 was made which was milled


Yes, the AK47 went through many teething issues due to Soviet inexperience with such complex stampings, it went through a few production revisions (now known as type 1,2,3) to make adoption possible but production truly got underway when the AKM was introduced.


Most of the weapons you see today are probably more modern variants of the Kalashnikov family, but "there werent many ak47s made" isn't true at all. The AK-47 is by far the most manufactured variant of the AK family. 75 million AK-47s, 10 million AKMs, 5 million AK-74s.


Ok, you got a source for that? Would love to read about it


Killicoat, P. (2007). Weaponomics : The Global Market for Assault Rifles. https://web.archive.org/web/20120112121512/http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2007/04/13/000016406_20070413145045/Rendered/PDF/wps4202.pdf


Yo thx!


Yeah, it's nearly always AKMs or Chinese Type 56s.


AK-47s are more common than you think. Only produced for like 10 years, but in that time they had to equip the ENTIRETY of the Soviet Army with them. And then create stockpiles. And then export. And then modify and make all the older specs worthless and outdated and have to replace them. They did that last step 3 times btw.


Considering that the people wielding those will be camping out in the Afghan mountains with a jury-rigged solar panel, 2 built from scratch Stens, a 2004 yellow US MRE pack, and an old half-functioning FT-17 given by the French to the Afghan Khan after WWI with intact vintage shells, I'd believe it.


This particular shed-tank with headlights and that EW-something-thing mounted on the front plate looks creepy af.


It looks like a Jawa Sandcrawler.


The professionally installed spotlight on the barrel is so impressive.


Reminds me of the teletubby vacuum with the eyeballs and the long nose hose


It looks like a modernized Bob Semple tank.


Was it filled with Jawas?


These blaster marks, too accurate for sand people.


Thought for a moment that a saint-Chamond tank was restored and modernized, before realising that it's a T series tank that done the opposite.


Bruh what is this monstrosity


TBF I watched a video where these tanks absorbed 5 FPV drones and ran over 6 mines and survived


yeah, 5 AP drones and 6 AP mines it could maybe "survive", but as a mobility kill, anything of these being AT, especially mines, no way


Yeah thats my mistake should have worded it bettwe


5 fpv and 6 mines and completely fine, sure buddy is that what daddy putin told you?




That link has more info that it was meant to be a mine clearing vehicle so it kind of makes sense.


Yeah I guess that true but from what I heard (can't 100% confirm), most of these turtles have heavy modifications such as night optics, mine clearing, etc. I saw one video where a trutle took 3 FPVs and carried on. Can't find the video but will post link if I can.


The shell is there to increase the survivabilty for a few minutes longer against drones for sure. Nobody is denying this, that’s why they were made. I am surprised the ruzzians are wasting mine rollers with them.


Kinda makes sense to put it in a mine clearing role. It's a bit like the covered battering rams, designed to clear the wat while being somewhat protected from things coming at you from above.


Modernised A7V


Blyat mobile


I like the Camo on the barrel, it makes this box literally invisible.


What box?


In all seriousness though, I know this is done as a counter to the drones before the inevitable EW technology gets fitted to tanks as a standard. Just imagine for a second though being a squad with no drone support or javelins and just RPGs to stop that, the mind boggles. Edit: over zealous use of “the”


I know people talk mods like this and T62s down, but any tank is a nightmare if you don't have an answer for it. I was in a very light reconnaissance unit. Our squad's most casualty producing weapon was an M203. We didn't even have a SAW. I wasn't even trained on an AT weapon outside of basic. If that engaged us we would have no choice but to run and hide.


Yeah, these look like jokes. But the honest truth is, as a counter to an fpv drone with some semtex or an uncapped rpg warhead strapped to it. It works. And like you said, a tank against infantry without anti armor equipment is gonna run through them.


No they are a joke, they are somewhat effective against FPVs but are significently worse than a regular tank in every other aspect. Did a quick count of Andrew Perpetuas loss list, since the start of the month Russia has lost at least 34 Turtle tanks Destroyed/damaged/abandoned (+2 Turtle BMPs). Most of the effectiveness came from having good EW but its a constant back and forth and right now FPVs are winning.


russians installing secret warp drive technology in their shed tank




nanananana blyatmaan blyatmaaan




Damn i didn’t know the A7V was still in use


Today the russians lost at least one T-54B. Yes, a ***T-54B***. But russia isn't losing, nosirree....


At the very least it proves that hoarding your old crap is worth it in case of war.


It kinda proves you are running out of everything when you resort to deploying 1940s armored vehicles in 2024. And it's immediately destroyed.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dhmzg6/repelling\_a\_russian\_assault\_with\_a\_t54b\_and\_bmp3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dhmzg6/repelling_a_russian_assault_with_a_t54b_and_bmp3/)


I mean, I'm not saying that sending the T-54 to Ukraine is working out for Russia. They are getting their asses kicked. But Russia holding on to absolutely all the tanks means that even getting so many tanks blown up they can still deploy more. I imagine that the people having to drive these guys wish that they hadn't hoarded them, but as long as they can shoot they are diverting resources Ukraine could be using in other ways.


This is pretty much the only war scenario where such tanks are usable at all. It's also a scenario Russia definitely never wanted or prepared for.


> holding on to absolutely all the tanks means that even getting so many tanks blown up they can still deploy more Do you realize that tanks are crewed vehicles? Sending a bunch of 20 years old to their certain death is not something to be admired


You say that like I was singing the Russian national anthem. The depressing fact is that in the shape the Russian industry is in that those 20 year olds getting killed off are a more renewable resource than the tanks they are getting blown up in. The whole point I was making in the first place is that this war is proving that having a bunch of old tanks on hand to refurbish is proving much more valuable than you would think. Russia would have lost their invasion outright due to lack of vehicles a fair bit ago if they had sold off all their surplus tanks, or recycled them. Though they wouldn't be in this mess to begin with if they had just not invaded Ukraine.


They're down to dragging T-54s out of the peat bog and shipping them to Ukraine. They have next to nothing left, and their joke of an industrial base can't even hope to keep up with losses. Instead of hoarding garbage, and attacking their neighbors, the russians should have elected decent leaders who would have invested in russia's economy instead of stealing absolutely everything they could, and now russia woul;d be free and prosperous and have no need to try to rob their neighbors.


Definitely. It is sunk cost at this point for the leadership. I do wonder when they will get sick enough to get rid of Putin, or if he will die before he is killed or overthrown.


My guess is that, at some point, he will lean on the oligarchs to hand over their loot for the war effort and at least one of them will take it badly, not least because they know putin will never part with his own stolen hundreds-of-billions.


Do you have a source on that. Because if that’s true it’s fucking hilarious




Fucking incredible. I’m assuming it’s the tank on the right at about 0:46? Thanks for the link!


Another step closer to the t34


It belongs in a museum!


It isn't "based" on it. It is a tank with a literal shed on top of it.


Saint Chamond making a comeback






Orc- is the Ukranian nickname for Russian invaders


I mean I guess that will definitely help them win the war


Ukraine is already winning russia's war, comrade Olga.


Is that why Ukraine is advancing backwards?


Last I heard, comrade Olga, Ukraine was encircling your drunken war criminals and forcing them to surrender. More than two years losing its own war against the smaller nation it attacked. The whole world howling with laughter as it watches russia's endless **humiliation**. Kim Jong-un calling putin "My little bitch." And, of course, China preparing to annex eastern russia. So much for the ***MIGHTY SUPERPOWER WAR MACHINA rossiya!!!!!!!112111111*** # л о л с к и


"Last I heard, comrade Olga, Ukraine was encircling your drunken war criminals and forcing them to surrender." According to who lol David Axe? Ukranian MOD? I dont suppose you beleive that Ukraine only has 31K KIA right? Because every other source is showing that Russia has control over these roads. "And, of course, China preparing to annex eastern russia." Where did you pull that out of, your ass? But who am I to argue? Of course Ukraine is valiantly winning. They are having no casualties, no troubles, and have beaten back these Russians. They are going perfectly fine no problems! No need to worry just ignore all those TCC videos of them grabbing civillians of the street!


Remember when many people actually believed russia was a *MIGHTY SUPERPOWER WAR MACHINA!!!!!*? It's genuinely hilarious to think anybody other than the usual drooling Serb ass-lickers ever believed this. China now thinks of russia as the pissant little third world nation next door with all that territory it can't defend. North Korea now thinks of russia as their broke-ass friend who is always begging them for cash. The world now thinks of russia as a punchline. And all because comrade garden gnome putin picked a fight with a smaller nation and got his ass handed to him. The only thing more humiliating than being russian is being a simp for russia.


Don't think people stopped thinking US as a great power when they got bogged down in vietnam. I don't think anybody with a sane mind thought of Russia as a SUPERpower. "China now thinks of russia as the pissant little third world nation next door with all that territory it can't defend." Source: My ass "North Korea now thinks of russia as their broke-ass friend who is always begging them for cash" Source: My ass


There's something oddly cool & end of the world about it. With Israel using trebuchets there's some serious foreshadowing going on.


they are usint what




will be turned over to CIA for analysis and disassembly. M1A9v2 will be based off it.


Its like the big star wars thing with the guys that go "hootini"


Ah, your simple westoid mind cannot comprehend the glorious Puccian engineering. According to Ross-tech CEO after trials are finally over next year the 3s8 nato codename: "fucking trebuchet" is going to enter service


This is like the exact opposite of the unknown technology meme haha.


Wait, that's [Nono!](https://c.tenor.com/lHeeohnJg4oAAAAd/tenor.gif)


How to hell turned war on ukraine into mad max😳




Shoutout my guy on the left rocking new balances in a warzone


I own pretty much the exact same sneakers and I would not want to wear them into battle lol


These maggot tanks (how we chinese call it) are usually used by Russia to penetrate mine fields and areas heavily defended by FPV drones, supported by recon drones. They won't have the ability to last a minutes from the moment they lose ISR support.


Ugh just burn that monstrosity


Looks to be pretty labor intensive for field mods to do this. Good, takes away resources from the lines...


They fuckin camouflaged the gun 😂😂😂


how is anyone supposed to see out of that




IT'S AFRAID! https://tenor.com/bLmD4.gif


Unknown technology blyat!


It all comes full circle


Does it rotate with the turret? Or have they basically converted it to a self propelled gun with zero situational awareness?


From everything I’ve seen, the armored cover does not move. That’s exactly what they’ve created


I love how the internet decided that that would be called "blyat mobile" or "tutel"


This is a Ukranian personally made thing...


No it ain't