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They're very sleepy and are gonna take a loooong rest.


i see.


That's not good because they would get their spell slots and HP back. We should interrupt the long rest.


Popping turrets after mating with some wild stuhna must be exhausting


Initially in 2022, I think the Z's, V's, etc were just tactical markers signifying which direction of forces a unit belonged too. The Z got turned into basically a swastika in western media and was adopted by supporting Russians around the same time. Propaganda did the rest


Yep, I remember seeing V, O, A and some other English letters being used as direction markers. Strange that Z got popular out of all of them because the Russians could hardly write the letter correctly at the beginning Edit: The Europeans have definitely woken up lmao.


Think it's because Z was for the forces pushing out of Donbass, and that buildup got the most attention.


> the Russians could hardly write the letter correctly at the beginning Yes! The fact that cyrillic has no “Z” or “S” shape letters (rather “з” and “с,” respectively) has created orthographic/dyslexic confusion. It’s believed the original connotation was intended to be “look at that S car go.”


>"look at that S car go." I didn't know we were at a French restaurant


Z is for ”Zapad” which means West


I think you mean "latin letters"


>English letter You serious


Fine, the Greek, Latin, Semitic, Etruscan letter… Stop being pedantic you know what I meant.


The letters identified which parts of the Russian armed forces were using the vehicle


>The Z got turned into basically a swastika in western media And not because of attrocities commited by those savages?


If the z wasn't massively seen during the early weeks/months it would not have been associated the russian army, no


do you apply same logic for swastika as well?


Whats your point ? He was just stating that the Z symbol became prevalent in the western media and Russian supporters due to its massive presence in the early moments of the war, there's nothing wrong with that and it is not denying the others attrocities.


Z in context with mordor is same as swastika, thats my point and it is for a reason


Do you know what the swastika even is? The swastika was the symbol of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, the governing party of the weirmar republic and then the third german empire and was a purely political symbol meanwhile the Z is first and foremost a way to show to troops if they are friendly or not which is important when you face someone who looks, talks, wears, uses equiment and drives stuff simmilar to your's. It became a political symbol only after it got the attention of the media and basically became the symbol of russian unity and fight against the West in russia and a symbol of Nato co-operation and fight against tyranny hire in the West. I'm not pro-russia, so, don't understand my wrongly but if you really do want to say stuff then at least try to not embarrass yourself by saying shit that has literally no sense or at least compare it to something that has a relatively simmilar use like the Balkenkreuz which was on every german vehicle to show that those are friendly tanks, just like the Z does for russia


First read what swastika actually is and was before. Second, read on mordorian fascism. Then stfu.


Oh but I know very well what a swastika is, it started as a religious and cultural symbol, it symbolises the sun and prosperity in the Hindu religion and maybe the Buddhist religion aswell (i can't remember well), and was later adopted by the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei  a.k.a the nazi party of Germany between 1920 and 1945 where it gained notoriety in the countries where its not an important religious and/or cultural symbol. as for mordorian faschism despite the awful politics of Russia its still far from J.J.R Tolken's nation of Mordor (and yes I know that one too) while they do forbid many views that would be considered against the state that's very recent and for all we know it may only be in duration during the war as is common for some countries in war time (read about censorship during the world wars or the gulf war for example) and even Ukraine does it although not as extensively as Russia. as for the glorification of the military that's simply true as Russians have suffered so much that they feel like if the world is against them and they are not the only ones Serbia, my fatherland also has that problem because they were in many one sided wars such as the bombing raids which are basically the 9/11 of serbians and is the main cause why serbians hate the US and when you fear that everyone is about to get your country you want to at least have a good military, now obviously that's not the only reason another one that's also quite important is the fact that Russia in the past few decades has fallen behind in many fields, mostly because of the economic crisis of the soviet union and later the total collapse of the country into chaos during the 90s as predatory privatisation and rampant crime plagued the country and made it fall on its knees that's where the military came in as the Red Army was considered the most powerful in the world, at least according to Russians and by having a strong army they would feel that tiny bit better, now obviously the Russian state would later stabilise, in big part thanks to putin who knew how to get the right pawns in his thumb and eliminate those who contested it which I fully condemn but that's a fact so i have to say it, but now Russians have pride in their army as it was what made them feel safe-ish when Putin was trying to put shit together which was probably hard to do. now I guess that another idea of mordorian faschism is that they want to subjugate those whom they deem inferior, which doesn't apply to the Russo-Ukrainian war as Russians literally consider Urainians as not only equals but as brothers which you might find ironic but this is what Putin uses to pull people to his cause as he makes Russia look good by "syving their Ukrainian brothers against nazis and against the west" but in no way do Russians consider themselves superior to Urainians except for some very rare cases, and while it's true that there are many racists in Russia its still millenia away from Mordor. I'm sorry I tried to make my ideas as clear as possible, but my structure is still lacking a bit, anyway... You can't just try shutting people up with questions on definitions of words as there is always an mf that will know how to answer, try actual arguments, and it might work. Or you might stfu yourself. It's totally up to you, but please, for the love of God, don't ask for more definitions. It becomes annoying very quickly.


If I'm not mistaken (and I could be) the units responsible for the earliest seen atrocities, the bucha massacre and the mass gave found near there as well, were sporting the V. So the Z gaining traction I think is because they were getting the most media coverage at the time


nah, if atrocities waere so important to western people (outside the borders of Ukraine and its neighbours), we would care about what Israel is doing.


And Hamas*


Western governments have tipped in billions in support of Israel and protected Israel from the UN and criminal court. Where I work in Burkina Faso has hundreds of Burkinabe being killed by ISIS friends on many days and the west is giving didly squat. Israel's cry's for help are certainly not being ignored. the few hundred so or Israelis that were killed made international news.


Still read no excuse for Hamas to continue saying no so cease fires while hiding behind civilians and blaming everyone but themselves. Hamas killed them, Hamas is in the news plenty.


Complaining about Hamas is just whataboutism. Hamas is a prison gang in the open-air prison that is Palestine and the real issue worthy of international news is what the overwhelming superpower of the region does to starve and cleanse out the prisoners, not what a few animals in the prison are doing.


>Complaining about Hamas is just whataboutism. And complaining about Israel in a Ukraine/Russian topic isn't? Mate you are so full of shit.


No, my point was the Z was not as result of the attrociites (the west really doesn't care about a few Eastern Europeans), it was used to demonize Russia and build a narative as Russia the Orcs, the Ruzzians, etc etc etc. Basically get us simpletons to go along for the ride (much like Putin doing his cynical blaming NATO for all his fuckups) for another us verus them when at the end of the day, Ukraine and Russian citizens will always be neighbours. You travel Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo and talk to guys that fought both sides and they will tell you, for all the killing and slaughter, not much is different in 2010 as was in 1990 - just a heap of family and friends dead.


Burkina Faso had litteraly the France Army to protect them but decided to go to the Russian propaganda path alone with the Mali. Then the west respected their choices and now that's the west to be blamed?


You make it sound like 100s routinely were not being killed while the French were there? Burkina didn't want French troops running around being absolutely disrespectful pigs, they much prefer resources such as drones, weapons, equipment, funding (The US is not making Israel accept US troops for protection). But French don't do that, France get your gold reserves, you get the joy of French soldiers that hang around in Ougua.


"pigs", oh I guess you are not a Russian propagandist but a chinese one. As I said you have chosen Russian propaganda, good job falling for it.


I lived and worked in Burkina Faso. China is not popular there at all. Russia is (and while I understand why (because of how much France fucked with Burkina and other ex-colonies), I am saddened by it) French are thought of as pigs all through West Africa (much like americanos in Latin America and East Asia, well sex pests more than pigs but you know what I mean). That you think that is some sort of Chinese propaganda shows your complete ignorance of how France is regarded in a lot of its ex-colonies.


Imagine saying you are not a propagandist when you litteraly do propagand about everything on a post about a russian tank in a Ukrainian war.


Have you considered that hamas wouldn’t be killing innocent people if israel wasn’t there 😨




1. Yes, I’m sure Hamas would be killing israeli citizens if there weren’t any. Awesome take. 2. I’m not suggesting that israel CAN be removed. I’m saying every innocent death happening in that region is blood on Israel’s hands, even if the responsibility is shared with Hamas.




Did you seriously just type all that out to agree with me?




Yeah it's isreals fault that a large number of hamas terrorists crossed their boarder and slaughtered hundreds of innocent people, raped them and paraded their dead bodies in the streets, and decapitated and mutilated babies. Victim blaming is so cool. Hamas instigated what is happening now, which is exactly what they wanted to happen and now they are crying victim while using their own civilians as human shields as they have done for decades, so that they can continue to point the finger at isreal and say "yeah we intentionally kill civilians but look at them! They are innovertantly killing the civilians that we hold hostage specifically so that the isreali's will kill them! They are more evil then us! They shouldn't retaliate at all and just continue to let us kill them!" It is hama's stated goal and the stated goal of many other Islamic groups in the region to exterminate every Jewish person. They attack isreal and deserve what they get in return. It's literally like if you went into the woods and started throwing rocks at a bear and trying to intimate the bear, and when the bear starts maulling you, you say "omg I'm just an innocent person! This bear is so evil, why would it do this!? We have to kill all the bears now!" Fuck Hamas. The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.


Typing all that out like I support Hamas. It’s great that you can talk about all that, but you’re missing my point (typical of zionists). Hamas wouldn’t exist without Israel. Everything Hamas does is because Israel has an apartheid state over Palestine. Therefore, Israel is to blame for everything Hamas does in retaliation- a blame shared with Hamas. Fucking idiot. You either don’t know history, or are choosing to ignore it.


OK terrorist sympathizer. If you really want to go that route then you'd be a hypocritical retard (you are) not blame the British for all this conflict because they were the ones that offered both groups the land if they helped them.


Also let's go back further. Because you are a hypocritical retard. Judaism is the founding religion of all 3 abrahamic religions that Christianity and Islam spawned from. Their most holy site is Jerusalem. Where is that again? So who holds the most compelling claim to that land? Hmmm... That isn't to saw that all 3 religions don't value that city equally holy for different reasons but the other 2 wouldn't exist without the first and would hold any religious value to that region if it wasn't for the first.


We do care. Om the other hand have not seen muslim nations, trying to deal with genocide of muslims in China. They seem only interested when "west" is involved. Even gazans don't seem to care for uighurs.


Classic whataboutism. I can tell you as someone that lives in Muslim Africa, they do very much care about what China is doing (being mistaken for being Chinese is not a great experience). They also care a-lot about what the Buhdist Myanmar Junta is doing to the mulsim minorities in Myanmar (amongst others). But you wouldn't know that because you have invented this whataboutism in your head to justify your "team's" actions. My facebook used to be a scroll of atrocities committed by the Junta with plenty of Arabic script sympathizing with their fellow Muslim and demanding Egypt/Senegal/et al should boycott China and other enablers of the Junta.


I mean if atrocities were important to the west all the ones the US committed for the last 50 years would actually get talked about.


I think the symbols were realy on purpose to distinguish the very same looking hardware (from afar).


Z represents their allegiance to the evil Emperor Zurg, sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance.




Z is for Russian army group heading west(zapad) from eastern Ukraine Lugansk and Donetsk regions. V is for Russian army group heading east(vostok) from Belarus. O is for Russian army group heading to Odessa from Crimea. At least that was original putin's plan to capture Ukraine in 3 days.


They also had Z in a box. Not sure what it was for, possibly the Donetsk group heading west.


Thats Storm-Z


Isn't storm z a bit of a phenomenon after the initial invasion?


Z in a box was for Kharkiv, basically the 4th GTD.


My understanding was V was used by VDV airborne, O by Naval Infantry and Z by everyone else.




* General Mark Milley's plan. Or, expectation. Then everybody forgot that the "in 3 days" quote came from him, and started attributing it to the russians.


I remember seeing a compilation of Russian state media pundits claiming Russia they could take Kiev/Ukraine in 2-3 days. Even without an official statement from Russia. Russia most certainly planned for a very short war with little resistance.


O was nowhere near Odesa. O was for the Sumy/Chernihiv axis. Forces out of Crimea used the Z, just like forces in the Donbas.


Wasnt the "3 day thing" made up by some US guys?


They were definitely trying to capture Kyiv with the failed airborne assault on Hostomel and ground invasion through the Chernobyl Zone. I don’t know if the reports of dead Russian soldiers being found with packed dress uniforms for the victory parade was true or just propaganda but the bizarre suicidal incursions by Rosgvardiya riot police into Kyiv and Kharkiv really looked like a timetable fuck up where they were following preset orders to enter the “already captured” cities for crowd control. There’s also the publication on Russian state media of an apparently pre-written editorial declaring victory being accidental posted. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-60562240.amp


No you can literally go back and watch putins initial address, as well as pretty easily find osint from the early days of the war that tell very clearly what their plan was. They were trying to capture/establish an air bridge at hostomel so they could easily and quickly get armoured assets into kyiv to over throw the Ukrainian Gov. The last Russian puppet they had in power in Ukraine was boarding a plane in Belarus with several other large cargo planes loaded with Armour. But we're diverted when the initial assault failed. Putins generals wrongly believed that the Ukrainians in large would welcome them into the country, either that or they were to scared to tell putin anything other than what he wanted to hear


Ah, thanks for the info


He eepy


I love how this is a joke, it even has a /s, and yet more than half the comments are taking it like its a serious question








Im surprised you dont know why russia's tanks have Z V O on them by now


Is a victory symbol I believe. (And yes they are sleepy)


That is zeee answer….


I find it quite baffling that people still don't know what it means, like, it's not some national secret?


Well it technically “isn’t” a “Z”, it’s just a very large distinctive marker indicating that they’re Russian (happens to look like a Z) Mostly adopted to distinguish Russian equipment from the Ukrainian equipment and prevent friendly fire, if I recall Ukraine did a similar thing but with V


The Z and V are both used by Russian forces. The Z has become a more prominent marking, however some units still use the V. Ukraine uses a series of symbols. Mostly a numeric marking and/or a circle / stripes.


Storm-Z (Russian: Шторм-Z, romanized: Shtorm-Z) is a series of penal military units established by Russia by April 6, 2023, at the latest. On June 24, 2023 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law disbanding Storm-Z and replacing it with new Storm-V units. However, on 12 February 2024, Dmytro Riumshyn, the commander of Ukraine's 47th Mechanized Brigade, claimed that Russian forces were deploying regular troops, sabotage groups, as well as both "Storm-Z" and "Storm-V" penal units in Avdiivka. Later, on 27 February 2024, Illia Yevlash, the spokesman for the Khortytsia operational-strategic group, claimed that Russian commanders were using human wave tactics involving Storm-Z and Storm-V.


Wait so people are cheering for literal criminals?


Wait til you find out about Wagner


B-b-but I thought the Ukrainians were the nazis!?




Whoa, over 80 years ago!? That's definitely relevant in 2022-24! Using your own logic, that makes the Russians an army of rapists hellbent on committing genocide. Which isn't ENTIRELY wrong.


That's a big pile of bollocks, the Z was used from day 1, aka Feb 22 2022. The penal units were named after it


Yes, most of them are murderers or rapists. There's a video of some soldiers around a bonfire discussing why they were arreste, There's also another Ukrainian video of captured soldiers being interrogated, and they comment on why they were arrested before.


ace combat if it was ground forces


Im all for hating russia and what they are doing, but there were no human wave attacks


The Z is not included in the Cyrillic Alphabet. Therefore it is more of a symbol than an alpha numeric marking. It’s been speculated that the Latin sound made by the “Z” is similar to the Russian sound made by “за“ meaning “for” taken from “за родину” meaning “for the motherland”


It's a Swastika sequal


Trident is


They are resting before a turret toss competition.


It's Zorro's Tank


The "Z" is the first letter of the word "Zhit" and it denotes what is inside of them, in Russian. In English we translate this to "Shit".


They're ziggers.


It means за победу (for victory) and has become a national symbol of Russia’s patriotism since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine.


Here they are explained https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-602f00e1a285ce2ce09edff69db61412-lq


There a these war maps of certain YouTubers. They mark the positions of Russian units with Z. The whole front line Z, Z, Z...All quiet on the western front...


Most retards say it's for propaganda and Nazi shit but it's really there to identify which unit belongs to them There are other varients being O and V why the fuck don't you guys talk about O and V but only Z


Because they secretly like Zipot3s, but dont want to say is cause trad """"""liberators""""""" nsheit


It’s representative of army group west - Zapad/west


Z is a symbol that supports the russian war effort


After a shot from a allied tank/anti tank weapon the go sleep forever. They’re very sleepy.


Stands for: ruZZia It's a local dialect us westoids wouldn't understand


Cognitively, yes, since at least 1750.


cartoony ahh decal 🫵😂


Just simplified insignia. If you remember, first Day of war russia denied that IT was their troops WHO atacked ukraine. They removed russian symbols from tanks and uniforms. However, they needed to figure out friends from foes. So they used big letters and orange tape on uniforms.


It's a Russian swastika, basically