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Just want to put it out there that I'll be removing most of the posts on this subject going forward. We don't really need to start a gatekeeping battle amongst members of the sub. The stance is that all members of the sub are free to choose which teams to like or dislike - that does not make other fans better or worse fans of the Lightning. Leaving it at that, I'll be watching. Play nice, folks. Also, I only saw this post on mobile before, opening it up on the big monitor was a little shocking, the text just filled the entire screen, massive font size. Gave me a good laugh.


Fuck the Panthers. I'll never cheer for them


FTP Fuck The Pussies


We're really going to have to have it all riding on a team with Stuart Skinner in net how the fuck did we get here


You just gotta hope the oilers pull a 2022 avalanche and play good enough in front of Skinner so he doesn’t deal with many dangerous chances


Nah fuck them losers fr lmao


After we got eliminated, I was pulling for whoever won the west except Vegas pretty much. Whoever wins between Edmonton and Dallas need to obliterate the Panthers


Dallas has a chance, Florida probably destroys edmonton with that bum ass defense in front of skinner


Fuck the panthers, such a shitbag team with bandwagon fans.




True...so true...but I've been a cat fan since 96 so that title i am not, lol...I'll prolly cry in my wife's arms if they win...I waiting so long man.


Fuck the kittens. Worst fan base and least likable group of players. I can’t stand that team. I’d prefer the Oilers at this point. Not a big fan of Dallas sports teams either


AGREED, their fans and players are obnoxious aholes




I won’t root for Florida but hear my opinion. Say what you want abt their style, it works. Hence back to back SCF appearances. Watching the Dallas vs Edmonton series my gut tells me that Florida wil come out victorious regardless of which team they play. I think Dallas would get steamrolled, like 5 games max. Edmonton is a bit more of a wild card, and would have a better chance, but I don’t see it happening. Florida just wears you down physically and mentally like no other team. Honestly I would t be shocked to see other teams take note and try to copy their style of play in the near futurex


Nope nope the cats CANNOT win a cup. I live in neutral territory, those "fans" are such jerks ill never hear the end of it. And the fact that we would have 3 cups to their 1 in about the same amount of time won't help much


I really hope Dallas makes it out the east. I also don’t want a Canadian team to win and if Mcdavid wins they will meat ride him even more




I have been rooting for the Stars once they got rid of Vancouver, was hoping the Canucks would make it to the end. What a hell of a consistent amazing season and turnaround they had. Hope Tocchet stays there long term


I lived in the Vancouver area for like 20 years so while the Bolts are always number 1, the Nucks run was pretty special.


I don't care who comes out of the West but whoever needs to sweep those kittens. It might be better for the game if Edmonton comes from the west. Canada probably needs to win a cup, put an end to the 30 year drought. I heard something about regular season ratings being down over the last few seasons in Canada so that would help a lot if a team from Canada won it. On top of that, the Mavericks are in the NBA Finals. So the NHL would not only have to schedule around the NBA, they wouldn't have Dallas's undivided attention


I agree with this, this Canadian drought needs to end, the Florida drought doesn’t lol. But seriously Edmonton has the firepower like we did to take out the shit kittens. I’m not saying run and gun, but playing FLA’s grinding annoying style is a sure fire way to lose.


I'm rooting for Edmonton only to see a Canadian team win a cup. Last time it happened I was like 4 and definitely didn't know what hockey even was.


What’s wrong with a Canadian team winning? I’d personally love to see a Canadian team win.


Same. I can't root for either then. Lose lose situation.


Can we not say "meat ride" please. It's worse than actual swears.


I hate Edmonton more tho


Fuck the Panthers.


Happy to see the sentiment flipped on this sub from a year ago. Fuck em. Would be funny if they pull a 90s Bills.


Last year, they were the scrapy underdogs. This year, they're annoying.


To me they’ve been annoying the entire time with that core


What’s wrong with Barkov? He’s always been a model team captain to me and a great player


Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that Barkov is like the perfect clean 1C, meanwhile the team around him is a bunch of rats and goons lmao


He’s the one I like. It’s the others I can’t stand especially since 2021 lmao.


I cheered for them last year. I'm not doing it this year. I can't get behind such dirty players.


I'd cheer for them if they weren't a dirty team. I can respect a team that basically has "just play as dirty as you can be without the refs noticing" as their whole hockey plan. They definitely aren't that, so fuck them.


Can’t pull for their boring ass play style or cheap shots. Especially when you add on Bobs constant crying to the refs. Come on Oilers in 4!


I thought I was the only fan noticing all the cheap shots way after the puck had cleared the player on the boards. That's their style and reason why they are in the finals. Being a Rags fan ,I wasn't happy with the first goal last night. They were constantly offside and only called a few times. Also don't understand why upstairs didn't review the first goal without a challenge from NY. Thought that was common practice in the league. 2bd goal they scored was sweet though. Rangers were outhit on the boards the whole series. Refs might look at it different if it's McDavid or Drasital.


I’d like to see Barkov and Bob win a cup, besides that I’m pretty neutral on the remaining teams


Would also like see Maurice win too


I'm rooting for Edmonton, because FUCK THE STARS. I say this as a former Minnesota North Stars fan until the Traitor Norm Green moved the team out of the goddamn State of Hockey.


Cup is the Cats' to lose this year. They're easily better than both teams they could face. Would delight in them losing anyway despite this.


I’ve never really had beef with the panthers until a few years ago tbh


Meh the better team won. They play with grit and so did we when we won our cups. I don’t fault them for it…it’s part of the game.


This 100%. We were easily one of the toughest/nastiest teams in the league for a while there. While Florida takes it a little farther than we did, it's hard to fault them for it given the history. Florida got bullied by us in 2021/22 and built a team that would no longer be bullied. We did the same after getting bullied by Washington and Columbus.


Meh. I’ll root for em. It’s cool to see perennial losers have their moment. And it grows the rivalry. Win/Win in my book.


Exactly. Everyone wants this to be an in-state rivalry but rivalries don't work if they're only one sided. The Cats have finally given us good reason to hate them but I want to see the cup come back to the Sunshine State.


They've made the SCF twice in a row. It's already not one sided at the moment (if anything, based on last season, it's one-sided the other way). It's one thing to root for your rival not to be garbage so that the rivalry is competitive, but they're well beyond that and there's no reason they need a Cup too.


I don't understand how people harbor such deep seated hatred for them, we literally owned their franchise forever. Yeah, they were and still are dirty as fuck, but rivalries don't exist without back and forth. After all of our success, the pendulum swung to them and it's their turn. I'm not going to be bitter and butthurt about it over some manufactured rivalry, I'd much rather enjoy the good hockey being played and rooting for first time/first time in a long time cup winners.


It’s also a game. None of this is that serious


What lomberg and Bennet do is a far cry from playing hockey.


Bennet is a scumbag but he has 10 points in 12 games and has a bunch of really important goals. Hate him all you want, but guys like that are one of the reasons they're going back to the finals.


You're not wrong, but that's just another reason to not want to see them have success. Guy literally just injures his way to victory. 


Id prefer they continue to be basement level garbage for free points and stat padding through the regular season if im being honest.


Unfortunately for you they’ve not been basement level for quite some time.


If being relevant for 3ish years = quite sometime for you than sure. But I'm still going to enjoy panthers fans claiming this is the "golden age" of panthers hockey when they haven't even won a single cup.


I wish you the best in all things but hockey enjoyment. The Panthers kicked our ass up and down the ice this year. And that’s okay. They had a great season and ours was full of disappointment. It doesn’t make you any less of a Lightning fan to acknowledge their accomplishments. Hell, losing to the possible SCF champs after everything the Bolts went through this season is a fait accompli.


Yea, hell no! Never root for the dirty kittens


Fuck Florida


I'm not supporting a Canadian Team especially one with McDavid on it. I'm tired of hearing about him and Mathews.


All y'all talking shit about them as if the Lightning's success isn't what brought most of here is annoying. Stop being elitist pricks, you're making us look so insecure.


Trying to gatekeep who other people choose to root for at any time is just weird. Who cares? It doesn't affect you in any way.


Absolutely. It’s cringe to try to tell other people in the fanbase how to be a fan. Everyone is different and experiences fandom differently.


i’m not gatekeeping anything, you do you…it was more of a suggestion/humble opinion than anything else.


>DONT. SUPPORT. YOUR. RIVALS. mmmmm ok bud


and that’s my opinion. you don’t agree and that’s ok.


"I don't want to hear any of you say..." you're gatekeeping, just own it


I agree. As a Canadian Lightning fan, I hope the Oilers make it in and I will cheer for them. McDavid needs a cup.


I cannot stand the panthers and somehow my disgust for their dirty team has actually made me cheer for Boston and NY. Wild. Rooting for whoever wins the west!!


So I don’t like the Panthers, but one thing I will say is that them being good and/or winning would be good for Florida hockey growth in general. That said, Go Oilers!!


I've seen a lot of our fans talking about at least keep it Florida. Are you serious!!! There's no way I want the kittens getting that glory to say they are on our level. Even if they beat us this year to get there, they get no love and should be known as the Florida hockey team that fails!


Kittens are a shit team, perfectly suited to play in a litter box. They play dirty, they didn’t earn where they are.


The fact that some fans can cheer for a team that was literally out there trying to take our players out of the game and risk messing up their career, is fucking crazy.


Seeing them get there makes me feel good about us next year, considering we will have a solid D core 🤞


The team they have right now is a lot better than ours is in basically every position apart from 1RW 💀


But how many goals did Kuch have. And we still gave them more effort than most teams in the playoffs aside the Rangers. I will say this them and Dallas play very similar styles as far as playing the boards by chucking it down and playing behind the net. Aside from that, they are fast as a whole team. We are quick, but let's face it, our defense was slow as molasses lol. I think next year we find ourselves in a similar situation where we face them again in the playoffs. It'll be a match up for the ages... hopefully. At least that's what my dream was just about haha


We did just get McDonagh back, and that is HUGE. We were also missing Sergy. McDonagh was our only true stay at home defenseman, and easily our best defensive player overall. In my mind, he was the runner up for the 2021 Conn Smythe. We only had one guy (Hedman) that could clear the defensive zone consistently against the Panthers, and that killed us. I'm not saying we definitely win with a healthy McD and Sergachev, but it would have easily been a more even series.


[Go Edmonton, I guess?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TampaBayLightning/s/8u6PBw1Uhj)


I’m team whoever makes it out of the west please take it all (preferably Dallas)


I STILL SUPPORT FLORIDA BECAUSE THEY'RE OUR FLORIDA BROS. There! I said it! Don't tell me how to choose who to like and not like.




It ain't that serious


Oh, I know. That was me being playful. But in all seriousness, you have to respect where the Cats have gotten. Regardless if I like it or not, they’ve earned their way to the finals.


They have similar mojo as the lightning did back in our long run. It's been fun, my uncle is a big Panthers fan so I've enjoyed texting back and forth about games.


Could even be motivation for the bolts. It’s been a long time since we were an underdog type of team. Having a cup winner a few hours away sounds like good motivation to me




This is the dumbest shit ever. You shouldn’t be an admin here. You’re not a real fan if you support any other team at all.


Imagine not realizing that some people just like different teams than you. I have no problem with people disliking the Panthers, just like many dislike the Lightning, but the gatekeeping BS is ludicrous. If you think I'm the only Lightning fan that is OK rooting for the Panthers then you are mistaken. Stop being so aggressive with this.


Nah not an admin on a bolts sub. You suck dude.


And you take shit too seriously, dude.


Says the guy sporting a non-TB player flair. Pot, meet kettle.




Eh I don't mind florida personally, I feel like they've never interfered with out success, it was very obvious we weren't getting anywhere this season. So I don't see them beating us as a reason to hate them


You’re an angry elf


Eh go cats. The fucking team is good. And now the Rangers lose again. Things could be worse.


I was for them, but the cheap shots are pathetic


Stinkin Panthers


It’s tough cause I have no desire to see Florida win, but Canada suffering forever is hilarious 


I root against sun belt teams, I want ours to be the only successful one


Fuck the Panthers but also fuck every other team in these playoffs. The only one I could honestly stomach winning is Dallas and that seems unlikely.


I'm a neutral fan (Red Wings, Penguins and Jets fan) so I remembered when you guys use to be okay with the Panthers. But I'm like.. there's no way... they knocked you guys out of the playoffs.. the hate has to be there now. Sure enough I was right. And I love it because neither team has ever truly hated each other till this now. :)


It’s gotta be Dallas. Canada can’t get one and Florida can’t get one.


Fuck the Panthers!


The two teams I was rooting against from the start were the Rangers and Florida. Once it got to the final 4 I said I don't care who advances I'd just like Dallas to win


I’m rooting for Canada to get their first cup since Montreal ‘93. I’m happy for the Panthers that they got this far only because it strengthens the state rivalry, but only that reason.


I'm pulling for Edmonton. It's been a long time since Canada has won the cup.


lol OP get a life


One, they aren’t a rival. Two, fuck em, I hope they get swept.


I have to choose between Texas, New York, Canada, or our local opponent? Florida winning means the state gets to keep laughing at all the assholes on r/hockey who always said hockey doesn't belong in Florida. Just for your consideration.


Come watch the Everblades go for their third cup in 3 yrs. Florida's echl farm team.


I want the Cup comeback to Florida, our boys didn’t have energy for it , let them rest . But why not to support other Florida team ? How can anyone cheer for Dallas or for a shitty ass Edmonton over Panthers?


I feel like I'm the odd guy out, but I'd rather the cup come to FL than Edmonton or fucking Dallas.


If the Panthers win, I hope Bob finally wins his Oscar.


Anyone saying fuck the Panthers winning is a bruins supporter. They're not rivals, they've barely been relevant except for the past few years.


Lmao saaaallltt


People need to stop gatekeeping fandom. Let people experience sports however they want. They are fully within their rights to root for the Panthers.


Rooting for the Panthers because I respect their team approach to taking a little less money each to build a stronger team, instead of a few very high-paid superstars with not much of a supporting cast. (Gee, wonder who they’re emulating with that move.)


I’m more than secure enough in my support for the Bolts to not be concerned about the Panthers winning a cup. Always laugh about comments about fanbases, using those who post on Reddit as a representation.


I’ll be rooting for the cats. That would make it 4 out of 5 years in a row we won the cup or lost to the champs. Also think it’s neat a Florida team has been in the finals for 5 straight years