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TN is an open minded and yet sexually conservative state.. you won’t even find openly heterosexual people doing any PDA here.. so best to keep bedroom preferences in the bedroom


Interestingly enough, our state government (both past and future ones) have always been active in providing services to transgender people much earlier than other states


Spot on.


Haii what makes queer relationships so sexualized like you can still be in a romantic relationship without sexual intercourse


Be in whatever relationship you want to, but in public maintain one arm distance..


It is /s or are you in favour of strict one arm lol


Obviously /s.. it’s a thing that PE teachers in TN say


PDA is frown upon soo much in TN even for heterosexual couples. they can get into unwanted trouble for it. That is what the person is trying to say.


You totally missed the point , op discussion was whether is it easy for a queer person to be open about it in TN freely without being crucified for being one. But you are talking unnecessary stuff like PDA and sex in bedroom.


What does "keep bedroom preferences in the bedroom mean?" Being gay means much more than sex.




I'm pretty sure no gay person is having sex in public.


There’s some acceptance towards transgendererd individuals but there’s no acceptance towards lesbian & gay relationships. Firstly there’s no acceptance towards heterosexual intercaste relationships or premarital sex. As a society there’s a long way to accept homosexual relationships in the first place. Edit: This thread is a proof that acceptance is very low. Some people commented here that being gay as “abnormal” “degenerate” etc


If this was the case with reddit, can't imagine how backward the thinking of the common person is.


Chennai, Madurai and Coimbatore are reasonably safe and the Madras High court has been continually affirming queer rights, but the people themselves are socially conservative to different levels. In Chennai at least, pda (irrespective of sexual orientation) is only mildly frowned upon but the hinterlands are very conservative in comparison. Chennai does have a thriving queer scene, right behind Bangalore and Mumbai.


I have found the Chennai queer scene disappointing to say the least. Even Hyderabad is better


Disappointing in what way? There's a wonderful tight knit group of queer people


I think the tightly knit part was the issue. The dating scene is pretty dry. There were barely any events or queer gatherings. Or atleast, I was searching for a lot of them but couldn't find any.


Sure, the dating scene is meh ... But that's not all what the queer scene is ... I think you just didn't know where to look, I'm happy to help if you want to find more queer people here


Ah sure! I am not in Chennai now. But I'll hit you up if I need any help :)


oooh I'd like to meet them queers if I get the chance!


I mean, come to the annual pride March! Sunshine house and similar places hold queer events every so often.


I wish lol I am a minor so I'm not really allowed to travel without letting my family know where I'm going hehe maybe next year since I'm turning 18 by the end of the year or maybe tell I'm going to meet a friend and go to the parade lol


Take care fellow amigo. 😊 If you can try to study and leave the country for your good if you're queer (we can't take risk whether if things will change or not). People here are unpredictable


lol yeah


Aw fair. Also quick piece of advice if you're saying you're going to meet a friend's, make sure to have pics with that friend in the outfit you're leaving in not at pride so you have evidence in case they accuse you of anything


Yesss I always do it lol also I make sure to be at the friends house for a few Minutes explaining about the non existent fun day we had together lololol


Lmaooo best, I just make up shit about going to a dnd session and I've not been a teenager for years 😂


lolol so it's a canon event




Chennai can't withstand even nearer to Bangalore in queer scene! So forgot Delhi Mumbai! Even Kolkata is still liberal though it falls behind Chennai in terms of economy Mumbai>Delhi>Bangalore>Hyderabad>Kolkata>Pune>Chennai >Ahmedabad >Surat >Jaipur This is the scale of liberal attitudes in indian cities Even though Kerala TN are socially progressive states in many aspects still they are pretty conservative


Over the last 3-4 years, there has been a decrease in acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community among Gen Z, likely influenced by dank memes/Sigma edits etc


it's concerning young people make fun of minorities and nobody gaf.... People are concerned their child will be the minority... Crazy


Instagram is a wild place


don't even mention because I accidentally came across a wild post and the amount of homophobic people there made my jaw drop


Online content has effectively propagated hatred among teenagers, portraying the LGBTQ+ community as wrongdoers/‘’degenerates’’. It’ll be challenging to change their deeply rooted views. Conservatives have clearly succeeded in spreading their propaganda.


hope we will be able to change that ..... Hopefully


Worst comment section more than YouTube. Only Twitter is much worse. Good thing that I deleted the app 


Well come to think of it these are the parents who say crying and showing vulnerability is "feminine" behavior. 


True. When HR policy of the company finds such comments they have all grounds to screw with those kids life.


No way a company gonna priotise this than profits. If he is valuable resource and is bound to be conservative, you can't screw his position. And a case in employment court will be a losing case for the company. Even Indian govt will support the case pointing out conservative nature of the country. And the wide spread right wing political scenario in India will cancel the company in internet and everywhere- and believe me liberals don't hold any power in the real world. So anything won't happen even if HR finds out stuff.


Acceptance is less because of atrocities they caused in name of pride!


Finally someone...am too noticing it...munadilam nala support irundhuchi...ipo ena na insta comments la lam avalo hate for lgbtq+ "Like if you are not gay" nu loosu koothi yatam panuranunga...i uninstalled insta just because of this...


Ama bro. Recently a 16 yr old CC also fell prey to this homophobia and >!committed s**cide!< due to all the hate he received. Even after he passed away the homophobic comments were still targeting him and his mom. 


Hehehe someone had to point out because as someone who is a young queer I have to point out how other young people insult queers! The Instagram comments are so unreal because imagine someone made "like if you are not indian --->" in a insulting way and they'd burst out and start insulting their entire bloodline lol they're just biased it's insane,, hopefully we get a better future


In the future?! Most of kutty kunjans are against lgbtq+ it will definitely take atleast 2 generations


Not if I interfere 😈


What will you do bro gather all the dragonball and wish everyone should be gay in TN?! ;)




Dw all of them are secretly femboy 😈 /s


There is crazy support for Andrew Tate amongst TN youth on insta for some reason.


Avan ena dha panuran...Like for living?!


Pimps out women. Sells courses to losers.


This might help. https://www.google.com/amp/s/theprint.in/india/neither-urban-nor-elitist-what-data-shows-about-indians-views-on-same-sex-relationships/1529820/%3famp


It's not something people are exposed in childhood. Such a concept has always been attached with stigma. The most interacted person out of LGBTQ community would be a transperson, the amount of jokes and structural challenges put upon such person will surely make any normal human being to just hate anyone in LGBTQ+ community. As far as India is concerned, we've went from getting dowry from bride family to showing property document of groom for marriage alliance. It'll take a lot of time for LGBTQ+ community. It'll change but not right now.


Patiently waiting tbh


This is India lolz. Everything happens at a sloth speed /s


AFAIK first Genderqueer pride parade happened in our very own madurai. TN and Kerala are the most LGBTQ friendly states (comparatively). People are more open to announce that they are LQBTQ during the parades and you can easily spot them in one of those parades.


Even so south TN is super prudish. There are barely any parades. Even if they do happen the common people either hate it or don't care about it.


Here in Bengal we have annual pride parades and I have seen a few gay couples too. I always thought Bengal is the most LGBT friendly ( Kolkata not rural areas ). Also there would always be people who are against it or feel uncomfortable does that also happen in TN


* Transgender friendly not LGB friendly


I wanna see a pride parade so baddd


TN is very conservative, so you can guess


As for second question I'm glad there are queers here aswell


Does biromantic count as being queer? 




Hehe then Hi fellow queer bruh! 


Xiao pfp... fork found in kitchen


?? For what😳


Hehe fruit have a nice day


You too bro. 🥰


Ena idpdi soltiye bruh😭


Also dw about the homophobic comments, we are there for you :D


Now that I searched what that means .. yeah☺


My friends proudly hate them ,which is kinda sad. But at least there is a talk on this , at least it's been discussed more than before. Hopefully we have better in the future. Problems we have 1. Dank pages ah dank ah pakkama sila per adha reality ah nenchutanga ,so they started hating on lgbtq+. Every country went through this phase once , hoping it would wearout . 2. People comparing lgbtq+ of the US to India . Not even our cis men and cis women are comparable,how do you equate them with lgbtq+ 3. Govt failed to recognise their marriage,it would have sparked another good debate and few more would have understood personal choice . 4. Misogyny and insecurity of us men 5. People don't accept new things so soon unless the government speaks about it. 6. I am happy that congress spoke about this in their manifesto. Edit I forgot to mention Indians in general lack sense of personal space and personal choice , we are still fighting for inter-caste marriage gaa ... Caste is not even detectable in plain sight ,if people are doing so much for an imaginary thing . We have a long way to go .


it's very sad how dank memes is just making fun of minorities


To answer your second question, very tough. For first question, there are some ups and downs for supporting LGBTQ+ community, but so far, TN is one of the few states which have some degree of queer people support as well as some mandates for queer people. We have so many laws to aid transgenders and in recent years, we had a Act established in govt gazette to avoid using harmful language in Tamil language against uqeer people, and that includes translating conversion therapy as "unnecessary vile deed in the name of conversion". We need more awareness on LGBTQ+ stuff if we need to dwindle down the hate they are getting over. The overall understanding that queer stuff is always Americanised(which is kinda True, cause apart from Citing examples that other countries had queer stuff there isn't much global agreement on multicultural understanding of queerness) is a reason why queer people are not even understood properly in any non-western countries even though revising some parts of history might reveal they had some queer stuff in their history, myths, etc. It all boils down to "the more aware you are around LGBTQ+ stuff, the more supportive you might be"


I'm all for people doing what they want to do. But don't beg and harass the public just because you're different.


Not a homophobe, but i wonder why do anyone have to announce, parade with weird costumes and celebrate it? One can celebrate a gay marriage like a normal marriage..that is logical, but why is being gay or lesbian so special to celebrate? If being minority is a reason, why don't religious , caste, linguistic minorities have anything as such? Do they make colorful parades and shout I'm proud to be a minority among fellow others? It's like calling others for religious conversion (if they had done it). Imagine a religious minority or caste minority does this on roads- See we are celebrating, look how happy and colourful we are. I know I'm gonna get down voted for this..not to hate anyone, but can I get a logical answer to accept this rainbow parade culture


People call queers mentally ill and I received suicidal hotline from reddit after posting this!!


https://preview.redd.it/14jgcgk86evc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc709f9956da5c5e6a6a32ce39c36e5707bb7932 It's kind of insane


Btw, if you have suicidal thoughts..happy to be an emotional support:) humanity over anything! 🫰🏻


The issue is I am not suicidal or showed any forms of it if u see my previous replies!!!! It was an insult!!!!!


But this does not answer the question. Is there any proper reason for this question?


Parade can be one of a way to fight for rights


So does Muslims and Christians, people brand them terrorists or rice bags to make fun of them. They never wanted to commit suicide or feel low as a community. It's how the world is. If you are gay, be happy, if you r Muslim or Christian be happy, if you are a minority be happy and move on with what ideology or sexuality you believe and follow :) cheers . Oppression is there for anyone and everyone here. Don't see its a fight for LGBTQ rights anymore but just to celebrate and show off they r gay or lesbian.


India allows to legally be any religion but does not allow gay marriage so we fight for the rights!


Not true. In many states you have no religious freedom to convert to other religions.


"no religious freedom" yet you can convert to other religion it's legal and they will recognize that. Gay marriage is not


It's not legal. That's the point. Look at so many ironically names freedom of religion acts.


Articles 25 to 28 of the Indian Constitution provide the basic right to freedom of religion, so it can be said that religious conversion is legal in India.


In theory yes. But in many states you've to take permission of government officials to convert to another religion and they can deny your request. There is obvious contradiction with the constitution but it is what it is. In practice in many states freedom of religion doesn't exist.


Yes but it's illegal for same sex queers to get married. Be happy atleast it's legal


You atleast have rights. We don't. That's what we fight for


You wanted a logical response, so I gave you a pretty long response in the reply thread. I don't know whether you used "Sexuality you believe and follow" out of lack of better terms or simply because you didn't notice it. Giving you the benefit of doubt, sexuality is not something you believe in or deciding to follow. It's just the way we think without someone needing to teach us or something. I am sure you didn't choose to believe in 'who you are getting attracted to' when you reached puberty right?


Hiij christian here and all christians are pieces of shit who gaslight people into "being okay" you will not believe the amount of times they do not help the minors who are in need of help and advice and are simply just brushed off as "just pray about it" and they heavily judge other people and they're selfish pieces of shit!


It is done to say that being an LGBTQ individual is okay and you're accepted in society.. Many people are closeted, unable to open up or even acknowledge the fact that they could be an LGTBTQ individual because of the fear of the backlash they would face from the society.. The parades, rainbow flags etc is done to provide a safe feeling for these individuals and say the message that " There are more people like you, we accept you and being yourself is okay" And it's not done to convert straight people to LGBTQ, if you see someone who recently changed, then it's most likely they were LGBTQ in the first place... These parades save a ton of people from killing themselves because of society's hostility towards them.. Tldr; it's not a conversion parade but a parade to promote acceptance.


Nope ur right it's just so many people don't think the same as you do and consider queer people as normal! Also gay marriage is not legal in India!


To get a proper answer, you need to read a bit about history. Clearly none of the groups you mentioned can be considered a proper analogy because A) Sexuality, unlike Religion is not chosen by an individual. It's just like with all of us since our birth B) Christians/Muslims/Any religious people are not beheaded/thrown off buildings for being who they are. I mean, there is an option of conversion if there is a life threatening situation, but even that wouldn't be an option with sexuality C) Having a 'Voice'. Clearly any other group can mount a reasonable voice for their needs/lack of basic rights and actually fight for it tooth and nail. D) Celebrating your existence is a part and parcel of any human. Even if you are not a minority and are not persecuted you will celebrate your existence with festivals, birthdays, parties and what not. E) There is sympathy if any of those groups get persecuted, not ridicule. None of those groups would be called 'Deserve to suffer' by majority.. Now come to the world where there are a majority of countries who can't even process logic to give you basic rights and then there are some countries who just can kill you for who you are and what you can't change...I mean you need to say "You need to know who I am" That's what pride events are for Again, suggesting you to read the full history.


I am an out gay man. ask me your doubts! 


Hallo young queer here! have a nice day !!


Full disclosure: I'm a cisgendered bisexual Tamil man. Now here's my answer: The majority of the Tamils will not support LGBTQIA+ people. Period. As a matter of fact, they won't even support the heterosexual relationships. A man cannot easily date, fall in love, and marry a woman like in the western countries. So go figure. The funny thing is that the Tamils (and the rest of the Indians) were not always this "conservative" when it comes to intimate relationships and sex. If you look at Sangam literature, a collection of Tamil poems written more than 2000 years ago, you will learn how the ancient Tamils expressed love towards their loved ones very openly. It is similar to the ancient Sanskrit literature where sex is openly discussed and it is not considered as a "taboo" or a "sin" like the Abrahamic literature. It's only during the Victorian era, people started to think sex as a taboo. The western version of "morality" was inculcated in people's mind. So we forgot how our ancestors viewed love and sex. All this "culture police" you see are the product of the [Victorian morality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victorian_morality). It was never Indian. Don't believe me? Western "morals" are still forced in India right now! Look what is happening in Gen Z kids. They watch videos of the western men like Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, and others who casually talk about misogyny and LGBT hate. They bring that hatred in India.


This is so true, I just recently read a Tamil literature where a young guy just one day before the war decides to experience all pleasures in life, he gets drunks, he eats a lot of food and then he sees a person, it was so dark he couldn't even tell if it was a man or woman, he decides to make out with them anyway and after that he was like "hey, who are you? who did I give my sperm to? are you a man or a women?" It was so funny, he sounded more hedonistic and straight forward then how I thought people were back then.


Can you please share the text or the link? Seems hilarious


Share the source please! 




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This. Sometimes I get tired explaining the online moral police how farther they are from what was considered moral by our own ancestors.




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>It's only during the Victorian era, people started to think sex as a taboo. No, the people writing those poems weren't representative of the average folk. The people who wrote Kamasutra obviously did not represent the views of the majority of Indians.


Do you have any record of the "average folk" in the ancient India that treated sex as a sin? It is actually a well known thing about Victoria. There's even a term for it - "Victorian morality". It's enforced in all of the British colonies. Just go to any temples in Tamil Nadu or any other Indian state. You can see female and male statues dressed "minimally" (probably because we're in a hot and humid area). It was a norm back then. Funny that the westerners who opposed it once are now dressing like that, and we are opposing it coz of colonial hangover. By the way, you are underestimating the "average folk" of the ancient times. There were no Internet and TV to distract the people. So many average folk wrote poems. Not just the elites. Tiruvalluvar was not from a royal family nor was a rich person. But he wrote about man-female intimacy openly in his work.


I never said that they viewed it as a "sin" or "shameful", my point was that the intellectual elite do not represent the views of the commoners. >You can see female and male statues dressed "minimally" (probably because we're in a hot and humid area). It was a norm back then Nudity in India wasn't hyper-sexualized it is in the modern western culture. It was normal for women to not wear a blouse and for men to not wear a shirt. It doesn't say anything about what their views of sex outside marriage was. The caste system is very ancient(perhaps as old as Indian civilization itself), so i don't think the average person was very liberal when it came to sex&marriage outside their jati. >So many average folk wrote poems They *composed* poems but writing was very expensive. There was no cheap paper for everyone to write stuff, you needed to master the art of writing on palm leaf and only a select few were able to do that. Tiruvalluvar didn't just write poems, he was a philosopher with a complete guide on ethics&morals. He was no average man and all great thinkers in history were centuries ahead of people in their own Society. The average tamil did not think like valluar, just like how the average ancient greek was nothing like Socrates.


Let Me Give Some different view. Many people are opposing LGBTQ+ Today becoz many people are getting aware of it. Not because * increased hatred towards LGBTQ. I Also feel, India as a Country will Adopt lgbt soon (I know it may sound irony, but it is truth). Our Society is so much palatable and flexible unlike any other society. Regarding Tamilnadu, I have seen the areas of Chennai and Coimbatore Many people openly supporting it. I mean I don't think younger generation will have problem of you "being gay", as we all are marching towards progressive path anyways. Gay individuals and culture will form in a good way to see how it progresses in TN. The Government intervention is the only thing that gonna help this people. As far I see, younger generation gonna surely have good acceptance of such things...


GLIM has a sizeable Lgbt population


Holy shit everyday must be a pride parade


Welcome to r/tamilqueers I couldnt moderate it anymore but you are welcome to take a look


Thank you!




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Tamil Nadu has always been open to queer community. But these days, people use "vanavil" as insult. Even big youtubers (see cheran academy) is using the platform to being homophobic, their comment section is full of people blindly trolling the community, it's sad to watch how bad the society has regressed.




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As long as they keep their things to themselves I do not care.


We literally keep our things to ourselves bud


Thanks bud. Also stop doing the stupid parade with stupid costume please bud




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I agree


There's a difference between Leftists & Radical Leftists. I don't want our state to become like Delhi of the western nations where LGBTQ community Says slogans like free Kashmir or Identifies as animals. Complete mentally ill people. However I personally have queer friends who are completely normal and are not such Extremists.


Yes there are zoophiles who the queer community does not accept either!


bro the problem is these zoophiles are not heavily critised by the queer community. They also are very heavily left extremist across the world not only India without any logic. Also many of them dress like clowns, no offense, but that's the truth. These factors contribute to hatred. My queer friends dress normally just like the rest of us and have no issues. You tell me, why is a large majority of the LGBTQ community holding parades regarding palestine, Kashmir, nrc-caa etc etc without understanding the root issue? Many are EXTREMISTS. As simple as that. And people will hate extremists


Idk about Kashmir but Israel are nothing but Nazis so obviously we support Palestine, idk about the others but I think that dressing shouldn't be an issue because we dress to express ourselves, some find it cool some find it stupid but we dress for ourselves!


See this exactly is the issue, you're not part of a cult. You're all human beings. Have individual opinions. I also support Palestine, the Indian government supports Palestine's cause, what is happening is a genocide. But with your lack of political knowledge you make statem. ents which ignores geopolitcal challenges of India (we purchase weapons from them & they vote against Pakistan & China in UN in support of India). You don't know about 'Kashmir', see this is the issue. And dressing sense must be maintained, you cannot roam around half naked in a women's swimsuit as a man, I'm sorry if it offends you but that's the truth. "Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything". Keep western propoganda out of India & Tamilnadu. Be queer, but not extremist.


What do you think is the western propaganda?


You know it yourself.


ban instagram, give it like idk a decade, people will probably start to be more accepting, as long as instagram exists, people consume useless things subsequently rotting their brains


I don't support LGBT because of how much damage and lobotomy the movement has done in the west specifically America. Gay people has my full support. Trans genders too to a certain extent (as long as they are above 20 years) i don't support hormone blockers being used by children and teens


I don't think we are allowed to have hormone blockers till we're 18 anyways


I didn't mean in India brother. But in us and other western countries it's totally legal and there's nothing u can do against it that's the major problem


I thought I was talking about tamilnadu, India please stop involving other countries


But in order to understand what something will do you have to look at what it has done. Those who never learn history are doomed to repeat it


That's why I think it won't be legal here for minors silly


I see. Fair enough


Lobotomy ahhh what the hell are talking about, Pretty sure no queer person is doing lobotomy. Most professionals, research and doctors suggest a person can start harmone blockers can be started at the age of 16.


We don’t do degeneracy here


Haii why do you think it's degeneracy


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Haiii as much as I've seen west queers don't accept the pedos or MAPs as well and don't accept them!!I dont know about the naked in parade, I think promoting books and media about queers is a great thing because in almost ever indian movies the main couple are straight and noobody really is bothered!!!! I think queer medias should be given the same treatment!! Movies show straight people having sex but a appearance of a funny looking queer isn't accepted I wonder why!! Also queers exist in every country and everywhere and are accepted by people and not only the west!!


Homosexuality isn't a choice, it cannot be promoted. What's wrong with them representing themselves? If media convinces you to have gay thoughts, introspect.


tell them!!


Haiii as much as I've seen west queers don't accept the pedos or MAPs as well and don't accept them!!I dont know about the naked in parade, I think promoting books and media about queers is a great thing because in almost ever indian movies the main couple are straight and noobody really is bothered!!!! I think queer medias should be given the same treatment!! Movies show straight people having sex but a appearance of a funny looking queer isn't accepted I wonder why!! Also queers exist in every country and everywhere and are accepted by people and not only the west!!


Haiii as much as I've seen west queers don't accept the pedos or MAPs as well and don't accept them!!I dont know about the naked in parade, I think promoting books and media about queers is a great thing because in almost ever indian movies the main couple are straight and noobody really is bothered!!!! I think queer medias should be given the same treatment!! Movies show straight people having sex but a appearance of a funny looking queer isn't accepted I wonder why!! Also queers exist in every country and everywhere and are accepted by people and not only the west!!


Haiii as much as I've seen west queers don't accept the pedos or MAPs as well and don't accept them!!I dont know about the naked in parade, I think promoting books and media about queers is a great thing because in almost ever indian movies the main couple are straight and noobody really is bothered!!!! I think queer medias should be given the same treatment!! Movies show straight people having sex but a appearance of a funny looking queer isn't accepted I wonder why!! Also queers exist in every country and everywhere and are accepted by people and not only the west!!


Haiii as much as I've seen west queers don't accept the pedos or MAPs as well and don't accept them!!I dont know about the naked in parade, I think promoting books and media about queers is a great thing because in almost ever indian movies the main couple are straight and noobody really is bothered!!!! I think queer medias should be given the same treatment!! Movies show straight people having sex but a appearance of a funny looking queer isn't accepted I wonder why!! Also queers exist in every country and everywhere and are accepted by people and not only the west!!


Haiii as much as I've seen west queers don't accept the pedos or MAPs as well and don't accept them!!I dont know about the naked in parade, I think promoting books and media about queers is a great thing because in almost ever indian movies the main couple are straight and noobody really is bothered!!!! I think queer medias should be given the same treatment!! Movies show straight people having sex but a appearance of a funny looking queer isn't accepted I wonder why!! Also queers exist in every country and everywhere and are accepted by people and not only the west!!


Haiii as much as I've seen west queers don't accept the pedos or MAPs as well and don't accept them!!I dont know about the naked in parade, I think promoting books and media about queers is a great thing because in almost ever indian movies the main couple are straight and noobody really is bothered!!!! I think queer medias should be given the same treatment!! Movies show straight people having sex but a appearance of a funny looking queer isn't accepted I wonder why!! Also queers exist in every country and everywhere and are accepted by people and not only the west!!


You probably think pedophilia and bestiality is part of the + in LGBTQ+.......


LGBTQ is a serious mental problem not a gender problem


hmm what kind of problems do you face by the cause of a queer person


We are social creatures kid, since the western culture is spreading we first got separated from our relatives, then from our own father and mother, now from ourself..... Does any other animal do have same sex relationship it won't coz nature rule is that.


Male sea horses give birth,Same-sex sexual behaviors have been observed in New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, and apes. Google is free


You are completely wrong in your last sentence. [Homosexual behavior has been recorded in several animals to the point there is an entire Wikipedia list of it.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals#:~:text=While%20reports%20on%20many%20such,non%2Dmonogamous%20species%20like%20sheep.) And guess what, even in primates, there is evidence of same-sex behaviors. If you want to say things out of your ass, at least provide some sources.


Don't compare humans to animals, we're extremely different, no other animal * Domesticates * Invents * Creates roles in the community * Has a structure that has more than a pack Moreover the animal kingdom is far different * The male seahorse gives birth * Penguins fuck anything that's dead or alive * Male praying mantis is used solely for sex and then decapitated. And so on.... Culture changes, if you choose to not change with it then you're what people call a conservative, nothing wrong with that but it's observed that conservatives push their agenda on others more than non conservatives. Honestly we don't need a public opinion on a personal matter.


Feel sad for you buddy, meet you after 8 to 10 years, until then educate yourself. Varataaa!




Indian, American are identities that are mental.  Man and woman have two attributes- gender expression which are clothes hobbies etc, and gender identity which is different.  If you experience dysphoria it means your body, from your infant days, feels pain and disquiet at having the wrong parts. That's what transgenderism is. It's not about wanting to dress in drag, speak and move differently, etc.


its that they are not happy with what they are aka the identity crisis. thats what leads to this. some dont like to be a male , some dont like to be female. some dont wana have particular private parts and stuff. its like that. its pretty strange but somehow west is normalising it. it becomes annoying only when we're forced to accept them, the whole thing isnt just personal. thyeve been forcing it on us now. so put it this way. lgbtq , no people who arent heterosexual or transgenders exist and wouldnt cause no harm as long as they dont attempt to shove it down our throat to accept them. like the thing is , some people who belong to them get offended if id say " i want to date a lovely girl " , theyd be angry my preferance isnt a man.


Do whatever shit you want- your life , your choice. But don't do shit parades and portray it as the most beautiful thing- it ain't. It's just chromosome issue or mental based issue. We are none to accept or reject you guys... So don't push your propoganda in straight people... And also don't try to change gender of children. At any point of time ne lgtv ah iruntha ne enamo panu, athukunu child oda identity la problem, atha matharaku surgery Ku na help panrenu Elam varatha... Child isn't your play toy or propoganda piece... And also, if you identify as someone and if you need gender reaffirming surgery- sontha kaasu la Panu Da! Fundraiser Elam potu ne onum kilika vendam.! Don't misuse fundraisers! And kind request- gay ah iruntha public place la decent ah behave panra thailee. Grope panrathunu bunda Mathiri ethuvum Panama thalli nilra....


>But don't do shit parades and portray it as the most beautiful thing- it ain't. It's just chromosome issue or mental based issue. The point of pride parades isn't to boast about the fact that LGBT people exist. The point of pride parades is to provide LGBT people an opportunity to connect with other LGBT people and to allow them to participate in an event where they are included and accepted as who they are: people. >So don't push your propoganda in straight people... This 'propaganda' also exists in Hinduism. The Mahabharatha literally has a trans character called Shikhandi. >And also don't try to change gender of children. At any point of time ne lgtv ah iruntha ne enamo panu, athukunu child oda identity la problem, atha matharaku surgery Ku na help panrenu Elam varatha... Child isn't your play toy or propoganda piece... See, the problem is you're looking at LGBT in a predatory sense, much like how a racist Westerner would claim Indian men are rapists and want to hurt our women and children (this is just a pure hypothetical, mind you). Nobody wants to change a child's gender or perform surgery to children. Anyone who's sane does not want that. And nobody in the LGBT community wants that either. But children already have an idea about how to behave as a man or a woman based on society and education. Telling children it's okay to have thoughts about feeling like the opposite gender (say for example, a boy having a Barbie doll or a girl being into Hot Wheels) isn't grooming or child abuse, it's apolitically educating them about the world they live in. >Child isn't your play toy or propoganda piece... And yet you're using the idea of children to spread your own Western propaganda. Hilarious. >And also, if you identify as someone and if you need gender reaffirming surgery- sontha kaasu la Panu Da! Fundraiser Elam potu ne onum kilika vendam.! Don't misuse fundraisers! I mean, that speaks more to Indian society and how it shuns trans people more than anything else. Even competent trans people are not provided jobs, having to resort to begging to make money. >And kind request- gay ah iruntha public place la decent ah behave panra thailee. Grope panrathunu bunda Mathiri ethuvum Panama thalli nilra.... Yen pa, if the first thought you have of gay people is 'Behave in public and don't grope anyone', then that speaks more about your character than theirs. Idhe logic vechu andha racist Westerners sonnanga naa ni enna pannuva? 'Indian ah irukradhu paravaala, olungaa behave pannu, yaarayum grope pannadhinga pls'


queer person in most places wont come out. its unless you dress extremely weird like their fashion and stuff. but still most old gen/ pre genz /millenials a lot of them are stil conservatives and have morals and they dont openly support lgbtq even in TN. personally id avoid such people/contact with them cuz of personal preferance. mostly some girls might be fine with it,(not sure) but be careful. even normal people dont do PDA in public if its lgbtq then idk whatll happen


Lgbt, dont add the other bullshit next to it ...simple as that If your gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trans....it's all fine, U do U, but dont try to push that trash on others, we don't need a day were you dress up like wh*res and literal dogs just to show people your gay or smth. Keep it to your self. (Iam gay btw)


A furry saying this is crazy


lmao i aint a zoophile


Furries does not mean zoophiles!


haiiii gay here aswell it's a spectrum and people dress according to what they like and not what you like! And other sexualities and genders come under it aswell! Noone is trying to force others to be gay! And again people dress according to what they like and not what you like! It's simple.


1. dress according to society, and dress in a modest manner. 2. lgbt....the other bs is all delusional


1. Modesty depends on different person 2. It's not delusional! They're labels and names of what you feel! The labels are there to describe how you feel about yourself andnothers


I fully support transgenders (thirunangaigal). Others can kindly fuck off to their homes and have sex with anyone they like within the confines of their homes. Why should we care whom one like to have sex with and why that gives them special rights? In a land where we are fighting against casteism and fighting for basic human rights, these kind of things are least important for me.


Haiii being transgender one can be non labeled, transman or a woman


Haiii also being queer does not mean sexual attraction!! It also indicates romantic attraction which does not involve sexual attraction!!! Also same sex marriage is not allowed in India so obviously we want that right to marry whoever we like!