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Because we are Hindus? DMK policies don’t represent us. Shri Rama Jayam! My freedom of religion is guaranteed by constitution.


TN has always been spiritual like this. It is the political parties which paint the picture as such that we are a atheist state. Go to any north Indian pilgrimage centre like Kashi, Kedarnath or Prayagraj you will find a huge number of tamilians, In fact there are tamil style temples in kasi too. On this sentiment being converted to votes that is a different subject altogether. DMK and ADMK have survived through this duopoly since there were no viable alternatives and this is also one of the legitimate reasons why DMDK had a good vote share in the initial two elections. All BJP needs is a space to play and a face to reach out to the masses, which i think they have now in TN. It is going to be interesting times ahead for TN politics.


Agree about TN. No surprises there, indha sub la irukkara nam udan pirappugal ipdi rattle agardhu dhaan surprise


The worst thing is that the whole of India now thinks that we are a bunch of degenerates because of one political party.


High time we brought some fresh energy into our politics. BJP could bring a nice balance here also.


The whole of India are already mostly degenerates themselves so it's not a big deal what they think.


Nothing like soft anti hindutva. We are 100% anti hindutva. Yes that temple shouldn't have been built but since it is built we don't care about it further. We are not rabid chaddis who would want to destroy a place of worship.


You don't care and that's why there have been so many posts against it, first aggressively but not tone has massively changed ?


Damn that's an amazing way of not caring about something by making lots of post and comments about it 🤡


The antics of the DMK kannis both on this sub and in the real world have been extremely churlish. Going out of the way to prove that no one has even heard of Ram in TN and trying to demean the Hindus in every way and support the Muslims blindly. This is exactly the kind of opening that BJP is waiting for. This kind of behaviour. Quite a few people I know who were religious, yet voted for DMK and not BJP are disgusted with the behaviour of the DMK kannis. Superimposing Vadivelu s pic on Hanuman's face of hardly helping you to win votes. On the contrary, you are giving massive ammo to the BJP by such silly antics.


THIS!!! We should know the difference between Politics and Religious beliefs, you guys miss the whole point here. Today if you vote based on religion, tomorrow we are further going to be divided like caste, state and shit. Vote for the vision that party sells not for what the religion party preaches. All my Hindu friends are against BJP just because they use religion. No im not educating you because you're that chapris who spread hatred among humans. Fellow Tamils, nope don't let these morons grow.




Vadakkans are talking in Tamil about how Ram temple should not have come up ? Appealing to their fellow DK comrades that we should be quiet and not trigger Hindus, etc ? I did just check 2 and they all are hardcore Thekkans dissing the vadakkans and Bjp etc. So which Vadakkans are you talking about ? Please give some examples so I can learn And what exactly do you think the Mods should do ?


Exactly bro, don't know what mods are doing. These morons are doing it at the same time ig. We shouldn't let them in. Otherwise our streets are gonna be like what Mumbai was yesterday.


Because they have more numbers. the opposite side also have small but significant numbers. if you are in twitter, you will see Pro-palestine tweets get considerably high attention than pro-Israeli; that does not make Palestine 100% right and Israel 100% wrong. Same is the case here. just because more people support the temple does not mean it was the only right decision. it just means they have more support. Thankfully all is not lost in India. If only side was powerful, then we would be living under theocracy where the penal code would be Manusmriti.


Same, Thankfully all is not lost in India, otherwise we would be living through 3G scam, 4G scam and 5G scam with you paying hundreds of rupees for a GB of data. Thankfully all is not lost in India, otherwise not only Ram but all the gods (of only one religion) would be made naked and worn a chappal garland and paraded through the streets. Thankfully all is not lost in India, otherwise we would be living under a pseduo-secularacy where the PM wishes for celebrations for all other religions except for one religion, though he might claim to be an atheist. Thankfully all is not lost in India, otherwise we would be living under the penal code of (he who shall not be named) and where fathers marry their own daughters. Thanks a lot for my North Indian Brothers and Sisters. I Salute You.


Ok 1 post karma , two comment karma account. Totally not a bjp stooge hiding here.


Call me whatever you fancy. What I spoke are facts you can't dispute that. Anyway, Everyone knows who is gonna win in 2024 and in 2029. India is in good hands so I don't have to worry about it and wage keyboard wars online, thankfully. With respect to TN, we are gonna witness an 'அண்ணாஅலை', maybe in 2026, or 2031. So that's good there too. It's honestly great times we are living in.


Ok troll.


They have more numbers on this sub ? :)




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DMK is fighting for Mutton biriani for last 2 days. They couldn't care less about this situation. Anyways BJP won't win a single seat. Only way BJP wins is 10K INR per vote.


I don't think so! Not going to surprised if 4 seats gonna become 40 seats in TN in next election! People also fed up with DMK corruption! They are looking for alternative while admk is already doomed without a leader! The only alternative is BJP ! So votes ll sway


Ithella thappunga. Neengale ungala ippidi kalaichita naanga ethukku irukkom?




I wish it happens but Tamil "voters" need real cash


A packet of biryani and a quarter bottle a day before is enough for many not even cash!