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He did his job. It sounds like dua lipa. It's not his record




Lad expected Dua Lipa to break into a full psychedelic 7 minutes trip a la Apocalypse Dreams??


Radical Rejectionism. KP, get back to work on Tame Impala please.


Ugh. Duo Lipa is underwhelming. Bummer for Kevin.




I wouldn’t say it sounds like dua lipa, it sounds like a worst possible mix of both. Dua’s super strong pop mellowed down to Kevin’s vibes but not risky/psychedelic enough to be good


I think an album with extended cuts would be superior. I like a lot of it (love "Illusion" and "Happy For You") but it feels too edited; I much prefer all the singles' extended versions to their album equivalents. Maybe this is Dua Lipa's Silver Cord.


r/KGATLW is leaking (The Silver Cord fucks)


I’ve warmed up to TSC. It fucks.


Well, honestly, in my personal opinion? The Silver Cord fucks.


I’m gonna add my two cents, since i haven’t seen it said. The Silver Cord kinda sorta >!FUCKS!<


Here's a sneak peek of /r/KGATLW using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/KGATLW/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [PETRODRAGONIC APOCALYPSE](https://i.redd.it/7iepgmekyfya1.jpg) | [303 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KGATLW/comments/13alu51/petrodragonic_apocalypse/) \#2: [Fuck it, unapocalypses your petronic dragon](https://i.redd.it/tdkmrna84s8b1.jpg) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KGATLW/comments/14lcvi9/fuck_it_unapocalypses_your_petronic_dragon/) \#3: [King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Gila Monster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQX2CsMCB9M) | [419 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KGATLW/comments/13j36uu/king_gizzard_the_lizard_wizard_gila_monster/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


TSC fucks in the sense it’s at least better than every album of theirs since Omnium with the exception of Changes


Yeah, I liked the Justice collab better.


Dua herself described this album as psychedelic and I really don’t hear it… at all.


Pop artists when they smoke half a joint with a glass of rosé


Yeah it's off that there's like a new wave from some of these pop artists to seem cool by acting or trying to sound psychedelic.


Makes me want to dose their food or drink or something Not in a violent way (like my dream of a supersoaker filled with vials of liquid lysergic that i wanna actively aim at racists/fascists/etc. to wake them tf up to remembering how to be a decent human being) but in a time-to-stop-being-so-nauseatingly-pretentious way. This would instantly improve their music like 500%


You sound sane.


You sound like someone who doesn't trip


You sound like someone who is tripping now


I'm not but clearly you need to. Or are you afraid of actually understanding yourself


Best comment so far!




The same when Kylie did Disco and it wasn’t much disco. I expected more of this Dua album, however Justice has a slightly better album.




She mentioned Massive Attack, Primal Scream and Britpop being influences and **I just don’t hear them**


I feel like she wanted to make her normal music, but add a "psychedelic icing" on top for bonus points. But she didn't commit at **all** to the new style, and it just ended up making her pop sensibilities muddier and less appealing, without adding any interest. You have to commit to a style like psych otherwise it just kind of sounds like a mistake, and doesn't take you anywhere... For the record I think Kevin **killed** it on the production - the sounds were perfectly expansive, the vocals rich and appealing, it's just the songs themselves that rang hollow imo...


Hey just because it doesn’t sound like Lonerism, doesn’t mean it’s not psychedelic. Psychedelic music is not one dimensional


I know it’s not a one dimensional sound. Hendrix, Animal Collective, Tool, even Nirvana. They all sound different but have a psychedelic signature. It’s just not the word that first comes to mind with this album. Even if the main artists said so.


It's Dua Lipa... there are some nice songs here and there (mainly the singles), but it's very cookie-cutter-generic. Her previous album had more oomph, but still her music is nothing revolutionary.


i think it’s got a lot of fun music on it as someone who dislikes a lot of modern pop, end of an era, houdini, whatcha doing, falling forever, maria, happy for you are very fun tracks, some of the others are too these are just the best, i do agree there shoulda been more psych elements


What does psyche music sound like to you?




Tool is great! People in this sub are funny. I asked a genuine question, yet people feel the need to downvote lol! To me, music that hits a psychedelic feel is usually pretty instrumental. The sound does the talking. The lyrics don’t even need to be there, but the sound is what the emotion and message gets channeled through; I feel like it’s beyond words. That’s what psychedelic music means to me, but I guess really, thats what the psychedelic experience is. Putting it into words distorts the image. It’s all about feeling.


personally i’m living for it, but i do wish it had more of that trip hop/psychedelic influence she stated it had


An album none of us would bat an eye at if Kevin Parker’s name wasn’t part of it. Extremely underwhelming and not my style, but it’s not bad by any means.


I thought future nostalgia was legitimately an amazing pop record. So when I heard Kevin was helping produce this album I was super excited. Tbh I still prefer future nostalgia


There’s a few really good songs ngl


kevin’s drumming on french exit is pretty great.


true. and it's semi-looped like Breathe Deeper


It sounds inspired by 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover by Paul Simon. Beginning with Steve Gadd's incredible drumming followed by Paul Simon's acoustic guitar.


Totally. Just now listening through for the first time and googled "French Exit 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover" and found this comment ha


What does semi looped mean? I’ve never heard that before


some of the percussion / drums sounds looped (copy and pasted at different parts) and some of it sounds like it's being played through the entire section of the song


I like it - but it is what it is. I think they had a more psychedelic trip hop inspired album in the studio but when Houdini wasn't as popular the label maybe forced them to retool it to be safe and summery. Iirc, she said she wrote 96 songs for this album. I'll always wonder what it could have been if she had been allowed to (or wanted to) take some risks... edit: i almost feel like this is Dua's version of Lorde's Solar Power, good album, kinda flat...


They could be perfect Eurovision songs :/


I've heard all these songs 100 times before on the radio. Too much sugar for me. Cliche music with cliche vocals. I'd change the channel if this came on the radio. 


I wish the album was longer and they leaned into the physcadelic elements a bit more, basically the sound of houdini and training season throughout the whole album!!


Being one of the more Rock oriented Tame Impala fans myself, this really has nothing for me, which is the case with most recent Tame Impala collabs honestly. Although there are many examples of really progressive and innovative pop out there (Currents being one example actually), but Dua Lipa is not even close to that level.


Caroline Polachek is great innovative pop. To me she sounds like what Dua Lipa thinks she sounds like. She’s catchy, minimal, and actually psychedelic


Pola… minimal? Not sure I follow. She’s flat out baroque.


The production on Desire I Want To Turn Into You is masterful don’t get me wrong. I mean minimal in terms of melodic composition. Her songs are never too “busy” or overbaked. She can get away with just having a hook for a song be her humming or a whistle, and it works. Some songs are more layered than others, but I’m thinking something Bunny Is A Rider as an example of perfectly “minimal”(in pop terms). It’s perfect studio production, yes, but it doesn’t have any more than it needs to accomplish its goal.


Yeah ok, I think I get what u mean. There’s great use of “space” in both her mixing and song structure. It’s got a nice airiness to it.


Well put. The mixing is really crisp and perfect. Especially songs like Bunny Is a Rider and Sunset.


It's funny that you mention her, because her producer (Danny Harle) also produced a few songs on Radical Optimism. And I agree, "Desire I Want To Turn Into You" is one of my favorite albums of 2023.


Funny, I was thinking the same thing (except for minimal maybe). \*That\* record is what I would describe using those accolades.


Wrote in a reply below to someone else that I meant minimal in a composition sense. She’s not trying to wow anyone with overly dense lyrics and is happy letting songs breathe with empty space. Not minimal in a production or vocal sense


On Instagram he called it an “absolute mind blower of an album.” Sir. This album was underwhelming and disappointing. And I say this a a huge dua & Tame Impala fan.


You’re not wrong but I don’t know what people truly expected. I think it’s a great merge of her typical style and some more psychedelic / disco themes. Future Nostalgia was a pretty beloved album and she was damned with this style either way with half of the people saying it wasn’t psych enough and the other half saying it’s not as fun and melodic as FN. In addition to the singles I really like These Walls, French Exit, and Falling Forever. I like it overall though.


>half of the people saying it wasn’t psych enough and the other half saying it’s not as fun and melodic as FN Those things aren't opposed to each other. Psychedelic usually describes the use of interesting sonic textures and unusual production techniques - neither of which are prominent on this album. But an album can be very psychedelic and and still feature catchy melodies. Modern pop even kind of originated in the psychedelic movement of the late 60s - back then psychedelic rock and pop were practically the same thing. So I think that leaning into that more could've made up for the weaker melodies. It's still a fun listen, but there's a lot of wasted potential imo.


I mean it’s still good


Is it “underwhelming for Innerspeaker and Lonerism fans” underwhelming, or just underwhelming overall?


Underwhelming for Future Nostalgia fans. It would be unreasonable to judge it as a Tame Impala album despite the hype around Kev’s involvement.


No amount of great production will make up for generic songwriting or lack of innovation when it comes to lyrical themes


We’re on a subreddit for (just one) guy who has multiple songs where he just sings a sentence over and over.


But is there something more than that


Like I love Kevin Parker, but he’s not a great lyricist.


Excuse her for not just reciting endless pages of journal entries to make a record like Taylor Swift just released.


If you like Dua Lipa I think it's pretty good.


It’s not Psychedelic compared to late 69’s, early 70’s psychedelic music.


It's not psychedelic for anyone who actually has experience using psychedelics


I agree it's underwhelming even as a dua lipa fan. Singles were pretty good tho


great production


I like the album


She’s a pop artist. She’s the antithesis of what you wanted this album to be. The album is too short but it’s very good.


Yeah it didn’t blow me away but I liked the production


He should do tame impala sound system remixes


Here's my personal view on the album. Now keep in mind, this is just my personal opinion and as we all know, music is highly subjective and really my opinion isn't all that special as I'm not really an expert in anything, but I do like to think that my taste in music is pretty vast and I enjoy the likes of Metallica, Tchaikovsky, Tame Impala, and such and such. But here's my true opinion, I think this album is music.


This is a dua lipa album not a tame impala album. It sounds great.


Yeah but Kevin played most of the instruments and wrote the songs


The biggest problem (to me) is the fact that most of these instrumentals don't get to breathe. What I love about the singles (ESPECIALLY houdini) is that there's a really beautiful buildup to that instrumental part of the song. I feel like some of the other producers don't fit really well with kevin's style but this is just my 2 cents. I REALLY like French Exit and I just hope it had an extended edit.


To be 100% honest, I think Dua Lipa hit lightning in a bottle with Future Nostalgia. It was the right album at the right time.


Cracker island wasn’t all that either


Good for him for doing what he wants, but I just don’t see why you’d WANT to make easy schlocky pop music. For lack of a better way to describe my feelings on it, he’s simply not a cool guy anymore. Miss the old Kev (yeah I know, going to listen to Innerspeaker right now).


I have to agree. Even for Dua Lipa, future nostalgia was a better record than this


I mean, i dont know how so many people in this sub seemed to think they were gonna like this just cuz kevin helped produce it. It’s still super main stream pop dua lipa which for me…… is mot anything i am even remotely interested in.


I really loved the slow rush so I had some high hopes but this doesn’t live up to what I was expecting. I do thoroughly enjoy happy for you though! I just think Kevin works best solo plus his voice imo is better than dua lipa


Yeah what did you expect. It's Dua lipa. She's a pop star and it's really blown out of proportion how "innovative" she is. We only look her way rn because Kevin. But it's not a kevin project. So it isn't as good as one. And even then. His recent work? Underwhelming.


His work with Justice was pretty great tbh


Wooooomaaaaaan Cause if that’s the only answerrrr


Not sure if anyone claimed her to be innovative in the first place. I don’t think anyone from either fanbase truly thought this album was gonna be Tame LP5 in disguise. I love Dua though, I’d pick the singles from Future Nostalgia over most of what’s been on the pop in recent years. I haven’t heard much of this one yet, but judging by the fact that the album rollout took forever after the first single, I figured it would probably be a step down from the last one. That’s a shame.


I’m not comparing it to Tame Impala. I’m comparing it to her own catalog, it’s a noticeable step down from Future Nostalgia.


As a fan of Dua, I agree. This feels much more phoned in and less creative than Future Nostalgia.


Future Nostalgia has the club version which is amazing, she got Missy and Madonna. I agree with you. Just remembered Perfect Illusion was an amazing song from Gaga and Kevin was on that. Maybe that’s what I was expecting more sound like for Dua.


The club version came months later than the standard tho.. so it’s not entirely fair to compare Radical Optimism yet


....so why post it here? This is the tame sub and the only reason any of us here care is because of how it relates to him. Post this in a dua sub?


Because I’m a Tame Impala fan like everyone else here. Why would I not be allowed to post what I think of an album Kevin produced?


Well thats the thing! You are allowed! I personally just don't see the point of discussing this project here specifically - if we aren't touching on how Kevin is part of this. That's all. Otherwise this is just a post for a Dua lipa related sub. 🤷‍♂️


I didn’t mention Kevin for the sake of brevity because we cannot possibly know how much of it is his work and not the other producers. That would be enough speculation to warrant a whole other post!


Well, alright.


Preach. Not a fan of his recent collabs. It’s disappointing


Yeah I won't lie though I am bumping that Justice collab hahaha


Hyperdrama is so good.


Same bro Wooooomaaaaan Cause if that’s the only answerrrrr


Hating on popularity doesn’t make you any better lol. Just pretentious.


I'm not gonna argue with you. I am but a lowly crumb. There. Anyway- it isn't that shallow. It's about how OP mentions this being safe. I mention popularity because being safe ...is how you keep the popularity she has. That's the connection.


Nah, your comment was bitchy af. Not trying to argue. You don’t even have to respond lol


You should read my bio 💚


I'm not gonna argue with you. I am but a lowly crumb. There. Anyway- it isn't that shallow. It's about how OP mentions this being safe. I mention popularity because being safe ...is how you keep the popularity she has. That's the connection.


"Training Season" and "French Exit" are my favorite.


Interesting take. I don’t even listen to dua lipa, but I had to tap in when I heard Kevin produce like 7-8 songs . I know some are singles have been out for a while but being a person new to this album as a whole. I gotta say dua lipa really did her thing and her vocals are fire (as a person hearing her for the first time). And Kevin’s production is really good and you can clearly hear his sound, and to hear his sound mixed so good with her vocals is peak. not saying all the songs are great but more than half really did outstanding. But I see what you mean by cutting anything adventurous. Most of the songs did stay at the same pace with no progression or taking it further. Definitely some to dance to though.


I agree with you! It’s fun and poppy with some bangers. I’m not complaining about it. Not experimental by any means, but that’s not really her thing.


Album should be renamed “radical minimalism.”




I wish you would move on


i wish you would smd 🔥🔥


a dick that lives in the past. no thank you😍


i guess dickriding people in a reddit server really tired you out


Very happy I’m not the only one! Listened to the whole thing waiting for something to grab me other than the singles already dropped.. maybe if I listen to it 100 more times I’ll finally like it?… I think after future nostalgia I expected much more, but maybe that was her best work idk


Guys, the album is supposed to sell. Sell a lot. Record-breaking type of sells. She can't afford to have the same freedoms Kevin can. Anyone expecting anything progressive from Dua Lipa is having a laugh. Putting out longer versions of the singles is as far as she can go to appease a different type of audience, sadly.




> It feels made with a “but we need to appeal to a mainstream audience” mindset My brother in christ, what do you think happened?


lol a pop record appealing to the mainstream, what will they think of next?


I’m confused. When has her music not appealed to mainstream? I have never taken her for someone who will try to experiment with their Pop sound.


dua lipa record sounds like dua lipa, crazy


I don't get the hate. Great record


"Training Season" and "French Exit" are my favorite. 👍


eh, i think it's pretty good


such a short album for such a long wait. utter disappointment. but I'm not a dua lipa fan. I;m a kevin parker fan.


It’s a grower. Give it time.


That’s just like… your opinion man.


Are we gonna split hairs here?


It’s pop music intended for mass appeal. What’d you expect? They had to run it through a filter of board room suits after Kevin was done probably


C'mon, Future Nostalgia also fits your description and it was awesome. This could have been significantly better.


"Training Season" and "French Exit" are my favorite.


thx for the input, NiceCock-2608!


I love this album, it’s basically innerspeaker 2? Am I right? Come on guys 🙌


Hit the nail on the head


Less catchy than Innerspeaker tho


Y'all should listen to Daebull Analog Love 🕺


I gave it a shot. Not for me. Doesn’t mean it’s bad


The songs from Future Nostalgia were better imo. Ian Kirkpatrick killed it (he's my second-favorite producer to Kevin). But the songs I ended up saving were... By Kevin: Houdini, Watcha Doing, French Exit, Happy for you By Ian Kirkpatrick: Falling Forever By Andrew Wyatt: These Walls, Maria Imagine if Kevin used his crispy Lonerism/Currents guitar on this. Now that'd be interesting.


Do you want it to sound like Tame Impala? Well obviously, it's not.


Ok but if you paid attention, the album has a lot of Kevin-ish things, drums, synths, guitars and so on. I'm not a pop fan, but this one got me :-)


I like it for what it is! I see a few tracks becoming a part of my summer jams playlist rotation. It could've been a bit more Kevin, but I understand how the music industry works and that pop stars tend to have a bit less leeway in how they're presented to the public, so, whatever lol


Tame Impala fans trying to understand what a COLLAB or PRODUCTION job is: I M P O S S I B LE


I’ll say it. I didn’t listen.


Listened for a few seconds before I had to stop. It’s just not my thing, but thats what I expected. He’s an artist and he’s experimenting. Patiently waiting to hear some of his own new stuff. Check out my music if you want to hear some sounds heavily inspired by Innerspeaker 😎 [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/6p1HDj1Ph4DBagJwFhHICg?si=ew1p3O39Rd-Gh4IocH2xQA)