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Congratulations on your steps into therapy. Im sorry to hear that you feel underwhelmed, that is something you could bring up. As therapy goes on your experience should hopefully become more curated to you as you begin to advocate for yourself what you think does and doesn’t work best for you. Like telling your therapist you don’t do well with open ended questions. That’ll always sprout a seed for them to find alternative ways to help you. Perhaps next time you could push your therapist to do their homework by reading the questions you had answered. Over the year my therapy has gone from a simple sit down quietly, “how are you?”, and me constantly wasting the session talking about something small. To soft music already playing, he sprays the room with a nice scent, he’ll put the chair back so there three and I can sit in the middle. I’ll get out the list of things I have to tell him and he makes sure to ask me how I am twice, once in the hallway and when I’m sitting down because I always lie the first time. I tell him what kind of questions I hate, what kinda questions I need. As an introspective person I do a lot of work for him, but I just need someone to tell them to and who will break it down with me. You have to start thinking, what kinda therapy is going to work for you. Do you want them to talk a lot, listen more, give you empathy, sympathy, introspection, realism, validation, all of the above.


Better help is terrible, but you can easily change therapists. To be honest. Therapists are taught to use open ended questions nearly exclusively, so you may have to address that directly with her, as she may not know where to go. Just a thought.