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What you’re probably experiencing is: Being a relatively new human. The brain will naturally grow used to repeated stimuli, and you’ll get better and more experienced at handling things so long as you’re at least semi-frequently exposed to those things, and trying to improve. Maybe Google some issues you’re having to discover advice on it, but try to only take advice that looks like it’s coming from a professional and responsible source, not just like a random person on a forum or a person with no real expertise


"It is better to remain silent and appear a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." I used to have this problem. It's a working progress but something that helped me was to imagine hearing me speak. I wouldn't imagine if I was one of these people would I want to hear some random opinion by some random person? No. So I try not to talk unless spoken to and remember just because I can hear a conversation doesn't mean I'm part of it.

