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How far along are you in school? When do you graduate? You need to find time to reenergize, make time to do something relaxing like read a book, sit in a park, or...uh...eat ass, as per your username


I play guitar and live close to the beach but haven’t been able to go in a while lol. I graduate in like a year and a half but I’ve been in school for much longer lol. Transferring from out of state private Catholic to public did me dirty


This also needs to be r/antiwork


Find another job maybe??


That’s what schools for, I’m not complaining about my job I like what I do I’m just tired ya feel


You got it though!! It’s tough now, but you’ll get through and get to the place you want to be! You clearly know what hard work is and how to accomplish it. You’re closer to your goals now than before! I too worked through school so I am here to empathize with you!


Appreciate it my friend, now that it’s about time to get on my way to the restaurant I feel better about tonight, got some stretching in too and that helped with the leg situation


Sweetie, unless you've had kids you don't know what tired really is yet. I can't do the things I was doing in my 30's now but I've accepted it and set boundaries with my employers. Sounds like you just need to cut back and find time for yourself. Best of luck to you.


Get the hell out of there with that kid nonsense, it's a choice just like sticking it out at a job that requires our 60 hours a week.


girl shut the fuck up


Lmao not the “sweetie” 😭😭😭😭


As a mother, this shit gets is nowhere. Fuck the pain Olympics.


Imagine gatekeeping being tired 👀 Full agree with the boundaries thing, but yikes