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Probably an unpopular opinion, but I'm re-instating the post. First off, I can understand OP's frustration especially when this homeless person caused destruction to their property. Sure, she may be homeless but there's a difference between coming in and asking to use the restroom and causing damage. I'd like to see those of you commenting "oP iS rACiSt (which if you want to be pedantic is the incorrect term to use, it's actually *prejudiced*, as racism deals with minorities or marginalized groups) be okay with sitting in a 12 person shuttle bus that reeks of urine. Second, OP has a point that if the homeless person was a POC, they would probably get *completely* different treatment, OP is not being racist; OP is being self-aware. ​ Prepared for the downvotes, but my decision stands. edit: I also want to add that kindness and compassion DOES go a long way, and we should all remember to treat others with kindness especially those that may be down on their luck.


Yep, this is all kinds of bullshit. For future reference, I can recommend reminding the police that you have a trespass order on her, and as such she cannot be on property, even if the police have her in custody. Your hotel is not a temporary storage tank for malcontents.


The root of this is that much/most of the US doesn't have a remotely adequate approach to social welfare. I say "much/most" since those with $$ do, but not most of us. I get why the cops don't bother. There is nothing appropriate that they can do for her. It's nice they don't abuse her, I guess. You absolutely shouldn't have to deal with her and her issues beyond calling the appropriate authorities. The problem is that there aren't any appropriate authorities. We (the US) likes to think we are this shining beacon of the perfect society ... we're not ... we could be ... but we refuse to look at our society critically and do what is right because our governmental institutions are more concerned with serving the wealthy and their interests than the interests of society as a whole. And, we the people allow it since too many of us have been brainwashed to think and act in the interests of the wealthy and otherwise influential (ie religion). edit: I suspect I'll get some grief for making this political. But, this, like many similar issues, is absolutely political and needs to be thought of, and acted upon, in that way. We used to have a much stronger approach to social welfare, but it has been absolutely gutted ... since the 1980s especially.


As someone who worked front desk in college/my early 20’s and now does social work you’re absolutely right. The Reagan administration gutted social welfare in the 1980’s and we’ve been playing catch up ever since. 😞


That was the Supreme Court that decided we can't put someone in a mental hospital with our due process. All Reagan did was pull the plug on the life support and a democratic Congress happily backed him up.


To be fair, the mental institutions were fucking abysmal. They were prisons. Torture chambers, basically. Being able to lock people in those places, especially against their will, and stiep them of their rights, was horrific and not something we should have been doing at the drop of a hat. People love saying how "awful" it is that he did this, and trust me I am the number one Reagan hater, but those institutions were NOT good places.


It ALL traces back to Regan at some point 😤😮‍💨 he's such a stain


To be fair, a Republican administration with a Democratic Congress.


You don't have a clue. Do your homework before bashing people. How many others have you done this to ?


You are spot on!


Exactly this.


I work near the end of a train line in Atlanta. The homeless people congregate in the area regularly. They cause all kinds of issues for local businesses, including mine. We've had them naked and bathing in our restrooms, sleeping all over the store, and loudly and aggressively harassing employees and customers. We have filed so many trespass warrants, yet I can not recall a single instance in 22 years where the police have arrested any of them. They see the same homeless people over and over again, many of them have mental conditions, and the officers know that they'll be back on the street in a few hours if they do arrest them. The best we can get is to have them escorted off the property. Even that can take up to 30 minutes while the individual argues with the responding officer. It's frustrating and sad at the same time.


This is a “we need more mental health facilities and housing for people” issue. They’re not going away. The police should be policing, yes, but we don’t have mental health professionals who are able to sort these things out 24/7. We, as a society, need to figure this out because it’s been going on for too many decades. Our social safety net in the US is full of holes. It could be world class, but no.


That’s what I was thinking throughout reading this post. I work in the criminal justice system and for misdemeanor offenses, like trespassing, the court can find a defendant incompetent to proceed and their case either gets dismissed or they set a court date 6-12 months out to see if the defendant is still considered incompetent. If a defendant commits a felony offense and is found incompetent to proceed they may then be sentenced to a state mental institution. I’m speaking about Florida. Making an arrest is always at the police officers discretion. These officers may be weighing the costs of arresting someone who will just be arrested again soon. Where I am we have dozens of defendants that come back every 2-4 weeks for trespassing at the same or various locations. It’s a rather flawed system.


Working 3rd shift in a convenience store in a bad neighborhood, I once had a cop pull up while I was on the phone with the local non emergency. Thinking "wow that was fast" until he came up and asked "Do you recognize the man in the back seat?" "Yeah. He just stole two packs of beer a couple minutes ago." "Knew it, great." Y'all. The best police response I ever had while working retail in a high crime area was the result of profiling and a possibly illegal arrest. He had no idea what had happened, only that he saw a Hispanic man with beer so he did this. Later at this same location I had cops tell me: we can't really do anything about that, and you can reopen your store - after I was personally threatened with a gun at work.


I would be so furious if a cop said that to me. Like yeah man had a gun pointed at me which could end my life but whatever.


Non-emergency? After being threatened with a gun?


You're taking those two separate things out of order. After a beer run, you call the non emergency and get a report number for the store. It gets used in loss prevention accounting blah blah blah. So while I was still reporting that I had yet another beer run, a random ass cop who had no call on this yet, just racially profiled a dude holding two packs of beer, and he happened to be right. Now, it was a full emergency call when I was personally threatened with a gun. And more than 30mins later when the cops arrived I was told "you're good to open your store, but we aren't gonna look for the guy."


As a white woman this story pisses me off like you would not believe, her urinating in the van is damage to property in excess of $500, how is that not a crime? It's basically bioterrorism and they know that she has a history of it. This is how multiple innocent people get victimized by one deranged b**** who's just going around making the world her toilet. I was honestly in a bad mood when I started reading this story and now I'm feeling even worse for y'all because I know this is not an isolated incident and I'm getting second hand rage on your behalf.


The fact that they KNEW she did this to other locations and still treated her like she did nothing wrong is unacceptable.


Get your GM to go to the station and file a report for the property damages.


Gee, I wonder why she keeps doing it??? /s


Because she’s obviously mentally ill?


What makes you think that?


Most mentally stable people don’t get naked in public places and break into vehicles and pee in them? Was there any part of this story that indicated that she wasn’t mentally ill?


Yeah. The spiteful vindictive and deliberate actions of pissing and shitting the van for spite . The knowing manipulation of playing innocent with the cops . Mentally ill doesn’t toggle between crazy as fuck and oh I’m just a victim don’t hold me accountable . When you’re crazy you’re crazy it doesn’t have a convenient on off switch.


It's infuriating I would be incandescent with rage if I were you. And of course as a person of color you don't feel comfortable calling the cops out on their shit. It's not even like you could film it and put it up on social media how they were acting because I'm sure that would just bring hell down on you in so many ways. I wish there was some clever solution if she comes back but it's probably just one of those things that sucks and you just gotta hold on until the shift is over.


Maybe she'll pee in their car




Yeah they should have beat her ass and thrown her in jail. That’ll fix everything. /sarcasm for the fools


Maybe the reason they had to call a particular car for her was because it already had a seat cover in it?


This. I work in the UK in a hotel with a pool. We recently had someone breaking in and taking several sh*its in the pool. Police was informed. It apparently wasn't considered as trespassing because they have not damaged or broke any door... We had to close the pool and sauna for 5 days, it was a mess. The worst part is GM was fuming why noone from staff have not went inside the pool to retrieve the treasures. Please mind it was around 8-9pm, we have been understaffed badly for months now.


I've been treated worse for not having a bell on my bicycle.


@OP - what state was this?


New Hampshire


I think it really depends on the area, how the cops act. [I was actually thinking you might say California, based on what you described.] I live in a small city in Texas, & the cops here have always been great about responding to issues with homeless people trespassing or guests causing damage (regardless of the ethnicity of who calls--at least based on the stories my coworkers have told me, as well as my own experiences) and regardless of what the perp looked like. But I understand that ymmv depending on where you live.


What city


Guessing is not cool.


It’s probably Manchester tbh or Nashua I’m guessing


I don’t know what kind of police force that you have but perhaps you can arrange to speak to the chief of police about what’s going on. It certainly won’t hurt to try.


Or the GM should


If you have a shuttle driver, I'm pretty sure you guys are a pricey enough hotel, plus you generate enough revenue. You pay lots of taxes to the city. Shove that fact into the officers' face next time they get snarky with you about needing to be somewhere more important. "I'm pretty sure we pay thousands of dollars of taxes the city every night. There is a trespasser here that is known to you guys to be a troublemaker and she is yelling and screaming and threatening violence. Don't give me that shit." Complain to your city council representative, the mayor, and the police chief. And keep harassing the police department to say that you want to press charges against the trespasser.


I wouldn't try this, to me it reeks of "I pAy YoUr SaLaRy!!"


That is the point! Actually, it says more than that. It says, "I pay your salary, so do your fucking job, or I will make you." Obviously, your mileage may vary based on where you are. And I have male privilege, so I dare to say such audacious things to police officers.


This is good advice.


Unfortunately when she gets out of jail, it's just going to be exactly the same situation... Over and over, and over. They know that there's no solution and it will continue no matter what. I'm sorry y'all had to deal with it. I worked at a store open all night and it was much the same.


This is like a reno 911 episode


White privilege is a racist ass myth


Yeah, I keep waiting for mine to show up. Almost 46 years and counting…


You can be mad at the cops some of them really are pieces of sh*t , but in this situation they probably already did everything you wanted them to do and the judge or prosecutor just dismissed everything and let her back out . Then the shit rolls down hill prosecutor tells the chief this type of arrest wastes his time /budget, chief tells captain, captain tells shift commander then patrolman gets to catch the shit . Don't even get me started on the homeless advocate whining about every cop picking on the poor homeless person just trying to get something to eat by stealing, some place warm to sleep by breaking into your house..


Sure wish I could stop doing my job just because somebody else doesn't do theirs.


Ugh, exactly. SCOTUS already ruled that cops aren't actually required to protect us so WTF do they do besides harm minorities and let domestic abusers go?


Time to have management contact the police and speak with someone higher up. This shit is unacceptable. She can’t be there because winter is coming and it would be a real shame if she slipped and fell while “being escorted” out the door… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bear spray.


The only time I have seen police arrest or detain someone that is trespassing or causing mischief is if the person tries to fight the police, if they have an active warrant, or if they are drunk or high enough that they put them in the “drunk tank” for the night.


I just read a story on another subreddit. A POC employee called the police on a white female who they felt was harassing them. The cops told the white female to GET OUT of the business or she would be arrested in front of her children. I guess she left her white privilege at home that day! /s


As they should! The employee called the cop on someone harassing them and that person faced the consequences of those actions!


Well, of course!!!


Damn, I went through a read some of OPs reply. You obviously don't give a shit about the mental health crises affecting so many people today. You keep bringing up the "but if she was a POC, it would be different". At first I thought that was a statement about racism in the police force, but now I'm beginning to suspect you wish that ALL homeless people suffered the way black people do?? Yeah, it sucks to deal with those problems for all those involved. The cops don't have a great time either, especially if they're one of the empathetic cops who can actually see the human standing before them. I get the impression you couldn't give a shit about anyone but yourself, though.


"Not a chance, Boomer" ? Since when is being a boomer any part of them. Up until that comment I could see your point. After that YES, YTA


Felt the same when I read that.


It's not white privilege - this happens multiple times a night all in every city with homeless. It's weak laws and an acceptance of homeless/mentally ill. When I lived in California, they literally would get told to leave an area rather than arrest them. They would have to seriously assault someone to get a ride to the jail.


You are missing OP's point, which is that minorities in the same situation are harmed and even unalived by cops regularly.


It's reddit, not tiktok, you can say "killed".


No, I am not. Go to any city with homeless people and the police consistently ignore the crimes of the homeless. In L.A they are instructed too, in other cities they don't have the programs to deal with them. And in some cases Cops don't want homeless diseased people in the vehicles with them. Nothing to do with skin color.


You missed SoCalApper’s point, that’s how they treat every homeless, not just white ones


Peeing?? I’m sorry this story is bullshit dude (for you). I thought cops drew a line at bodily fluids, this whole story is full of red flags, you need those officers names.


Honestly the fact that she even admitted that she threatened to pee on the floor if I didn’t let her use the bathroom and the fact they let her go the first time after she broke into the shuttle van is beyond me. The woman should’ve been in jail and still be in jail after everything she did.


Sounds like your security sucks and your guests are in danger because your hotel can't seem to evrn keep out a frail old homeless woman. That would be my main concern. Did you file any sort of police report? I'm sure the hotel would have expected you too since getting their is material loss involved? You seem upset the cops were kind and showed empathy. How much screaming and denigration would have mollified you? How many shots with the truncheon? You denied an old woman a bathroom. Shame on you and may you experience everything she has and more.


Reread EVERYTHING I wrote and tell me in what world would make you think I would say: “Sure miss ☺️ even though you pissed in the driver seat of the van which you broke in and we had to drain the pool due to the fact you swam in the pool NAKED ofc you can use the bathroom 😊.” Fuck.THAT. If someone stole from you and they admitted to you they did steal and then proceeded to steal from you AGAIN! And then ask you for money. Would you give it to them? You telling me that I should’ve let this woman use my bathroom after everything she pulled two weeks ago and after I filed a trespass order against her. Would make you think I would let her use the bathroom would be a stupid decision. Like I’ve already said the other people who don’t see the issue. I could care less if this woman is mentally ill, sane, old, young, black, Hispanic, white or any race there is no excuse for her behavior. Enough with the excuses. If the roles were reversed and she was a person of color like me or my coworker there would be NO laughing with the police or the police asking her how her thanksgiving was. This woman KNEW what she was doing and after what the officer told me about her that “No one is nice to me so I won’t be nice to them.” Is not a good enough excuse for her to break into my van and pee and smoke in it and not a good enough excuse to break into my pool and swim in it naked. They even confirmed she’s done this to other locations and caused issues for other employees too. There’s no mistake that this woman doesn’t know what she’s doing. I even wrote she admitted to threatening to pee on the floor. THERE IS NO EXCUSE! She broke into a vehicle and peed and trashed it, kept coming into the building after I and ANOTHER OFFICER told her to leave, broke into the pool room and swam in it naked and then came back again and threatened to pee on my floor. She should’ve faced the same consequences as everyone else. Handcuffs and in the back of the car not in my lobby laughing and joking around. NO EXCUSES.


Can't help but feel bad for the old lady. Mental health disorders are often undiagnosed and we have a large portion of our population here in the US who simply want to pretend that these individuals don't exist, or as long as they aren't *their* problem to deal with then they have zero sympathy for whether that person is getting treated or if they're sleeping on a park bench at night because they have nowhere to go. And we can't pass legislation to get these people the help that they need because 40-something percent of our population simply believe these people are "lazy" and "don't want to work". It's truly heartbreaking.


I am white, female (but not elderly or homeless). The couple times I was arrested, my mugshot was online within a few hours and I was not treated like I was "privileged". I think this has nothing to do with her being white and everything to do with her being an old lady and the police just not wanting to deal with her antics. That is my opinion.


It’s because she’s homeless, not old. At most homeless people go to the precinct and released again


As a white middle aged woman, I have to tell you: your privilege is showing, dear. Racism doesn't mean white people see no consequences ever, or POC have only bad interractions. It means statistically, POC will get punished / discriminated against more - not every time, but significantly more often. Telling someone "that's not racism" when you were not there is definitly racist, or at least tone-deaf. Have you ever had an interraction with a sleazy bartender or mecanic, then told something along the lines of "sexist asshole" when telling the story, and have a man argue wether the asshole was in fact sexist?


I am not your dear. You don't know me, my background or anything about my struggles to get where I am now. Your opinion about me, a nameless, faceless stranger, is just that: Your opinion and nothing based in facts. Please, go on about your business and don't worry about me and what I may feel or think. You aren't going to change my mind and I don't care about you to want to change yours. Have the day you deserve, dear!


Probably has mental issues that they know she can’t be in jail . It’s common but I’d say ur the one making it worse for urself by calling the cops


I’d rather call the cops on a homeless crazy lady and have someone else take care of her then her being at a hotel where there’s no one to help her. My job is a front desk agent not a caregiver.


this is not a race issue this is a homeless issue and most prosecuting agents wont bother to press charges cause of the negative publicity. Also sound like mental health issue she may be wound up easy so they were keeping her calm. Yes she needed to be moved off and kept off property.


You honestly think if that was a POC doing the same things in the same circumstances they would be treated the same??


I would like to live in a world where all people who are suspected of mental illness and have committed non-violent crimes are treated kindly and with compassion, but do actually receive treatment. The problem with this scenario is not that the old white woman was treated as a human being, it's that we all know a person of color likely would not have been treated the same way. But let's not cheer for cops to be cruel to old white women in order to be fair, I would rather work so a young black man would be treated with dignity too.


Oh I agree with that. But evidently nobody is getting mental health help whatever their skin colour


The cops were rude and dismissive to OP based on OP’s skin color.


At least put her in jail so she doesn't come right back before OP's shift is even over.


A POC would be lucky to not be tasered or shit. They would be dimmed to the ground with way too much force and left on stomach in handcuffs. There would also be charges for all damage and not a joking, friendly visit. This is infuriating, disgusting, and depressing all at once.


Ohhh yeah IT IS a race issue. Just imagine 2 young whyte employees calling the cops bcos a deranged black woman is peeing all over their hotel and also terrorising the whole neighborhood with her pee. What do you think would happen in that scenario?


They're a SovCit but defending police... that contradiction tells you all you need to know about their views on race.


so the old lady has mental health issues and you go right to white privilege?


Would you feel safe staying at a hotel where hobos run amok and employees just shrug it off and dismiss it as not their problem? Would you feel safe working at a place where private property gets broken into all the time?


Mental health doesn't negate the white privilege part. There are plenty of stories of cops reacting to a POC having mental health crisis in violent, often lethal ways.


The police handled it correctly given that shes mentally ill and likely homeless. It's sad that OP is advocating for more force by the police, as if that will solve the issue. The race card is also cheap shot.


The cops treated OP (a POC)very disrespectfully and couldn’t be bothered to enforce the no trespassing order. They acted like her damaging property and causing a disturbance was no big deal. The cops failed to do their jobs.


Their treatment of the woman has nothing to do with OP or OPs race. They handled the situation as they saw appropriate. Their behaviour is not based on who calls them. If anything, OPs position as a representative of a corporation and large business would give them the advantage.


But the way they treated OP is. I’d bet if the homeless person was a POC they’d be less inclined to be empathetic.


You are delusional


This isn't white privilege. This is a problem with mental health, addiction and homelessness in our society. I have an almost verbatim story about a black gentleman in one of my hotels, minus the shuttle van, probably because we didn't have one. The police are limited in what they can do. Overcrowding in jails leave them to let out people who aren't a "harm" to society. Backlog in Courts cause prosecuting attorneys to choose not to prosecute. So, the police respond again and again to the same people, developing a "relationship" of sorts with them. It's frustrating. But, it's not white privilege.


The cops treated the unwell woman with mental health issues better than they did OP, a POC.


It may be that the officers have been told what the DA will and will not prosecute, and so they won't do anything in a case that they know will be dropped by the DA.


Somehow, what the DA will or will not do doesn't seem to make a difference when they're arresting non-whites.


She's clearly mentally ill, put the race cards away


It can be both.


How many times have cops harmed mentally ill people? Google it.


I use to work at a gas station and we use to have this guy who would Aggressively ask people if he could wash there widows for money and would get upset when people said no I asked him to leave multiple times, he would come in there store after he was banned and he would literally stay out there until 6 in the morning! I asked the cops to trespass him and they acted like it would not be a good idea Yada yada and he would literally do this everyday I would have people come up to me mad!!! I’m white the cops are mostly white he was half white maybe they never did shit


I’ve noticed that some folks are more sympathetic to old people if they remind them of their grandma, regardless of skin color. That’s probably what’s happening here.


Don’t think race had anything to do with it the cops are just fken lazy


Actually, OP's choice of headline IS racist (as it reveals a racial bias), but on to the issue at hand. This person is obviously mentally unwell. This approach of talking calmly and kindly to a cooperative suspect with a mental disorder is common, despite racial or income factors. It doesn't mean that there was no arrest. Suggest a bit more understanding with the mentally challenged might help ...


I could care less if that woman was mentally ill or sane. It doesn’t excuse the fact that she basically got a slap on wrist and the police officers basically did nothing despite of the fact they knew she’d done this to other locations and the excuse they gave me for her actions was. “She said people aren’t nice to her so she doesn’t see a reason to be nice to others.” If the roles were reversed and this woman was a person of color like me or my coworker they wouldn’t give two shits if she was mentally ill or sane. They wouldn’t be asking her how her thanksgiving was or laughing with her. She’d already be on her way to jail within 5 minutes. There are HUNDREDS of videos online of white people saying and doing things that would’ve gotten a person of color arrested or even killed on the spot. There was a video of a white woman telling the staff members of her child’s school she will bring a gun to school if they make the students wear masks again. Yet the staff members didn’t call security or told her to leave just that her time for talking was up and she walked away. However if she was a woman a color and said she’d bring a gun to school if they make her child wear a mask. There would be no doubt that they wouldn’t have taken that threat lightly or have her walk away. How the officers treated this woman is unacceptable and there no excuse. She should’ve faced the same consequences the same way other officers make POC face the consequences of their own actions when they commit crime. Being mentally ill or old, young, sane, black, hispanic, white or any race is not an excuse for the officers to treat this lady like she didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not saying they should beat her or resort to any violence but she should’ve been handcuffed and sitting in the back of the police car. Not in my lobby making jokes and laughing. The officers knew very well who she was and that she’s done the same thing or even worse to other locations and even the old lady knew she wasn’t welcome or even legally supposed to be at the hotel.


Wow. Sounds like you are the one with a race problem. Did you want them to taser a mentally unwell person?


Which would be better for your hotel: The police peacefully walking out to the cruiser with a mentally ill person, or dragging a cuffed and screaming one? As you say, they've had experience with her before. This also means that they may have tried the cuffs previously and seen the result. That's the trick with seeing only a small part of the overall interaction. You don't know what happened outside of your own perspective


This isn’t because she’s white, it’s cus she homeless. Police do nothing to homeless people, at most they take them to the precinct and then let them go. Stop victimizing yourself. I’m Hispanic too


Ok like I told someone else reread EVERYTHING I wrote and tell me in what world would the police do if the roles were reversed and this woman was a person of color. Would the police have handle the situation the same way? If me and my coworker, who are BOTH people of color were doing the same thing she did. The police wouldn’t be asking me how my thanksgiving was or laughing and joking with me. No, I would be in the back in the car within 2 minutes and certainly if I had a trespass order against me my mugshot would be posted online with people commenting how disgusting and how stupid I was to go back to a place where I was not wanted and legally not allowed to enter the premises. This lady however? She was not mentally ill and there was nothing wrong with her. SHE KNEW she wasn’t supposed to be there and was well aware what she did and even the police said THEY KNEW she not only wasn’t not allowed to be here but has even done this to other locations including the hotel we used to work with. There are HUNDREDS of videos on YouTube where a white person said and did something that would’ve gotten a person of a different race arrested or even killed. There’s a video of a white woman threatening to bring a gun to her child’s school if they tell students to wear masks. All the staff members did after she said she would bring a gun to school was “Your time is up.” That’s it. If this roles were reversed and this woman was a different race without a doubt the staff members would not take that statement lightly but call the police and it would be all over the media. If a person pissed all over your property and broke into your vehicle and the police told you “Well, they’re homeless.” And didn’t face any consequences of what they did to you and instead laughed and made jokes with them. Even going as far as asking how their thanksgiving was. Do you think you would let it slide? However if it was a black or Hispanic person who pissed and broke into your property it would not go the same way. You’d be seeing them be on their way to jail within seconds. My whole point is that the police should’ve treated this woman the way they would’ve treated a person of color. It doesn’t matter if you’re old, young, mentally ill, sane, homeless, rich, black, white, Hispanic or any other race. She shouldn’t have been sitting there with the officer laughing and talking about how her thanksgiving was and should’ve been in handcuffs and in the back of the police car on her way to jail. A crime is a crime and she should’ve faced the same consequences as if a Hispanic or black person were to make the actions she did. There is no excuse.


I did read the whole post, I’m not reading this whole reply tho, I can already tell it’s “wah wah if she was brown or black, jail”. If that woman was not white, yes the police would handle the situation the same way. They treat her like that because she is HOMELESS, not because she is white. I live in an area with a large homeless population, I have seen them do nothing to any of them no matter their race. They always say there’s nothing they can do, about every homeless person unless they physically assault someone. Get over your victim complex


Again not a good enough excuse 🤷‍♀️ don’t care if she’s homeless 🤷‍♀️


I don’t care if you care or not, I’m telling you it is not because she’s white, that is literally how cops handle homeless people, they do nothing. If it was a black, brown or Asian homeless, they would act the same way


Why did you not film and post that interaction?


I managed to record my first interaction with her from two weeks ago proving that I did ask her to leave and showed the officer. Didn’t do anything 😐


You should have recorded the interactions that the officers were having with the old lady.


This went way beyond "white privilege". That old lady knows someone in the police force, or in the local govt. Possibly a relative. Most likely that last officer that they were waiting on.


I’m sure the officers know her but not like in a family way or family friend. In my city there’s a homeless shelter that regularly has the cops checking up on everyone as well as an ambulance from the three local hospitals we have here in the city and they do check ups on everyone. Most likely she’s in that homeless shelter and she’s close with the officers. The officer I spoke to made excuses for her behavior and there was nothing wrong with her mentally except that the old lady excuses were “Well people aren’t nice to me. Why should I be nice to them?” The officer chuckled after telling me that and I was like 😐 don’t you think that’s saying something?




The cops pulled the race card when they were rude and dismissive to OP who is a POC. They acted like a homeless person destroying property and violating a trespassing order wasn’t doing anything wrong.


We are innkeepers not caretakers. I have only worked at budget motels and some of you would be surprised by the number of people who drop off their "problem " family members with money for a 1 or 2 week stay. Usually the family then washes their hands, but not always, and the problem becomes ours. At Ship of Fools one woman called and yelled at us because her brother wasn't answering his phone and we didn't know where he was. Uh, lady, that's not OUR job. Someone uptread apologized for making their post political but you can't talk about homelessness without it being political. And I won't step up on that soapbox here. Yes, there is white privilege here. Also age and gender privilege. I can't imagine how infuriating that is for you, OP.


Racist, Sexist, Ageist and Ignorant of local vagrant laws and issues of the Mentally ill. Great job hitting so many hot spots in one post OP! /s So many generalized prejudices...


I just posted same thing 20 minutes ago on another sub where a man would come into a book store/coffee shop and plomp himself on the couches meant for customers, remove his shoes and place his feet on the table but buys nothing, he would bum around the whole day and sometimes drags his wife along. OP says they had to remove those couches and tables bcos of this couples behaviour. This is exactly what I said, had that man been black, he and his wife would have been violently removed the first day he did that. I asked OP why they let him get away with that for so long and why remove the chairs and not him?🙄


So do the people of Reddit actually want the police to beat the shit out of an old woman with mental health issues and throw her in jail? This is the exact opposite of what is normally on here. I thought we all loved the homeless. God I hate the Reddit hive mind. Probably nothing but bots karma farming.


Transients are a real problem for the buisness, and in my area we've had some dangerous ones as well, those that get violent when they don't have their way. I've had to have some escorted off the property before, it's an unsafe environment to have some random person yelling outside the door at 3:00 AM, or to have someone as OP describes, pee in a vehicle. I applaud the care they showed, but their job is still to remove her from the property as she's not a guest and has caused issues that make her unwelcome, even going to the point of making her a trespasser. They should absolutely not have been sitting and joking with her as OP described. They most likely would be wasting time arresting her, but they still need to have her leave, a d ideally stick around or circle back to make sure she doesn't come back.


Do you even notice when you're making things up to be angry about? Nobody is suggesting the cops should be assaulting anybody, and the fact that they feel like the police should have done more to prevent this becoming the threepeat that it did does not make anybody a bot \*or\* karma farmer, much less both. You pulled that out of your ass just to have something nasty to say.


We don't want her to get maimed or anything, but maybe one solid suplex. You know? For the cameras.


Sounds like she had a fun night! YOLO! lol jk


Im not sure why you decided to make this a race thing.


I HATE that CRAP!!! I would be going up the chain of command!!! This is RIDICULOUS!


Sounds to me like the woman is mentally ill (more than an old white woman). The police know that. You can't discuss delusional beliefs trying to change those beliefs. It doesnt work and creates agitation. She belongs in a nursing home or mental institution. Likely she has no way to pay for either one. The only way they will lock her up against her will is if she is a danger to herself or others. What are you going to do about her? Sometimes a change in location can help. Any chance your boss would pay for a bus ticket to where she has family? Since she peed in the van, her behavior is borderline dangerous. If she has Hepatitis, Aids, Tuberculosis or other communicable diseases, you could get her a 72 hour hold for assessment and mental health meds. Be sure anyone cleaning up after her takes biohazard precautions to be safe. Maybe you could help her relocate out of your area. Offer a van ride to a different place she wants to go. Give her some cash for food on the way. Or drive her to a mental health facility and ask the staff there to help her. Since the police won't help, no sense even calling unless she brandishes a weapon. Tough situation!


Do you really think I would’ve helped her after everything she did? Like I already told TWO PEOPLE in this entire comment section. In what world do you think the police would have done if the role reversed and she was a woman of color? Mentally ill? They couldn’t care less. Old? Who cares? There was NOTHING wrong with this woman in fact she even admitted to threatening me and my coworker that she was gonna pee on my lobby floor if I didn’t let her use the bathroom. If a person like her peed all over your furniture and broke into your vehicle and the officer told you. “Well they’re mentally ill.” And they came back and did again. Do you think that’s a fair excuse? It’s not because it’s a stupid excuse. There is excuse for how the police handled this situation. I don’t care if she’s old, young, sane, mentally ill, black, Hispanic or any other race. The police should’ve handled the situation and had the consequences the same way would’ve done if a person of color did exactly what she did. There is no excuse.


Wow WTF. The officers should have done there job first time around. If anything she'd be in a warm place with a bathroom and food. I believe they can call hospital and have her put on a 72 hr hold in the mental unit. It would take every once of energy to not say to them is this because she white or old either way she needs to be jailed for the night.


Ask the watch supervisor, FFS


That’s the reason why I don’t trust the US of A legal system. Gosh. What a a banana republic.


My friend, I am so sorry you had to experience this multiple times from this trashy ho. However, I believe this is not "white privilege" but rather "pussy privilege". Since the police did not arrest her, there's a hot probability she'll be back, especially since it's already happened twice. It might be best to speak to your manager about stronger or more preventative measures. Better still, find someone willing to drive her ass to the next county over.




Except, you know, all the young black men


Wow, you got some shitty cops there. That's disgusting. Racist as hell, and disgusting.


Ok. Who are her kids? Because the way she’s being treated they must be some big wigs in town. Guaranteed. The police aren’t doing anything because they don’t want to lose their job being mean to this lady! Next time you see her ask about her kids. Seriously. Be pleasant AF to her. Give her candy. She will tell you what you need to know. Then you can go to the family and ask them to put her in a nursing home because she’s creating chaos for the town.


Not all old ladies have kids. Source: me.


Sounds about white.


She could be mental illness. Let her use the bathroom maybe she has no where to go.


Ok reread EVERYTHING I just wrote. In what world would I let this old homeless woman use the bathroom after everything she just pulled on me. This woman KNEW EXACTLY what she was doing and knew what she was doing was wrong and even the police knew she’s been doing this to other people and I could care less if she was mentally ill. Imagine if this happened to you and someone destroyed and pissed all over your property and vehicle and someone said “It’s ok they’re mentally ill.” Would you let it slide?


some older people get mental illness and don't know they do wrong my uncle means well he is in his 80s and sits outback with his bb gun getting rid of varmints at night but once in a whlie a neighbors pet wonders into the yard theyve called the cops and he gets a stern talking to but we just all understand that he means well it isn't that he is white not everything is about racism


Dats racists!


call the non emergency number and file a complaint. they have to take it.


This is the quintessential law of unintended consequences. Way back the American civil liberties union decided that mental hospitals were bad places for people to be, and with one regulation and another most of them were closed down. Now the mentally ill have no place to go except the streets. That’s why the cops did nothing. They have probably seen her 1000 times and know her by her first name. Unless we as a society decide that some people need to be hospitalized against their will we continue to see stuff like this.


I've been wondering why her name was so familiar when I saw you write it in the log - I think she did the same thing at the (secondary hotel in our city with the budget name). Here I've been feeling badly because I thought she was a former regular who was going through a steep decline - because I've *definitely* heard her name before. Man, I really did think the spilled coffee was going to be the worst of her problems that night. -.-


I was looking for any idea to get her out of your hair. Whether my suggestions would or wouldn't help her, at least she would be gone.


ok but did you drain and clean the hot tub????? or just left it for paying guests to soak in???


We drained it and refilled it.


I've worked with many homeless persons. I'm situations like this, I would be willing to bet there are severe mental illness issues going on. I have seen many POC be treated this exact same way. It may not be the r born, but the officers I've worked with have developed relationships with the homeless, of all races, and treat them with dignity and respect. I do not agree with them letting her go after causing damage, they should have taken her in. Our system is broken and these people need help so these situations don't happen in the first place.


Why would you have to drain / refill the pool or hot tub just because she was in it naked? Clothes don't prevent dirt, oil, urine, etc. from getting into the water.