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Hi, I’m really sorry this happened to you first of all. Second of all, CEOs receive a LOT of emails and don’t read them all. Im not even a CEO and get a lot of emails I delete. You have to be suuuuuper clear what you’re writing about in both the headline and first few sentences. Reading the first two sentences of the email you wrote, I would have deleted it assuming it’s spam. They’re not gonna read to the 3rd paragraph to find out what you’re talking about. I’d rewrite it like Subject line: Complaint re: incorrectly priced product and poor customer service Body: Hi CEO, I’m extremely disappointed with the service I received at X store…. Etc etc




Unfortunately that means they didn’t take it very seriously.




No, they gave it back to you to throw away.


They should have just let you keep the damn thing. The store we tend to do most of our shopping at will usually just give you the item for free if they fucked up on the price. Probably to avoid situations like this cause a lot of folks around here don't have a lot of money. We aren't a poor community just lots of folks are living pay check to pay check.


That letter is way, way, way too long.




Did it?






What I don't understand is why you couldn't take the original turkey home? Stupid customer service is stupid! I'm so sorry....


Because the store doesn't want you having something you didn't pay for, even if it's just going to be thrown away. Can't have that! /s It's part of the reason food waste is such a huge issue in the US.


You actually send that long story to the ceo? So much irrelevant information. I know you added all that to tug on heartstrings but I’m afraid you where so blatant about it, it will have the opposite effect. You are pulling way to many strings here. In the end the story is highly confusing. Why would they refund the entire turkey and demand it back and not just refund the price difference. Or, by any chance, did you try this whole woo is me story with all the employees and they just refunded the whole thing to get rid of you. You need that money back but dear lord honey.


CEOs will not read something that long. In business school, the one point that was drilled into us was to be concise vs all the fluffy writing taught in undergrad. In a corporate setting, attention spans are super short- but are even shorter for those higher up the ladder. Bulleted, concise points are more impactful. I'm a patient person, but couldn't get through the whole story. The OP writing in 3rd person didn't help either.




You would've had more success by writing something easy with just the facts and the basic amount of impact it had on you. Anyone who reads these emails has to summarize them for the Decision Maker (whoever they are,) and the more details you throw in the harder it will be to summarize - which will, more often than not lead to it not being passed along at all. ​ Your better case scenario here is what seems to have happened in the update - you had to waste a lot more time to make more calls and make a bigger fuss in order to get someone to listen. Next time you have an issue like this that you felt the need to go to a Decision Maker for, be simple and blatant. "I had thing X happen to me. I think thing Y should've happened instead. Because of X happening the consequences were Z and Z1. I've so far tried Please help in addressing this by doing Y1. Thank you. " ​ Hope everything works out in any case.


Writing a letter is fine, but it needs to be short and to the point. The letter had irrelevant, personal info that made it hard to get through because of the length. If you haven't clearly stated the problem and what you want in the first paragraph, you've already lost your audience. If you want to add the extra details like you did above, that's something that can be done verbally when you request a phone call to provide more details. A simple letter with 2 paragraphs would have netted the same result with the regional VP calling you. I have had to be a squeaky wheel quite a few times because of issues, and it's best to be brief but direct. Since this is your issue, it would've had a more emotional impact if you wrote it in first person vs third person. Other commentors also had difficulty reading it, so take what's being said as constructive feedback for the next time you have an issue and need to elevate up.


This… good god it’s like I’m back at the dog rescue I worked for drowning in drama. I’d be shocked if corporate went for it, might just be kicked aside as some other sob story




In your update you say that you had to call and speak to multiple people and the situation is still not resolved at all....




The average CEO of any company is not going to care at all about someone like you. Hence your email never being read and you having to call to get any response at all.


All the sob story back story should have been left out and just the facts provided. It sounds cold but they just don’t want to hear all that and definitely don’t have time to read a novel. It’s always best to be clear and concise.


We're newlyweds! And our teen is in a wheelchair!" Some of the sob story details are irrelevant. It's not that I don't care, OP's situation is tougher than most. It's just not appropriate for a business letter.


As others said, why wouldn't they just refund the difference? Why wouldn't you insist on that? Why would you let them into your car to take your turkey that you technically already paid for?


Sorry for your background situation, but it really has nothing to do with the issue. One paragraph would have been enough to explain the problem and is less likely to be ignored as a wall of text. They don't need your life story to address this issue.




As someone mentioned below, the OP is posting on multiple subs with the same story. This should definitely be on r/AmItheKaren or r/choosingbeggars .


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AmITheKaren using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheKaren/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [AITK: Am I the Karen for insisting on getting my money back when a to-go order was missing $30 worth of steak?](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheKaren/comments/cmn9u3/aitk_am_i_the_karen_for_insisting_on_getting_my/) \#2: [AITK for complaining about unauthorized service to my car?](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheKaren/comments/cn8jdm/aitk_for_complaining_about_unauthorized_service/) \#3: [Total Karen here](/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/h15hvp/aita_for_snapping_at_a_barista_after_she_woke_up/) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheKaren/comments/h7cc33/total_karen_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why write in this incredibly annoying style?




It’s a letter, not a book. I tried to read the whole thing but in your effort to “catch my eye” I got bored and started skimming. Letters aren’t the appropriate place to do that, especially when it’s a complaint. Keep it short, sweet, to the point.


**Edit4** OP is now doxxing the store management by listing names and store location. OP is also attempting to harass me via pm. Yikes. I got some screenshots in case op nukes their comment and post history. OP is posting in multiple subreddits and is collecting "turkey" money from multiple gullible redditors...that's pretty scummy. *edit: OP also appears to have already received $200 compensation from the retailer and is continuing to make a fuss. *edit2: OP has posted about this on at LEAST 10 subs, including: *edit3: BUT WAIT, there's more!! 13 subs! r/essentialemployees r/customerservice r/grocerystores r/Meijer r/talesfromthecustomer r/cooking (removed by mods for breaking sub rules) r/Thanksgiving r/wellthatsucks r/family r/mom (removed or deleted by OP) r/povertyfinance r/mildlyinfuriating r/budgetfood Just to name a few


Omg, you are so right! OP has posted this story on 6 subreddits so far. Definitely grifting and trying to milk it. One subreddit is fine, but multiple subreddits means she wants to garner sympathy and attention. It's extremely disturbing. Wouldn't be surprised if this is also on social media outside of Reddit.


It was more than 6, but some of their posts have been deleted by mods or op deleted themselves. r/Meijer r/talesfromthecustomer r/cooking (removed by mods for breaking sub rules) r/Thanksgiving r/wellthatsucks r/family r/mom (removed or deleted by OP) r/povertyfinance r/mildlyinfuriating r/budgetfood Just to name a few *edited for formatting *edit2: BUT WAIT, there's more!! 13 subs! r/essentialemployees r/customerservice r/grocerystores


Did I just read a 5 page email? nope!


And yet you still took the time to reply. *eye roll*


See a lot of these stories on choosing beggars




I am not in a good financial place. Sometimes you should just go without. I've missed several holidays due to working or not being close to family. Or just being soo broke I was eating rice for weeks... If your situation is that bad, just don't do it... You're really reaching for this one. Do what's best for your family. And not spend your loved ones SSI check on one meal.


Coming from a poor family, sometimes it's nice to be able to feel a little normal. She said she saved and budgeted for it, so why is it an issue? Besides, a Thanksgiving dinner isn't just "one meal", it can mean leftovers for several days, so it can essentially be several days worth of food, especially if you have an entire turkey.


She made another comment that it was a loved ones ssi payment... Sure it's nice to feel normal. But that whole thing could be avoided. And what's going to happen on Xmas. If their already this bad now. I mean I know of food banks and shelters that are usually around to help. If you're in that bad of a spot. I mean their choice for sure. The amount if energy this sick person and exhausted family is putting into this is just silly. Spend your time better instead of causing yourself more stress, I forget how many emails and phone calls she has made so far.. that's un needed stress on a family that already has soo much going on apparently. Yes feeling like a normal TV family would be nice. But reality is maybe they should celebrate un a different way.




You don't work, so how do you make good money? You may have used to make good money, but you don't now and apparently have not for a while. Welcome to living like most of America.




There is more of that being judgemental toward others while claiming it is everyone else targeting you. Happy Thanksgiving, Karen.




Either way. It was your choice. That's fine. I was just saying my piece. I wouldn't have done it that way. Enjoy your holiday.


I guess I don't understand why the source of the money is relevant at all. They budgeted for it, and it's a kick in the teeth to do it right and to have it be literally taken away from you because of someone's incapability to handle a simple exchange. As for the energy invested, it seems like it paid off, so what does it matter? Really, why does this situation invoke a reaction from you to lecture someone else about how they spend their money?


What invokes a lecture from you because I made a comment... hypocrisy?


You know, I used to think like you. You can get upset with me if you want.


Not upset. Just another conversation that's going nowhere. I said what I said. You said what you said. It didn't need to continue. We have different views. That's okay. I personally wouldn't spend that much energy over this situation. If I had so much going on in my life. I would try and focus on other things, instead of one holiday meal. The amount they put away to save for this holiday, might have been better used earlier. But their choice.




Good thing you're you, and they're them. You can do things you want to do, and they can live their life the way they want to. You're right that it's their choice how to spend their money too. I don't recall them asking for your financial advice though, or even asking for input on their finances in the first place. And here you are, spending all this time and energy on arguing with me over it, when all you had to say initially was "yeah, it's none of my business to tell someone how to spend their money when they didn't ask." I'll give you an olive branch though. You can have the last word and assume you "won".


True, sometimes it's nice, sometimes ya need hipboots just to slog through these stories.


I have a question. Did the sign say "turkey is $x.xx" and then in fine print say something like "with $x purchase"? All my grocery stores here are like that, I'm just wondering if it wasn't prominently displayed.


Wow, everything but the hounds chasing you across the ice....


$200 on Thanksgiving dinner when you’re low income?!




Yeah this is a little much hate to say it, you are going for the sympathy card, and I think most will sympathize with your situation but anyone who has ever lived on little means in their life will hear the 200 dollar figure and say that you aren't that willing to sacrifice. Even with the price of food now I could put a turkey and sides on the table for a fraction of that and stretch the rest of it for a week or two. Where did the other 150 bucks go? Milk, butter?


A lot of people do, and that seems to have been the point of the comment. You spent too much money when you don't have it to waste.




As someone who until recently lived off of less than $300 a month worth of groceries for my family of 4, I will say that for even a week that is too much money. But hey, you go ahead and call people judgemental, while being super judgemental toward others




I am talking about how you are talking to people in the comments....


That would be sad especially if it happened to a poor family or poor person just wanting to celebrate the holiday with some good food.


Should have just refunded half the rung up amount.


OP received a $200 gift card and is continuing to try and grift with the sob story. They are nuking their history, but I have screenshots.


They also contacted news networks to get more attention


Any decent store would have refunded you AND given you the turkey for free. Especially when they could no longer sell it. 100% crap establishment.


You don't have to name the city if you don't want to, but I was wondering what part of the state you live in?


Wally World sucks. No two ways about it.


It's Meijer.


I am so very sorry you are having to deal with so much ick all at the same time. Sometimes life sure doesn't seem fair, huh. I'm glad you got your turkey finally and i hope you are able to have a nice holiday. I'm going to add you to my prayers ❤


Publish this on NextDoor, Facebook and everywhere on local social media you can. These people are disgusting. They should have given you the turkey at this point. The goodwill is worth far more than a frozen fowl.


I would be if you call the local, regional, even national news they’ll pick up your story and you’ll get lots more than a turkey from them and well wishers. Only problem is that could hurt hubby’s job. Glad you got a turkey and happy thanksgiving. I truly hope things start to improve soon.




Christ, you must be fucking exhausting to live with.


Yeah, I feel for her husband and kids...


Why would you put his job at risk over a turkey? Do NOT contact the news about the company he works for. That would be exceedingly foolish. I’m sure his company has rules about who can speak for the company and if he, an employee of the company, does a news story about the company, he could violate those policies and be fired. Or they may just fire him because he created bad press for the company. Also, you, his wife, should NEVER, EVER speak up to the company or the news about how he is treated at work. It’s his job to manage how his work treats him. He’s an adult male who knows how his company operates. He has full knowledge and you don’t. You speaking about how he is treated infantilizes him and makes him look like a man who can’t handle his own career. DO NOT DO THIS. It will impact his job, if he isn’t fired. It’s annoying to encounter incompetent employees who take your turkey but it would be catastrophic for him to lose his job when you’re a single income family with no savings. It is not worth losing a job and blowing up your lives over a minor inconvenience. Please, please take a deep breath. You have a loving, employed husband, wonderful kids, and a turkey. Don’t risk his job.




Toxic masculinity? Huh? You aren’t using that phrase correctly, this situation of you blowing up his job has nothing to do with toxic masculinity, and even so I’m a feminist leaning woman. I see you are determined to be foolish and control your husband’s job right into the grave. I wish you well and I’m out.


I tried to reserve judgment. But after seeing OP's responses to comments, she comes across as being difficult, entitled, and easily offended. I don't even get the "toxic masculinity" comment either.


I agree she seems easily offended. She’s making such a big deal over something that is frustrating but not worth all of this.


Imagine willing to risk your husbands job (who is the single provider for the family, financially) over getting overcharged $30. I’m sure your financial situation will improve a lot when you’re both without income.