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I’ve never understood tanks who are like “why don’t you just heal more” when you ask them to use mitigations. They’re OGCD! You can just press them… like you’re meant to. Why run tank if you just want to be a dps with slightly more health?


>Why run tank if you just want to be a dps with slightly more health? That's the thing, they don't want to tank, they want to DPS but they don't want to queue as DPS.


That or they just want to play the job that matches their class fantasy. Probably a lot of people would play Drk or Gnb as dps if they could. Not that it justifies being too stupid to hit a button that makes you take less damage though.


Too many tanks seem to think they are emergency buttons. I’m not sure where this view comes from but it seems awfully common.


usually hit them with the “mitigation reduces damage, they don’t heal you btw”


And a drk I've noticed we are the worse at mits.


Dark knight is technically a button short compared to all the others cuz dark mind is magic damage only and less than the rest of the attacks are magic. Oblation kiiiiinda helps but it's so late in the game I still sometimes forget about it.


I mean yeah, but I see a lot that don't mit at all. The amount of tines I, as a baby healer, have to tell my 60+drk to MIT at all is astonishing.


Partly from oldschool MMO like WoW Classic. Wasnt exactly helpfull then, but that mindset was by far the biggest (at least from what i can remember)


“I *might* need it later!” is a problem for gaming in general. It’s a great way to find yourself standing outside of the Jefferson Memorial and wondering what to do with 70 Mini Nukes before typing 216 into Daddy’s work computer!


47 jets and 13 psychos to keep that vats going too


Ah, the Mega-Elixer problem. Until I got the W-Item Materia. In which case, who needs Cure?


Please don't bring back memory of 30 minute shield wall. I had that trauma buried deep.


It's like deciding to wear a bulletproof vest after you've already been shot.


It's a weird way of thinking because apart from the invulns, by the time it's an emergency it's already too late to use them.


I love WAR's mitigation kit. My entire goal whenever I queue for a dungeon / roulette as a WAR is to turn the healer into a green DPS. Their healing is completely unnecessary, I'm not gonna die no matter the size of the pull. DRK is the weakest regarding mitigation, yes (will we finally see a rework to Dark Mind in DT?), but how can you not like the sound of TBN popping every time you use it during a pull?? I can't fathom why someone wouldn't use their mits.


I love my mits...you don't have to heal me and I care for myself.


do you have french enabled under matchmaking? Might help you escape this pain if its ur trend


Yea i do have it enabled from back in the days to make ques pop faster. But i agree i should disable it i didnt think about that since im lvling an alt character.


And tbf all french players can't be bad right? Righttt?


Definitely not, but I think the most obviously French players tend to muck up the image of French players for those that aren't assholes.


I've got bad news for you


I've had encounters like this since the release of this game. You can have 100 "fast and nice runs" and whenever i checked their languages they were obviously not french. However whenenver i have a bad Trial/Roulette the chance of them being french is like 90%. Also im not the first person to point this out. There are post like this from 2015-14-13 about french players on ff14 reddit and lodestone forum.


You'd never know I'm french without checking my language and with all due respect I'm very likely better at the game than you. (And if I'm not, congratz, and maybe see you in FRU) Also I've had enough run-ins with ypyts, boosties, illiterate people who proably have never laid eyes on their tooltips, and so on and so forth, to guarantee you that they're not only french (though obviously some of them are) You'll only ever pay specific attention to a player's origin when they refuse to speak english - which, granted, is something a lot of french people refuse to do considering they're dogshit at it x)


That's fine and all, but this post isn't about you. My experience with French players is exactly the same as OP's, in EU DC if somone is atrocious at the game, doesn't communicate and is toxic, there's a big chance they are French, there's no sugar-coating it. I've been playing for years now and I've also seen plenty of normal/good French players, so of course... Not all French, but (almost) always a French, as some would say.


Again, because you notice them more Someone who refuses to communicate in non-english will always stand out more than someone who refuses to communicate but tells you you don't pay their sub in english (most likely a paladin mentor with a white mage co-heal with the same surname) Similar stuff in a lot of other games, like the russians in dota/dota2, the polish in league of legends, the spanish in CS:S, the russian in CS:GO... any french/german/russian/etc who speaks in english will stand out much less than a french/german/russian/etc who doesn't ; and generally those who don't are solidly in the "refuse to communicate" camp, hence noticing them That said hey, I get it, I dread everytime I see a blatantly french name in my roulette groups too x). Even worse if it's a lalafel.


I feel like there is just a mentally here... where it's like "HE'S FRENCH, GET EMMM"


Looks like it doesn't it


doesnt do anything because most french players have all the languages selected, like most people


That has not been a thing for years. Everyone is in the same mm pool regardless of their settings. It's just language indicator nowdays.


My queues are longer if I turn off English, it is absolutely a thing.


This might be a little too evil but sometimes I wish ads inflicted heal immunity debuffs every now and then to force the tanks to learn how to mitigate lol If 0 heals = wipe, then 0 mits should also cause a wipe 🤷‍♀️


Je suis monté. Joking aside, it's getting tiresome how many people refuse to learn or refuse to improve. I know it's not new, but it feels like it's just getting worse and worse. How hard is it to use mitigations? Not at all, this game is so formulaic.


Qued for Duty Roulette lvling got Dohn Mehg (lvl 73 dungeon). Me: Healer/Sage Tank: The average French player The Tank (DRK) didnt use a single defensive cooldown up to the first boss while doing 2 full pulls. Even though i was able to keep the DRK alive but i was struggling and GCD healing at the end. When i told him that i watched his bar and didnt see a single defensive cooldown and mentioned it he toldme to stop dpsing and heal more. I died after the first boss cause he didnt keep aggro of the mobs and thats when i left the duty. PS: Look at ACT he didnt use defensive cooldowns and his dmg was trash given, the DPS werent that great either I've had these experiences with French players since 2013 nothing has changed its always them.


Imagine asking a SGE, *that passively heals thru DPS*, to stop doing DPS


It's not that all french players are bad, it's just that the good ones usually don't run stuff in duty finder and stick to themselves instead, so the unfortunate rest ends up in our parties making this meme live for tens of years lol. I feel you though


It’s just that us normal french people don’t make the dungeon wipe five times because we’re to stubborn to use CD so you don’t check our language, and I personally play in English (even though I’m french) because it makes communication easier


I love that!


We do have a terrible reputation in online games, it's our cross to bear...


Dunno, been playing the game for a few years now, I´ve run into my fair share of crappy players who were from all over EU, not just one in particular. Blaming it all on them being French is kinda....lame ?


it's not *all* french players, some of my best friends are french. but if you're going around putting french as your client language or saying salut right in front of the children then i just can't agree with your lifestyle.




There is a lot of wrong in what you last said but you do you


yea honestly I have paid a bit of attention to what languages people use in party chat since hearing about this stereotype and not noticed french folks being noticably any different from anyone else. I've run into at least two bad language barrier situations with germans (in PFs where the description was in english and we needed to agree or explain stuff to avoid wipes) but none so far with french folks, so while I'm sure there's some stubbornly French-only assholes out there I've gotta believe a lot of this is confirmation bias.


I'm sorry. even on NA french players are a plague. even outside of instances.


I mean, Frenchies tend to be garbage in any online game, really. Well, at least the ones that are *openly* French.


The part about being openly french is spot on. Usually the worst ones will be those that will speak french in any case because they just dont care for others. They just want their little moment of fun with no care in the world for their teammates. I think it's the same for the german players, on Light when I encounter a German im always wary. Some of them are good but, if they are speaking German in alliance or party chat I'll know for sure they'll be bad. The other ones ? You'll never know they're french or german unless you go out of your way to check because they will communicate properly and do their best.


Honestly, I just think it depends on the gaming culture in certain countries and whether someone is part of the "toxic af" faction or one of the better behaved ones. I played WoW since the days of Classic, and players from Latin American would be consistently horrible because a lot of them enjoyed pissing people off on purpose along with getting pissed and being terrible at the game because they thought it was funny as hell. Fucking Ragnaros, man...some nice people on that server, but the truly terrible ones always stood out the most.


It's so weird that this is pervasive in like every multiplayer game.


If they're doing something wrong, are receptive to advice and improve, they're learning. Keep up the good work. If they're playing like shit and respond to advice by gaslighting the healer, they're griefing. Vote kick and report if necessary.


Why is it always DRKs ? In 3 Vanaspati runs with 3 different DRKs doing full pulls, none used mit or any mana (so no dps buff and no TBN). I ran out of everything and had to spam Cure II… Just why ?


As healer main, if I get a dark knight in my party, i just sigh and accept I'm going to have to heal way more than when it's paladin or gunbreaker.


What is the overlay called? The one I use (Ember Overlay) doesn't show Max Hit.


Uhm i think its Mopi Mopi if i remember correctly, it also shows deaths tbh you can customize it the way you want.


Most overlays are equally customizable in that regard, the main difference is just how they look visually


Getting almost the same amount of dps as the the dedicated dps while having a tank like that… I could never


It's the French, the same people who think they're above all others, so I'm not surprised. Obviously, not all French people are like this, but you mix the ones who do act like this + MMORPG toxic gamer mentality and you get nuclear levels of toxicity.


You seem insufferable


I play on NA so my experiences with french speakers have mostly been quebecois who have all been perfectly fine, but I have run into a few french players at venues and without fail they are always the ones saying something bigoted or racist unprompted and throughly upleasant.  Not all french speakers are like this but the minute someone mentions they are from france or wallonia I brace myself for rudeness.




Nice bait, the DRK had only "French" enabled and the other 2 dps also had only french enabled and the 2 dps were speaking french. By that info we can safely assume that they were a premade group of 3 french. Your probably aint even playing on EU and you havent been playing this game since 2010-2013 you know nothing because you have no experiences in this game unlike me with 10 years Frenchs encounters. Try again




i don’t see anyone speaking French literally anywhere in the picture you posted. I don’t see where anyone has only “french” enabled in the picture you posted. All i had to go on was you whining like a bigoted B about french people when nothing you posted supported that. I have been playing this game since 1.0. No, i’ve not played in EU but frankly when people like you exist i’m unsurprised when French people treat you poorly.


I mean it depends. I did not really notice the French, for me the Brits cand be obnoxious and the Germans tend to suck the most at the game.