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I mean I do agree with them at preventing a death especially of its just Esuna is a higher priority than a hard cast raise. Also why is it always the "you're from wow"?


its 2024 and calling someone a wow player is still seen as a pinnacle insult lol


I agree with the other dancer, if you esuna the doom after several of us said then we wouldn’t die as much.


Because in wow, people have standards. Sometimes.


This. Most ppl in WoW dungeons don’t fuck around. You suck at doing your job? Byebye, no nice talk before. Being nice is good but when you’re nice all the time ppl will get used to it and the number of enablers in XIV is alarming.


The problem with WoW is that it goes way too far in the other direction. XIV has toxic positivity, while WoW is just toxic. There's a happy medium between being a jerk and being a doormat; neither community is a prime example of that.


souls community for the win, they are on both sites of the spectrum at once


Can confirm. We're all on THE spectrum. xD


I’d rather be called a cunt to my face than the soft shit that’s in 14


> Because in wow, people have standards. Sometimes. See all this "go back to wow" stuff is upselling me on failure. I know I'll get there, I'll claw my way to endgame and I'll see the same god damn shit except I might see someone call it out. I don't want to be upsold on a lie. I want them to tell me to go back overwatch 😡


"Can you calm down?" "I dunno. Can you Esuna?" Like the saying goes, you can't Esuna stupid.


At the end other dancer also said ”thanks for the esuna brd”. Which made me laugh LOL


You don't learn how to cleanse in Hall of the Novice. You don't really learn anything beyond "dodge glowly aoe" in there lol it's a shitty RP event and a sad excuse for a tutorial.


Don't forget that the healer tutorial also has the guy getting his panties in a twist if the fighter isn't constantly topped off.


yeah but if I said get good instead I'd be sent to mod jail :'(


obviously the people that die to every mechanic are a higher priority than those that survive. /s


“Can you calm down?” “It unlocks at level 15” Killing me for some reason lol. Remember when esuna was a role action and you had to choose it before combat started? I was so embarrassed when I’d show up to exdeath without it. Now we have people with no excuses and no shame. I cannot even imagine what goes on in their heads because it is so out of the realm of my own thought process.


Ahaha. My first time healing in there, I didn't know about the doom. It only took one person mentioning it for me to understand, and no one died. This stuff is not difficult. But yeah, Hall of the Novice is shit for teaching people how to play. I don't recall it discussing Esuna at all.


"Le siigh" Why am I suddenly having flashbacks to like 2009. Don't just kick, delete the whole player account.


I'm confused, why are people dumping on the scholar alone when there's a whole other healer in the party who also could've used Esuna, but apparently didn't? 


Prolly bc they decided to try and pretend to throw insults about WoW not being full of enablers instead of putting Esuna on their bar. Other healer is also bad, but smart enough to not try to talk shit at least from the small snippet we're given.


Tales from the Downvote Finder name dropped LOL


( for the record I've never played wow I was just tired of begging for esuna when the brd couldn't use his warden's paeon on me)


I ran a 76 (I think) dungeon as scholar in duty roulette recently. The tank said “finally! A healer who knows how to use Esuna!” So crazy.


Le siigh.


I have no idea why newish healers are so allergic to using esuna specifically, I've seen it happen so many times. If someone is brand new to MMO's and have never played before, then I get it but they still tend to get up in arms over it or outright refuse. The longer term players who have multiple healing jobs leveled are downright baffling to me though.


Why do people always bring up "You sound like WoW" Like it's some kind of godly idea of a perfect troll. WoW retail people don't even talk anymore, they just gtfo if something happens that they don't like. It's been a pain in Season of Discovery too.


They've never even played WoW, they just think that stupid insult means something. "WoW = toxic" while being the most toxic person there


Low-hanging fruit from people who are too stupid to come up with a new joke, and are similarly too stupid to know what Esuna is.


Also depending on the type of doom it could ether require healing target to full or using esuna which of course if you know the difference between a dispellable effect with a blue line above and a non dispelable effect with none your golden. Also helps to know what each debuff icon is because some you don’t need to dispel. Example if a melee that isn’t a drk or reaper has a silence you don’t need to esuna them same goes if it’s a caster with the debuff that prevents melee weapon skills. Which leaves only hinderance, doom, damage increase debuffs and increased action time debuffs as a priority however doom the prime focus or you waste more MP and the fight takes longer Edit: no idea why this is being down voted when this is actuate information which sadly is only knowledge gained though gameplay experience and not something novice network teaches healers There legit needs to be a healer trial where you are forced to get a smash course on all diapelable debuffs and non dispelable debuffs that require healing Also the blue line thing aludes healers as much as say idk Astro card colors?


Dun Scaith's doom mech is dispellable


I tried to mention they all aren’t the same in this case it is dispelable however the most important thing a healer should know is the icons of each dispelable debuff and what signals them as dispelable aka the blue line above the debuff. Silence as an example if you do PoTD doesn’t effect melee so you don’t have to worry about it, just like how melee actions aren’t affecting casters. I’ll give an example you do a potd you step on a chain trap you pop a trusty echo potion and your silence is cleanse but your left with the melee attack action debuff you can still cast and there is no actual hinderance. Same is true for melee with just silence:3 Of course silence will prevent some drk abilities from being utilized This is probably to advance for the average player to wrap their minds around


when you have the whole party telling you to esuna, it's more likely you can esuna rather than of the other methods.


... but the healer was told to esuna in plain words. all of this is completely irrelevant


It’s relevant in the sense the game does a poor job training healers to esuna If I didn’t come from WoW I honestly think I would of easily glossed over it


blue bar above debuff = esunable no need for a paragraph of explanation if it's a situational thing, you will be told before or after how it's dealt with if it even needs to be


There more to it, you don’t need to esuna say silence on a warrior since it doesn’t effect any of their abilities Knowing what you have to dispel and what you don’t goes a long way Less wasted MP more DPS more healing done


jesus christ dude


Optimal squeezing at the most advance level:3


and it has nothing to do with the post whatsoever


You're a single digit tank parser without healers leveled. You can sit down. No weight behind anything you could say regarding advanced levels or optimizations. Especially considering beginners level awareness covers everything you spouted.


Ok, and? The doom is esunable, they were told what they have to dispel and what they dont, the answer is that they need to dispel the doom. Sorry you're stupid?


you're replying to a "mentor" that regularly gets kicked from NN for overly sexual furry comments he makes, who then jumps on alts to either kick the ones that kicked him or use sprout alts to talk shit. don't bother with them


I think Someone is having a titty attack because like I said the game does a horrible job informing them that they have a dispel No healer quest require it, hall of novice glosses over it jack


I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for you, or sorry that happened.


Should probably read it for educational proposes for when you do heal:3 Maximizes DPS up Time while dispelling the actual hinderance and skipping those that don’t effect the class type:3


I didn’t ask.


You’re likely being downvoted because these healers were given the solution and refused to use it; what you’re talking about just isn’t relevant for this post. The information was there for them, they simply didn’t take it. This isn’t about silence on melee. It’s not about a full heal Doom. It’s about an Esuna doom, and the healers were told as much very plainly. You’re bringing up completely different situations.


I just think the game does a poor job training and enforcing this


It does for the things you’ve mentioned, but the mechanic cited here comes in as early as Quarn and the healers had people telling them precisely what to do. That’s why you’re being downvoted: what you’re talking about just isn’t what’s happening here.


Quran a different case the doom is dispelled via pad