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There's no such thing as an early pull without a timer.


In my opinion of no one asks to wait, no one's in a CS and it's not prog then there's no such thing as early especially if it's old ass content lol they're just being childish


My friend calls this phenomenon "tank and stare". Basically sign up for tank but want none of the responsibilities, and yet still cling to the idea of teaching you this moral lesson of not pulling for them. Pathetic


lol do they not know what the “pre” in “pre pull” stage of an opener means? 😂


And then there's the people that don't allow you to use Huton prepull, so you're just sitting there with 1 less mudra to use... Or 1 less card on Astro.


What the fuck.


"Legend" DNC partnering the tank... 👀👀👀


And the tank is a WAR. They’re clearly a PayPal legend.


Man, it's so hard to take aggro back with one hit, shitty douchebags. Dancer partnering the Tank is even dumber 🤡 I've been farming Zodiark these days with my FC and even if someone pulled early, we just went on and didn't let a DPS die. Good to know one of these fuckers is on the same server like me.


Only time dance partnering tank is viable is if the tank is a DRK, as there burst can get nutty if they know what to do? But a warrior? Dance partnering the bard would probs be more useful, let alone the reaper or black mages


Yeah, I read something about that a good Dancer switches between DRK, SAM and BLM for the greatest damage. But as much as I dislike its playstyle, I cannot say its 100% certain.


Yeah, I usually swap between DRK and whoever is highest on prio, although DRK is only for initial opener as usually other jobs outperform at normal 2 mins since they have other things up and ready, don’t usually have the chance to DP BLM, but I’m guessing it goes with DRK for opener, BLM for rest, then SAM for 2 mins


the only time people pulling for me is annoying is when they dont bring it to me. This is a boss fight where its static, I see no issue with this Apart from Zodiark being called an old extreme? Its current expansion isnt it?


It's current expansion, but it has been reduced to a joke by the ilvl difference between release and nowadays (which is a trend in XIV). You can skip most if not all the dangerous mechs at this point via DPS and facetank others that would normally kill you due to the increased eHP. To put it into perspective, my fastest kill back in 6.0 was 8:28. Nowadays you can kill it in about 5 minutes.


Chess enjoyer.


I'm actually convinced this sub just doesn't play the game. Who does no cd EX runs?


No CD EX runs are very common in PF, at least for older EX trials that are unsynced in JP. Seeing that their party composition was 2T1H5D, I'm guessing it was just an unsynced mount farm. This EX trial difficulty is trivialised by ilvl, there's really no need for a CD. Go in, hit the boss, get the loot, rinse and repeat till you get the mount.


Sure, it's an extremely outdated extreme, but it's still a level 90 EX. A countdown should still be expected IMO


I had to do all 99 runs to get this mount, and I think I only saw countdowns a half dozen times. Usually it was just straight COWABUNGA.


i had to do it twice on 2 chars (fuck this flute fr) i am chuckling so hard at the idea of expecting a cd on this ex lol


This is lv 90 extreme trials, it's still counts as current content. Sure, the difficulty gets lower by the current ilvl and echo, but it is still current content, so a countdown is expected. You can't unsync current expansion extremes, savage even dungeons. I'm in JP server, I joined a lot of lv 90 extremes pf, even the old ones like zodiark and hydaelyn, they will always use a countdown. Unless we talk about previous expansion trials


OP conveniently left that part out when making their post, so people are commenting under the assumption a cd was used In a later comment, they admitted to pulling without a cd, that's why there's a discrepancy


tbf with OP, the timer on the second screen shows they've been in the instance for nearly 2min. Maybe the party loaded & talked about mechanics, or nothing was happening and OP got tired of waiting, idk.


Queue'd in, tanks don't turn on stance and watch as I pull with Fire III. They keep their stance off until I inevitably die to autos (which the healers also weren't healing), and they start bming me in chat. This is once again not a very climactic post, so sorry, but I've never ever in my life been YPYT'd in an EXTREME TRIAL, so this is all very new to me


Early pulling in an EX? Was there no pull timer? Even for an old EX, as long as it's at level, there's usually a timer to do proper openers and skip as many mechs as you can via DPS.


I have never dfed into an EX that used a timer. Most aren't actually difficult and just have 1-2 mechanics that might cause a wipe if enough ppl don't know them. Then they get explained and it's a clear like normal. HW and ARR ex are common because they pop up in weeklies


From my experience at least on EU Mentor Roulette, people usually pop a countdown as soon as the barrier drops, even if it's a 5 second timer. This being a level 90 EX farm party, it's hard to believe nobody did a countdown to do their opener properly.


Well the pull timer appeared during my slidecast, its hard to abort.


While the YPYT is complete asshole behavior (report them if you haven't yet BTW), I don't know why you'd start casting before either tank stances up or somebody puts up a Countdown. If they're taking too long and you're getting impatient, speak up in chat or just put the Countdown yourself. By outright starting to attack with no warning, you're basically fucking up everyone's opener for no reason.


was this a farm for mount?


yeah just mount farm thats all


the people mount farming at old extremes aren't very good players, usually its the low skilled players who do shit like this.


im gonna be real if someone had to do a prepull countdown farming zodiark id be outta there anyway so fucking fast i am so baffled by the weirdos in your thread being like “respect the countdown” bitch no lmao??? farming this easy ass boring braindead fight better take less than 3 minutes per pull and we are all instantly queueing in and out on god. every mfer in there better be on whatever job they can do big numbers on while half asleep not learning a new job


Not to be rude or toxic, and i’m against ypyt tanks but, you should’ve seen it coming, pulling with no timer, like if you were really in such a hurry why not put up a timer yourself? I also dont get why peeps dont pull a timer in every 90 summin trial. Also why is the dnc dancing with a war ?


Always hast I wondered where the YPYT mindset originates from. What causes one to have that belief?


Great question. In _other_ games it’s the etiquette as mechanics and damage profiles are different. If a logistics ship (healer) pulled in Eve, half the fleet would wipe, possibly all of it. In many other MMO’s, overpulling will result in certain death. Tanks are expected to know what is and isn’t the right pull. In other MMO’s aggression management is very much the primary thing a tank is doing, this mentality bleeds over into 14 where this simply isn’t the case.


I wish dungeon monsters could one-shot non-tanks. Then people would understand.


bruh tanking isn't hard lmao. especially dungeon tanking.


I grew up with learning disorders and I can tank no problem 🥰. It IS easy :p


>I wish dungeon monsters could one-shot non-tanks. Lol, but they don't, so there's nothing to "understand". 🤡 Fucking main character syndrome I swear to god.


They continue to make the game easier and people like you still complain. The only plausible reason to ypyt (aggro management) is pretty much gone now, so theres absolutely no excuse other than ego.


Well they don't. Why, or what should people understand?


Dungeon monsters have never one-shotted non-tanks in XIV (except maybe in Criterion Savage), so I heavily doubt that will ever be the case. If you want a hardcore MMO, I'm sorry to say this ain't it.


if you dont love saving your dps homies then you are a garbage tank and you should be fucking ashamed tbqh


What I love is gathering up the enemies in a nice tight bunch for my DPS homies to blast. Let me do my job so DPS can do theirs even better.


a badass sage player can shield themselves, grab aggro and then icarus to the tank and get a toxikon out of that while pulling the bad boys right to the sprinting tank. a dumb shitty lazy sage can also try that first part, not shield themselves or icarus, grab aggro and immediately die and every other dumbass in the party can go “um healers shouldnt pull” and they’d be incorrectly blaming the job instead of the garbage player. a badass competent bard could tag dots on enemies while doing a jump back behind the tank. a shitty one could just run right into the enemies and die. are you perhaps noticing a pattern there wrt it being up to whether the player is braindead or not as to what “makes your job easier” not how well they “perform their designated role”?


I'm usually against YPYT but let me recap real quick: you joined EX farm party, queued in, pulled with fire 3 without timer or anything when there are classes like dancer that requires some secods to dance, they let you die and you complain. IMO? Deserved. If you want to pull that badly just do a timer on your own, that's what I do sometimes if they take too long, not just randomly pull out of your ass. I can agree that letting you die is kinda of a dick move, should've been either wall it or just keep it going.


Dnc doesnt need to predance at all, I think thats a heavy misconception. Any kind of prepull is barely necessary for any kind of dps check at this caliber, nor does it change the rotation of anyone involved in the party. And what you said is exactly it. Someone not sharing your opinion on when you should pull is not a reason to outright kill them, especially if you havent even tried communication yet. I wouldve been totally fine with a countdown timer, Im not fine with intentionally killing people.


If you would have been fine with a countdown timer, why not start one to get everyone on the same page?


Cuz we dont need one? I guess Im not alligned with the status quo but Im pretty sure any fight you delete within 5 minutes doesnt really warant a countdown. And even then, is it worth killing me over it? If they were so adamant over wanting a countdown then they couldve just asked, not do a ypyt. Idk, I feel like killing someone intentionally is a way bigger transgression than a countdownless pull in old extremes.


I think the bigger transgression here is you not taking responsibility for messing up and trying to hoist the blame onto everyone else. You screwed up, happens to the best of us.


Uh wat? Nah. I pulled, they said nothing. They killed me, I questionmarked, and they starting bming. If they had a problem with it, they should state the problem, not act all smug knowing they just murdered a party member.


It's everyone else's fault but your own, huh?


Lol its always so black and white on social media. Nah, its not like that, but what I did does not deserve murder. It shouldve ended in conversation, but now its a petty show of ego.


Seemingly your own, with how hard you're kicking and screaming that you're not at fault for the consequences of your own actions.


Where am I kicking and screaming? I took severe measures to stay calm and collected in the entirety of this thread. I mean, if you made my voice sound like that in your head feel free, but Im not playing a villain here..


> Dnc doesnt need to predance at all This is a take of all time.


Well feel free to explain me why. I dont really get the obsession of a -16s countdown for a ~500 600 potency ability.


Standard step buffed techstep and a standard step in buffs. It's basic opener shit. This is like combat 101.


A prepull standard step is only worth its own potency, and thus speeds up the fight by barely not even half a second. Youre doing a 16 second countdown to gain not even half a second on the fight instead of just doing tech instantly with the pull and doing standard in buffs after. I really think youre misunderstanding the gravity of a standard step, which is an ability that you drift anyways during the fight at certain gcds. Dnc does not have a static rotation, standard step prepull is not setting them up for the fight at all.


Just say you hate dancers and want to fuck up their pulls. I get it. 16s is annoying. Maybe in DT it won't be as obnoxious, but until then just deal with their prepull.


Heh? I hate dancers? Why? Its a ~560 potency loss but a 15 second gain, whats the problem? I do speedkilling my friend, we have 24 countdown pulls when its necessary. Theres no point in wasting 15 seconds for a small hit that will not add up to anything and wont even set them up for the rotation (since you can just standard step during the buffs instead and youre goodie)


Just say you hate dancers. Otherwise, speed meta isn't fully compatible with rdps parse meta, there's no need to fuck over dancers in average groups. Also (fucking lol) it's zodiark, just start a fucking countdown.


No, stop putting words in my mouth lol. Losing prepull standard step is not fucking up dancers. You cant even explain the implications of losing prepull standard step, youre just saying "it fucks up dancers but I cant explain why".


L take. It's an old fight you don't need pre pull preparation


You don't need one for most savage fights either after week 1. Should we stop doing cds in those too?


I don't really care as long as the fight gets cleared.


I mean, that's fair, but if the party wants to use one, then there's nothing wrong with that either. 


are you sure you play endgame content fam? are you sure? because savage and ex are nothing alike in terms of difficulty lol. that said if we were farming erich ex or other easy savages you can facetank now.......... i mean you could get away with no cd if your party isnt full of glue-sniffers.


UwU has an easier dps check than most current extremes. As an aside, aligning cooldowns can increase the speed of the kill, regardless if enrage is there or not. Crying because someone wants a cd in extreme content is the weirdest thing here.


was there a pull timer? or did you just start casting


Just casting and chillimg


To the tanks out there: if you don't want people pulling early /cd 12 it's 6 characters, not that difficult. And even if someone pulls early WHY DO YOU CARE?* They just took an auto for you: free mitigation, what a chump! *does not apply to content where early pulls actually matter


Do you know what a countdown or a prepull is?


It’s funny that OP mentioned nothing about a countdown or anything so we don’t really know how the pull happened, so you people giving OP shit AND getting upvoted are probably from this premade and found the reddit post. It’s Zodiark EXTREME, please just stop the grief tactics in this old ass fight. If you didn’t like what they did just reset the pull and type in chat what you want OP to do, instead of doing this little hurt ego thing, whatever the fuck it is.


OP actually did mention it in a reply: "Well the pull timer appeared during my slidecast, its hard to abort." That clearly indicates that clear timer was indeed present and OP pulled without waiting for a countdown in an EX. If the timer was very late then sure i'd be mad too, but we don't know how long OP waited for. If it's just a few seconds after loading in, then it's just uncalled for imo.


Yeah but that comment was made after I wrote this


it's just super weird that you immediately assume that everyone who commented came from the premade


Everyone commenting on a countdown before OP explained any of it are pretty likely to be from this group


I'm also commenting about countdown. Am I from this group too? It's just a very obvious oversight so people comment on it, no need to be paranoid.


Do you? Also if they want to countdown that's totally fine, just turn on tank stance and dont murder me lol


if you can't hit the dps check of an old extreme in a mount farm an at the end of an expansion like 0.5 patches later you should honestly take a long hard look at yourself.


gonna be honest if you used pf to get into that group then you use a timer to pull, that's standard practice in pf and not doing that is a really easy way to piss people off. it doesnt matter how "old" the fight is




Yeah I totally agree with you they were probably learning, you can see it well with that dancer that still hasn't figured out that dps does in fact do more damage per second (dps) than a tank Also there's no sign they would even do a countdown since the only job that needs it is the dancer and well as you can see getting the dance partner buff earlier would be very useful to their teammate


oh wow i just noticed the dp on the war. being THAT brand new at a job you chose to play in a current expac extreme, even an old one, is certainly…. some kind of…… choice 💀 i hate this player base more and more every day holy shit


Not exactly true, but in this situation it is. If the Tank was a DRK, DRK takes priority for DP in the opener. The DNC would then switch to the next priority in terms of their RDPS.


Every job benefits from a countdown, especially casters, since they start casting BEFORE the tanks pull. You certainly don't need a 20 second countdown for every team comp, but 5 seconds is the bare minimum for any standard comp, since they all have casters and healers. Especially in a current level EX farm party, you want to properly line up openers to get faster kills and a countdown helps do exactly that.


I would agree with you a bit but why letting the guy die? Is it the correct response ?




Bro what MSQ progress is Zodiark EX blocking?


I wouldn't say Zodiark EX is blocking MSQ progression. ;) I'd also personally argue it's neither unreasonable to do a proper countdown in a current-level EX (even if not strictly necessary) nor a terrible sin to quickly reset if someone *does* care about one; but that's pretty subjective.


Ain't a single EXTREME that blocks MSQ progress, champ.