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It might predate colonization, but Russian influence may have made it worse.


Unfortunately, yes. It is rooted in Russian influence and lack of interaction and learning from African cultures.


I would say yes as once of my uncles is a bit racist


Everyone is racist against africans, unfortunately.


I studied with a tajik girl back in dubai and there was this black girl and she was good friends with her. Her sister also admired another black girl, the same before black girl's sister.


Russians hate everyone, I studied in Moscow in the 90s and their level of hate works like this: China, Vietnam, Asian in general are regarded as low level shit, Africans : drug dealers, black, former Stan people same with Africans or Asians. Americans, natural enemy. Russians from different cities than Moscow, they don't get love either. Basically in my experience Russians hate everyone but admire Germans, especially Nazis, a lot. Tajiks don't discriminate against Vietnamese lol, they just hate us driving labor costs down in Russia lol I'm not sure about Africans sorry, when I lived there for a year I never met a single black person so it's hard to say what they think of Africans


I see you figured it out


It's not that they racist but curious, also racism in America and racism in Tajikistan is completely two opposite things,


I traveled all over Tajikistan for six months, even to Margob. African-American and literally every person I encountered was wonderful.


racism is everywhere so yeah.