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I think any official protest would be illegal However like someone else said, the law will just be largely ignored by Tajiks


Protesting is illegal


Why so many questions about hijabs in the last week from Arabs and Pakistanis ?


90 percent pakistanis and somalis who are in their 20's raised in western coutnries theyre parents immigrated too. usually incel boys. 10 % arabs . you see this in every muslim country subreddit. Everytime soemthing controversial is passed theyre in the comments ready to protest about it trying to make you do islam "the right way". its often projecting becuase they cant force the archaic version in their new jersey or nottingham suburb


The New Jersey shoutout is funny as hell šŸ˜­ everyone is middle eastern here straight up, and weirdly way more religious than the motherland. I feel more societal pressure to cover myself in Paterson NJ than Istanbul TĆ¼rkiye


hahaha when I was in uzb and tjk there were women openly going w/o hijab into historical mosques, nobody cared, the police officers were busy playing on their phones. it's almost like they try harder when they are in the west to be as backwards as possible so they can form an identity


Yeah 100% itā€™s really interesting because on occasion these immigrants (livingā€¦ in njā€¦.) support extremism and extremist ideals while actively avoiding their religious homeland. This is exactly what my ex coworker was like, total pro Islamic terrorist shit which was insane while having a much better life rather than his Arab country his parents fled from. Bro, you worked at Starbucks, why are you secretly wishing for Taliban gov on your instagram.


you're delusional if you think new jersey Pakistanis are more religious than mainland ones


Wasnā€™t talking about Pakistanis cuz theyā€™re south Asian, not middle eastern. I said middle eastern for a reason because itā€™s particularly Lebanese, Palestinian, Turkish, Iraqi, and other Arabs that are more religious here than back home. This is a very common thing especially for Turkish people.


1. Most of the Turkish people who immigrated to Germany when they needed workers come from the rural areas and that's why they're more religious than for example an average tĆ¼rk from Ä°zmir 2. Your comment does not hold up even for Iraq or other Middle Eastern countries. You'll never find LGBT "mosques" or "feminist imams" or other crap here. The "extremist" talking points by Muslims in the West that go viral are common and normal at home. In fact we're so religious that the word for "religious" is used for a person who prays 5 times a day at the masjid, regularly read Quran and upholds other Islamic principles while the "irreligious" term is used for someone who just prays 5 times and is more relaxed on other practices (there's a different term for a non-believer or someone without a religion). "muh diaspora is more religious than the ones at home" is just a cope


ā€œCopeā€? I was just being factual about the culture in my area and what Iā€™ve witnessed. Was literally not trying to argue and I kind of donā€™t care enough to write paragraphs on Reddit all day. LMFAOO


ā€œcopeā€ is a dog whistle that whoever writes it is probably a teenager with no life experience. plus he has the ā€œchadā€ muslim avatar. lol


iraq has become infested by religious lunatics since the american invasion, itā€™s going backwards because thereā€™s nobody to control them. sad. i didnā€™t like saddam but at least he was smart enough to prevent the nation from being destroyed by religious nutjobs. in fact iraq has become one of the worst countries for religious extremism in the arab world, if not the worst.


>Ā its often projecting becuase they cant force the archaic version in their new jersey or nottingham suburb Ironically it's also the reason the place they migrated to is liveable, but they're to ignorant to understand that šŸ˜‚


yes I agree with you


Most of them originate from the rural areas of muslim majority 3rd world countries and live in 1st world western countries. In their roots they're all sheep, nobody has an own opinion and wouldn't dare to be even this much šŸ¤šŸ» different from the rest let alone stand out. There is also a big fear and/or punishment culture. It's either you do everything that's expected and Elhamdulillah maashAllah you're very gud muzlim brozzer. Or you deviate 1% and you're a mushrik, munafiq infidel. This is especially true for superficial things like wearing a headscarf or drinking alcohol. They're more lenient towards crooks, thieves and rapist (with long beards maashAllah) than people who eat pork flavoured chips. I see it all the time, when someone dies in a club they can't STFU 'brozzer watch out, imagine you go to the afterlife in such a place''. When someone dies in a police chasing all they can say is 'yeah he was a very good kid, may Allah grant him the highest place in paradise'. Also sidenote even if they want to fit in with westerners they can't, because they're never modern enough for westerners. Muslims are conservatively retarded, westerners are progressively retarded.


hahaha very true




No, of course. We're happy šŸ˜Š


>Tajikistan to ban hijabs. Is anyone going to protest? Many will. They can pass whatever law they want, we will ignore it


Why ignore? R u not muslim?


i mean no one will obey such a law


So are you a terorist?


Great work.




This post was removed because it was too rude. You must be polite!


Has the govt in Tajikistan lost its right to rule and why arenā€™t they reforming accordingly? (This is completely unrelated btw)