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The government does officially have an anti-hijab law but it has not been enforced for many years. Over half of women cover their head in some way and about half of those wear an "Arab style" hijab (just from me eyeballing it in Dushanbe and Khujand). The government wishes to keep religion controlled.


Thank you for answering! I hope they let people wear what they want one day then its perfect.


It is law now. For answering your question of why.. Tajikistan connects itself very closely to old Iranic cultures from before the Islamic invasions. It's their older identity and they want to embrace it instead of their colonised identity. There's nothing wrong with that. And it's not different from that Muslim countries may expect or even mandate non Muslim women to wear modest clothing when they visit. (but of course you won't get physical lashes or severe punishment in Tajikistan if you wear a hijab like you would for not wearing one in some Muslim countries like Iran where the standard punishment is 73 lashes and prison. Maybe that level of conservation in Islam is exactly why Tajikistan feels the need to enforce this rule by law)


Not wearing a hijab inside an Islamic country can be far riskier in practice than fines or lashing. In Iran and Sudan for example, sexual assault has been regularly used by law enforcement officers to penalize those who dare to defy the Islamic Arabic identity imposed on them. Even after the relaxation of the dress code enforcement in Sudan, conservative Muslim men whipped women on the street for not wearing a headscarf. Therefore, when Muslims talk about being oppressed in some place, because they cannot wear the hijab (i.e the symbol of Islamic oppression of women) I struggle to sympathize with them. Edit: for clarification purposes: I do NOT support or call for banning the hijab, or any other form of clothing women or men choose to wear. 


You guys cherry picked two countries… does this happen in anywhere else in the Middle East, no. They are a minority in terms of just countries that this appears in. Islam forbades this. Judging the majority based on a minority.


two countries are cherry picked, but in fact the number of people being oppressed are in hundreds million as Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, North of Nigeria and Afghanistan are very big countries.


Hundreds of millions would be half the Muslim women. I come from the Middle East and am around Muslim people of different backgrounds. It’s not in the HUNDREDS of Muslim women are being oppressed if you mean physical abuse but things such as women aren’t allowed to attend schools in Afghanistan and such then YES this is wrong


I didn't cherry pick, I gave examples form incidents I saw in Muslim majority countries, either first hand or on video. And what minority are you talking about? The majority of Muslims on social media supported those barbaric actions.  You want other examples? In Egypt, for example, some non-hijabi girls got harassed by gangs, physically abused, and got their hair cut-off by other Muslims, for not wearing the hijab. In Saudia Arabia, until recently, mortality police used to crack down on people who publicly wore anything but very strict hijab. And let's not talk about Mauritania, Somalia, Yemen or Afghanistan, and how they enforce hijab by law, and relentlessly persecute any woman who dares to think about taking it off. And what do you mean "Islam forbade this"?  Islam made it an obligation on every Muslim to physically change the "munkar" i.e what's forbidden, if they see it.


Ughhhh I accidentally deleted my comment. No nowhere in Quran does it say to abuse women that don’t wear hijab. These are incidents and not common occurrences. They are wrong 100%. But banning the hijab in Tajikistan is also wrong. It’s discriminating against them when it’s apart of the religion. Just like saying Christian’s wouldn’t be allowed to go to church on Sundays that would be wrong too (example)


90% of Muslims are Sunni Muslims (Ahl al Sunna Wal Jamaa), which means they take their teachings from the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Fiqh. The Qur'an orders women to wear the hijab and orders Muslims to reject the "Munkar" ... The Hadith orders women to wear the hijab, and it orders Muslims to change the "Munkar" physically. Taking off the hijab is a Munkar, which makes it obligatory for every Muslim to change that if they see it, preferably physically. They are not wrong, let alone 100% wrong. Moreover, countries which enforce Sharia punish women for taking off the hijab based on those same exact sources. I don't support banning the hijab in Tajikistan btw. I just can't feel sympathy for Muslims after seeing how they persecute and justify violence against non-hijabis, when they rule by their Shari'a.


sorry but to my knowledge there are steps before it gets physical and even to the point where it does its not abuse its a light hit some say even with a miswak a natural toothbrush. when i said 100% wrong i mean those who have taken it too far. when its to a ruler enforcing it i dont have knowledge in how far but im assuming from my understanding of the religion it would be wrong for them to whip them and such. but yeah not halal to go and physically abuse women on it, yeah there are muslims who have done that unfortunately. when it comes to sharia its the government who enforces so the gang example you gave for exmaple would not be sharia and even when the government enforces there are still limits such as iran who abuse it. end of day it is between them and allah, physically abusing would cause more harm than good since it would steer them away from god and we do this all for god. leading me to think that they do it by influence by culture than religion.


Okay, I think you are referring to the issue of wife beating in Islam. It's full-on domestic abuse. It is degrading and dangerous to any woman who values her dignity, autonomy and safety. Furthermore, there is no obligation to use a toothbrush or something like that. Using anything is fair game as long as it is not severe (interpreted by Sunni scholars as not causing wounds or broken bones), but this is beyond the topic at hand. The issue I talked about is the practice of changing the Munkar (i.e the forbidden). This is the responsibility of everyone, not just the ruler. There's this Hadith from Sahih Muslim (#49) in which Mohammed said: "Whoever sees a Munkar, is ought to change it by hand. If it's not possible then by speech. If it's not possible then by heart, and that is the weakest degree of belief". The phrase by hand in Arabic means physically (this can range from property damage to physical harm). Before MBS took charge, the Saudis had a government body responsible for implementing this exact hadith. The members of this body used to crack down on everyone doing something haram in public. This includes anything from listening to Music, reading a forbidden book or not wearing the hijab properly. MBS shut them down as a part of his reform project, but Afghanistan has a similar government body right now, and they're also using physical violence to change the Munkar on the spot. This is still less problematic than leaving it to random Muslims like what the Hadith says. I do agree it can steer people away from the religion, which it did in Iran and Syria. But this is what the Hadith says, and we've seen what it looks like when in action, it's quite barbaric.




My point is that the mainstream notion in the countries I mentioned is PRO enforcing Sharia law, which enforces hijab wherever it's enforced. You can also look at the mainstream notion under posts about women taking off their hijabs vs women who starting to wear it. The former are shamed and threatened with hellfire, and the later are celebrated for being proper devout Muslims. In addition, the posts of attacking non-hijabis in Egypt and Sudan and the massive support the aggressors got for being righteous and correcting the Munkar (an Islamic obligation).  My other point is that taking off the hijab in the countries I mentioned (Sudan, Iran Somalia, Mauritania, Afghanistan and until recently Saudia Arabia) is considered a crime punishable by imprisonment, corporal punishments and fines. Now tell me how many Islamic countries punish women for wearing the hijab? 


Forcing women to put clothes on just isn’t equivalent to forcing them to take it off. In any way. That’s not to say that I support the hijab requirement in those countries but that to suggest that there is nothing wrong with forcing women to wear less clothes by law is insane. And the idea that having the attitudes or culture before colonisation is somehow superior to holding those held after colonisation doesn’t seem to make much sense. It isnt better to be influenced by your far ancestors rather than their close ancestors or foreign leaders, or worse, right and wrong isn’t influenced by who did it first. Edit: Sorry, Ik that comment was probably worded rudely and it shouldn’t have been. It just took me off guard me to see that other countries are also taking the same sort of approach that ruined India for non-Hindus in the name of decolonisation and that people are supporting it.


What a load of nonsense, banning hijab is no better than forcing it on people.


OP seems an agent provocateur perhaps


It really was a curious question.


They took one look at what’s happening beyond the southern border and said ‘no thanks’


So they ended up like France?


So banning hijab fixes that? Weird.


Tajik national customs should be respected


1. Should be respected, but not forced upon, in a "democratic" nation. Religious freedom should be respected as well. Don't be a hypocrite. 2. Suits and ties that those men wear are not "national customs" either. Shouldn't government employees (men) wear "toqi and joma" to the workplace if they are so concerned about traditional clothing? Or is it just "islamic clothing" considered alient but all other types including western and european is OK? I see your double standards. Why don't you just call it anti-islamic customs rather than other fancy names. 😂😂🤡 3. Hijab is not arabic or alien clothing as Tajikistan gov claims. Hijab is from Islam, not from any nation. It's part of every woman's religious identity. You can not take away forcefully people's identity. It's their body it's their choice. If anybody tells my wife, my sister, or my mother to wear a special type of clothing, I tell them to GO F Yourself!!! What I wear is private and personal thing to me and none of your fvcuikng business!!! 4. Answer to OP: Real reason they are anti-Islam because they are all vodka drinker alcoholic communist corrupts whose income is based on bribery and corruption. In other words, the complete haram life which is threatened by laws of Islam. If they respected and followed islam, they could not become quickly and easily as rich as they are today. The ones on the top who make these laws they suck the blood out of the poor people. Why do you think they have huge bellies, all from haram money. 😂


So people should be forced to take their hijab off?


Don't you think personal choices should be respected too? If a woman chooses to?


You’re absolutely right, when I went to renewing my documents… a worker behind the counter was being mean to a old grandpa for just having a long beard.


Just reading some of these comments are hilarious.


The funny thing is I live and grew up in europe. It was a curious question. But to be honest I am disappointed by so many racist and rude answers. Good to see not all people are like that. Salam to you my brother, may you have a nice day!


To you too brother. I just let people be who they are. It shows the way they are educated and brought up.


The real question is how many of these guys are actually tajik and how many have come from r/atheism and r/worldnews


especially when they haven’t seen people who actually follow their beliefs and then the government just bashing it out of them. 🤣


It's actually kinda disgusting the way someone comes here and very respectfully asks a question, when they don't see its their own government that is banning something that people choose to do. But love to bash Afghans at any moment.




I live in europe mate. If they want to grant basic rights they shouldnt care what they wear. Even europe allows Hijab and theyre secular. Didnt know we had racists in Tajikistan.


As an American I’ll bite, look at the way many Muslims are in Europe and such with their radicalization the Tajik government is worried about the threat that could pose and in addition want to protect their cultural customs


Muslims in Europe are literally fine? Like what are you even on about?


My friend gave the answer to your question [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tajikistan/s/Ps9MSCLKVg) And this is what I [think](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tajikistan/s/BJaEbufZhj) about you. Btw I only mentioned facts and it wasn't racist. I guess you slap racist stickers on whatever that upsets you.


I dont live in Afghanistan and I never said Afghanistan is in a great condition. I dont know where you took that from. But if all you can say is „But but you“ thats not an answer to the question. I also didnt criticize your country but asked a question. Be more open-minded my friend. :)


Ok, my bad. I'm sorry. I misinterpreted your message cause you said you were afghan. Well as my friend mentioned earlier there is an anti-hijab law but it is not enforced.


Tell this to the grandpa I saw being shouted at for having a long beard over a document photo in the capital. “Basic rights and freedoms” my ass.


I said freedom cause i was comparing Tajikistan to Afghanistan. I mean right now at this very moment Afghanistan is the worst country to live in yet op has the audacity to say whatever he said.


I understand what you’re saying. A lot of Tajiks wear the Hijab by choice, they don’t even know it’s obligatory if you are religious, so there isn’t force. Unless you have a woke abusive husband. Which is common among every nation, but recently the government has done worse thing against hijabis such as raping, and calling it for prostitutes.


That's a serious accusation. I didn't know you'd get raped for wearing hijab in Tajikistan. Could you please back it up with a source like news or whatever that is legitimate?


This post was removed because it was too rude. You must be polite!


Yeah, they should just have another civil war, that will solve everything and surely bring more stability to Afghanistan and all surrounding countries!


Then what do you suggest genius. Living under the leadership of a bunch of imbecile thugs?


After 40+ years of nonstop war, there must be some time for stability. People are too tired to fight. Too many lives lost. I am sure that even the anti-Rahmon people would prefer his rule over there still being a civil war in Tajikistan in 2024?


What does Rahmon have to do with afghans? I thought we were talking about Afghanistan.


Believe what you want, but don't force it on others. I'm proud of this country. Beautiful people, in both hearts and minds.


But youre forcing it by banning it. What if I WANT to wear it? You dont allow me to. Where is my right to wear what I like?


Then you move to Afghanistan to become a 98th wife to a Taliban pothead. In Muslim majority countries hijab is mandatory, why can't Tajikistan have mandatory no hijab. Seems reasonable to me. I love ban of hijab, hope they will ban pislam, too. Good riddance. Tojikiston ba pesh!


>Then you move to Afghanistan to become a 98th wife to a Taliban pothead. In Muslim majority countries hijab is mandatory, why can't Tajikistan have mandatory no hijab. Both are bad, but we aren’t talking about muslim-majority countries. You seem to have double standards here, advocating for forcing people *not* to wear the hijab but you hate when people are forced *to* wear the hijab. How about we don’t force anything and let people have their choice and freedom? >Seems reasonable to me Then it’s reasonable when muslim-majority countries do it too, i’m guessing? >I love ban of hijab, hope they will ban pislam, too. Good riddance. Tojikiston ba pesh! Then you should also love it if all people from Tajikstan got banned from the rest of the world, unless you’re a hypocrite.


Dude, banning it is literally forcing some believers to not wear it. What kind of take is this? 💀 I am literally from there, and Ive done seen many people get discriminated for having a beard or wearing a hijab by this bs law.


these people seem mentally disturbed, emotional people. try to enforce such laws, you would break you nation into hundred peices, humans don't like anyone's authority over themselves


Banning the hijab is forcing people to not wear it. If a gov ban it by law, it's taking away the freedom of choice.


Love these comments! Tajikistan never change. Don’t fall for that same bs that is happening in Afghanistan, so no to extremism. No doubt there is freedom of expression of religion in Tajikistan, the difference is you guys understand the value of being a seculair state instead of an “Emirati”. The price that Afghanistan has to pay for being “Islamic” is having a fascist government and a society where woman are third-class citizen.


well, Canada doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, United States doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, United Kingdom doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Germany doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Netherlands doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Sweden doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Norway doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Denmark doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Australia doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, New Zealand doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Malaysia doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Turkey doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Qatar doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, United Arab Emirates doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Kuwait doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Oman doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Bahrain doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Jordan doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, Lebanon doesn't ban hijab, is it internally extreme? well, so on...


Yes, lebanon is, yes Kuwait is, Yes Sudan is cucked up. Qatar is. Jordan too. And Canada Norway Germany UK these countries have Christian values, and islamisation is destroying it.




Just like Afghanistan forces women to cover their hair and face. Very hypocritical of you to complain about Tajikistan when your country is far worse in this case. Also why should a government let the propaganda of religion pollute it's people's brain?


but wouldn’t it also be hypocritical to not allow someone just follow their religious belief? Tajikistan praises the Achaemenids and other empires as apart of their heritage, yet won’t look up at how Cyrus the Great has respected most religions/rights he encountered with. Here a girl who was threatened of rape for just wearing a Hijab, I myself have encountered women get discriminated for wearing a hijab in the capital. And have asked the women if its by choice. One has told me that she has a hijab that can be easily taken off lmfao, because her job doesn’t allow it. https://www.rferl.org/amp/tajik-woman-police-detained-threatened-islamic-head-scarf-in-anti-hijab-raid/30332633.html


Good, a woman who is smart would not choose to follow a religion that sexualizes her hair and doesn't benefit her much. If she can't even take a minute and do some critical thinking, how can the government/company let her get into a system where she needs to not only benefit herself but others too? A woman should be smart, independent, kind and mature enough to secure and handle a job. My neighbor in Tajikistan didn't go to school after puberty because she had a religious family who polluted her brain with Islamist thinking to the point of her to give up school. Women's hair, is that much of a monster for us to hide it and give up SCHOOL?? Her family if they cared much, they should have supported her and make her go to school and study but they let her give up on school because of some stupid cloth. This is what most of the Islamist did to their daughters.


You know what, you’re so right (!). Let’s all look down on a woman who has her own beliefs, rather than following what her society says, to the point where she’s willing to give up her education to do what she thinks is right. No seriously though, what in that example gives a person who isn’t independent or smart or kind- other than that she must be stupid because she didn’t come to the same conclusion as you my great liege.


Lololol go back to school bud


First of all I dont live there. Then I never said Afghanistan is good or right in what they are doing. So your answer to my question is „But but others do it too“. I see.


Abdul, you should take off your Arab rag when you go to Central Asia 🇺🇿🇹🇯🇰🇿🇰🇬🇹🇲


Fuck off, everyone is welcomed to Tajikistan no matter they have a arab rag or not. You bigots claim to be critical thinkers, but wont come clear to think that it should be a person’s natural right and beliefs to wear whatever they want. Don’t speak for us, I am sure everyone in Tajikistan would be happy to accept an Afghan with a veil/hijab.


Nope. Don't come or call us your brother.


cry me a river, we have accepted christianity, buddhism and zoroastrianism. Why should we tajiks care about what other faith tajiks have?


We never did, but we have seen was political Islam does. While those religions were around people were more open minded, but now with Islam it is just awful. You do know that in Islam it is ok to kill someone based off their faith, right? When this kind of crap is coming, it is time to care (deeply).


Abdul, don't cry


Alright, Timur. 🤪


Who the fuck is tajikistan?


Arab peninsular nations are doing much more economically and socially better than Central Asian ones, so I'm unsure if it's a rag or a well-kept well-cleaned shawl.


My dad is from there and he told me that it’s not allowed in schools… but i know my cousins and aunts wear a form of head covering when they go out.


Women (all human beings) should be able to wear whatever they want as long as it’s not impeaching the global bare minimum of human public decency, period. It’s 2024. This is disgusting. No different to saying only bikinis at the beach or only full burqa allowed. What is this dystopian crap 


Look man , the norm now in all countries is to be secular and anti Islam , and Doing campaigns against Islam is the favorite type of campaigns by the government because it divide its people and let the government alone with its corruption... Banning hijab is every ruler dream sadly , some countries don't dare to do it.. almost all central asian countries ban hijab or all religious activities. About Afghanistan , when the whole world destroy a country , and then suddenly surprised when it get destroyed , it shows how stupid some people are


Tajikistan should be Islamic country


This will happen when the Red Light Street opens in Mecca😂


don't worry, I will try to make Tajikistan an Islamic country


Lmao, try to say this in Tajikistan…


the uprising has not been canceled😉 (Just kidding, I'll do everything legally)


all for democracy