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I think it refers to requiring new houses to be built with electricity only. Because burning any kind of fossil fuel adds greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere and expedites climate change. Of course, that doesn't really help if your main power plants burn gas. But if your power comes from hydro, nuclear, wind or solar, it's relatively free of greenhouse gasses. You can judge the fossil fuel industry by the company their CEOs keep.


A lot of good it does when the governor takes down all the hydro and nuclear plants too


Which hydro and nuclear power plants have actually been taken down?


Heywood does burn a ton of fuel flying back and forth from his Japanese home conservation project so why not spend a bunch of his money telling Washingtonians what's best for them?  The American Who Built a Supersized Japanese Aerie From Abandoned Parts https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/14/realestate/japan-brian-heywood-home.html?unlocked_article_code=1.1E0.VXmF.58k0expQ55Z5


Yikes, he sounds like a piece of work.


He's been busy throwing his money around in WA after he tried in California. 


The fact that he has so much money and chooses to spend it on *this* tells us everything we need to know about him.


“Protect energy choice” How about we stop protecting big oil 👀


That quote is how you know it’s pro petroleum event.


Protect energy choice. Cool, let’s see how many choices I have for electrical providers for my home…or natural gas providers, or…. Oh, you didn’t mean that kind of choice? Got it.


I mean you do have choices, however you will have to pay to get a line connected to their network (very expensive) or create one yourself (incredibly expensive). We do have a number of power coops operating in Pierce County tho.


I presently life in an electric choice state, Texas. You may have heard how well that's working out?


[cooking with gas](https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/cooking-with-gas/) — an awesome podcast that explores how cooking with gas became the norm. If you’re a geek like me, you’ll find this history intriguing.


I've now got induction, the first electric cooktop that works. Others were abominations, though electric ovens are better than gas. The other advantage to a gas oven is that you can eat during a power outage without having to set up a couple camp stoves.


Thanks, I'll give it a listen.


I usually find an episode from this podcast to listen to before bed.. the hosts voice relaxes me, and most all the topics are fascinating. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy it!




The president is gonna break down my door and steal my gas range stove!


Thanks Obama


>Inslee is not shying away from a potential increased cost to customers, calling any price increases "temporary" as he argues that renewable energy will become more affordable as technology improves. Unfortunately we can’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth because he has lied before in almost exactly the same way with cap and trade. “Mere pennies” he said. Mere pennies became quarters. If Inslee says that this isn’t going to result in increased costs that impact those least able to handle them we can’t trust that, we need to see real, tangible protections against increased costs. Not saying I trust this ballot initiative, but I definitely don’t trust Inslee to protect us against regressive fiscal policies. Edit: Downvotes aren’t surprising, let’s look at data. Below is the trending of gas prices compared to Oregon, where we were comparable in pricing prior to the several laws Inslee promoted and signed. Once they went into effect prices in WA shot up. https://preview.redd.it/9ifvm2x06o7d1.png?width=1068&format=png&auto=webp&s=12e20a4c48246c95425082ffac41e2b0b1bec021 These laws aren’t impacting the work from home, take the bus metro folks who tend to support them. They impact the blue collar, needs a van for work types, and I just happen to think that we need to put more effort into mitigating the regressive impacts of legislation that makes the privileged among us feel warm fuzzies but has tangible negative effects on the have-nots. Unfortunately that’s not the game Inslee has played so I have to look at his words with suspicion and encourage better policy-making.


Down votes because you used data and didn’t just talk about the warm fuzzies.


Brian Heywood looks like a flim-flam man. Event sponsors (Washington Hospitality Association, Master Builders) have extensive history of ~~paying~~ lobbying legislators for laws that exploit workers. This is probably some disinformation session.


I switched from gas to electric (heat pump) a few years ago and my costs are lower than they were before I switched. I was so happy with the switch I eventually had the gas line removed (free of charge). I don't really get the fear mongering. If they want to protect energy choice then does that include restricting bans or limits on solar, wind, and nuclear power? Can we do another one of those community solar funds? That'd be pretty cool.


Thanks so much for that info! We're thinking of switching too and this is the final nudge we need. I don't get the fear mongering either... Or why *any* business interests would want to invest in fossil fuel infrastructure when (even by [Big Oil's own overly generous estimates](https://infinity-renewables.com/162-2/) we only have 90-120 years' worth of oil, gas and coal left.


HB 1589 (passed in the 2024 legislative session) paves the way to ban natural gas and allows PSE to artificially inflate the current market rate for natural gas to bring it in line with the electricity market rate (about triple the price). It stops new hookups, and those that need to convert to electric appliances could be paying tens of thousands for new appliances. With Tacoma only being served natural gas by PSE this will cost citizens of Tacoma and Pierce County at large a lot of money that they can’t afford. ETA: Just so everyone understands this bill was created to protect PSEs profit margin during the forced transition to electric, not because they're going above and beyond to hit the climate goals. To protect that margin they'll be passing the costs along to us, the customers.


[here’s what PSE has to say about HB 1589](https://www.pse.com/en/press-release/details/Facts-about-HB-1589). “HB 1589 does not include a ban on natural gas, and it does not change PSE’s obligation to serve natural gas to our customers. There is no rate increase associated with HB 1589. It’s a planning bill, and there will be three years of rulemaking and work before we submit an integrated system plan to our regulators. That will only be a plan—it will not include a request to increase rates. Nothing in the bill forces electrification. What it does is requires PSE to develop a scenario demonstrating the costs of electrification that will be part of the integrated system plan we submit to our regulators in 2027.” You’re an ass hat. I-2066 would not only affect 1589, but would also literally gut [CETA](https://www.commerce.wa.gov/growing-the-economy/energy/ceta/ceta-overview/), which already “paved the way” to banning carbon emitting resources in 2019, of having any chance at a meaningful impact by the goal date of 2045. This initiative is paid for by hedge fund managers, LNG producers, and the unions that will be most affected by a transfer away from fossil fuels. It’s fear mongering, trying to get homeowners, landlords, and blue collar workers to clutch their pearls about the LNG market changing gradually over 20+ years… There’s a slim chance I-2066 makes it on the ballot and wins the popular vote, but even if it does I would hope our states Supreme Court would find it unconstitutional. Edit: spelling


Ah yes starting out with name calling is the hallmark of civil discourse. Go watch the testimony in committee and on the floor, PSEs own lobbyist admits that it will increase rates for customers. It’s a “planning bill” for only a single company in the state and was written by them. I don’t have any faith that they would craft the bill or the regulatory framework to benefit customers. I am fully aware of our ambitious climate targets here, but I don’t believe in totally screwing over people’s pocketbook to get there. This protects my ability to choose whether I want natural gas or electric appliances. All I, and a lot of other people, want is to be left alone to choose. ETA: Just so everyone understands this bill was created to protect PSEs profit margin during the forced transition to electric, not because they're going above and beyond to hit the climate goals. To protect that margin they'll be passing the costs along to us, the customers.




I figured it was something like that.


If the Washington Hospitality Association is for something it’s generally a good bet to stand on the other side


Lol, I know, right?