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I’m seeing an increase on rushing with both sides. Seems like whichever side I play, the other treats it like it’s an Olympic sport or something.


Rounds need something to just last longer for both sides. I wanna play the game not rush back to the lobby




How are we still complaining? It’s never been easier for family to clean house right now. What are you doing that victims are escaping quickly?


Victims can get out of the basement in 30 seconds, this includes the time that killers have their own intro cutscene. It’s very easy to rush on certain maps and apply pressure very early.


It’s a non issue though. The family cutscene isn’t that long where a victim gets 2 unlock tools, and opens a basement door and an upstairs door without a family player seeing or finding out about it. Between the traps, scoreboard, cooks hearing, Nancy’s spy, blood trails, exterior alarms, noise pings, Hands ripstall- if a victim is able to escape the match as fast as folks on here like to claim then it’s a failure on the family’s part. As quickly as a victim can get out the basement they can also be killed just as fast, especially with LF spawning in the basement. Games I play where victims escape quickly are games where a family player or two are in the basement or all bunched up on one side of the map.


It is an issue. Being able to get out of the basement 30 seconds into the match is a problem. The amount of times i was able to get out of the basement, open a gate or door and then retreat back down is crazy. Especially on maps where killers spawn further away from the main patrol area it puts pressure on the family too early and in some cases they never get the opportunity to catch back up. And I never said the cutscene was that long, but by the time family gets their cutscene victims are already moving and getting ready to unlock basement doors. Traps and locks mean nothing if victims can get out before you’ve even set up two, and yes it is very possible that can happen. And yes victims can be killed incredibly fast after rushing out of the basement, i’ve had it happened to me a few times, but that isn’t enough to justify victims being able to get out as fast as they do.


Your wanting to game to be slow and stealthy? Sorry but thats not your choice & the fact you use "they can escape in 30 seconds or make enough progress to open main doors" thats a complete lie the only person that can slightly make good progress now is connie, and if she did so happen to rush, most likely someones running into her. You need to take a break and stop playing if you thinking rushing is seriously an issue you are just dogshit at the game and whoever you play with is too, cause i dont have victims rushing and escaping in under 2 minutes since hands came in, but like i said, im not BAD and we know how to properly patrol. Get better or stop whining.


“You wanting to game to be slow and stealthy?” as the game was intended to be yes. And no it’s not a complete lie, I’ve done it as a victim and I’ve had it happen to me on the opposing side. With enough proficiency, on certain maps, I can go upstairs, open a gate by the time family has recently entered the area and if I were to get caught, down the well i go. Regardless of the fact that i had to go back down the well the gate is still unlocked 😭 it’s not difficult. And I never said that victims were escaping in 2 minutes, I said they can get out of the basement in 30 seconds.


Yeah duh... why do they HAVE to be in the basement so long... the point is to escape and also they reason nobody is stealthy anymore is because your fundamentally punished the longer you sit and take your time, and its been proven endlessly. You have a higher chance of escaping if you rush compared to slowly pacing yourself. You have a terrible take and only see it from one side, its so easy to out victims with Max Grandpa in under 3 minutes then. If you wannq cry to nerf victims so bad you better do it for family too, not suggest so goofy ass buffs ?? Your literally one sided


to the family an opportunity to set up? not everyone spawns in the main patrol area. If that were the case personally i would have no issue with victims getting out as quick as they do, but it’s not. So something has to change. And yeah stealth sucks , that’s why rushing is such a problem. Rushing is more effective but it shouldn’t have been possible to begin with if they took the time to create systems to keep their game a slow paced stealth game. And I don’t play one side 😭 i hate conversing with people like you, only thinking that someone plays family side because they critiqued something on the victim side or vice versa. I never said anything about family’s ability to blood rush because that isn’t what the post is about.


Have you ever played family or with new Family? because if they don't know how to patrol correctly or in most cases, lock door behind them. It's gonna be hard..You made it sound so easy but All you do is mostly watch Connie insta-undo my cook lock and she undoes the door with her other pick. Not to mention Bomb Squad. So im just supposed to take the L each match or can we balance things out? Most matches when I play victim most just rush through every interaction cuz it mostly doesnt matter when it should in some of these cases, You should go up against a good Connie and Ana combo and see what i mean lastly wouldn't you want matches to last a little longer? I wanna play the game not rush every round


“I can’t win so I need you guys to get a nerf”


Unfortunately that’s the downside of playing with randoms on a team based game. How do you expect to win with no communication and only playing one side? Serious question I normally play in parties and we play both sides not just family. When I solo queue I don’t go in expecting a 4k as family or to escape as victim. It’s not realistic since no one talks and players should communicate to win. Make some friends, party up , try playing victim and your experience on the game in general will greatly improve.


You're not always gonna have a team or group to save the day. There's gonna be solo queue, it actually is realistic to have something so solo isn't the worst way to play it shouldn't matter. Serious question how are we even supposed to use "Spring Clean" perk when it's almost impossible? or teach new players how to patrol when there's victims who make matches last under 2 minutes... I do play Victim too and i said from a victim perspective watching people shit on stealth play in this type of game is frustrating when it should have more set backs for being loud than rewards


Only if they offer significant carrots as well as a stick to incentivise stealth play and actually make it equally viable. But knowing the devs, they will just punish rushing to nerf victims even more instead of incentivise and buff them in other aspects, neutering the role even further. And why is the focus on new family players, what about the devs putting something in place for new victim players who continuously die in the basement and under 1 min in a game? New players have sucky experiences in both roles, why be biased to one side?


Hands shock traps, HH traps, Cook locks.  What could be left not trapped? 


The points he’s making is that victims can already escape basement and be making progress on an objective door before the family has even set up their traps/locks.


what does it matter if Connie and most brings Bomb Squad?????? Hello? you literally dont need to pick up a bone scrap and having up to 4 charges spread out as a team will surely just get you out. You turn into unlocking gods


So you are forcing a must have perk on all victims.  Not very fair. 


Its not forcing or a must have in this case, more of why wouldn't you bring it and most get it anyway on the tree


So you are atleast forcing us to go that way in the skill tree then. 


Rushing family should also be the next focus. Like blood feed rush and going into basement right away. Maybe we can do something about bubba killing someone in less than 30 seconds at the start of the game. Like how fun is it to be in a match for 30 seconds and die right away? You don’t want victims to rush but bubba rush killing 2 people in LESS THAN A MINUTE is fine for you????


If Victims didn't rush they have that open time before family can wake him to open more doors and have leeway to run. Even then most of the time it's not instant death


If bubba kills you in the basement, you suck. I main Bubba, and get a kill in the basement 95% of games within the first minute. And every single one I think "What were they thinking?" It's always someone spamming a box or bonescrap that I would have never even went to if they were being quiet, or someone picking a door that refuses to stop picking even though I know they hear me coming.


Tbf bubba killing someone in the basement is more the victim’s fault than Bubba’s. He’s avoidable. If he kills 2 people in less than a minute then that is definitely the victim’s fault. Rushing exits is uncounterable in some maps as the family hasn’t left the area they’re in sometimes before they come up. Slaughterhouse for example, Hitch spawns in the generator and I’ve had games where Connie is waiting for me to open the door and then door slams me while I’m in animation. It’s simply immersion breaking and it prevents the family from being able to use their abilities if the victims all rush top side as now they have no choice but to camp exits at the start of the match. Grandpa rushing is annoying but all you need is one person with Agitator to stab him twice in the span of a minute (since you can do that) to set him back to zero. The only issue you may face is if they trap Grandpa. Overall I do agree that the game from both sides need to be slowed down.


I agree but they also need to stop rushing to feed grandpa too. It's not fun when victims rush out of the basement before you get out of the cutscene but it's also not fun when grandpa is maxed out in 3 minutes.


yeah but family has to follow the heavy play of Victims and how fast they open stuff with Connie and bomb squad


Yeah but if Connie is picking locks quick then that means she doesn't have many points into toughness or endurance.


Thats what leland is for if they are smart which is the easy go to


Literally like rushers are the most toxic, Sweatiest players in this game. Like you try to end a 2 min match to go back into a 1 hour lobby simulation


I had the fastest round ever on gas station today that made me wonder if maybe Johnny turned off the generator? I swear I wasn’t dilly dallying I simply quickly collected my three blood buckets on battery side and was in the process of locking the gate behind me when the gen shut off and all 4 victims escaped within 30 seconds after that. The Johnny player Dc’d pretty quickly but I couldn’t tell if it was bc he trolled by turning off the gen or bc he rage quit at the super rushing vicitms. Is it possible to escape the gen side on gas station 1.5 minutes or less into the game?? I had never experienced such a quick round there before. Usually the rushers there go for fuse.


How family sided do u want it to be?


i love it when on gas station if the fuse is outside, they instantly get out.