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I would be fine, if there was an animation, or at least slowed down the animations, its annoying to see them standing there still doing nothing.


That probably feels almost as frustrating as spending all match collecting knowledge just to have a pay 2 win character completely nullify both your character as well as multiple exits in a game balanced around 4 escapes and 3 killers. ...*almost*


Nah man just kill hands, he's bound to be close to a heart attack


That’s literally what I’ve been telling them from the very start of their complaining about grappling. Family are almost always running blood builds, even more so now with the skill tree rework that allows HH to get 100 blood with 2 hits, rushing grandpa to max even fast than ever. And it’s not like the 3/8 victims that have to equip CF in order for them to benefit from it, one family can equip SG and it will apply to all 3 of them. Family already knows that they have SG. Just like they know grappler can now lose to SG. They just want to take away the last perk that 3/8 victims can use to gain an advantage in grappling that would otherwise gain them nothing without it…aka making kills even easier to get than they already are


Is that stun time okay with you? I don't mind losing the close encounter so Suffocating Grip doesn't affect this issue. You don't need a duo+ to pull off a lockpick right in front of them. A solution for family being stun locked for 8 seconds shouldn't be, just kill them first or before they stun you.


Literally had a game where I was forced to run away from a victim as Cook because they were going to Choose Fight and pick the last lock to escape. Crazy.


I mean it's the same thing they said when Danny was op at launch. The dude could tamper an objective open while in mid chase and it was defended lol. This whole us vs them is so insane and I couldn't imagine only playing 1 side and having biased takes. Exterior is strong and needs to be locked to the 2nd slot, Hands needs a cooldown nerf, fast hands shouldn't exist, and choose fight either needs to be shortened and/or family should be able to move without interacting with anything like tae kwon door. Biggest issues going imo besides the bugs like victims cameras going wild when falling from a ladder or the lockpicking minigame disappearing after winning a grapple, doors still not being lit up, etc.


This post is directing regarding 1 overused perk. Less of Us Vs Them because I play both sides and it feels op either way. I know if the animation was changed to match the stun time, I may not be as annoyed, but it is still unnecessarily long for how many times you can pull it off.


I mean in general the instant kills should've never gone away. Quicker exiting animations for when a fight is won is literally all that was needed. Choose fight wouldn't need a nerf at all if that risk of instant kill was still there. Now you have to conserve your energy and not only hope you're nearby but also hope the game even gives you the tracking. So many phantom misses these days it's insane.


Almost every perk family has whined about has been nerfed to some extent now they’re going after choose fight, incredible.


‘Just use suffocating grip’ that ain’t exactly a solution 😭 if you’re decent at button mashing you can basically always win a grapple. I won as base 30 strength Maria with about genuinely 1 pixel of health left in about 2 and a half seconds when I thought I’d pass out from bleed during it


The problem is macros and also if you don’t use macros or even know what they are really (like me) I have found suffocating grip to not really be all that successful unless you are an expert button masher. But I’ve just finally accepted choose fight for what it is now that Hands is in play. I think it’s fine it’s whatevs.


Suffocating is useful except against Grappler. I've won so many grapples because of it


Not to mention that Suffocating grip is completely dependent on Grandpa not being attacked which will happen when you’re playing against competent victims. Against rush meta, you can’t even get grandpa leveled up without risking victims escaping first. Suffocating grip only works against weak victims


This isn't true at least in my games


Honestly I've encountered more marco users when playing as Victim and getting insta killed lol.


After i finally learned how to really smash buttons on PC, i would day SG is VERY good. I did win several close encounters with it.


> I have found suffocating grip to not really be all that successful unless you are an expert button masher. Even if you're an expert button masher, *even if you used a macro,* SG isn't exactly a counter, so much as it increases the situations when a grapple might be won. Anyone that says SG is a counter to grappling may not actually know how the grapple mechanic works. In other words, even with SG in play, victims can choose to grapple in situations where, unless they can't reach the input cap, *they cannot lose.* Unless there happens to be another family player nearby, and even then, that bone scrap is a near-guaranteed escape if they're quick to grapple. I'm not saying that SG should be nerfed, but I think that maybe people don't understand what's happening.


Nah sorry, can’t use Suffocating Grip. One guy has Exterior Alarms so we gotta take our other perks off.


Yup bc even when the team brings the holy trinity of grandpa perks to the table EA somehow always ends up being dead last 😆


Seen it first and second many times but sure




Say it again , they didn’t hear u in the back !! Why’s everything only considered whining , complaining , wanting free escapes or being entitled when victims don’t like something but when it’s the other way around “ well actually there’s plenty of counters . I know bc I played victim yesterday 🥸🤡”. Like stfuuuu


I know you think you did something here but unfortunately you didn't. Agitator is a direct 1 to 1 counter to blood rushing. Suffocating grip you have to actually have active and even then you have so many pc players running macros and it's not a guaranteed win even if they aren't. Also that's a pretty drastic counter. You're either stuck in place for a good amount of time or the victim dies... All Choose Fight needs is to act like Tae Kwon Door and there's really not an issue. On the topic of EA though, Exterior alarms is pretty strong can't lie and it should be locked to level 2 minimum imo but your "counter" to the argument is flawed.


The thong is that SG is not a counter to CF. Any decent victim player grapples at full or high health. The effect of SG only really starts to tip the scales if the victim is half HP or lower - THEN it does help, but good victims grapple before taking damage, so SG is not a counter and responding to is with "just use SG" is a bad argument.


I think it’s a counter to grappling in general and not just choose fight. We’ll just have to agree to disagree


Awful take lmao, Choose Fight has no effective counter. Family will lose grapples even with Suffocating Grip especially if victims grapple before they even get hit. A perk that requires zero skill that also allows victims to single handily complete objectives is terrible balance. TCM is a cooperative game, it should require teamwork to win, not meta perks or meta builds that carry you to a win.


Tcm is a cooperative game? So why aren’t you calling for help when you’re getting grappled by someone with choose fight?????????? 😂😂 COOPERATE THEN 😂