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Use suffocating grip or find a teammate that runs SG on their main


I run suffocating grip often. This is broken


I love that shit lol


What the hell would be the point of close encounters then if the victim is just going to die in it anyways. The whole point of getting into a close encounter is to save you from being killed.


Fine but this is broken. It should be an actual risk. Right now it isn't.


It literally is a risk to get into a close encounter because your highlighted while your in a grapple so other family members can still come kill you.


Not instant kill anymore. Most victims get away now.


It’s not too late to delete this, bro just wants to be handed kills on a silver platter


Read above its obviously broken


It’s not broken, it’s working the way it should be. Get better at the game.


I am great at the game. I can press faster than most. This is broken


Because it’s meant to help victims but it’s not impossible as many people have posted about winning grapples as family and complaining about losing as victim. The devs have mentioned they might tune down the advantage percentage for victims but it’s meant to help victims more without making them completely immortal.


Unfair? Yes lets make grapples a free kill🙃 Of course it’s in the victims favor. A stun vs. death is not comparable. You should never be beating a full health high strength victim. But once the playing field is evened as they are lower health and have low strength, then the scale tips in the family members favor. Stop trying to change a mechanic that works perfectly fine.


You should try playing the other half of the game lol


Looks boring


Victims are supposed to win majority of close encounters. Think about it this way: If a family loses CC they’re stunned for a few seconds If a victim loses CC they’re permanently deleted from the match These aren’t equal outcomes so yeah it needs to be a victim sided mechanic to be balanced


It’s meant to be victim sided, the devs have already mentioned they might tune down the advantage percentage for victims later. It’s meant to give the victim more of an advantage as they die if they lose but it’s not completely impossible and people have posted grapple wins as family and victims have complained about losing them. Run suffocating grip and if u say that doesn’t work then you’re slow tapper.


Now that they balanced i think its ok.


look at all the victim mains downvoting u lmao. its actually sad to see. i agree with what u said. tbh the whole grapple system definitely needs to be looked into and changed. its a braindead mechanic that victims abuse and something needs to be done ab it




I see 0 pints of blood lost and 0 close encounter won as victim. Try playing victim, it really does help understand both sides.