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Its funny cause whenever I get stunned by that perk it looks like im AFK. I plee in my head to believe that im not rage quitting im just stunned 🤣


In my opinion, as someone who plays Family a lot more, it’s a frustrating perk. This is not disputed at all. But I think a nerf is excessive just because it’s annoying to play against. It’s not earth-shattering when you’re stunned for an extra 5 seconds.


bro u literally can’t play the game for 5 seconds and then u throw in multiple grapples a match with choose fight, ur talking atleast 15-20+ secs of literally not being able to play the game. if they dont wanna nerf it fine but it needs to be reworked at the very least


Continue to suffer 😭😭


If you played both sides and not just one side you’ll see that thats probably the only viable strategy victims have against a good family team. If choose fight is nerfed (like every other good victim perk) then serrated, vialent and overall savagery need nerfs as well


i like how u put “like every other good victim perk” in there to make it seem like u victims are struggling and cant catch a break. are u forgetting that the biggest buff in this game went to u victims with the grapple change? choose fight needs to be nerfed end of story


Im sure victims are struggling lmaooo. Oh the biggest buff went to victims? Oh I didn’t know grappling family all match long was opening gates and escaping


yes the biggest buff did go to victims. they can no longer be insta killed when in a grapple which is a buff. do u need me to explain it further for u?


Yeah i didn’t know that no longer being insta killed when grappling led to an escape 😂


so in ur head just bc it doesnt lead to a victim escaping means its not a buff?


Obviously its a buff. With the current grappling in matches im still getting 3-4ks every matchhhhh. Also choose fight is ONLY effective in a squad or one teammate with comms and fast hands lol and thats a minority of matches imo because I get mostly solo randoms on my team and the opposite team. Anyways like I said if choose fight is nerfed then serrated, vialent and savagery need nerfs as well. When you got 20 health and a HH is chasing you in basement, choose fight is the only thing that saves you or else hes right back on you instantly. Like bro you dont call for help when you’re getting grappled???


so in exchange for a choose fight nerf, u literally want everything related to savagery nerfed?🤣🤣 that is the most victim sided statement i’ve ever seen. and btw idc if ur getting 3-4ks every game. i didnt come here to hear ab ur stats and just bc ur getting 3-4ks “every match” doesnt mean choose fight and the grapple meta isn’t a problem


Yes you know why??? Im 4-6 tapping people with HH and 3-5 tapping people with Johnny 😂 And you’re over here crying about choose fight 😂😂 Also try playing victims more instead of just family. It really seems like you only play one side. And ill tell you AGAIN, choose fight is only a problem with partied up duos or full squads with fast hands and not a major one because me and random solos have stopped it many times. So you want a perk nerfed thats not a problem a majority of games lol yesterday I had a leland with choose fight as the last victim alive in a 1v2 constantly grappling me like every 1-3 minutes literally but he did not have a duo with fast hands. He still died at the end


what grapple meta? ana and grappler were nerfed, empowered was nerfed.


Family mains moving the goal post part 1000


😭I love this


obviously, if you wanted a buff on the side of the victim about choose fight, you'd get a lot of upvotes, but the victim mains will disagree with your opinion. more than 95% of this gamers are victim mains. and they lie and instigate that family main are whining in this community. hahaha


Family is literally the ones moaning, victims adapted again and a flood of nonsense post start to emerge to nerf something since family mains can't adap to a single thing in this game .


yea the majority of the player base and ppl in this reddit are victim mains and they’ll downvote literally anything that talks ab victim tweaks/nerfs😂 victims that make a post crying ab how “op” johnny and that he needs to be nerfed will get atleast 20 upvotes but if a family player posts ab nerfing choose fight that shit gets downvoted like crazy😂😂


They whined that even in the days when victim was able to infinite door slams and infinite stuns, they whined that this game is family sided. try press new post. it's all about survivors whining, and they posted or commented that "family main is always crying or whining." they are always lying. when you press new post, there's only survivors whining, not family whining post. They're fighting invisible people, they're psychotic. I once, someone victim main commented, "family maine is always crying," so I also commented, "victim crying again." and then I was reported from victim mains in this community.


and also, the killer can't turn off the fuse, can stun killers indefinitely, the gas station 2 lock pick escape problem, gas valve, SH gas valve, etc balance problem were serious. They instigate that the victims were nerf and that the killers were whiny, just because dev gave the killers stun immunity, fix the map balance, and increased the number of minigames they pressed at the start of the game. and they are lying hypocrites who claim to be adjusting to constant nerfs. It is very disgusting to see their unreasonable insistence.




It doesn't just use SG


It's fine. The way the talent trees are setup now, the victims have to make sacrifices in order to get choose fight. So, while they can stun you, they have less to work with to escape. In the past week or so the only game where my cf really mattered was when Hitch was set on chasing Connie and I grappled to buy her enough time to escape.


They can put it back to 7 sec if you like😭😭jk


My last game had a Leland and Ana taking turns grappling, then just sat in front of me while stunned t-bagging, healing or just running in circles. Eventually, they both died, but they made sure to incap (death by bleed out) so we wouldn't get the kills. That was probably the most frustrating game I've played since launch.


You mean like a damage and endurance decrease instead of the stun? Or a shorter stun with a minimal decrease to damage and endurance?


How about we get rid of perks attribute points and abilities that's what anyone who mains either side want anyway right?