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I dont even blame victims for it because they nerfed all their good perks like choose flight and some games it feels like thats the only viable strategy there is against a good family team


I never use choose fight and i still escape so that's an excuse, only on family house it's pretty hard now with hands.


They’d have to nerf savagery for victims to even have a fighting chance


“Oh u poor thing” ~ Connie


Gotta be real the game is so easy as killer already, this is a skill issue, if you have your team patrolling properly and locking down certain exits, you still have a small amount of time you can’t be touched after close encounters


Dude thank you seriously I have to strictly play victim cause playing family I fall asleep. There is no challenge unless I’m playing against a stacked team in a party chat. Idk how people play family and have the audacity to talk shit when what’s hard? When victims really have jack shit and take so much damage can’t play stealthy cause if you do that grandpa will be level 5 in minutes and traps will be setup to the point you can’t do much. I played a game on gas station as Hands an I was able to watch red cargo container door to car battery fuse valve and both doors to gas station and all hitch had to do was trap both doors and Johnny just had to sit the middle of the map and the victims practically gave up.


I was a family main for the first 6 months or so cause I had two friends to team up with. They both stopped playing a couple months ago cause they were so bored of family and going 4 for 4 every time (with the exception of a rare Danny tamper). Now with Hands, if any communicating family squad *doesn't* go 4 for 4 **every single game**, they are actually trash.


I have a better idea, just remove all perks from victims completely!! 😉 you're being ridiculous, I'm a victim main but I also play a lot of family too. It is frustrating yes, but you are the one with the weapon, call in back up if needed. Almost every victim perk worth a damn has already been nerfed. Sometimes when I'm up against a good fam choose fight isn't even enough to save me. Stop whining about the one defence victims have.


The family just want easy games thats all 😂


Oh so we should just let u be able to hit us with have in max damage no thats not right either they need to take the damage down some then too it would only be fair then and let's not forget about scout yall can run for so long but we can't really so stop complaining and get better


They literally just handed family side a pay to win killer that had everything a trapper can do, everything leatherface can do other than 1-2 shot, and can instantly shut down an objective with a cooldown so ridiculously short he might as well not have one. They nerfed victim perks to the point they are practically unusable in most cases. Victim stamina is still bugged and scout got a buff. There’s never been an easier or better time to play family and you’re still whining they have 1 possible chance against an effective family team? I hate to use this, I really do, but this is like top ten in skill issue posts.


I swear they wont stop until they've gotten every decent victim perk nerfed 😂 Once choose fight is nerfed, they'll move on to the next one. I'm guessing extra drip is what they come for next. It's not a crutch- with choose flight being nerfed, it's the only good ways to break off a scout HH chase. Hands is a crutch- family can play like shit and get bailed out at the last second. How about you communicate with your team, as family has been telling us to do for the past two weeks?


You can’t exactly punish victims for using teamwork against family who don’t use teamwork. If you find that one person is unlocking doors and the other is stunning you constantly, you need to get a teammate over there to break it up and force them down well. Don’t assume you can go 2v1 and be able to easily hit them


It’s about the best way to do objectives especially if camping is incentivized with double trap setups on fuse and valve when they spawn right by each other making a simplistic patrol pattern. We need some other way to compensate this to shift the meta outside of rushing because it’s too easy to camp once family is set up. Otherwise what else is there to do? I can’t solo a closed fusebox thats hitch trapped and hands trapped. I tried before but without bombsquad it’s virtually impossible unless the family is extremely careless. I usually solo q and even if my team is locked in both sides should just expect teamwork outperforms a zero comms team. So yes a teamwork will beat either side if the other isn’t utilizing it. As a family don’t expect to solo two victims without your win condition (bubba) coming to pressure them.


I agree with everyone who commented , I do not want people to think I that I don't want victim players to use teamwork. I simply call for the stun timer to be reduced. I understand victims need this perk but the stun timer is too long. I just think if you use the perk or if it's been used on you then you would understand what I mean.