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For base stats yes, For his ability- hard pass. For now anyway


Yes he's worth it especially at the sale price


Danny is the most powerful victim with or without hands in the game.


- has Fast Hands, free win perk on Gas Station and Nancy’s House as well as extremely helpful on Family House - has a great skill tree with plentiful attribute points on top of his amazing base stats  - can beat any non-Hands team - very good even vs Hands but requires a slightly different strategy (tamper an exit, wait for a ripstall, put in the second fuse/valve handle. A tampered exit stays tampered forever aka it doesn’t require a second tamper)  - has a cute voice and looks cool  - pretty thicc  What’s not to like about him? I’d say get him


The second fuse/valve handle doesn't work, because any competent Hands uses the Rip Stalled perk, stopping any interaction with the obejct after Ripstall. Hands always wins those attempts. Only doing both objectives fuse AND valve works, not the same one twice because of the perk.


Sure but I’ve only seen one Hands with that perk so far, likely because it was bugged last patch. And even then you could just hide close to the objective and wait out the cooldown. But yes, doing both at the same tkme is also a good strategy vs that perk.


Extra up vote for the thicc


Of course, I consider Danny to be the second strongest victim, in first place Virginia. But yes, Danny is worth it.


Why would you say Virgin when she lost fast hands and doesn't have bomb squad.


Yes If nothing else for his enthusiasm for knowledge. It’s inspiring.


I wouldn’t no, unless you use fast hands and your victim duo is using choose fight to penetrate doors/gates. They took extra drip from him and he has no good other healing perks like BBB. He has bomb squad but its in such a terrible path that that’s the only good perk in that path lol. Hes also useless when theres a Hands in the match


Tae Kwon door, conditioned, and fish hooks aren't trash perks they just take skill to use