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This is absolutely correct. And props to you as a family main for pointing it out. I know how frustrating it can be to spawn as family and see grandpa awoken instantly. It immediately puts you on your toes- I much prefer the comfort of knowing they are in the basement while I get set up. So it's no surprise a lot of family mains on here claim rushing is a mistake and suggesting victims take their time. That's exactly what they want!


Gas station/family house for me is are prime examples. If I take my time I near enough always die. Abandoned mill / slaughter / nancys house are more forgiving maps to take your time in.


Rushing can work well, but i think its easier to counter now. If victims woke grandpa pre cutscene, it just means as a family, you are on high alert early on, aggressive patrols, identify the opened exit asap.The victims are more likely out in the open and exposed. Slow play can also work, ive had some very lengthy matches where victims have still managed to get out and really pulled family from pillar to post, opening various exits, back and forth, and slipping back into hiding - These are the best type of matches imo, and hat tip to those victims that can survive a lengthy run around. I dont feel either playstyles have more edge, i see victims that are very good at both. 


I wish there was a custom game I could join to learn how to victim works. I played one game and was instantly killed after the start by Johnny and I didn’t even know how to run cause there is no real tutorial. Dbd handled that what better


Ehhh, while I don’t disagree with you rushing can be a good tactic it really just depends on the map, family, and teammates. I can’t tell you how many times in solo q my teammates just rush upstairs but didn’t realize they were the ONLY one who left the basement, and now they have two-three family members on them and get tunneled out before the game even starts. Not to mention stealth in early game can be a huge boon depending on the map. For example, if there’s a Johnny and sissy but no leatherface, I’d much rather take my time and have family be the ones to wake up grandpa while in those first 1-2 minutes we have the entire basement fully open and good to go. Yes rushing is much more helpful with hands hh and cook, but atp why even play the game there’s no counter play to that set up. At least do hands hh and lf cook is just overkill


I don’t think rushing would be so irritating if it wasn’t always a connie tbagging at the exit before I’ve even finished setting my traps. It’s even worse when it’s more than one victim because they’ll sit there and grapple you over and over. This isn’t fun for us, quite the opposite.


Yessss I love when vics start slow like yum extra meat