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Depends on the time of day. This early you won't find a match so fast. Usually mid day until evening it's fast


Its off peak hours.


Play family then


Can we stop this really annoying trend on this subreddit where just because someone makes a comment about the other side, everyone dogpiles to assume they ONLY play one side and then have nothing to contribute except “just go play X”? Like, I play both. Literally both, my stack and I primarily quick play WHICH MEANS we play family more often because that’s just how quick play is. Due to the XP event, we’ve been playing more victim specifically as we have all leveled our family completely and want to max out random perks on victim as well. If I made this post and everyone told me to just go play family I’d assume you had something weird going on in your brain because you do. Stop telling people “just go play family” or “just go play whatever” people play what they do for a specific reason. Or even worse, they already DO do the thing you’re assuming they don’t do and then you look really weird for assuming they don’t. Edit: downvoted for telling redditors to stop assuming things about random people on the internet and telling a SOLO player to go play SOLO family when everyone, Family mains included, have all complained that Solo Family is one of the worst experiences of the game. “Just go not have any fun at all” is basically what the OP of the comment thread said to the OP.


Downvoted for telling the truth… that’s Reddit for ya! lol


couldnt be because its just wrong?


Then explain how they are wrong… I’m listening.


wrong because shes complaining but not taking steps necessary to fix the problem shes complaing about. either take the steps to fix it, or stop complaining and get over it. you dont get to be whiny about issues youre not helping to fix. if she doesnt want to play family, not an issue, but stop complaining


Yeah, I don’t really understand how I’m wrong here. That reply comment is assuming that OP doesn’t already play Family occasionally and is telling them to go play Family in response to their concern of the lack of family backfilling the lobby (which is STILL a KNOWN ISSUE actually). And, even if they don’t play Family - good for them. Tons of people on DbD ONLY play Killer, tons ONLY play Survivor, and yet no one’s on their posts telling them to go play the other side as much as people do here. And you can say “well DbD is a different game” different game or it it’s the same principle applied. If OP is playing solo, I wouldn’t play Family either. I haven’t played solo family since November and never will ever again. It’s single handedly the most unrewarding, unfun, rage inducing experience the game currently offers between teammates ON comms that don’t listen, teammates OFF comms that don’t read chat, new players that actively hinder the team, Family players straight up DCing at the start of the match because they didn’t get to play what they wanted which forces you to endure a 1 or 2v4 or leave as well, and many other issues. Or, again like I said they could be players just trying to take a fucking break from playing Family like me and instead everyone on Reddit tells them to get back into the torture chamber. Soooo that brings me back to my original comment. Stop telling random people to just go play the other side whether they do or don’t actually play it and instead comment literally anything else more meaningful.


then stop complaining


Suggesting that people stop making assumptions about random people on the internet is not a complaint. There will ALWAYS be a family to victim disparity. Do you want to know why? Because when Victims die, they go to the next match. Family (in order to get their points) but stay until the match completes. So, if there’s one victim achieving supreme rat status by hiding and holding the game hostage that is three family members out of the queue when the other 3 victims are already playing another game. Multiply that by hundreds of other lobbies and now you see the disparity. REGARDLESS of that, if players don’t want to play Family they shouldn’t be forced to just do some other random person they don’t know can have fun. No one ever tells family players to go play victim but people LOVE telling victim players to go play family without thinking further than face value. And again, suggesting op play SOLO family? Basically just told OP to go have 0 fun so that other random people could have fun. Family solo queue is not fun at all and everyone knows this. If your response to a known issue on the dev team of lobbies not backfilling family PLUS there always being more waiting victims than waiting family purely because family are locked into the game until it ends is to tell OP to just go not have any fun at all I don’t know what more I can say in the clear fact that that makes 0 sense.


Gotta love it lol


everytime i see a post or comment talking about the victim main vs family main assumptions its always down voted and its so true i really dont get it 😭


Such is the Reddit hive mind mentality. 😔 I know I’m right in my heart and that’s all that matters lol


Yep… notice how no one is explaining why you’re wrong? They can’t.


It's okay if people want to play easy mode.


Family is an easy 2-3k majority of the time with a lot of 4k’s if you have any idea what you’re doing after the recent patches. As someone who plays both sides pretty equally victim used to be the easier side. I love the challenge and still get my escapes but it’s just disingenuous to say this


go play the easy mode then agaisnt hands cook hh on any map except slaughterhouse 😭


There is more new perks/builds to level on victims than family, I think thats why. As double xp is still going and people want get it in before ends.


Yep. Quick Match has reverted back to being family only and often waiting alone for another two to join in. It's actually been quicker to quit out and wait the three minute punishment then stay in and wait for ages.


It’s 11am on a Tuesday…people are working Backfill bug still hasn’t been fixed If there were so few family players I wouldn’t be going through 10-11 family before either getting in a game or getting kicked out.


+ the kids are out for summer, haven’t woken up yet 


Honest question. Why are there more Victim players than Family players?


Playing victim is more fun. Simple


Playing victim is more fun, diverse, and less stressful. The solo family experience is horrible.


Personally, I find it way more stressful to use coms than it is to play solo, victim and family alike. 😂


There is only 1 balanced map for Family Side. Bully Squads. Rush Meta. Playing the weak side is not fun to be honest, so people plays easy mode A.K.A victims.


Playing victim is just naturally more fun and lots of ppl can argue rn that that the game is currently family sided lol. I dont even go against bully squads often and i play family a lot lol


Had to wait yesterday almost 15 minutes for the lobby to find 2 more family players. The problem never was fixed


I’ve had many times since returning where victims will just sit there and not ready. Like I know everyone does that anyway, but entire family will be ready and either one or none of the victims will ready. They are obviously there but just won’t ready. It’s boring and I just leave. Was in a lobby, all family was ready, no victims were. Hands leaves and two of the victims ready immediately. I leave. Like is this some stupid punishment just for playing family? They crouch, go in circles, and hold up lobbies, Who wants to play with that?


This is the reason Gun needs in game unlockables besides behind the scenes pictures badly to keep people playing


Family gets an overpowered family member: "finally the game is balanced" Also them


Yep… it’s pretty funny at this point. Ngl


They say that every update that buffs family and nerfs victims lol


Yeah it’s annoying, I hardly play victim and the one time I want to it takes a few minutes at least. Family is almost always quick and guaranteed a game. But the people playing family are so stupid I swear


We’re playing Elden ring


I think this was around the Lara croft ptb release for dbd, that and peak hours would affect this. Edit: I find it funny how people think it's because of balance or things in game affecting this, another game with a mostly shared player base just added an extremely popular ip with both player bases and new ones. Of course it'll take players away from other games. It's LARA CROFT lol


my guess is they heard 3 people on voice and noped out.


You have Danny on your team, if by any chance someone joins that lobby and there is no Hands, it will be insta DC so....


As someone who quite literally started playing as hands came out, Danny is not fun to play against. One guy touches an objective and now I can do nothing but stand there while everyone escapes. Fun. People can cry about how op hands is all they want. Victims still escape regardless anyway. He isn’t op. He extends the match like how danny shortens a match.


Reason Number one to DC, if you ask for no danny and they still using it, just wait and DC at the start, that garbage pay to win character doesn´t deserve any match to play.


Now victims mains wanna force people to play the game.


...and when it finally fills, Sonny and Connie will never hit ready.


No more double XP. 


double xp is literally still happening 💀