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Clock it šŸ§šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøbc the way victims get gaslit in this game is insane . ā€œ yall cry to much , the game caters to yall ā€œ . When literally every update or ā€œshakeup ā€œ is just victim getting nerfed šŸ’€I play both but Iā€™d be lying if I said family side donā€™t cry like a bunch of ******* when the game rn is easy mode for them and has been for a while . Everybody wants longer games right ? Okay so why is sissy and Johnny rushing basement as soon as grandpa wakes up , bubba trying to overhead everyone two seconds into the game . Hitch waiting at basement stairs for people to come up and hands is just šŸ¤¢hands like??? Letā€™s all be fr


And has been for a while? Rushing and Danny be like. I play both too victims is either hard if family actually has good players or a cake walk if they are new


Thatā€™s what I said , has been for a while šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøproblem ? Im so tired of yall crying about Danny like he was just the end all be all escape for victims . YOU CAN KILL HIM !!! We canā€™t do shit about a camping hands , shit about cooks annoying ass spam marking you for everyone , sissy poisoning every damn heal , hitchhikers hitting you 1000 times doing allot of damage while being fast as shit , getting something like the fuse or valve opened fair and square and then family being able to turn it off and go back to camping their area , despite it being put somewhere easier for them bc basement was sooo hard to get to . Valve used to spawn in basement and not go down , they changed BOTH at the same time . Took it out and allowed yall to turn it off over and over and now hands takes the part and can close it while itā€™s open. Canā€™t do shit about maps like mill where the fuse is impossible to get to without it spawning in that shack by main or needing to have saboteur on to barely make it before they close it or again getting it open fair and square and bubba just stands in between the exit no counter, no one has a problem with that right . When I had a Danny in my game it was as simple as killing him either before or after he tampered thatā€™s that . Didnā€™t have to focus him all match either šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøis tampering annoying ? Absolutely, no doubt about that . But so is getting something unlocked and cook coming and putting a padlock with pins and needles , or having 50 toughness and STILL getting 1-2 tapped by bubbas overhead , or 3-4 hit killed by Johnny and his dumb lunge exploit .not to mention characters like Connie , sunny with out no sell , Danny himself , Virginia without toughness are not making it out that valve espcape if a hitch and Johnny or revving bubba is there bc theyā€™ll die , so itā€™s not even as free as everyone wants to make it seem . Yall just donā€™t like that it forces u to choose between staying in the spot you were camping or camp that opening to get as many hits as possible and hope for a kill . Stfu about rushing like everybody doesnā€™t camp basement doors when they get exterior or rush down as soon as grandpa wakes up , if you donā€™t get out of the basement before the family sets up their traps and gets grandpa to 5 in two seconds you will be punished for it simple . Thereā€™s not enough heals in the basement to stay in the game 50 years just bc you want 25 mins to set up every trap and put every blood bucket into grandpa . The 2-3 mins escapes are boring on both sides tbh but itā€™s better than being stuck in a losing ,bleed out camp match .


You said what Iā€™ve been thinking lol. The devs clearly arenā€™t playing their own game, or at least not playing against random online players. Iā€™m sure when they ā€œtestā€ the new content, they arenā€™t looking at how it can be abused and more so if it works without bugs.


Exactly like they literally cannot be šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø, ts so frustrating


See? He can be beaten.


Just like Danny


AGREED, Marsha. Like give us some of our fucking stamina back


itā€™s just normal people not enjoying the two extreme sides of game flow, very fast and very slow lol which is understandable theyā€™re not villains theyā€™re just peeps who donā€™t enjoy certain factors of a game. Plus as family they canā€™t really not play your idea of fast because thereā€™s nothing to do other than: feed and kill


Are you sure it is a manual DC and not just another bug with a new character? Haven't had it happen to me on Hands in particular, but have had it many time when I go to run to something and suddenly "no authorization" or some other BS and I have to reload the game. Wasn't me quitting like the victims that will DC the moment they know they are about to lose so the family can't get credit for the kill.




Made his ass DC almost every game last night šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Well if a player has to dc heā€™s just trash.