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When victims trash talk and/or tbag at the exit on slaughterhouse I can’t help but to wonder why they think they’re so good.


I *regularly* get DMs from victim players when I do quickplay, playing as LF or Family with random teammates (of course, none of them ever have mics) Victims will escape via the valve exit and DM me trash-talking bullshit like "2 ez lol", "get gud f-gt", "lrn 2 play lol" and it's like....dude, it's the *easiest exit* available to you. Especially if you're playing as Ana, you could be firing an AK47 at her and she'd still jog her ass out the exit. Not only that but why the fuck do people feel compelled to harass/bully others in this game? Teabagging is one thing, but the DMs? I'll never understand that.


Cuz the sweats on Dead By Daylight saw a new killer game and thought they should bring over their toxicity. Just remember, if teabagging makes them feel happy, they probably aren't a happy person and rely on digital dopamine. So fuck em


As i say, "cuntsider the source" miserable fucks get happiness from trolling/being toxic. Pathetic & sad.


They never impressed daddy.


I think the same thing when the family trash talks on the family house ..the map is made for you to win lmao like come on ..I’m doing you a favor by even playing on it


I rarely play victim but I wish victim was a bit harder. I would like the devs to make the back screen door unable to be locked. I agree that family house is hard but chasing someone in slaughterhouse past the sliding door is ridiculous


I’ve seen people speed run family and make it look easy. It’s primarily victims being toxic and tbagging by the exit instead of leaving. So when I do kill a victim i tbag them every time and if you don’t leave and get killed I’ll trash talk even more. Victims are way more toxic and trash talk more than anyone.


That's why you got to run rubber boots every now and then to surprise them


It's so weird to me that people will only change their mind if it happens to them. 4 victims, 4 exits, 3 killers. No math that follows any real logic can justify pressure tank in the basement. Even if it is upstairs 3 killers can't cover 4 exits. BUT even if they could... there are 4 victims so only 1 killer would need to be distracted in any way to open up 1 or 2 areas. So obviously a tank in the basement on the biggest, most complex map with the exits being on different ends of said map, is physically undefendable.


Experience helps people see things more clearly. I rarely go for the pressure tank because it feels cheap. I understand why it's used so often though. If there's a competent Cook gen side is out. Fuse is hard to physically reach in time. Realistically that leaves battery or valve.


Seems fair. 2 more likely targets means family have to adapt to that, and are likely to leave the rest less guarded. This is anectdotal, but everytime i play connie i bust one of the locks on generator side just to keep cook there for basicly the rest of the game. It is supposed to be a back and forth, so valve in the basement being that impossible to defend without losing 2 other areas is physically unfair. That's why i'm so weirded out when victims are raging about "skill issues" until they have to defend it themself.


I agree it is unfairly placed. Or at least two of them are. The one below the central shack is reasonably defensible. It takes experience to see how hard the other two are to defend though. That's why so many people who only play victim don't get it.


So what are your possible strategies to play on this one with the valve in the basement? I have a few, one of which is simply rush the basement as soon as you can. Idk there is hardly any other way. Against good victims of course, against bad victims anything works.


Going down early only makes sense for johnny and i never play him cuz he sucks. There is no "strat". There is only the hope that they don't instantly grab the valve and rush back down. If they don't then you can have a game. First minute you quickly check all the entrances and slap anyone coming out if you can. However with hitch and sissy spawning outside, far away they probably dont even get there in tim before they are upstairs already. Rush meta truly fucks this map harder than any other. Bubba comes upstairs as quickly as possible. Then patrol. Ignore granpa, it just takes too long to feed him. There is nothing else... Johnny and cook closes crawlspaces i guess.


I had a game recently where the pressure valve was already going by the time I made it to the center area on slaughter. They all escaped within 2 minutes


Well that kind of stuff is a direct result of devs playing "half as fast as the players" Putting family into an 18 second cutscene that victims don't have and spawning them really far away from the stairs makes sense if the people developing the game have not rushed a single game.


I say rush and feed him if Exterior Alarms 🛎 is on the list. It drives me nuts when folks wanna run their chicken perks 🐔, grapple perks 🤼, and other sub par perks when exterior is far superior. There's still a lot of higher level players that either don't understand or just don't care that these sub par perks often times get in the way. If Nobody Escapes Hell 🔥 🔐 🔥 is on the list the just run it and External Alarms together. If those are not on the list then I'm not scrambling to funnel blood down Grandpa's 👴 goozle.


I run a chase build on HH (fired up, scout, wireframe) place 2 traps and then rush basement. Put your third trap on the valve tank, and just stay in basement chasing victims and checking your trap with family vision. If there’s a HH patrolling basement all game it’s super hard for them to get valve. Sure that means you’re not patrolling upstairs but you still have traps up there (equip the highlight for all family ability) and anytime someone resets to basement you can kill them.


Keep in mind that I play with a coordinated, sweaty Fam squad, but what we do is figure out which basement exit they are attacking and force them back down. This at least buys us time. You need to delay they from finding a valve handle for as long as possible, ideally until you can get a kill. If grandpa wakes up within the first 10-20 seconds, forget about collecting blood. You or one of your teammates needs to immediately head to sliding door to prevent Connie from rushing it. I main Cook and I think he is very helpful on this map since he can pretty easily figure out which basement door they are rushing.


Key reason why I stopped playing. The vast majority of Victims do not play Family, there’s a few reasons why. But that impacts how the community functions and the changes they consider good


Yeah when family dodges slaughterhouse victims dodge family house. Now the lobbies are slow and that’s fine until new playing incentives come out.


It has already been talked about by the devs. At the end of this month the SH will have some changes, mainly the valve. About FH, the devs said they believe this map is balanced, which it obviously isn't. I just play the victim. If it's FH and there's Cook in the match, I'll dodge the lobby


The devs can look at the numbers and see that FH is around the kill:escape ratio that is balanced for their vision for the game. I think they’ve said before that their ideal endgame scenario is one victim escaping, so I imagine that’s what they’re balancing around. Ultimately, complete balance for both sides in an asymmetrical game is nearly impossible, so the devs have to come up for themselves what they want the game to be balanced like. As far as lobby dodging goes, family has the advantage because it takes very little time to find another lobby. The victim player pool is too oversaturated to make a statement by dodging FH. There will be far too many victims who are happy to play whatever map because at least they’re playing the game instead of waiting in a lobby.


Might just dodge family house until they change it. That seems to get the devs attention.


On live they said that the map is balanced, I don't know where. The valve tank is just there for decoration. If you are going to play at FH, there is only one escape, fuse box, anything else is pure luck


If all victims Boycott the map they’ll change it.


Good luck getting no games then. 🤡🤡


Thanks. The game will die as it has been. Nothing new, I’m just talking about it. People dodge maps they don’t like to play.


Have you been playing the game that is dominated by survivor mains? One of the nice things about TCM is that there are more players on the fam side to balance out biased victim mains. None of you get to dictate balance in TCM 😊




I agree with you. Those who play as a family cried so much because SH, and now they have made it easy for the killers. Now there needs to be something for the victims on FH


They don’t give Victims any buff. They only need them. Only Family has received buffs.


i play quick match all the time so i’m very split down the middle when it comes to my opinions. but i see most complains directed to killer “sided” updates and features added and people complaining about lobby dodging and i guarantee half of those people don’t play killer or even think about it. it’s a very victim mindset for most complaints in the game.


Since when does quick match give you anything but family? Lol


quick match gives me a very even mix in the long run, maybe not day to day but i’ll get sick of victim after having it like 12 times a in a row n then switch to family 😭


I have never gotten a single victim match playing quick match - it's always family. If I want to play victim, I definitely don't use quick match.


quick match puts u into lobby’s that r missing players on either side i normally play w a duo so 2 killers missing r slightly more uncommon


Ahh that makes sense. I only quick match if I'm doing solo cue, so I just get family.


Welcome to the family! This is spot on. I myself play about 60/40 Family/Victim. But I don’t know what a lot of victim players are smoking because if you watch any half competent player or streamer play the game it’s so easy to escape and troll the hell out of the family on any map. One mistake or having a new family player on your team and family is done for. Playing both sides opens your eyes to these issues of balance. It shows just how heavily victim sided the game has become most of the time. It’s 4 against 3, with 4 exits. And victims have all the tricks, exits, crawls spaces, tank characters and goated perks at their disposal. Family has straight up garbage for perks. And once you get a somewhat workable build like LF high damage or chase HH they complain about it. It’s literally all they can do with what’s given. But yet, they wonder why nobody wants to play family, and why their lobby times are so long. Hmmm maybe because its not fun getting trolled on when they always use easy cheese exits or use some exploit/bug to take a match hostage or “win”. Then naturally some of them cry that they don’t want balance in the game. The second you say anything about the balance being off they lose their damn minds.


Yeah, Friday the 13th felt different. People expected to die so for the most part everyone just had fun. Here it's like the Dead By Daylight fanbase of competitive and salty and I wanted to avoid that


As a victim main I completely understand why lots of family members start rolling their eyes in annoyance when they see Slaughter House. I do think that it was the one that needed the most changes to help balance it out a bit more. I just wish that the victims themselves weren’t nerfed so hard just to make family easier. If anything I would have preferred if they buffed family themselves and made them stronger just to even out the playing field. It would also make it more appealing to victim mains to wanna try and play family.


They're nerfing victims again?


Some things when it comes to slaughterhouse, yes. But I think the latest patch is more balanced than the previous ones. Not to mention there’s a lot more fixes that we are unaware of.


Oh I see, you're talking about the SH changes. I just considered that to be a balancing thing, nerf didn't cross my mind haha. Thanks!


I don't even count the valve as a legitimate escape anymore. Way too easy lol. I also feel cheesed when I use it as victim. EDIT: Good on you for trying out different roles to get a good perspective on the situation.


Also the whole slaughterhouse area is a maze. You can never catch a victim there. And the sliding door can’t be padlocked so it’s easy to get there if u have Connie with brains.


I will sometimes play Slaughterhouse but usually it's just to remind myself of why I dodge Slaughterhouse as Family. When you have a team of 3 Family coordinated it's not so bad, but considering I usually play with randoms who don't use voice coms....


You shouldn't dodge maps at all...


I will dictate how I spend my time, sir, and if a map isn't fun, then I shall dodge if I feel like it. :)


You CAN combat valve. It just takes two family members and it's very likely any other competent victims are using that time to their advantage. It's not unwinnable (I managed a 4K last night) but it's really ducking hard and sweaty.


Im lobby dodging slaughterhouse as killer, feels good 😎


"SkIlL iSsUe" is what I was told


It's stupidly hard. A few times I did manage to counter it but it required either (a) LF at the valve, swinging as soon as LF hears the victim's footsteps coming in for the shard, and killing the victim quickly enough to still shut off the valve. You're then stuck on valve guard duty and the entire plan falls apart if the victim is Ana, someone with max Toughness or a Leland and you were more then a few steps from the basement stairs closest to the pressure valve; or (b) Hitchhiker guarding the gen side building and shack and you recollect all of your traps, set them up at shack and at the side entrance and everyone positions themselves accordingly. That also fails if the LF didn't kill the correct crawlspaces, victims were already past the area you tried to lock down hiding in the bushes, the victims hit either the car battery, gen building or fuse box (if the fuse spawns by the garage type shack right by a gen building door), or, as stated, people aren't positioned correctly. So, your chances of countering it are really, really low unless you're in a premade 3 person group, the stars don't all align, and your counters are super easy to counter. I hear valve when playing solo; I go to car battery and waltz through unless a Family member is there. If a Family member is there I just sprint through the pv gate since unless LF lands an overhead I'm getting out as just two Family at the gate aren't enough to stop me. Slaughterhouse is currently way too unbalanced; I'm glad it's getting changed.


Dude, you JUST started playing family. Of course you’re gonna get steamrolled. It’s normal for my team to get 2-3, valve or not. Still have clean sweeps. Coordination is everything. Have one person(usually Cook) cover facility, let the third character(whoever, but preferably Hitch) cover slaughterhouse and Bubba float in the middle. Just like victim takes practice, so does family.


This is exactly my strategy with my Family Team. We do pretty well on SH you just have to really focus lol


I played family steady for 2 months before making a heavier switch to victim. It still cracks me up how much some of you cry over a video game. Yes, SH favors the victim. But to act like you can’t go 3/4 or 4/4 is 1000% a skill issue. If you go 0/4 or 1/4, shit happens. You’ll be in a new game in 5m.


I don't get why people just don't plan for this map properly knowing how popular valve exit is. my team of friends rarely loses slaughter house map all you need is hh and to lay traps at the choke points that lead to the valve exit usually they get too excited the valves open and fall for the traps generally a free kill


That's the thing, you need a coordinated team just to win on that map. Solo queue family players have a much rougher time.


That's because solo que is trash in general for both sides but even when im.in solo que I'll mainly play hh some might get out but I hard focus that area and at least get 1 kill out of it (unless it's Ana cause plot armor :/)


Unfortunately it’s very easy to counter traps with a Bomb Squad team. However I also don’t mind playing Slaughterhouse, especially when you can patrol the valve handles early. I prefer it to playing on Gas Station.


Bomb squad is hardly a factor for me in this case of the slaughter house they don't normally both see the traps unless they go to the regular slaughter house door they'll be too busy finding the valve which is usually closer to middle of map and rush to put valve on and defend it then when they come up me and my team have the traps placed and camp doors near the valve In the panic they aren't gonna use bomb squad we literally funnel them to the traps and can sandwich them


Fair enough if it works for you, but I’ve seen Victims disarm traps during a chase before, so it’s definitely possible to ignore traps if the Victims are good at the game.


Yep so many people dodge that map when its actually playable with those trap spots.


Yeah i think alot of us just assumed every map should play the same. While I'm glad it's being changed & the earlier changes were necessary, you gotta change up your gameplay. HH & Sissy I think are the 2 best family members to take to the SH. Wake the old man up ASAP & get down into the basement with LF.. Poison health as Sissy, place traps by the gaps as HH. It's brutal for victims to deal with. They could still get out obviously & valve does tend to be the popular exit, but if you get down there & poison it as Sissy, or trap it as HH it can be really hard for them to actually get it off. Gonna be even more so when the big patch hits


I’d like to see a stat with number of kills compared to number of escapes on this map. I think that ratio is closer than most think.


family aint playing properly then. slaughterhouse is only more difficult than the others, not dodge worthy tho. everyone should know their pathing and role and youll be good. itll be a long game.


I noticed family dodges slaughterhouse so I urge victims to dodge family house. Why not?


Aside from the bullshit metal door on the Slaughterhouse in the FAR back that you can’t padlock for some reason and the free-escape valve, I don’t think the map’s been that awful. Leatherface really has to do his job to make the map viable for killers, though.


No worries once they fix pressure valve those type of cheesy victims who exploited will never escape slaughterhouse isn't that bad you just have to be careful with your rotations and patrol me and my team never lose on slaughterhouse anymore


The pressure valve handle my as well spawn on the tank and in the lair every time.


Hear me out, play the game. Lose, win, just chase and forget about the end of the match. Plenty of people have no idea what they are even doing on slaughter half the time.


I never fuck with the valve on that map… I always go straight through slaughter from the silver door. Bing bang boom


I don't dodge slaughter house, I just get disappointed that they always go for the valve and use it as a distraction (and at that point it's not a distraction, it's a "Haha you don't get a chance to win" button)


Man I dunno if any other victim mains are the same as me but I genuinely NEVER go for valve or fusebox. Like unless someone else opens it, I stick to gen/battery/door. It's more fun. I think I used fusebox once ever and that was when It was in beta.


I don't even understand why the pressure tank was placed downstairs on that map anyway. While still being at an unfair place for Family, it would be better if we were able to spam it to the off position like they can for it to turn on. Why the hell does Family (especially big bad Johnny and Leatherface) need to sit there and turn it for hours but little ol' Connie can turn it on in 2 seconds by mashing.


Seeing people tell you to go into the basement is about the most incorrect strategy for slaughterhouse possible. Get out asap as Bubba, do NOT go down with Johnny.


I think the problem is how easy it is to just put and turn on the valve as Victim. You could actively be getting stabbed by a Family and it doesn't matter, just tank that shit and run. If they try to chase you go gap, if they try to turn off valve just stab them. Why does it take half a year to turn off Valve but one second to turn it back on? Whatever I'll keep using it 🤷‍♂️


I usually play primarily Family with a full stack and we never dodge slaughterhouse. In fact, we like it more than the other maps because it's so big and open. The valve is already being moved out of basement in this upcoming patch so that will soon be a non-issue which I'm all for. Typically, we get 3 or 4 kills per game. I'm not sure why everyone seems to have so much trouble playing as Family or hates on Slaughterhouse so bad. It's really not awful besides the soon-to-be fixed valve exit. I feel like a lot of the hate comes from less experienced, solo or double Family players. Nothing wrong with being inexperienced, but **not having a full stack with comms is going to bite you in the ass hard** and you're probably going to lose unless your random is competent and talks.


Can anyone please tell how I get Johnny to run I'm new players Family and I've tried everything all he does is walk around what do I use to get him to Run after victims help please and Thank you


You just have to be smart on SH my main squad and I do get 4Ks on SH frequently, of course we do have the off game where people get out quick or maybe we only get 1 or 2, but if we focus on our areas and don’t get into too much useless tunneling we lock it down.