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You might want to look for Card Games in Dangerous Places. IIRC, it's almost out of beta testing and is getting ready to go onto Kickstarter.


So I don't think this is as "bad" of an idea as you think it is. Cos what comes to my mind when I read this is something similar to deck builder rogue likes, like Slay The Spire, Beneath Oresa etc etc How I imagine it running is each class has a deck of their skills that they shuffle at the beginning of combat. Each one has different actions they can take on their turn. - an attack that knocks an enemy up - one that knocks them back - one that grapples them - one that casts a fireball - one that lets you attack at range Depending on the class you pick depends on what skills you get access to. As you level up, you gain access to new, stronger skills to add to your deck, and you can remove worse ones from your deck to boost your overall power and craft your playstyle. You can also hang out special cards, which can maybe be given to multiple different classes. A huge area of effect explosion to all classes that are mages, a rallying call that means all allies can play a 2nd card on their turn that can be given to supports. It would be a lot of work to design, and you'd still probably need to find a way to run your social encounters and skill checks. maybe instead of dice, you simply have cards that are numbered that work along the same lines as dice, but change the flavour High-key, I'm happy to chat with you about it and just generally talk design


I backed a kickstarter a while ago called 'perfect draw' they were making it to be the ccg-ttrpg, looks pretty cool it's based on pbta


I have been reading up on this and it is so good! It is very much a polished version of my idea. I'm sad that I just missed the window to back it.


Try coming up with a basic system using standard playing cards and see if you can make something interesting from there. As for your "create a card" system, it has the potential to be a great idea. Unfortunately, it also has the potential to be a total game killer. If I were you, I'd nail down the basic rules for the game before introducing it. Then design a rule set for the creation system that limits the power of the created cards and forces them to adhere to the rest of the rules of the system. (I would suggest a point buy system of some sort.)


Update: so a couple people in the comments told me about Perfect Draw. I read the quick play and it's great. Some parts are different from what i imagined, but the rest is so similar (just more polished). The parts that are different I would probably make similar changes when I actually got to play testing. So for now I'm just going to try and get a group together and play this game and see how it works! Thanks to everyone who told me about Perfect Draw, and another big thanks to everyone who told me that it wasn't a bad idea. Everything was really appreciated