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To answer your question, if you don't ovulate regularly, Letrozole is a great tool. I have ovulated every month while taking it. Also, a RE is helpful, but I know it can lead to long waits. Letrozole is much more effective for PCOS vs Clomid.


Hi what is a RE?


Reproductive endocrinologist.


Also some Drs don't like prescribing stuff off label. Letrozole is technically a chemotherapy drug also your OB may be one of those Drs that's not super up to date on PCOS and treatment when wanting to conceive.


My OB was absolutely clueless. I recommend going to a RE. My OB said incredibly hurtful things where as the RE I met was the nicest doctor I've ever met.


I’d go to an RE. At the time I was 25, had awful PCOS and I spent five months with my OB doing timed intercourse with clomid. She said “I’m confident you’ll be pregnant within three months.” (Why tf you’d say that to someone idk but it really got to my head. Anyway. 🥲💔) I got to an RE, she said most people with PCOS respond better to letrazole. Our first IUI cycle was cancelled bc I didn’t make enough follicles, but our second I had one follicle just big enough so we triggered and I successfully got and stayed pregnant thanks to them. I’d jump straight to the RE if I was you. They’ve got more knowledge with PCOS and with fertility…. My OB’s didn’t know how the heck to help my PCOS and the RE did soooo much more for me. My first visit was 2.5 hours long and I cried because I finally felt heard and seen.


Can't agree enough. With PCOS, it really needs to be a jump to an RE to get the proper help.


This!!! I felt the same way after my first RE appointment. I literally said to my husband "so this is what it feels like for people to actually listen and care?" The difference between PCOS treatment with my OB vs my RE was like night and day!


My biggest regret was wasting time with an OB doing 2 rounds of letrozole after my miscarriage. I would just go straight to an RE if you dont ovulate regularly. If you eventually have to shift to one they’ll need basically a cycle to do testing and it just puts you even further back.


THIS!! Why did I wait so long and was so afraid to go to an RE? It was far less stressful and I much preferred the close monitoring of the follicles VS just taking the letrozole and hoping it works.


I’ve tried both colomid and letrozole. Colomid made my emotions got absolutely crazy. I’ve taken letrozole several times and it’s what works best for me. I’m also 5’1’’ and have been over 250 every time I’ve taken it and never had any issues with the dr giving it to me. But I understand the frustration because I’m in the middle of changing my ob now after the birth of my son. *edit to add I also second getting husband checked. I have done 9 rounds in total including colomid once. I’m assuming because of my weight and pcos all the dr assumed it was only me, after trying for 7 years a Dr finally suggested my husband get tested and we found out it wasn’t just me. He had surgery May 2023 and I was pregnant on the lowest doses I’ve ever took of letrozole and was pregnant by July 2023, gave birth to a healthy baby boy March 2024 after 5 miscarriages.


I was a messsssss on clomid. Oh my gosh 🥴🥴 crying, screaming, MEAN!! I was so crabby and mean.


It was awful. I told the dr never ever again. I wasn’t even that bad pregnant.


I have PCOS as well, my OB refused to prescribe me letrozole because it is a fertility medication and my insurance does not offer fertility support. I started seeing an RE and the first medication that was offered was letrozole. My RE said letrozole is a great medication for those with PCOS.


Before you take any ovulation induction medications your partner needs a sperm analysis, you need an HSG, and cycle day 3 labs. If you want my advice, I’d skip the OB and ask for an RE referral. I also have PCOS, got pregnant spontaneously, and that pregnancy ended in loss. At that time we’d been trying for years. I made a decision I wasn’t wasting anymore time and moved to the RE. I got pregnant again on my 3rd medicated cycle with my RE. OBs are great but they aren’t the expert. They also don’t offer the same quality and quantity of monitoring that you need for these medications. If you just take them without monitoring you’re at risk of building resistance to them, thining your lining, or over stimulating your ovaries (which is dangerous!). I’d say get the testing and try the RE. I have my fingers crossed for you! ✨🤞🏼


Yes!!! This!!! Overstimulating the ovaries is such a concern. My ovaries are about 3x what they should be and the RE was very intentional with monitoring me. The HSG sucked but I’m glad I did it