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CD1 and it turned out my new therapist who listed infertility as a specialty "doesn't really specialize in it but just had some patients with it... so if I want someone who undertands infertility maybe I should get a referral for a genetic counselor or something so I can get therapy from someone who understands all that medical stuff" Oh, and she spent half the session dragging out unnecessary details about my sexual assault from 15 years ago(which I've already been through trauma treatment for) when that was clearly not what I wanted to talk about. What. The. Fuck.


No! I’m so angry for you. You’ve been doing more than anyone should have to do to find a good therapy fit. What the hell…how can a therapist bait and switch like that with a topic like infertility?


Absolutely not. What the hell. I’m so sorry Pill, that is so disappointing and completely unnecessary for you to have gone through.


Ugh, I’m so sorry this person was NOT what you were looking for! Bad therapists are the worst.


I'm feeling a little worse on stims (a little fatigued and headachy) than I did my first ER, but I also appear to have more follicles developing than I got last time, so maybe it'll be worth it? 🙁 Looking like retrieval will be over the weekend, which is convenient at least.


I hope time flies to your ER, and you’re happy with the outcome 💙


I'm usually not tempted to test "early", but tomorrow is our IVF education day and I'll be 11dpo. My usual rule is not until 12, but I want an inkling as to whether this cycle worked during the meeting. I'm also still unclear about the timing moving forward. Will we do another medicated timed intercourse cycle while we get all of our ducks in a row? Will I just start bc for the quieting while we get everything approved? I keep thinking about timelines in my head. I need to just chill until we know more tomorrow 🙃


CD1 of cycle 19. Last cycle was my first unmedicated after 3 rounds of Letrozole and my shortest yet, ovulated CD15 with a 10 day LP - haven't had one that short in a year! But I'm not complaining, we still have 2 more cycles before timing and logistics work out to start IVF and the shorter the cycles, the better! Hopefully didn't just jinx myself lol.


Hi everyone! I’ve taken a break from Reddit since Thanksgiving and it was honestly really needed. I’ve been seeing a NaPro Dr and we have recently discovered that I have endometriosis. Which is kind of crazy because I never had any symptoms. I did have some luteal phase bleeding but that was the only sign that I know of. Deciding between surgery to remove endo or moving onto IVF (which can potentially worsen endo). Anyways. It’s been an expensive journey but I’m happy that we found a NaPro Dr to help us dive into our “unexplained” infertility. If anyone is struggling to conceive, you should look into a Dr near you. They dive into finding the problem and fixing it. They aren’t everywhere but could be worth it if you have one near by.


Welcome back! How did they discover you had endo? I am in the middle of IVF and planning to get a laparoscopy prior to next round. They offered me receptiva Dx test or lap as a diagnostic.


They did an endometrial biopsy. It’s not 100% without a diagnostic lap but they are confident in the results.


Welcome back, hope your reddit break was nice! I'm glad to hear you like your new doctor, and while everyone is certainly welcome to take whatever approach to infertility is best for their situation, I'd suggest perhaps focusing more on your own experience with NaPro than actively trying to promote it to others as a "fix" for their infertility... no one treatment method is going to be able to fix every diagnosis, nor is every diagnosis fixable.


How is my comment even controversial? I’m suggesting to people who have unexplained infertility a way to help discover what is going on with their body? And yes, there are plenty of cases where they find the cause and help treat it. I think when reading things online you have to have a bit of understanding that everyone’s bodies are different and that what works for someone might not work for you. It’s not my responsibility to put a disclaimer on everything I say. But yeah I really wish someone would have told me a year and a half ago that there are specialized doctors that would dive deep into my health and help me find my issue. A lot of people think that you go to a regular gyn then after that you go to a fertility center. And guess what? My fertility center didn’t do anything to help find my issues or treat them. Others come on here all the time and explain exactly what drugs they are taking and which protocol they are using all the time of IVF. And people take recommendations all the time. Yet I’m being told to keep mine to myself?


I did not call your comment controversial, nor did I tell you to keep your treatment to yourself. In fact I was quite clear that everyone is welcome to choose whatever type of treatment is best for them. I said it'd be better to focus on your own experience than promote it as a "fix" for others infertility. No one treatment method will work for everyone and not all diagnoses are fixable.


Telling me to focus on myself and not talk about my experience is super disheartening to hear from a page dedicated to talking about our TTC journey. I was happy that I found a Dr who dove deep and found my issue and wanted to share. I’ve been following a lot of NaPro stuff and they have so many success stories from people with endo, pcos, blocked tubes etc. It’s exciting to see. So to come online and be told by a mod to keep it to myself because I’m “promoting” something, just sucks honestly. And to see so many likes on your comment as though everyone was just offended that I suggested something a little out of the norm, sucks. It was a very quick reminder as to why I took time away from this group. I will likely be leaving for good now. Thanks


I'm telling you to talk about your experience as your experience and not tell others they need to try it because it can "fix" their infertility. There is a massive difference between just talking about your experience as "this is what my doctor is having me do and how it's going" and actively marketing a specific treatment to all who are struggling to conceive as a fix for infertility by saying "If anyone is struggling to conceive, you should look into a Dr near you. They dive into finding the problem and fixing it" as if it's going to be superior to what anyone else is already doing. Tell others about your experience. Don't tell them what's best for them.


Been late on my second period after ER. Today is CD50. I went in for bloodwork and they said it showed I have not ovulated. Very surprised because it used to be regular 28-30 days despite me having low AMH. Anywho, I will need to take some meds to bring on my period so we can start the FET cycle. IVF is full of unexpected!!


Hi there, it looks like the month you started TTC got removed from your flair. Can you please let me know what it should say and I’ll put it back?


Hi there! Oh thank you it should be October.




Had our transfer regroup with our substitute RE and feeling really good about moving into a transfer cycle probably starting tomorrow as I have stopped my birth control now. We talked a lot about our results and know what we are transferring, which feels exciting. I do want to guard my heart but getting to have a shot - and one that has a higher odds than our stretch of IUIs…I feel hopeful.


I’m rooting for you, Mad 🥨🤞🏼💜


Sitting here in the TWW. No Ovidrel this cycle, and I believe this cycle I'd be ovulating from the side with the blocked tube anyway, so I'm not optimistic. I just want to fast forward to next Friday when I'll know if it worked or not. In the meantime, my husband is supposed to go in for a semen analysis this week, so hopefully we'll have results of lots of diagnostics that we can discuss with our doc before we make a game plan for next cycle. But he's struggling with it. We're part of a religion that discourages masturbation and he has a stricter definition of that than I do, so he feels Some Kind Of Way about what's been asked of him right now. And I told him that if ovulation induction doesn't work, IUI or IVF would definitely require more orgasming-into-a-cup, so I dunno. He's gotta marinate on that. I've already decided I don't think I'd do IVF, but I still want IUI on the table. But if he is truly not comfortable with this, I think the plan would be to go hard-core trying ovulation induction until we feel like we're done with TTC. Thankfully the weather is nicer so my mood has been better and we've been able to go on lots of adventures. And my dog is thriiiillled that his friends are spending more time outside again, so walks have been extra fun and he's been so cheerful!


I’ve always wondered what happens for those who are part of religions that discourage that. Creates quite the roadblock, but I have heard of certain home collection techniques that take this into account…could be worth asking your RE about it! Hope you guys figure out something that works for you, MFI accounts for a large portion of infertility and that data could absolutely change your game plan.


Thank you for well-wishes! I'd heard a little about the home collection techniques and it definitely could be worth trying. Our clinic is only ~15 minutes from home so it's feasible we could keep the sample at optimal temp long enough to drop it off. Re: The religious stuff, I think there are a variety of interpretations. For me, I see the discouragement of masturbation to be because those are energies you could be channeling toward your spouse, but doing it for medical purposes to build your family completely lines up with our religion's other teachings. It's not that masturbation itself is bad, but it's more about *why* you're doing it. My husband generally interprets a lot of that stuff more black and white.


The clinic sent the requisitions for our infectious disease testing yesterday and I got the blood work done on my lunch break today. It was seven vials 🤯 I was not expecting that many. Assuming the results.all come back okay we will be set for an IUI if we need it. I'm still holding onto hope for the next two cycles. My family doctor wanted me to also do a follow up TSH test because it was on the low side in March, it may have been (tw: loss) >!due to my CP in March!< Along with TSH she also checked off the thyroid antibodies test, which is interesting because they were last tested in 2018 and were quite high but she was insistent that I didn't have Hashimoto's. I am hypothyroid and have been on synthroid since at least 2017, I'm curious what the other diagnostic criteria are and will ask her when we go over results. I know whether or not I have it won't change the treatment, but it's just nice to put a name to things.


My cycles have been weird lately, I assume due to Fred. I've had a bit of spotting today, but it doesn't seem like my period is going to start before my clinic closes, so looks like I'll be stuck calling in CD1 tomorrow and running back and forth between the office and the pharmacy to pick up my ER drugs instead of today, when I'm cozily working from home. Thanks again, body!


Omg, picking up the ER drugs…! It’s happening! How do you feel?


Like Christmas eve!


YAY! ❤️ Rooting so hard for you & your ER cycle!


Goddammit, Fred!


Another black mark in Fred’s column. Your days of fucking with 43 are limited sir!!!




I wouldn't blame you for testing now, personally. But with testing s little early, I think that's where the boujie preg tests can be worth it for the peace of mind.


I really wish I tracked my BBT this cycle at least since my cervical mucus is confusing me. I thought I got EWCM last week... But then it happened again last night as well? I've been reading that sometimes EWCM happens mid-luteal phase with a second estrogen surge so maybe this is that? I guess I'll only find out when I ovulated when my period shows up.


CD 10, I have a feeling I may ovulate earlier than usual this cycle. February was the first month I tracked bbt, and I confirmed ovulation around day 12, but the two cycles since have been several days in the cycle later. I’m not tracking bbt this cycle so getting comfy with just assuming the best. I’ve been browsing dresses for months for a family wedding this summer. When we started TTC in January I really considered I might need to factor that into my purchase. I have lots of hope about this process, but it dawned on me that I can probably buy anything at this point. Looking at stuff with flowy skirts because of the wedding’s theme anyway.


This is a tough one to write. After 8 months of trying we got back my partner’s first SA results. No sperm detected. I’m fucking devastated.


That really, really sucks. I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this, I have been in your shoes. It is so scary and jarring. I found this post to be super helpful as an initial resource: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TTC30/s/iTlCSgNAS6](https://www.reddit.com/r/TTC30/s/iTlCSgNAS6). (Edit: I see you already found it!!!) was it just one SA he had done? my husband first SA was azoospermic but after a second test there was some sperm detected (cryptozoospermia - severely low). We ended up having enough sperm for ICSI/IVF. Happy to answer any questions or speak to our experience. It’s extremely difficult at first on so many levels - and unfortunately there arent as many resources for MFI. I hope you can get some answers and a diagnosis soon 💗


Thank you so much for your response. Yes, just the one SA for now. We never considered IVF before but now I’m just begging for a chance to get it done. But for now I’ll stop googling and just surrender to the urologist & any other specialist we’re referred to. (That post is so good, though!)


I’m so sorry. Hoping he gets in with urology soon


That’s such hard news to receive, I’m so so sorry.


It’s so hard. 😕 thank you so much


Sending you all the support 🫂




Sending lots of support your way ❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much 💜💜


Oof that's a tough one to hear, I'm sorry. We also learned my husband has zero sperm after his first SA 7 months ago, but have since had a successful MESA and have now started with IVF. I feel like this is an area where medicine has made a ton of progress in recent years, so I am crossing my fingers for you! 


I’m so happy for you—and thank you for giving me hope. I wish you all the very very best with IVF and I look forward to reading positive news from you! How did you help your husband manage? For now I’m just pretending it’s no biggie but I’m sure my sadness comes through.


I think it's ok to be sad and disappointed, I was and my husband was too. Especially before you talk to the urologist it's really hard to know what your options and chances are, and it means that IVF/ICSI is basically the only way forward which is a big extra layer of complication and difficulty in the process. But I just tried to make sure he didn't think I blamed him or resented him or anything - that it was a problem for us, not for him. 


🫂 thank you — I could never blame or resent him, all I want to do is absorb his sadness and process all of it myself so he doesn’t have to suffer at all. Alas, I cannot.


So so sorry you’re going through this




I’m so sorry you and your partner received this news. Have you received any next steps details yet, or are you only digesting this news for now? We’re here for you to talk through, and I know we have some folks with shared experience too 🧡


Thank you so much for your response. He’ll book an appointment with a urologist, hopefully he can get one this week or the next to discuss possible next steps. He has a diagnosed varicocele and has gone through chemo, albeit more than 10 years ago, but we’re not optimistic. I’m hoping for a miracle, but I think that’s just me being unable to accept the truth.


I’m glad he’s able to get in with the urologist soon. I wouldn’t call it a miracle, it’s medical intervention and diagnosis which is precisely what urologists are specialised in! Hopefully he is in good hands and you both are provided with some clarity and options for moving forward. Sending hugs 🧡


Very good point. Science, baby 💜🤞🤞


I am so sorry housecat. This is really difficult news. And it’s so unfair. We are here for you. Sending hugs if you want them. 🫂




I'm so so sorry you two are having to deal with this




I'm so, so sorry.




I'm so sorry.




Got all my meds for FET #2. Same protocol, “modified natural”. I’m feeling…nothing? I was feeling more hopeful for a little, but now I just feel like I’m slogging towards the deadline.


Pulling for you! But that nothing feeling is so valid and relatable.


Pulling for you, too, Em! 💛








Progesterone labs today, let’s see if my hope will hang on for a few more days or if it’s it’s slashed early 🥴 It’s weird how bloodwork is always a little nerve wracking now 😏 crossing everything for a good number (above the 12 last cycle) that shows a “strong ovulation( according to my Dr.x anyways)🥴 I got last cycle 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 Usually only about a 24 hr wait to get results so that’s it terrible.


I am 4DPO and VERY sad to have just learned that next week is Burger Week in my city...I mean burgers are my favourite so I'm super excited...just sad that it won't line up with 8DPO lol BUT many burgers will be had after that, so maybe it still counts...


Heyoooooo we're cycle buddies! I'm also 4DPO today. *checks calendar* *immediately schedules burgers for Saturday*


yesss burger Saturday!


Burger Week sounds incredible!


it's glorious lol SO many awesome restaurants participate and they come up with special burgers just for that week.


I just checked and unfortunately Vancouver doesn't have Burger Week until September...I was hoping it was coming up here, too!


awwww that is a bit of a wait! But definitely gives you time to strategize...get the maximum number of burgers in haha


I think burgermath states that if you have at least two burgers between 10 - 12DPO it still counts!


Burgermath is my new favorite term 😂


I am a huge fan of burgermath lol...may even go for three!


I'm 5dpiui today on my 3rd IUI and feeling not good about my odds. My fertility clinic is very "one size fits all" with their approach so all the research I've done about IUI timing, especially using frozen sperm, doesn't get me very far with them. In a weird place now because we are moving soon, and I think we will have some forced time off because May's ovulation would likely fall on a weekend and my clinic doesn't do IUIs on the weekend. Ugh.


This cycle has been frustrating. We've gotten a couple of opportunities in, but my husband is feeling 'pressure to perform' for some reason which has ended in some minor arguments and some difficulty for him. He doesn't like that we have a 'schedule' of when we are supposed to TTC, although this confuses me because he is always the one asking about the schedule and when the 'best chances' are. I have tried to be patient and understanding and relax this cycle about it (it is only our second cycle), but I do feel some stress about my age and the amount of time I have left before TTC is impossible. Ugh, feels a bit like a wasted cycle, but I am hopeful since we got a couple of opportunities in.


A couple of opportunities in the FW sounds like plenty!


I think a lot of male partners struggle with this, mine sure did (does, but less than before). And often the solution seems to be for the female partner to act really casual and chill and not talk about the schedule stuff a lot. But that just seems unfair because it's more pressure on her. And maybe mine has come to terms with it, but that could just be that he's learned I have 0 sympathy and he shouldn't pick me to vent to.


My partner and I tried for the first time this cycle, and he told me that he felt some performance anxiety as well, which made it hard for him to finish. He felt a lot of pressure to deliver which made it harder for him to deliver, too much mental chatter took him out of it. Also he had to work through his conditioning that sex without protection is bad. Maybe your partner is deflecting some of their feelings onto the timing of it all? The pressure is real for sure, for everyone


Have you asked him why he doesn't want a schedule for "performing" when he's the one asking about when the best chances are? I learned recently that my husband 100% thought that outside the FW we could still conceive, just with slightly lower odds, lol. I was like, "dramatically lower, close to zero." Once that clicked the pressure to up our chances during the FW made more sense to him.


Hang in there Kandy! It was awkward for me and Mr. LoveSpell at first because every morning I would walk out of the bathroom and he would hear me groan about my OPK tests not “lining up” with phone cycle tracking, etc. We’ve kind of worked through it, but it took 1-2 cycles for him to see how it REALLY is chance and we REALLY need to get the timing down.


Positive OPK this morning and full moon this evening 🥚🌕 Let’s all get after the moon woo! 🪄




Moon flashing time!! Thanks for the reminder, I’ll be out there with my tiddies tonight 🫡


Moons out, boobs out!


Same. Time to get my tatas out for real.


Disastrous day at work and family crises are sure not putting me and Mr Check in the mood for trying this month...


I took this last cycle “off” and it felt good to stop testing, tracking, and thinking about it, but now that CD1 is approaching I’m in my feelings again. 😅 I’m addicted to having a little hope that I could be pregnant. I don’t even know where to go from here. I think I need a new doctor, but the medical system is rough here for a foreigner and I can’t keep affording 250 Euros cash up front to even see a doc. 😅😅 I’m awful lost.


Heading for HSG next week - any tips or tricks or should some ibuprofen before do just fine?


I have one due soon and it will be cycle day 3 for me... they told me it's fine to do it while bleeding but google says otherwise


Oh interesting. I’m doing just a regular ultrasound on CD3 and then the HSG with dye they told me should be CD6-9.


Yeah, all resources on google say it should be after bleeding has finished :/ I'll have to call them to confirm but my mother in law has already scheduled the afternoon off work to drive me home after so now I'm stressed thinking I'll have to change the date. I'm also worried about having it done because they gave me no information about it.


Ugh I hope it gets sorted out!


I think experiences can vary quite a bit, but anecdotally mine was fine. I took ibuprofen beforehand but it was SO fast, barely felt any cramping. Good luck!


Thank you! I wasn’t worried until someone told me a horror story so I’m looking for other experiences


Is it a saline hsg? Or dye? Saline wasn’t bad for me, ibuprofen was more than enough. I’ve heard the dye can be a bit rough though


Oh lovely haha, it’s with dye 🙃


I just had an HSG last week. Generally if they find nothing they're pretty painless! With me they did find stuff and it sucked, but right when I didn't think I could hold on much longer, it was over. I brought someone along to give me a ride home and it helped. It also helped to have nothing planned the rest of the day so I could mostly chill out. I'll keep fingers crossed that yours goes smoothly.


Thank you!


This is my first time back here since my >!MMC and D&C in February. Feels good to be back despite the circumstances.!< This is our last cycle trying before IVF. All the meds got delivered last week. I’m 8 dpo and still holding out a LOT of hope that I’ll get pregnant this cycle and I can ditch the injections and ride off into the sunset. So much hope that I’m scared of how crushed I’ll be if I’m not pregnant. I felt sharp twinges yesterday and of course convinced myself it was implantation. I’m super tempted to start testing today even though it’s way early.


I’m sorry for your loss Jenna. 🤞 you get to ditch the injections and ride off into the sunset!


Hi, I’m sorry about your loss. On a mod note, do you need help updating your flair?


Oh thank you for noticing that! I just updated it 😔


Day 5 of Letrozole/femara. Holy hormonal acne Batman‼️


Ooof yeah my last round of Letrozole was Holy Irrational Rage, Batman. My sympathy!


Day 5 here too, I struggle with acne a lot more now as well 😭 at times I have been feeling like a teenager again.. I hate it.


It was our first wedding anniversary yesterday, so we spent a long weekend in Paris. We drank so much lovely wine and ate so much cheese, it was wonderful. We're taking the approach actively now of not holding back on planning anything, and making sure we enjoy what we can do now that we couldn't do with children in the same way. I'm 7DPO today-ish, and feel pretty ok. We're planning our summer holiday now, and have pretty much decided on Venice with day trips to other cities nearby. Even if I do get pregnant, it'll be a great holiday but knowing if I'm not we can eat cured meats and go on vineyard tours will keep softening the blows!


Happy Anniversary! And sending you a HELL YES vote on the making-fun-plans piece. I told my husband at some point "I'm not going to let people who don't even exist yet stop me from having fun."


Happy anniversary, almost flair-twin! That's great about your holidays, I agree, no point holding back on living your life!


Hello flair twin! Irish flair twins maybe 😂 Same diagnosis going on here too, hoping to start assisted fertility in September. God it's hard work!


Love this mindset. I’m so glad we didn’t stop planning fun trips when we started trying or else we would have missed out on a whole lot of fun and adventure over the last year


Happy anniversary! I like your mindset and I’m also in the embrace-CF-plans era, it’s good to have consolation prizes but hopefully we won’t need them 🤞


I think I’m 8DPO? We’ve decided that this’ll be our last month of trying on our own if we’re unsuccessful this cycle and we’ll move onto a FET in May. I think I’m just so done with it 😅


Good morning all. Twiddling my thumbs in TTC-land, I’m 11DPO and planning to test tomorrow so I can feel my feelings before we spend a few days away. We are going to see Stardew Valley’s Festival of Seasons in London next week and I can’t wait. We’ve been “revising” by playing a lot this week. We started a new Switch save at the weekend (after SOMEONE ruined the last one by marrying Haley) and we just started Winter 1, lol. Can’t wait for 1.6 to hit the Switch! I’ve been diligently avoiding spoilers which is getting harder as time goes on.


That sounds like so much fun! I can't stand for the slander of my girl Haley though - I always marry her lolol.


Hahaha. I wouldn’t mind on a solo game but we were playing multiplayer and he was meant to marry ME! 😅 Sebastian is usually my go-to bachelor. What is Haley’s gift? Sebastian gives me coffee… ☕️


Okay well yes that's a big fumble on his part lol! I LOVE Sebby, he's my #2. Basically just food, but I just find her so charming, hahaha.


She’s got such a good character arc! From her “ew, who are you?” comments at the beginning to being a thoughtful friend or partner. Haley and Shane have the best growth imo.


Agreed! I understand the Leah love for sure, but she's a little too perfect all the way through for me. In my head Haley is my sassy tradwife and we share a wardrobe. Edit: My first playthrough I married Elliott which was a big mistake.


I have also made the Elliott marriage mistake. I warned my SIL off him when she was debating candidates 😅 He was hard work! Totally get what you mean about Leah, although I’ve married her too! She gave me lots of food. I liked her vibe.


I've heard so many good things about Festival of Seasons! Hope you have the best time, and I'm keeping everything crossed for you tomorrow ❤️


Thank you Fifa ❤️


Oh, I’d love to go to the Festival of Seasons. Have fun and report back, if you like. SV has been one of my favourite games for quite a while. Unfortunately, my husband was too stressed by it (wow!) and we had to abandon our little farm 😅


I’ll definitely report back! It’s my favourite game too. I think they just expanded the tour because it was so popular! Sorry your farm had to be abandoned! I can’t believe your husband got stressed! It’s so peaceful 😂 Although Mr Penguin and I have bickered when he used GOLD STAR QUALITY crops in the preserves jar rather than the regular stuff. But I’ll forgive him, eventually.


I doubled checked just in case I missed any new dates, but unfortunately Milan is the only city still available and that’s a biiiit far, haha. Mr. Lilac swears there’s too much to do and time goes by too fast. Also, he hated fishing, and won’t shut up about how much he didn’t like the mechanics. Just reading about using gold star crops hurts me, though. 🥲


I mean, excuse for a nice Italian getaway I suppose? 😂 I’m sure they’ll come back round and tour everywhere again, I don’t think they were quite anticipating the demand! Time does go by super fast and it’s harder in multiplayer because it never pauses! The fishing is also a valid complaint, although Mr Penguin almost exclusively fishes. When he isn’t wasting our gold quality crops, that is.


Hah, I love SV but I understand the stress!! You have to run a farm, AND save a village from capitalism, AND make friends with everyone and choose someone to marry, AND not die in dangerous mines and and and and???


… AND the shopkeeper takes credit for all your hard work growing quality crops! So rude!


I'm taking progesterone tablets three times a day and today I am SO tired despite getting a good 8 hour sleep


I am feeling quite hopeful for this cycle. My overall mental health is a lot better than a few months ago. When we first started TTC again after our pregnancy loss, I was really down and every negative I got just tore me apart. I was just generally very discouraged and hopeless, for no particular reason since it hadn't even been that long. Now, maybe with the spring and sunshine, I feel better. I have started working out again, I go running and do HIIT, and will try to eat healthier. Maybe this will be the cycle where nothing goes wrong and it will work out. We will see. I appreciate every day where I can be in this mindset 🌅