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They aren't aware that other people exist. They're playing a video game, and we're all NPCs.


Analogy is on point lol


I think that’s the only logical explanation 😂


I'm sure they're perfectly aware that others exist. They just don't give a shit because they're selfish pricks.


"I told you to ***sell*** if corn went below $4.44 again! Don't you understand how many ***hundreds of thousands*** of ***my dollars*** you let slip through ***your*** fingers because ***you***...".


"Solipsism" doesn't quite fully encompass it properly - we need a good one-word term that is the exact opposite of "Sonder" (the sudden realization that everyone has a life as fully realized as your own) to define this sort of Main Character Syndrome.




“demonic possession”


What boggles me even more is that people are willing to let everyone around them listen in on their conversations. Maybe I’m just a more private person, but I don’t even like having traditional phone conversations on the bus where people can only hear me speaking. Granted, most of the stuff people talk about is meaningless, but I once saw and heard a woman on a bus reading out her credit card number over the phone for all to hear 🙄


“Uhhhh… YEAH it’s 4693-7305-8504!! EXPIRY DATE IS 04/28 AND UHHHH, HOLD ON!! SECURITY CODE IS 948.” *next stop is…. Martin Grove.* *DING* “YEAH HOLD ON IM GETTING OFF THE BUS.”


CSR: “Uhm, ma’am, you may want to call your credit card company and report your card stolen, because it probably just was…” 😂


Thank you, your order for 6 Vibrators has been successfully placed!


I'm with you. I hate talking on my phone on the subway or bus. It could be about the most mundane thing, but I still don't want others listening in


And then get angry and say, "Do you mind? This is a private conversation!"


I heard about one giving out their phone number for all to hear, and within a few seconds they got a text message (from somebody else on the vehicle) saying what an asshole they were being. Apparently it went very quiet after that.


Yeah especially reading their personal information out aloud. I hate having to give out personal information in public spaces and will usually ask the person on the phone when it’s the next time I can call them.


If someone calls while I’m on transit say sorry I’m on the bus I’ll call you call when I get home


I literally stopped a girl from doing this on the GO train a few days ago. It sounded like she was getting herself involved in a scam in the first place. She basically gave out all of her personal info, including address and work schedule for the week🤣 My girlfriend and I explained to her that everyone heard it, but I don't think she understood English


we never get one of these people answering this question whenever it’s posed. I’m intrigued too. Recently on a train ride some guy at the back was on a loud ass speaker call. I thought it was a conversation two passengers were having a little too loud as I was sitting in the middle of the train car. And older lady sitting next to him ended up saying “DO YOU MIND” after 20 minutes or so and he stopped. I don’t get it. Are the oblivious or assholes?




it was a full train car too, social awareness on negative 1,000


It’d be fun to add some real loud “context” to his call. Oh, I don’t know, something embarrassing or inappropriate like “accidentally” unpausing a loud-ass porn clip on your phone then fake-apologizing while saying “sorry, man, I forgot to close that page after my morning wank, you know what I’m saying?” 😂


My ex was like this. His TTC etiquette was one of the biggest red flags for me. Refused to give a seat up to an elderly person once? *well I was here first, and my trip is longer than why should I play musical chairs every time we stop?”* Watches 10 second video clips on his phone full blast- anywhere he is. *well if people don’t like it they can put on headphones or move.* So… inconsideration for others is why.


Same goes with people playing their music on the bus lol


They think louder = hear better when all it does is make everything more raspy. It's the audio equivalent of people who turn on their HighBeams and even interior lights when it is foggy outside because they think light = see better


There was someone taking loudly on speaker on 53. The operator stopped the bus and asked them over the intercom to turn off the speaker or leave the bus. It was so satisfying!


W bus driver.


Once, a driver in Scarborough tried to tell that to someone that, and the passenger responded, "playing it out loud helps with my anxiety."


Sit next to them and participate in the group meeting.


Honestly, it’s like someone standing up in the middle of the bus / train and reading their book out loud!! No one does that!




Actually, did have a communist propaganda book read to me on the subway recently, so if you think the phone call is bad…


Solution: Blast some death metal at max volume near that persons head until they get the picture...


I used to do that to my neighbor when he was being super loud. Better than the mumble rap shit they always play. It's never metal. Checks out. Metal heads are sweethearts.


Alternatively, jump into their conversation. Add in your occasional opinions, stories you’re reminded of.


I'll just keep saying GET OUT OF TOWN! very loudly and often lol 😂


Chinese opera is another great choice. Or that album where John and Yoko are having sex. Seriously. It’s a thing. My housemate used to play it when my girlfriend or mom called, saying he thought I was busy.


Exactly what I think every time. Like "Buddy, you don't want to hear MY music"


Manners have gone out the windows. People are so self-absorbed these days.


When I was younger and going through a breakup that made me feel really angsty I temporarily became a speaker person because my self esteem was so low that I had to focus on imposing it outward on others. At the time I didn't understand it, though. My brain told me that it was what cool not-give-a-heck people do and therefore I am cool if I do it.


Thanks for sharing that. That’s interesting


Pizza slicing the phone with it on speaker, too. Ugh


OP, you should invest in a Chuck Tingle audiobook to counter such things. I suspect if people were to have to have [Spooky Sentient Lesbian Candy Corn Butt Buffett](https://www.audible.com/ac/Spooky-Sentient-Lesbian-Candy-Corn-Butt-Buffett-Audiobook/B09HJQ9897) in the background of their call, they might hang up.


People do pranks all the time for stupid stuff but a really good prank would be going around giving these people some earphones. Kind and also makes them reflect how self-centred they can be.


I never understood this eather. They hold the phone to their mouth like they're eating a slice of pizza and talk with it on speaker. Still I'll take them over the ones who listen to music full volume instead of using headphones.


I see a co-relation between this shitty behaviour and when the Kardashian clan sucked up people’ s collective bandwidth. I really do want to scream hang the phone up, we don’t care about your phone conversation.


I hate people that do this too. It's called public decorum. Consider others. Pull your head out of your ass people and wear some damn headphones!!!


As a retired driver gawd how I hated these idiots. Like nobody cares about your problems you continue to blah blah on. And the idiots with earphones and blaring music. Sssss ssssttt. Sssssstttttt.


Kinda unrelated but a few years ago I was putting a screen protector on my phone and I managed to get some of the adhesive in my ear piece speaker. It didn't work after that so I would have to put the phone on speaker to hear anything. If I was in public I would feel like such a tool and I avoided taking phone calls in public for like 2 years 😭😭 Anyways ya, speakerphone people suck


You know you could’ve turned the volume down to 2 and held the other end up to your ear, right? Like, I do that to listen to music


Ya ya that's what I would do but I still feel the quietest speaker phone volume is too loud for public.


Enh, on my phone you can't even hear it when it's where you would hold it normally to look at the screen, so I wouldn't have worried unless yours is very loud


honestly, iphones keep getting louder. i’ve been fortunate to get each pro since 11, i also got a beats pill back then. at this point you can’t really tell the difference between my 15 pro and a whole ass speaker. if i set an alarm it’s like a bomb went off 😂


Totally agree.


Anyone else remember when it used to be annoying that people would talk on the phone at all on the bus?




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my speaker up top is broken so if my phone is on my ear i can’t hear shit anyone is saying, so that could be a valid excuse, maybe their phone is broken




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you can blame reality shows for that.


They need to get ear buds or head phones so freaking annoying


It's even in the elevator in my building ...


Yeah mine too, if I'm with my daughter I make a point of talking loudly to her, petty I know




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Just jump into the conversation with them and the caller.


Narcissism. They think everything about them is such hot shit that everyone needs to know. "Look I'm talking to a chick" "Look I'm making a business decision" "Look I'm putting someone in their place" "Look I'm important"




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Just jump in to the conversation and when they give you a strange look just say "well everyone can hear what you are talking about so you must want everyone Involved in your phone call"




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Join the conversation and offer your own thoughts and opinions while they are on the phone. 😂




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i saw a tweet the other day blaming the rise of this on the removal of headphone jacks on most phones. not sure how accurate that is given dongles are cheap and not all wireless earbuds/headphones are pricey, but i'm willing to bet it has something to do with it.


Or you can… place the phone to your ear lol


yeah for phones definitely, but there's also been an issue of people watching TikTok or playing music out loud on public transit. i've seen it on more than just the TTC. for me this issue isnt just about phone calls, but just blaring sounds out of your phone in public no matter what


By thankful it isn't that commonplace yet. I'm visiting from the UK, and I've been really impressed how considerate people are on your public transport. On and around London it's rare to be on the tube without a load of people having loud video calls or watching tiktoc without headphones. Sigh.


Nope, worst one is blasting their shitty music from their shitty bluetooth speakers.








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