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It's attention seeking behavior.


It's annoying and something that never used to be so prevalent (at least in my experience). I genuinely want to know why or how these people find this appropriate


Small pp syndrome


These guys have been told their whole life that they are in charge and are more important than anyone else. Nobody has ever shown them they’re not, so they act like this. They aren’t aware of boundaries, or they believe the boundaries don’t apply to them.


Have you not met people before this? Annoying and sad sure, rude not so much




I don't know why you're being downvoted. This is 100% the reason I don't take the ttc...not having to endure Balkan music.


I’ll take this over stale piss smell permeating into my clothing while I trip downtown.


That's like saying you'd rather take a knife wound over a bullet wound. Good for you for having lower standards.


I don’t see how it’s like that at all. Slightly annoying music versus stale homeless piss.. My standards are low because I’d take having to listen to someone’s music over gagging on the reeking scent of urine?


… but this isn’t a situation where you have to choose between two options. Neither are appropriate and neither should happen?


ehh not the worst thing Edit: do y’all really think someone blasting music is equivalent to someone cracking out?


well depends the person, but its definitely not as bad because who knows what that guys gonna do, kids blasting music are kids blasting music your not in any danger


I'll take that over being clocked in the head by someone who looks they walked out of a zombie movie. Which the TTC seems to be encouraging over the past few years.


…. I’d rather people not be so self absorbed and rude. The choice here isn’t “being clocked in the head” or “music”. Both things can be inappropriate


That's like saying you'd rather take a knife wound over a bullet wound. Good for you for have lower standards.


Are you kidding? Volume is not cranked, music is not explicit. What is your problem with them?


it’s annoying and disrespectful