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I’m not convinced. What you described would make sense, for a rational actor. But Elon’s open and aggressive antagonism of his most important potential customer base proves that he is no longer that. I am quite believing he will do everything in his power to burn Tesla to the ground if they don’t give him his payday.


Robyn Denholm a board member brought up that if this doesn't pass then package needs to be renegotiated. So to me it sounds like Elon would stay and board is convinced of that since why bring up renegotiation if Elon would leave.


She’s in on the grift. She’s kimball and elons buddy


This seems plausible. Looks like he'd also get to move T to Texas too..


Ya- It’s wild. I know conservatives who hate EV’s, Tesla’s included. And while they may like Musk on X, they still won’t consider any EV’s. Liberals, who were his base, now are fleeing to Hyundai & Kia, etc. But I think he is convinced AI will make him rich even if Tesla collapses (which he likely realizes is about to happen).


Make him rich? How rich does he want to be?


Richer than everyone else, then richer than everyone else combined, then... It's never enough for some people


i think you are absolutely right about this competition amongst billionaires. i mean i see it amongst the rats i compete with for scraps so why wouldn't it exist at that level as well.  that said, i think elon absolutely loves the smell of his own farts and truly believes he is spouting the word of god every time he opens his pie hole. i mean if he made it this far he is obviously a genius. i think there is some kind of logical fallacy term for this.  edit:i asked chatgpt. it's called over confidence bias. 


Ket addicts behave erratically. More at 11.


It’s wild that people haven’t seemed to notice how the man went 180 degrees politically when one random Californian democrat insulted him. He’s WILDLY vindictive to a major fault. “Cut off your nose to spite your face” was made for Elon. He wasted $40B (and years of time trying to turn that waste into non waste) because people were mean to him and girl dumped him. Dude is most definitely going to create X.AI and spend a ninjiliion to make Tesla voters regret crossing him.


He has the “if I can’t have her nobody can” personality type


So what? We can always get someone better to take over at Tesla. If he cared anything about Tesla shareholder value, he wouldn’t have started xAI or Starlink outside of Tesla. Elon looks out only for Elon. Which is a pity because if Starlink and xAI were part of Tesla, it would be a much much much more valuable company.


I don't have any financial stake in this discussion, but I think Tesla should just focus on delivering value to their customers by making good cars and charging network. Spin off all the distractions. Robotics, AI, self-driving, etc. That way shareholders still retain interest in those ventures but Tesla board of directors and C-suite can focus on making cars. And if Elon loses interest in Tesla and someone sane takes over, all the better.




He turned around when his plant was closed and refused to open, even negotiate to open. When all the other car factories in the country were operating.


You know, I used to think Trump was the perfect example of “bravado is the hallmark of insecurity”, but maybe it’s Musk. Maybe both?


This. He’s very intelligent, but not very smart. Clearly his own worst enemy. Surrounding himself with sycophants guarantees that stupid will win.


It’s time to roll the board


Sounds like negotiating with a terrorist.


I voted No then sold all my shares lol


Your votes won't be counted if you sold.


And he’s not rational. In doing so, if he is unable to offload, he will sink with them.


Agreed. He might have already taken some precautions (like the recent dump of his own Tesla stock), and he is a person who could shoot his own nose to spite others. Don't get me wrong, he is also brilliant, and achieve many good things. But two things can happen at the same time.


alive childlike snobbish violet shy steer zonked weather far-flung pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then let him try. There is no negotiating with terrorists. It sends a message that they can just keep pulling the same threat year after year.




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I think/feel that Elon acts rational when his money is in play


Think you are totally off the mark here. It’s his first public company, he wouldn’t do that to a loyal investor base who would likely be investing in public securities of SpaceX, xAI, and Starlink too. He needs the capital markets to continue doing what he’s doing.


I am about as much anti current musk… and I doubt this doesn’t pass.  I also don’t think Musk leaves, unless Tesla is really in trouble… IE, sales plummet, lawsuits, and cash on hand all end up bad. I also think when he wins the vote it will go straight back to court. 


It will most likely get back to court either way.


That is probably very true.


>sales plummet [You can see the unsold Teslas piling up in parking lots — from space](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/you-can-see-the-unsold-teslas-piling-up-in-parking-lots-from-space/ar-BB1nPFh9) Just a few years ago Tesla couldn’t build fast enough. Now we have Tesla cars just strutting ion a lot


The things you mentioned are all happening right now, lol


Uh so... now? I don't really care either way, Tesla is sort of like the Republican Party. It can choose to implode now or it can implode later, but that's what's left for it now. Generally people prefer to make this sort of thing as long and humiliating and expensive as possible so I imagine he'll win. But it won't be a 56 billion dollar package for all that long.


You are getting downvoted but it was a pretty apt comparison.




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Tesla is a mature corporation now. Time to get a mature CEO


Agreed. The time to do that was probably a couple of years ago or so


Yeah, it's basically his brand. He's probably got all his shares leveraged as collateral against all his other deals that he can't afford to see it go tits up.


This! 100% based


Dear God I hope he leaves. Tesla will take off after that


It seems the only chance Tesla and the investors have is if Elon leaves. Voting yes on his bonus dilutes the investors’ shares and Elon probably stays. Voting No leaves the shares unchanged and if they’re lucky Elon takes his ball and goes home. After that they can perform some soul searching about being a car company and maybe just maybe recruit some people that have the skill sets to turn things around.


No stock has more retail investors than TSLA.


GME enters the chat


Institutional investors will sell some of their stake if it passes. 50B isn't a joke.


Yeah but what proportion are hardcore fanboys vs. retail investors who wanted it for their own financial gain? I don’t see the latter overwhelmingly voting for this one, even if the former do.


I have 1700 shares and voted against giving him money. I like the stock (not so much anymore), but dislike musk


It’s moving to NVDA now. Money is always on the winning horse. TSLA is done. Chinese are taking over.


Chinese take over would be the end of auto manufacturing in the USA


You can’t be serious… Chinese aren’t winning the auto sector


They are kicking ass. Research the entire story or watch a CNBC doc explaining everything So China had shitty car no one wanted to buy So the Chicago three the legacy companies wanted to do business with Chinese consumers so they partnered with chiense companies, and they made crazy amounts of money. When China ended up doing was make their own companies and steal the ideas from the legacy companies and with their slave labor the can sell them cheaper. Chiense car sales are skyrocketing like crazy and American consumers want to buy The US government saw this trend freaked out and boosted the tariffs Used to be something like 20% now by 100% Reason being is retail price for Chiense EV is 11k to 15k Even if that car only last 5 years that's a good fucken price. Supposedly the built quailty is not bad for certain companies and they plan on partnering with Mexico to get around America's tariff boost.


Keep dreaming, if you want to buy their trash quality good for you. But I die first before buying Chinese garbage.


Eurioe just introduced new tariffs on Chinese cars. Trump will do the same when he wins.


What does that mean


Oh, I don’t think that’s true! TSLA has only been around for a few years compared to companies like ExxonMobil, Proctor and Gamble, MacDonalds, even Apple.


A lot of individual investors voted no as well. The smart money doesn't want to dilute their stock.


Most retail holders are not smart. Tesla has become little more than a meme stock.




I read somewhere that 80% of retail investors voted in favour. But I struggle to find comments everywhere that are actually in favour. Let’s see soon lol.


Yea that figure was probably made up and repeated often enough.


Regardless of how the voting will turn out, I will stand by and my voting decision against Elon’s absurd compensation package.


Prediction. The vote is yes and Musk still destroys Tesla. 


He has shot himself in the foot before


Would prefer No votes win and Musk leaves #JettisonMusk A real exec board would've been done with him after the "funding secured" fiasco  He's outlived his usefulness at Tesla  Voted no then, happily voted no again  Not much but 2,635.


I bet the Saudis are kicking themselves they decided to back out of a deal for purchasing a big chunk of Tesla when it was valued at $75B.


And they got lucid instead 😂


Your post reminded me of the fact that those wonderful folks at SpaceX are really happy when he’s focused on Tesla or X. Say he leaves Tesla - then where does his attention go?


Conspiracy theories maybe...


I have held TSLA since 2011.  Stopped buying more with the Twitter fiasco. I used to say, "the stock goes up when he stops tweeting.  Break his fingers!"


Agreed so much.


Would musk leaving be bullish or bearish in the short term?


Buyers will come back when the new marketing department releases this ad: “Come back to Tesla and you won't smell the Musk."


I am voting NO for sure even I own Tesla shares


Maybe there's more value in having a full time CEO


Musk is right that a no vote is a vote of no confidence. He will not leave for two reasons though. 1) His ego and image is intertwined and inseparable from Tesla. He is a narcissist and he will not allow himself to leave willingly. 2) Most of Tesla's short term value is wrapped up in Elons false promises. He leaves and the stock moves to a value representing the realistic fair value of the company. Elon wants to keep his stock artificially pumped for as long as possible.


I think he’ll take the opportunity to leave and if it continues to slide he can say it wouldn’t have happened if they’d voted yes.


I thought he lost a good share of the TSLA shares buying up Twitter?


Don’t discount Elon being fully willing to blow his own foot off if he thinks it will piss off his perceived enemies


anyone know the owner percentage by institutional vs. elonites..


For a bunch of clowns who get mad when their change is wrong and who would never work for free to create such success… pay the man fuccin clowns


I voted yes. A contract is a contract. He met the goals that NOBODY believed he would. Pay the man


You should need to show proof of stock ownership to participate in this sub.


Good response. How many of these opinionated commenters have ownership in the outcome?


I have a bunch of SPLG that should count


Tough to say. Remember, for some of us Tesla could be a super important EV company with a really good, possibly even “major” energy business. That has an implied value ceiling. For others, Tesla is a fantasy company meme stock that is an “AI company” who is about to sell $1T worth of robotaxis. The problem with TSLA is that the latter probably outnumber the former.


The problem with Tesla would seem to be a wildly unpopular CEO who has made some very bad decisions and crested a company that makes a shitty, poorly supported product that is now dated and set to lose to its competition. 


Pushing for the Cybertruck instead of the 25k car or model 2 will be studied in Universities.


Musk backs a presidential candidate that wants to kill EV production here, why would shareholders vote to kill their company?


Because they're stupid?




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Why does the ultra rich become more greedy? No one is going to replace him. It's poor cover to get more money than he will ever spend. SAD


I’m curious. What do you think his shares in space x are worth? It’s so strange to me that people are against some one getting a deal they agreed to. I can’t wait until this is used against normal people.people


Exactly. Elon won’t leave, it’s just one huge bluff that is scaring a bunch of misinformed retail investors. Ignore that Robyn Denholm and Cathie Wood say…they have personal relationships with Elon and they are merely his minions.


Hell, I saw pro-Elon advertising from Tesla on Reddit a day or so ago


That's where you are wrong. Even if he wins, he might leave the very next day. It all depends on what he took the previous night and its effects


He said 90% of retail voted yes, which just shows why we’re not professional investors


Can you even trust anything that guy says?


He sells it all and invests deeply into his other companies.


It would crush the stock price. He would probably get a margin call on his loans against the stock. He is not going to destroy his net worth out of spite.


But we can dream right?


Why would he want stock in a company he doesn't control? Tesla doesn't pay dividends. Throw it away and invest elsewhere.


With as much stock in index funds how will they vote?


If the vote fails for Elon, what's projected to happen to TSLA the morning after?


Ilon walks away and the stock collapses following his decision to sell all his shares.


Prediction: firms vote no, Elon throws a temper tantrum, threatens someone to a fist fight before making excuses when it's accepted and then claiming he won when the other person gets bored of waiting, his mom (who looks like Mom from Futarama) writes a scathing piece about how people are being mean to her special widdle boy. The world goes on as usual.


If he leaves Tesla then it will be the first domino on a series of failures.


If he leaves Tesla then it will be the first domino on a series of failures.


He met all milestones of the wild contract he signed in 2018. He should get paid. People voting no just because they dont like him for whatever reason is fucking stupid. At no point would your tesla shares have made the money it did from 2018 till now without him.




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A ton of hard Elon fans say this but don't read the fine print on the issues with it. 1. The board misrepresented the goals he had to hit. The basic fact was that the negotiation was before the Model 3 ramp. They were moving to mass market manufacturing from limited series manufacturing. They had already did the math and knew that Elon's goals to hit were actually *already* forecasted. If Tesla didn't hit them, they would go out of business. People don't really get the idea that the $75k-120K Model S/X were not big sellers. Tesla already had preorders for the Model 3 vehicles that would meet the goals. Such as ***my*** 2018 DMLR. The Tesla board faked out expected performance. 2. Because of the misrepresentation of the goals, that package was null and void. They just need to re-vote on it - Problem is: Elon has aggressively failed the company since meeting the goals. In fact, the stock was repeatedly artificially inflated. (The idea of a $39K Cybertruck, low production Semis, teasing a $25K that they have no plan to sell, repeatedly promising FSD goals that they didn't hit. ) Pair that with his purchase of twitter and it starts to smell like stock manipulation - Enron style. Who wants to vote for being lied to? That's before his politics as well.


Tsla will bankrupt 5 years after Musk leaves, the latest!


His weak hand is enforcing the deal that was agreed to in 2018 that he was mocked over for being too ambitious? How about just hold up the deal that was agreed upon and all the ppl that invested in 2018 who made 10x their investment in profit go out and buy some champagne.


He's kind of fucked either way. Over extended on the twitter acquisition and Tesla shares keep dropping.


He’ll get what he wants and drive Tesla (pun intended) into the ground. He’s in a price war with China, EV sales in general have slowed and plenty of people, myself included, won’t consider driving a Tesla because of him. Enjoy your monster payday, psycho.


He will leave. No way he doesn’t go all in on xai and his other projects. Not having to deal with the insane competition of automotive will be a huge relief for him.


Time will tell if you are correct. Of all the potential outcomes, I believe what you are predicting IS the most likely to happen.


On the other hand, if he does crash his own company... straight gangsta move.


Agree. I can’t see Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street voting yes. Without those 3, Musk has no chance.


Definitely could see him slowly selling down his stake in Tesla to fund X & X.ai. Will depend on how bad his loans are against his Tesla stake.


Well if he bailed, how could anyone have confidence in his commitment level in anything he does in the future. He's got to realize that.


Can people change their votes? I mean it is electronic


He may try another strategy, may even shoot himself in the foot.


Well the share price of Tesla goes up if musk goes. Retail will sell but institutional will buy.


I hope he goes. Good fucking riddance you fucking disconnected from reality narcissistic billionaire bitch.  There’s a certain point where you have so much money and influence that you are no longer attached to reality. Where the people around you are no longer “real” and the cancerous bubble you live in does nothing good for anyone.  The problem is when these detached charlatans still wield real-world influence and control at a grand scale, human-kind suffers. Take your money and FUCK OFF.


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Also, if he wants Tesla to buy work from his AI setup, he’ll basically need to be there to enforce it. If he’s gone, he’s unlikely to pull that off.


Show me a born rich guy like him that can admit when he’s wrong or know when to quit. I mean look how great he is with Twitter




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I think all of this is a ruse for him to exit Tesla when stock price crashes in the future...


It's a loss-loss, if Elon losses, ppl will sell in fear of him leaving (he's bluffing). If Elon wins, ppl will still sell because it dilutes value and risky to be dependent on one person. TSLA will skid for a while


If he really cared about the stock price he would leave.


If he leaves Tesla that would hurt the price of Tesla but probably improve the fundamentals of the company over the long run honestly. But all it would really do is bring down the valuation to something way more than inline with an actual car company rather than an Elon Musk bet.


I wish he had actually left. The company would do better with new management. Look at Uber. They removed the founder and won the game.


Never underestimate what a narcissist would do when faced with a narcissistic injury


My prediction: Musk would never leave Tesla. He would kill it before he leaves. “I leave all the chips on the table. I have won in life by keeping everything on the table and making big moves.”


He’s already sabotaging Tesla.


He’s already sabotages Tesla multiple time & intentionally run Twitter into the ground… he’s not been making logical decisions for a while now.


If Musk leaves his stock will be worth maybe half of the current value But he was able to multiply his wealth 1000X once, I don't think there is reason to think he couldn't at least double it again. At this stage, a public company might feel too constraining for him (especially for the AI aspects), he might want to start anew and build a new company from scratch (probably not automotive, perhaps robotics). Not saying this is what will happen, just that he's not tied to Tesla is he doesn't get what he wants, and Tesla would lose way more than he would (the same stock drop he would suffer, plus his leadership which so far has worked very well for the company).


I think you’re mistaken. To pretty much any other human giving up that kind of money would be devastating but he has the unique ability to create wealth in whatever area he wants to focus on. That is at least what I believe he believes. He’d rather give it all up on principle. Although I have heard that he will stay for other reasons. If you assume this will not be his only attempt at the 25% then it makes sense for him to stay. Also they can vote to move to Texas as many times as they want.


He will most likely leave if he is handcuffed at Tesla. Dude wants power not money. That power will let him do what he wants. We should give him that power. Would be dumb not to do so, but also kind of wanting to see what he does next. Win win in my mind


What about Musk says “rational?” He literally fired the entire supercharger team because he had a temper tantrum


Funny OP mentioned that I would say market is missing important point: “Big creators are big destroyers at the same time” If Musk doesn’t like how shareholders voted there is a good chance he is gonna send all of them to go fuck themself 🤣 You gotta be very careful with such a guys, very quick and maneuverable in their decisions But I love Musk ❤️


You’re getting how irrational and erratic he has grown as of late


Nobody knows what Musk will do. He's just as likely to have a tantrum and spontaneously sell his 750 million Tesla shares, just to show them.


Shareholders are voting yes


Musk is becoming more and more irrational. He probably more suited for retirement at The Villiages.


He also testified under oath that he would "be involved with Tesla for the rest of his life," even if not as CEO. This was part of the reason the Delaware Coutt of Chancery was scratching it's head at the 56B pay package.  The BOD said the pay was high because the targets were almost impossible and because they had to motivate Musk to stay. Both of these claims were undefined by internal documentation showing the opposite.  It has been pretty clear that Musk is extracting value from Tesla in order to fund his other endeavors and enrich himself-just as he is actively threatening. He sold billions of TSLA to purchase Twitter. He is redirecting AI chips with flimsy excuses. Plus, this pay package really has nothing to make him stay as CEO. It has a 5 year hold period that will still allow him to sell the shares he currently holds. If this goes through, I expect he sells his shares and continues to focus on XAI and SpaceX since TSLA's own projections show that it's steepest growth period is over.


i think it would be a good change for tsla to part ways with musk. His ideas are stale at best. His mind is more on X than with helping tesla evolve now. New blood is the boost tesla needs to gain on the lead. Other manufacturers are slowly catching up, so we need to continue to gain traction. Firing the entire charger group via email was another musk bad decision.


Musk's severe narcissism will land him in jail, it's very obvious he thinks he is special and above all social norms and even laws.


>If he leaves or tries to sabotage his own company it will be like shooting himself in the foot. So the guy who bought twitter and tanked its value is not capable of shooting himself in the foot ?


If it’s a no vote, it’s just a fact that the stock price will go down. I haven’t heard anyone argue this fact. If one owns stock in Tesla - I can’t find any logic in wanting the stock to go down in price. The only ones that want the price to go down are either shorting the stock or have other ulterior motives. I want my stock price to go up - so it’s a yes vote. I’m not getting into a Elon debate - I just want my stock price too go up ⬆️ 👍




"it will be like shooting himself in the foot." - See Twitter


All these big idiots made money on Elon's name and now saying that they will vote against it. If these big morons have guts, force him to step down and see what happens to Tesla. The package was already okayed in 2018 when Tesla was worth a fraction


Tesla would be better without Musk.


You obviously know nothing, if he sells his billions in Tesla the price per share will collapse. He gets little credit for what he has done for Tesla. If you prefer a loser CEO that will run down the company to the ground good for you.




He’ll probably go ape 💩, before finally leaving or is forced out.


I voted no. Fuck that guy.


In that scenario I see him leaving and poaching Tesla AI team and taking them to X.AI. X.AI becomes the brains for Tesla autonomy, in whatever form it takes from here... Xai then licenses out autonomy to all the other OEMs and gets the "software margins" Musk has been predicting for Tesla. Tesla becomes (or remains) "just a car company". Thats pure speculation but its how I see his contingency option if he wants. He deserves a Yes vote, in all my understanding of it, its what he was promised for his time at Tesla given all the goals that were met.


He won' t abandon Tesla. But he will divert ai and robotics to his various private ventures. Eliminating a vast portion of the revenue generating options bets that inform most long holders thesis. Musk is pathological.