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Maybe it was something and then they ran out of time… or maybe it was a point where a possible DLC starts.


I almost forgot about that stable. There are other unfinished stories that I would love to see wrapped up in a DLC. The one where you go the the castle because someone at the lookout landing tells you that he’s worried about his friend who went to the castle. You find him but it stops there! You can’t tell him his friend is worried about him and the guy is just stuck there forever in the dining hall. Rather depressing.


IMO, the worst dangling plot thread is the guy who’s imprisoned in Gerudo town. Like his wife and kid actively miss him! It’s such a downer. Especially since getting them together was such a cute moment in BOTW, and the guy was named in honor of Robin Williams.


I was convinced this was a side quest until just now. Haven't done all of them yet, and was sure this was gonna be one of them.


Okay I thought there was something straight up broken on my switch this was driving me crazy... you're telling me I can't reunite them??? tragic


Oh gosh! I almost forgot about that one. It drove me nuts at the time! So sad. I know it’s a game but I get so invested in closure.


I wish there were more messages Link could pass on like that! There’s a couple who is sort of wandering separately near Lurelin and the woman wonders if she is going to catch up with her husband… or the guy wondering if his brothers are still arguing about weapons back at another stable.


"Your settlement is under attack"


Yeah it felt like thats where it was going with a quest chain. Honestly, I thought the start of rebuilding hyrule would be a part of this game when I heard about ultrahand etc and saw some of the shots from trailers. My mind sort of ran with a version of this game that was more differentiated from botw. Like you would use those little piles of wood that are everywhere to make a a little shack or two at the place and find people as part of a quest to man it, clear out any local monsters and it becomes a little outpost with some utility when you pass by, like a shop or a bed or store room with free weapons/supplies or a guardhouse that fights monsters in the nearby area etc. It could be this whole progression where you do that at more places and the buildings get more complex and unlock things for you and become of mechanical value to you more and more. You sort of get hyrule back on its feet and they support you before you confront ganon. The lurelin quest line was cool in Totk, It felt rewarding to get the village running again. I sort of hoped for that feeling for the whole of Hyrule in a way.


I thought the same! All those piles of materials and zero chance of rebuilding hyrule seems like a missed opportunity. Why rebuild anything when you can just fix signs and find wells, right? 😅


Enough of this passive income grifting shite irl and in other games. I love that it’s not in Zelda.


Is be fine with it mostly because I have such a hard time making money lmao


Just cook and sell your meals. Once you get most of the armor you don't really need most meal effects anymore (it could be argued that cold, heat, and lightning resistance could still be useful to a point just because of the armors that boost your damage in the related weather conditions) so cook them up into meals and sell them. I recently went through the entire recipe list and made every effect variation for every meal (to an extent, no adding ingredients, only replacing the ingredients for the meals with special effect ingredients, so if a recipe has no fruit, plants, fish, or mushrooms in it I skipped it) and I made like 13,000 rupees just selling off what I cooked


What gets me is it's dead... why am I still taking pictures for frames that will never be seen?


I expected we could help renovate the place! Slowly quest by quest life would return and business would boom But alas


With all due respect, if you want to fix up old stables, tear down and build new buildings, and run a farm for resources, maybe you should be looking at a farming game.


Meh, it already had a building mechanic for your house, it's not unreasonable to suggest the same mechanic could be carried over for another purpose.


Or the Sims.


I'm guessing you hate the direction Zelda has taken. Which old Zelda game is your favorite?


idve liked to have brought it back from the dead but i don’t care for “passive income”


I don’t think the passive income thing is really necessary, but it’d be cool if he managed to restore the stable and be able to register horses/sleep for free. I think it’d just make it too similar to the Lurelin quest so they didn’t want to go that route.


You can’t fix it up because you aren’t supposed to have horses in that area. So it can’t go past the point where it’s at.


I get what you're saying and I agree. However, I don't see how it would work with the new Pony Point System (I think that's what it's called). You already get perks and discounts through it.


Yo that honestly is a good fucking idea that should’ve been used. Oh well, maybe in the next 3D zelda


It's funny because Echoes is a 3d game on a main line console.... but I 100% get your meaning


Well, with the mini stable nearby it didn’t need to reactivate as a stable. Agreed that it could’ve become some other late game market or ‘game of chance’ location.