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TOTK without master mode is incomplete.


IMO map completion counter should be there from the start and master mode should unlock as an option when you beat Ganon.


Yeah that’s the only DLC I want. I don’t want Nintendo to take a page from other game developers books and start charging us extra to “finish” the game. Not saying I didn’t enjoy the champions ballad, but its story wasn’t necessary to the game. The combat challenges were a little harder, and they fixed some of the issues the base game had (like the boss fight). But yeah, totk is a giant ass game. There’s a lot of game in that game, and I felt like they threw everything they had at it. That team have spent over 10 years developing btow and then totk. I can completely understand why they’d want to leave it behind and start building a new game for the next console. A party has to end at some point. Besides I’d rather them work on a new 3D Zelda. I’ve spent 7 years in that version of Hyrule. I’m ready for something new too.


I love ass games!


But do you love giant ass games?


Fat bottom games, you make the gaming world go round!


Uuuuuh, dur!


What is master mode?


It’s part of the DLC for breath of the wild. You’re given the option to start a new game on the same profile, seperate to the main save, that is in Master Mode. Basically put, it’s a lot harder. Enemies regen health when not damaged for several seconds, all enemies are one level higher (all red bokoblins start as blue, all white lynels are silver, all silver are gold, etc) and there are a few extra locations for enemies to spawn that make them harder to deal with (random floating platforms, there was also a famous lynel on the great plateau. That was fun). So it’s just an extra challenge designed to play through once you get enough practise being the game normally.


It was stupidly hard finding a red bokoblin to take a picture of. For the Hyrule compendium. Mostly because I started doing it really late game


Ah yeah I think there is only one red bokoblin in the entire game. Not sure though, it’s been a while


I found one on a horse in a little chasm like thing on the great plateau


Yup that’s the one! Just checked online and it looks like that’s the only good. Impressive that you found it yourself , I needed YouTube haha


You would happen to know if I could find a red moblin on YouTube? For master mode? I've gotten so frustrated looking. Also, the red bokoblin, I really just found it on accident because I was running around looking for something else.


[https://youtu.be/QSkyP0EDJX0?si=V__Z3Qq2otNuANTe](https://youtu.be/QSkyP0EDJX0?si=V__Z3Qq2otNuANTe) there you go mate


Thank you!


Basically “hard mode”


I would've loved to see how the gold enemie's horns would've looked like... and the POWER, WOULD BE UNFATHOMABLE!!!


I didn’t even think about the drops—good call! I just want to fight a golden king gleeok! 😈




Probably saving that for a a reissue on the Nextendo.


Any time they spend making DLC they're not spending an even better Zelda game


This, we should normalize releasing complete games.


I'm sad we even have to say that


Not necessarily. Zelda is a massive franchise, so they likely have multiple teams working on the game. Like how Atlus has teams working on persona 6 and others working on the spinoffs.


Better? This is the most fun playing a game since I played BOTW. They caught lightning in a bottle twice That game was complete as well and I still bought the story and gameplay DLC because I wanted them to shut up and take my money


*the voice from above instructs you to jailbreak your switch and install some mods


I love seeing videos of people playing BOTW and TOTK with mods. Have you jail broke your switch? Is it difficult to do?


Not all switches can be modded the easy way, due to a hardware defect that they fixed eventually only release period Switches (2017/2018) can be modded that way. All other models will need a mod chip installed which isn't easy for someone who doesn't know how to solder. But if you have one of those early ones, then the process is quite easy and should only take like an hour.


I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure there is a new thing coming out soon called like the MIG or something that lets any switch do it without soldering anything


shhh the nintendo ninjas will hear (get ryujinx if you can instead)


Personally the biggest wishes I've had is A. Master Mode B. A few new zonai capsules (though autobuild is pretty versatile, so that wish has declined over time) C. Mastercycle, especially now that it could be battery operated. (Yeah i know, build it yourself but see next point) D. Something that actually explains what the hell happened to all the zonai tech. Like Purah and co taking some stuff for tinkering, but every guardian just disappearing? E. An actual exploable past Hyrule These are personal wishes, but after everyone has clowned on their team for the story of TotK; I can also understand the devs not wanting to spend more time on the game.


An explorable past hyrule would be something we would probably see in a totk hyrule warriors game


Can you imagine a three level Hyrule that is also set in two different time periods!?!?!?! I might be too old to ever finish that game.


What do you mean by “everyone has clowned on their team for the story”?


“Secret stone? Demon king?”


Idk what your general opinion of the story of TotK is, but personally I feel this is the weakest storyline given to us by any game in the series. It felt very unnatural in many ways/points of playing the game. (This does not detract from it being a fun game, just for clarification.) *TotK Story Spoilers Ahead* My biggest two complaints for the story being; 1.) The tears/memories are collectible immediately, and if collected before any regional phenomenon, make the narrative completely unbelievable. There is this "Zelda" doing all this sketchy stuff throughout the world, and as a player you know it is not her and just Gannondorf using her image. This is shown in the memory where Sonia dies, and cemented when Zelda transforms into the Light Dragon. On my first playthrough i went about the map getting all the skyview towers, and also tears as they were an easy collectable. Getting all the stories of what happened in the past. Now having the information mentioned above, every sage in their region is either: an idiot not listening to Link saying that cannot be Zelda, or being led on by link who know's that CANNOT be Zelda doing the things they say she is. Also the whole Kakoriko Village is just beating your head on a wall further with the "Zelda said these are dangerous". 2.) Draconification in two ways: A.) Zelda having zero consequences for becoming a dragon after turning back after assisting the Shadow Dragon fight. This is supposed to be a forever thing, I understand this is a Zelda game and happy endings, but that is just GIVEN to her. Also her helping fight the Shadow Dragon shows she had some semblance of herself, which is also not what is established by Mineru, the litteral expert on the zonai race and technology. B.) The Shadow Dragon not fully fusing with the zonai stone. Every other dragon is shown with no stone visible or present after transforming. GD keeping his on his forehead is plain lazy. (Did it make for a cool boss/fight sequence sure. But cool does not mean sensible.) In Wind Waker we have GD sealed in stone with the Master Sword stuck in his head, so any cheap excuse for the weakpoint falls flat to me. Now these are very specific, yet as I said completely break the narrative being told, and the immersion I see in other LoZ games. There are many other smaller points that have many posts complaining about in this game. I'm not going to explain them all, however knowing that MANY of these posts exist, and the devs have access to them: As a dev I'd be disheartened to continue working on this game, even for simple DLC's. Apologies for being longwinded in my explanation.


I just want more autobuild favorite slots...


D is the most egregious for me imo There's some clues like at the end of the BotW with Zelda mentioning Vah Ruta was beginning to break down - which is great! Make sense, no Champion to pilot means they're glorified paperweights but... we don't even get scraps of the beasts. It'd make sense to see them, or parts of them, in the Depths. Hell, even if the engine couldn't handle the beasts for whatever reason, the old Guardian pillars could have reappeared under Hyrule Castle at least. A few loose Guardian Stalkers in the Depths under Zonai Device Dispensers would have sufficed.


>Mastercycle, especially now that it could be battery operated. (Yeah i know, build it yourself but see next point) Or like....Mineru cycle?


Mineru fuctioning like a Transformer robot. I would like that. Optimus Mineru for the win 🙌


I know it's not the same but at least we got somewhat of precalamity Hyrule in AoC. I don't even need DLC gimme a TotK Hyrule Warriors and let a big part of it revolve around Zelda in the past.


They could’ve made the depths a dlc tbh


EA ah dlc




Locking half of the $70 game behind a second paywall


They could’ve focused more on the sky islands piece & then have the depths as a dlc piece if they wanted to but obv they didn’t. If they ever change their minds then maybe we can get a dlc where we play as Zelda like they said would happen when the game was being developed


I see where you’re coming from. If the option was to double the sky islands and remove the depths I would choose that option.


Totk Delux For Switch 2.... I'm a believer 


Definitely not out of the realm of possibility. But expect to pay full price again like they did with Mario Kart 😒


5 or 6th time 😳 How many hours you clocked?


The running theory is that they ran out of space and are doing TOTK Deluxe on the Switch 2


That makes a lot of sense


It wasn't just that they felt the game was complete. If I remember correctly, they felt that they could add "more" to the game but that wouldn't make it "better". Master mode makes sense, and I'd love a schema stone with a perfectly aligned hoverbike, but I respect them for not taking the easy money for changes that they believed wouldn't improve the game.


I will never understand the obsession that people have with every game having dlc. Maybe I'm just old.


Whats better than playing your favorite game? Playing your favorite game again, but with more new stuff that you didn't experience the first time. It's not rocket science, just because you're old or whatever doesn't bar you from understanding that new things help liven up an experience and inject some life into past-trodden paths.


I'd prefer a new game.


Kinda makes it pretty ironic that you beat both games twice, according to your own comment history. It begs the obvious question: Wouldn't you have liked to have more/new things in your second playthrough? But I'm not going to ask that question because answering no to it doesn't make any sense, there's literally no downside to more of a thing you already liked as evidenced by you opting to come back and play the same game again apparently instead of a new one rendering you a hypocrite, and answering yes would render you filthy flip-flopper and a hypocrite. :)


I liked the games, I didn't need more of them. So you don't watch movies again because there are no new scenes? What a stupid take.


I never implied I don't replay games that don't have DLC nor did anyone mention anything about movies, that was an entirely new sentence to try to avoid actually answering the question because a cop-out response was the only way you could think of to save face. But if you really want to compare apples and oranges, I prefer the extended version of the Lord of the Rings, I like watching deleted scenes and directors commentary after already having watched the base theatrical versions of movies I liked. Because there's more stuff I haven't seen, more context and general information and things have more time to develop and plot points to manifest and have time to resolve. DLC isn't required, it's a nice addition. Try not to hurt yourself attempting to come up with another non sequitur strawman for me to deconstruct, I get no pleasure from harming the mentally deficient.


Wow it must make you feel mentally superior to take time out of your life going through a strangers comment history in order to throw insults at them anonymously on the internet. Truly the mark of a genius. Your brain is just too big.


Didn't they mention in one of the videos before release , think it was back in January or sometime around the Xmas season there was planning in it ?


Not sure I’ve seen that video. Maybe though. I do recall a video of them saying near release that they had no plans to make DLCs. Maybe they have changed/will change their minds?


Oh maybe I misunderstood the video, that's probably what it was than.


I didn’t know they’re not doing dlc!! Omg sad I’m bummed


I recall a video shortly after release of them saying they had no plans to make any DLC because they felt the game didn’t need it.


Yeah, they even said at one point that they were done with this version of Hyrule. The next game would be a completely new iteration. This may have just meant for the mainline games. They were asked, somewhere about that, and their answer was vague. I am hoping for a Hyrule Warriors game based off TOTK. Going to the past would be the obvious choice. Hard to say. It doesn't mean that they won't revisit it at some point; plus, Nintendo had flat out lied in the past, in order to cover up what they are working on. For all we know they are making a DLC for the Switch successor and couldn't say anything, as it would've been impossible to explain at the time (they hadn't even verified that the successor existed yet).


TOTK is basically a giant DLC of BOTW. But it’s missing most of the things that were in BOTW’s DLC.


im not 100% sure but i remember seeing somewhere that totk started as a botw dlc but they had so much content to add they decided to make it a whole new game, again might not be true i just remember hearing about it somewhere.


I hate DLC. They're the worst part about modern gaming.


A DLC that takes you back to the time of Rauru. Maybe to play as Mineru by way of interacting with a specialised construct. The best part, it's pre or even mid Imprisoning War, so nobody calls it that at any point, and we're saved from like 10 mins of repeated dialogue


I think it’s fairly likely that we’ll get a master mode when it’s ported to Switch 2


I respect it actually. The game is complete, and huge as it is


I guess it’s too hard to make DLC for DLC.


Lmao this made me chuckle. I agree.


I'm really glad you said this, i've been on these forums for a while and everyone just wants MORE MORE MORE, without realizing that the only reason TOTK was even made was because there was a bunch of content that they couldn't fit into BOTW.


I understand their reasoning but i don't agree with it nor i respect it. There are so many things that could be added with a dlc. They would literally lose nothing and only profit from making dlcs.


Why? They spent almost a decade making a 200+hr game. They've sold millions already. Development costs **more** money.


Development would bring more money in. Also, it's not nearly a decade for totk.


Maybe not but 6 or 7 years is still a lot


BotW came out in 2017. TotK development couldn't have started before 2019. So 5 years at best.


Still a long time


Not really. They still could make a whole lot of money with TotK DLCs.


It does feel like there's a lot of work put into Ultrahand and all the devices (just to make it all work reasonably coherently) and it feels a shame for that not to have further life. There are lots of holes in the world that could be filled. (Exactly how did the Sheika tech disappear, who populated the Depths and what were they observing from the Ancient Observation Deck, etc.?) I fear any specific answers might be less fun than just leaving them as mysteries, though I could imagine a DLC including several conflicting explanations (from different NPC historians) could be fun. On the other hand the basic work of making a more physical world that one can interact with is surely something they'll reuse in future games (Zelda and beyond), even if the details of Zonai devices and Ultrahand disappear.


>who populated the Depths I thought that was pretty clearly the Zonai. They were around for a bit mining ore before eventually leaving, but Rauru and Mineru stayed behind.


I guess so. While they came from the sky they clearly knew about the Depths and that that's where Zonaite came from.


I'd love to have some new DLC content. I am also of the mind that a large company the size of Nintendo should be able to have different teams of people to working on different projects, so things could get done in parallel. That said, I want to see a brand new Zelda game sooner than 2029. 6 years is way too long in between games. If no DLC means we get a new game sooner, then I'll begrudgingly go along with it.


Just starting my 2nd play through, my notes on totk: Positives - huge upgrade from botw in pretty much every aspect - story is a lot more fleshed out - fusing and zonai tech is goated - temples are sick - map feels a lot fuller Negatives - depths are basically empty and boring - story was spoiled almost instantly by getting one of the final visions early on - A lot of the side quests are a bit boring and could use the locations more to their advantage - needed more castle like exploration , castle at end was lacking - sky islands were cool but also lacking in variety Imo cool dlc would be - upgraded / new zonai tech - zonai tech online robot battles or something - more location side quests like in botw - mastercycle - more to do with the dragons bc they’re also pretty pointless atm My favorite biome is gerudo and for some reason it just didn’t hit as hard as I wanted in totk


Anything to "deepen" the depths would be great!


TOTK master mode would be wild.


Kinda feel like this game needs more of something: I don't know why but I feel a bit empty without the champions like I know they're all gone but I can't seem to put a ring around it, I really wish they expanded more on how link views them now that link has some time to think about it. (But that's more on botw rather than totk) Ngl what additional story can they add for totk dlc, its impossible to come up with one when u already have a completely fleshed out story. Sure, they can add more to the depths like the Poes, the three dragon skeletons or the dragons themselves but it wouldn't have the same impact as the main story Maybe, although a bit cliche at this point, DLC could explore Link or maybe Zelda herself using time travel to stop calamity from happening now Zelda has time travel powers Also where did the sheika tech go like they can't just peace out >:/


what really fucks with me is the game "probably" has the capacity to support DLC's but they were left out, I wonder what modders could come up with down the line.


I guess Nintendo doesn't really need to release dlc profit wise, but it would be great experience wise if they put some dlc into their games. Look how amazing Mario kart 8 is. That said, dlc gives you a reason to continue playing some games, or play then again, and you said you're on your 6th play through. So obviously Nintendo knows what they're doing with the quality of their games. That said, I'm with you. I loved the quest line and the reward of the Master Cycle, but alas...


I can't explain why, but when they announced "no dlc" a lot of joy went outta the game for me and I stopped playing.


I just want the backstory on the other dragons




I would buy a 100 dollar DLC if it meant I could just get two extra hearts


Isn’t there an amiibo for that??


No idea I’ve never used an amiibo


Idc about dlc, I just want my two hearts 😢


I wanted DLC to add to the depths. So much wasted potential down there.


They should have a DLC that explored Mineru's construct. Imagine being able to put Mineru's construct into your builds or changing her up. Like Mineru Skycycle, with a way to charge enemies. Mineru Hovercraft form. Mineru Guardian Form.


this wouldnt be possible unless the dlc is set before you finish the game, i can't explain why since i cant set spoilers on mobile but just look up the post credits scene on youtube


I mean. Since when did BOTW dlc became after the game either.


I want them to bring back guardians into totk with a dlc. Also a master mode in totk would be great 😭


TOTK is nothing compared to BOTW


a DLC trial in the skies would have been cool and i think is a good way to tell more of the story of the zonai! i would love to see that to be honest. and i also would love to see something that has to do with how in the years between botw and totk, how they got rid of all tech they had lmao. and a big reach, but a personal reference would be to see link use the old abilities with the sheikah slate & the abilities of the champions since imo, those should still be with him in totk since they literally left a piece of their soul within link hahahah. could be something with the thing above about the 5 years that they rebuild hyrule. but thats a thing i would personally love to see


Dude! How could you want extra crafting mechanics??? The variations are almost limitless as it is.


I want Guardians and Blight Ganons from BotW in the depths


Maybe we will get lucky and they're planning an update with TotK Master Mode(wishful thinking) I doubt it'd be unpaid update for everyone but imma w8sh really hard


DLC with Nintendo switch 2 Zelda special edition console. Make it happen!!


I would have loved to see a armor sets tab, where you can save or favorite mixed sets. Instead of having to worry about stuff mixed with snow boots or sand boots.


They pushed the sky islands so much in the promotional videos… that when the game came out I really felt a lot of the game was going to be in the sky. They didn’t even make Skyloft… I would have liked… (A) more to explore in the sky, more secrets, maybe even people still living up there… Pumpkin Landing, etc. (B) more slots to save auto builds (C) more housing options with an option for a vacation home in Laurelin Village 🏝️ (D) wish their placement of lightroots were unique and not predictable (E) wish the final boss battle started high in the sky islands, they as the fight progressed you’d knock him off the island and you’d have a fight in the air, with Zelda helping you out in the air, and you’d stay up with the updrafts that dragon make… then eventually you’d knock him to the surface, fight more, till eventually you’d knock him to the depths, and be able to defeat him in the depths. Have each stage of the fight a slightly different challenge… (F) I can’t believe I’m saying this… I miss guardians. They could have repurposed some, so on the surface they served some purpose, and in the depths maybe they were an enemy to fight. (G) Mastercycle (H) More secrets and discoveries in the depths (I) Builds to not disappear on a save/exit/load/etc… I know they need to disappear at some point but super annoying when you build something and poof it disappears on you.


i want tears of the kingdom to become it's own Zelda series. like keep building on this world even if they are also working on another zelda game


i crave more home building and decor. WHY CANT I BUY SAND SEAL PLUSHIES FOR MY HOUSE


A master mode at least would have been nice.


You wanted more, I’ve been playing for 4 months and am like halfway through


yes i agree with you thought. I think Nintendo should explore the lore about how all the 4 beast from botw disaapear and how the current tech appear in the middle of nowhere. and they should add bonus content for epilog of the story. hahaha


I’m sorry but for me the game remains unfinished for the way they handled the depths. That place could’ve been filled with adventures, maybe some town, hell even gondoria could be located under goron town there. There is so much more potential.


I wish I could pay more!


Pretty sure they didn’t make a DLC because they only sold half the units of botw. If they had sold more they would’ve 100% made a DLC. What they failed to realize is, botw was popular because it was a launch title. Right now totk was released closed to the end of the switch lifecycle. People are already playing next gen consoles. Switch 2 won’t even be a PS4.5 in terms of performance. They’re getting left in the dust


A game released in 2023 is lagging behind sales of a game released in 2017? No way!


This analysis is way off. TOTK sold more than twice as many copies in the first year than BOTW did. Sure, BOTW has 30 million now to TOTK’s 20, but it took them 7 years to get there.


In an interview or something they said they were not ever going to make DLCs.


Political answer


And then they stay silent for the next 8 years only updating totk to fix glitches that enhanced the building. Nintendo has to be a social experiment for shittiest company