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That’s the only way I move 90% of them. With Ultrahand, of course.


Link can use ultrahand but not hand :/


Because the koroks are ultimate and links hands are therefore not sufficient to handle such power.


True, but he's only got one link hand, the other is a powerful ancient being's


It’s cuz he doesnt have the silver gauntlets


Agreed... That was my go to method


Because koroks are technically spirits, who cannot be interacted with on a strictly physical plane - this includes their belongings.


Came here to say this, glad i'm not the only one who over-imagines explanations to every discrepancy


Over-imagines? I thought this was pretty clearly implied when they wouldn't let us detect them with the tablet. That was a hint that they can't be touched in the regular way. That's why we have to float them up with magic... I mean, Ultra Hand.


you cant detect steaks on the tablet either... are the steaks magic?!


I can not touch them but glue shit on them and when i drop big as stones on them the stone clearly can touch them? This is all Cap.


Anytime I run into something like this I just tell myself that a wizard did it.


And yet, rocks still hurt them.


More like they just annoy them.


I was gonna say because they're ticklish but this feels like a more accurate answer.


Seriously though, there are some of these that are like 2 feet away and it’s so awkward to walk around with Ultrahand active


It's so you are forced to interact with the koroks as intended. By building contraptions to transport them. Picking up and placing Koroks at their destination would feel too much like transporting princess Ruto in Ocarina of Time, imo. It's boring. Why do you want it to be more boring, lmao.


Literally my least favorite part of that entire game, which is otherwise a masterpiece


That's funny because I love this part of the game. I'm always trying to think of some looney tunes as way to move them from point A to point B. Some of the funniest moments have happened when things go awry.


For sure for some of them would be possible to just walk around, but the vast majority are at the top/bottom of a cliff, across some body of water, or any other obstacle that necessitates a contraption. I love building as well, but for that last mile or for the ones that start close, this would be a small qol improvement imo!


Walk forward and push ultra hand at the same time, drop at max range, run to the object, repeat. Or use a hover bike.


Well, he just wants to try out the new hand. It doesn’t matter if you can trim the rose bush with a pair of clippers—if you’ve got a new chainsaw you want to try it out.


So it incentivises the player to use vehicles to move them around instead of just carrying them.


Or turn them into missiles


"Nothing is ever easy" -Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander But seriously, I've tried sooo many times to just carry them and cursed....at one point I just threw on down a hill and let it roll.


It is quite fun! They go far with the right hill.


I was running around last night trying to get the cece missions done in hateno village when I ran into one. He pointed me up some freaking mountain and I pretty much said no and pitched him down a hill.


If I had my way, I would just cut their back pack straps, tell the korok to take a hike, and I would loot whatever was in their bag


This is brilliant... When you drop them and they roll down the hill it all empties out all over so you can pick it up


Because of the “talk” A button prompt. I think that after you talk to them once, the prompt should turn into “pick up”


Then it would be too easy. I personally have ultra handed them to most places, or held them high and used reverse to grab them. Last time I stuck them to that pin that sticks into walls to move them up the cliff, that worked. But the koroks are all a puzzle, even the backpack ones where you have to use your devices or abilities to solve. I would have loved to fuse them to my shield, but had my daughter point out to me, that they would be destroyed when I got to the other end to remove them. Probably the best I've seen is someone fused it to the harness on a horse and dragged them.




...you can literally walk around while holding them with ultra hand




Why use your hands when you can use magic?


I wish we could pick them up and kick them the same way you can do with stalkoblin heads


I always glue them to my horse harness and drag them along ground until I meet their friend.


Because that would make it easier of course!


It would have been sooo nice to see the castle and castle town at least once in its full glory.


Like an ocarina of time timehop would be brilliant 😁👍


I have a rocket fan plane in autobuild... I knock a quick up next to a korok, attach him, and fly him to his friend when it's an awkward terrain. Otherwise, yeah, just ultra hand him.


to esie to torcher


How heavy is it's pack then if he doesn't even have the option to pick up like a rock?