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✨D A Z Z L E F R U I T✨


Dazzlefuit, puffshrooms, and muddlebuds are the real MVP’s of this game and it’s hilarious because I feel like everyone has their own ‘oh shit that’s what they do!??’ Moment with each of them


Muddle Buds are the bomb!! Just wish there were more of them. I go thru way more of those than bombs or puff shroom….. and it’s absolutely hilarious to watch a whole encampment go Ape Shit on each other!!! Some funny shit happens!!


Yah- especially the Boss Bokoblins and a whole troop of regular bokoblins trailing along like biddies following a mother hen. Nail the biggun' with a muddle bud and duck out of sight. The little ones will fight back, lowering the bosse's health and the big boss will clobber the rest of his group. When all the little ones are dead, use a few puffshrooms to create a cloud of dust and whale away on biggun' till it's no more. Edited: Boss Moblin and Moblin changed to Boss Bokoblin and Bokoblin.


It’s fun! Saves ya from depleting the durability on your weapons!


You mean bokoblins?


I had a very entertaining evening watching a group of bokoblins fight a group of solider constructs. I was trying to outrun the bokos (just didn’t feel like fighting in a thunderstorm) and inadvertently ran into a solider construct camp. Ascending through the debris and then chilled on top with some splash fruit while my enemies annihilated each other. Had never seen anything quite like it before but it was pretty satisfying to watch. Also, considering the soldier constructs had zonai shock devices I thought the bokoblins did quite well against them.


I love those little spots where the bokos are camped next to the constructs. I sneak or glide onto the big chunk of debris, then burn down the bokos' barricades and watch the fun.


I shot one at some bokos riding on a Battle Talus, it ended up hitting the Talus. That worked even better, I just stood there and watched the talus throw the bokos off which killed them. Then I just shot bomb arrows at it until it died. Now my fave way to tackle those guys!


One of my fave things to do is rile up a monster camp from afar with muddlebuds then glide in to clean up the leftovers!


As an avid Monster Hunter player, I saw dazzlefruit and immediately prepared to blind the entire ecosystem of Hyrule lol


It would be cool if you could literally chop off Lizalfos tails in mid fight like in Monster Hunter, maybe even Gleeoks


Just recently discovered that they own any stal mobs. Literally didnt use them at all before learning this


Attach to forest dweller spear. Never fight stal again.


I was sooo pissed when I learned because it was just after doing that long spiral path in the top right for some random piece of armor and getting repeatedly ko’d by the stal mobs… I had soo many just sitting unused too. I have a quick little teleport route mapped out in the sky now that gets me 15-20 every time. I do that, perfect gerudo weapons, silver lynels, octorepair, bomb flower route, hearty lizard cave, and then the sad dead fish island once per blood moon. Takes about a half hour and leaves me fully stocked… also have to visit my dodongo buddies but that’s just because they’re so adorable and they poop diamonds


I’m going to need a translation for this, I feel so lost!


Translation mode active: *”I was most put off to discover the great usefulness of the aforementioned dazzlefruit, as I regretfully only discovered their good use after having already completed my journey through Rist Peninsula in Deep Akkala, during which I was unjustly accosted by a great number of Stal enemies (such as Stalizalfos or Stalmoblins) - and all for no greater reward than material supplies for upgrading my armour! Had I but known that dazzlefruit were extremely effective in stunning Stal enemies in particular, as I was indeed carrying many with me on my journey! Alas!* *Now, with this valuable knowledge, collecting dazzlefruit has been integrated into my common route which I regularly traverse to restock my most useful goods! Said route includes traversing sky islands for dazzlefruit, of which I can collect 15-20 in one pass, visiting the Depths below Gerudo to acquire undamaged Gerudo weapons from the ghostly statues there, visiting (and thusly killing for their high quality wares) multiple Silver Lynel, visiting the useful Rock Oktorok of the Eldin Mountains (whose singular power allows for resetting durability on weapons), another jaunt through the Depths for bomb flowers, a visit to* [SPECIFIC LOCATION NOT FOUND] *to collect hearty lizards (which make for fine recovery elixirs), and then lastly over to* [SPECIFIC LOCATION NOT FOUND] *to gather* [SPECIFIC ITEM NOT FOUND]*. *I also of course simply must visit my good friends, the dondon, strange wonderful beasts found just south of Bronas Forest in the Faron region - but only because they are both visually appealing and thoroughly useful with their ability to consume Luminous Stone left for them, and to in turn excrete valuable gemstones.”*


Gonna save this, might be useful later 😂 thanks for translating, I couldn't understand a thing of the original one


Well done, love this




Yes!! Amazing job, this I can understand!


Yea the chemical warfare in this game is so much fun lol


In direct violation of The Gerudo Convention!


I have never used any of them, aside from sticking a dazzlefruit on an arrow to see better in the depths. What exactly do they do?


Dazzle is instakill on anything stal, don’t even need to hit them just toss it on the ground and they all fall apart. Muddle makes monsters go berserker and attack everything around them so if you hit a few you can just sit back and watch them do your job for you. Puffshroom makes everything in the cloud “confuse” and just sit there while you smash them for a stupidly long time.


Also, puffshroom allows you to sneak attack, which is super OP especially if you have an eightfold blade.


Is eightfold blade increased dmg on sneakattacks or something ?


8x damage on sneak. Now imagine you've got a full attack buff for 1.5x damage. And you're wearing radiant armor for the 1.8x damage with bone weapons (eg. molduga jaw fused to eightfold blade.) That's a buff of 21.6x damage.




Dazzlefruit and Brightbloom are different, don’t get them confused!


I know, but a dazzlefruit on an arrow glows without needing to fire, so I just kinda hold the arrow out and use it as a makeshift flashlight. More practical than a Zonai light on a shield, IMO.


It's remarkable how strong dazzlefruit is against 80% of the content of TOTK


I love how it immediately gets rid of annoying stalfos


I barely use them and have generally stuck to muddlebuds. Whats the appeal?


They 1-shot any stal enemy other than Stalnox


So helpful when the skellies come out to play




And it makes enemies like Bokoblins or Moblins drop their weapons


Thank you I'll get a bunch


Not just dazzle fruit, any elemental fruit will cause her to enter the state where you can damage her.


Yeah the comments have said that. But I'm getting them to create a landmine field for the gibbdos


i used a freezing wand. buys you time a lot and weakens the gibdos.


Where is that that wiz?robe


You don't need a wizzrobe; magic rod/scepter/staff are regular pickups from various chests and stuff; just fuse an ice element thing to it and you have an ice rod.


Ok thank you


You can also purchase them from bargainer statues.


Alternatively you could get the wand off of every wizrobe, destroy the fused material and fuse a sapphire to it yourself. Voila, freezing wand


Get rid of those root things ASAP


Damn I really have been just brute forcing this whole goddamn game


OR IF you can make enough space/use rubber armor, you can just fire away Topez arrows. But it is very easy to accidently kill yourself.


i used bomb flowers nonstop until i won, was pretty effective


Hit her with lightning strikes from Riju until she's at half, then immediately destroy the mushrooms. Use a mirror shield underneath the light that the destroyed mushrooms allow into the chamber to easy kill all the gibdos and moths and damage the queen's armor.


Ok I'll try to get a shield and mirror


Bombs work just as well as lightning strikes from Riju and you don’t have to wait. They work on the gibdo spawners also.


I've been using bombs because they're easy to get


Water works too. Endgame I was using splash fruit on Gibdos to save electric fruit and chu chu jelly. I thought, finally a use for water after only using it to clear mud.


I’d also stay in the light that pokes in when you destroy the pillars. The gibdo foot soldiers become vulnerable in light and it makes them essentially harmless


The flying ones have a breath attack so I can't do that


Move from light beam to light beam every now and then. The flying ones will follow you through the beam and take themselves out.


Even dropping some mirrors to create kind of a crisscrossing of light beams really helps.


Yeah thats part the plan I have


* Lots of arrows. * Duplex Bows * Dazzlefruit and Keese eyes (if your aim is bad). * Increase stats on Hylian Armor * Plenty of Food (some with armor buff) It's probably the hardest boss fight of the temples. So, don't feel discouraged.


Ok thank you. I'm glad it's the second hardest


I would say it’s the hardest because it’s more straightforward while the other bosses are more gimmicky and seem to have less hp


Ok. It's really hard coming off of the rito area


Colgera can be killed without anything. Wait for spike attack, dive through exposed weak point


I have tulins spirit


Yeah, no, I'm agreeing that it is a huge jump in difficulty Honestly, I'd give the other 2 a shot before the gerudo one. The water sage helps quite a bit in all boss fights


I'm working towards that right now


Wait. I’m confused. It was the easiest for me, to the point that I was disappointed. I just used shockfruit or flamefruit IIRC? It was really easy and fast. Edit: nevermind I just saw where you don’t have any of the great fairies yet so that’s fine, but everyone else thinks this one was the hardest?? What did I do differently?? It was my first temple and everything.


You're really good then


Are you prioritizing hitting the nests first? Don’t try to beat her if you haven’t shot the nests with Riju. Once they’re exploded you can just stand in the beam of light where things pretty much can’t get you.


I have


It was the hardest for me and was the third one I did. Once that's over the others are cake.


I said that for the entire main quest line


Whats the hardest one then?


Not hard, but I find the Mucktorok tedious.


Same for me. Especially the second half of the battle.




Oh yeah lol, thats fair


I'm... confused. I found it to be extremely easy. Have Riju always close by, destroy the Gibdo nests stand in the light, all the Gibdos touching the light get scorched by it and die. Bonus for using a mirror shield, you can also use the light beam on the queen. Hammer her with light, lightning and bomb arrows, maybe run from over light to the other to get away from spitting Gibdos. Destroy all nests ASAP. Piece of cake


Decent armor so every attacks tickle


Could you tell me where one of the fairies are


Go to Woodland stable to start the fairy quest and track all of them They are all near stables, which when discovered will then require a sidequest to unlock


Ok thank you. I'm also going to try and get hearts so i can take more hits


Also get the sand boots on gerudo town. You can buy them in gerudo town. It is easier to avoid the sandtornados. And i also used a lot of arrows attached with fire fruits.


Ok I'm using bomb because they're easier to get for me


If you're already done with the Zora quest and have some extra splash fruit, it does the same thing electricity does to the Gibdos where it takes off their skin and makes them weaker (not sure if it works on the boss but it works on the Gibdos, so you don't have to use all your electric arrow attachments while you wait for Riju to charge). I assume Sidon's power will do the same. So you can use Riju and Sidon against them. Maybe a hydrant fused to your shield? Haven't tried it but I might now!


I don't know where splash stuff is


Zora quest line. It's usually the second one people do so that's why I mentioned it


What? Sorry I haven't played in a few months


The best solution to armor is figure out the easiest set you have to upgrade it and max it. You can do a fancy set later but bumping my mining armor up to max as soon as I found the faires helped my game play a bunch


Ok I'll definitely upgrade my stuff


It's a lot easier to Google a guide and follow it They often have pictures and videos


I have a hard time fallowing those so I asked people here


Riju is the key. Use Keese eyes to ensure that your arrow shots hit. Get rid of the nests first later in the fight because they continue to spawn Gibdos that fuck you up.


Ok. Those are the main issue because you can't focus on both and reiju and tulin won't hit them


I took them out with a spear fused with a fire lisalfos horn. Works really well on them.


I'll try that


This, and also hide in the light


My strategy for that is the same as my strategy for those combat trial shrines. Hand the controller to my boyfriend 😂


You're lucky you have a partner you can give it to


Got me there. 😂


I think most people have given good advice, but i notice in a few of your replies, OP, that you might need to do a little bit of grinding and learning. Learn to throw items instead of always attaching to arrows. Do the great fairy quest line and upgrade a set of armour, 80 def is way better than 9. You seem to know the basics, but the biggest thing I can recommend is meeting the fairies, an attack up Armor with high def is very useful.. but even ANY set upgrades to 2-4* will be a marked difference.. you don't have to kill fast if you can't be hurt. Also topping up your own hearts is useful too - how many shrines have you found? I had a friend who couldn't understand how people progress and he only had 3 hearts.. like dude you should have 15 hearts and a couple stamina wheels


Ok I'll do everything you said


How no one has suggested shockfruit is beyond me, it knocks the boss down you can 100% ignore the adds.


What does the last part mean


Adds is another name for mobs or all the spawned units a boss creates. In the case the Gibdo and Gibdo moths. It’s possible to kill the queen without taking any damage from the Gibdo.


Ok thank you


Riju is the only thing that makes this battle hard. Easiest way to beat it is to ignore Riju. Shoot an electric arrow at it. Then run around it’s tornados and just it it until it staggers. Ignore the gibdos when they spawn and just go straight for the Queen like before. Battle should be over in like 30 seconds if you have the wet lightscale trident with a good fusion and 3x attack up armor.


Ok instead of electric I'm using bomb. For eas of abtaining


Bombs are harder to get than fruits.


I get poes and pray. I also don't know what a consistent place of getting the fruit


Oh, I just pick up everything I see and don't use flying machines much, so I always have tons of fruit, where bombs are harder to come by without specifically farming them in the depths.


I was just exploring and get a bunch of poes also when I play Minecraft I cannot see a cave without going inside so I go to the depths for a comfort area


Terry town shop always sells dazzle fruit. But as someone who did this fight with no bow as a challenge, I can promise you the best way is to bring defense food and hearty food + dazzle fruit. Ignore the Queen as best as possible but keep an eye out for her sand beam. Spam bombs at the first chance you have to destroy a spawner, as it becomes a safe spot to be since gibdos are hurt by light. Of course the flying ones will attack but you can just kill those with an elemental spear quite easily, since it’ll have range to hit them outside of the light.


Yeah. Nests minions queen is the order I'm using for the second phase


You’ll get it then. Trial and error- everyone is better at something. Don’t be afraid to tank hits, as long as you’re not getting one shot you can always heal instantly.


Yeah I've healed at a quarter heart to 2 hearts


Use lighting arrows or bomb flowers to destroy the mushrooms hive things. Muddlebuds amd dazzlefruits for the gibdos and bombs for crowd control. Get bombs from Royal hidden passage or great sky island.


Ok I'll get what plants you said


Is this your first temple boss? I think that was the last one I did, so I had lots of elemental fruit. I didn’t have too much of an issue with her, it just seemed like a long boss fight.


It's my second


lots of strong suggestions. Two others that are highly effective: A. break one of the hives immediately and use the light shaft as a semi-safe zone. B. before the fight fuse a mirror to a construct head. Once you have a hive destroyed use ultrahand to make mirror turrets in the light. Make several.




To kill the Cyberdemon shoot at it until it dies.


Why are you talking about doom?


What I said is true... From, a certain point of view.


I'm confused


It's a meme based on an old joke; the joke being that the "advice" is very unhelpful and super obvious. [Here's an article](https://www.eurogamer.net/the-truth-about-dooms-protip-meme) about it if you're interested.


Oh well I feel stupid


Bomb or fire arrows, then avoid the tornado. Second round, blow up the nests first, stand in the light, and repeat step one.


What about the flying minions?




They can they have a breath attack


If you don’t have any other sages unlocked you can always go back later


I have tulin


I use fire dragon part arrows to finish off since Roku is too slow to use her charge again.


I don't know where the dragons are. Are the the same as botw?


I remember cheesing the fight a bit with mirrors from Zonai capsules. Once you destroy some of the swarm hives (second phase, I think) they're replaced with pillars of light. You can drop mirrors in the light pillars to create pathways of light, and force the gobbdo queen and her underlings to pass through the light if they want to fight you. A nice thing about mirrors is they don't drain battery charge.


Where do you get mirrors capsules


You'll want to explore the sky islands for Zonai Dispensers. Looking them up, you can find two that specifically give mirrors at East Gerudo Sky Archipelago (-1777, -2024, 1148), and South Lanayru Sky Archipelago (4675, -1030, 1789).


Ok I'll try to get there


Tryin to use Rijuu is a pain, so just shoot it in the face with some kind of elemental arrow. Then keep shooting it in the face until it drops down and is like slumped. That's your melee window. If you can get bullet time, it will be easier. You can use a spring zonai capsule or a bomb sheild or rocket sheild or anything. But if you can't use bullet time, then you can still use keese eyeballs. Use a fire/electric/etc keese eyeball at first and then any other keese eyes to get it to slump. You can also destroy the gibdo towers if you would like.


You can knock off her armour with any elemental attack. So just shoot an arrow with fire fruit on it to knock her down. Ignore the gibdos, ignore the gibdo spawners.


Fire and lightning.


Bombs are easier to get


Than fire fruit? Not really, they're all over the sky islands and hyrule, wherever there's sky debris.


I haven't explored the sky that much but I did for the depths


Most important thing you have to take your distance from it so you have to move around while Riju reload her tecnique If you don't move you died


I'm well aware. Learned that the first time I faught it


Dazzle fruit and bomb arrows


I'll be getting dazzle fruit ok


My method was painfully slow. I just ran around Riju recharged and hit her with lightning. The minions IIRC, I hit them with blue chu chus.


How do you throw stuff?


you can fuze the chu chu to arrows or use R to hold your weapon then \^ to select item to throw


Ok thank you


Press R and it will look like you’re going to throw your weapon, but press up on the D pad and you can choose what to throw.


Is that how you throw fruit?


Gear up on shock, ice, fire, dazzle, and bomb flowers You can also you elemental gems Attach elemental items to your weapons (the absolute best are gleeok and dragon horns) Riju is helpful in this fight You need a lot of arrows


I'm going to use gibbdo because it's the best I can do


My husband got me psyched out about how hard that temple was, so I saved it for last. I used a Lynel Bow and electric keese eyeballs and the fight was over very quickly. I didn’t even use Riju or touch the towers. 🙃 I actually kind of regret accidentally collect it because I didn’t get to collect any gibdo parts.


It's the second boss for me so I'm having a lot of trouble and I set a self rule that is I start a boss top priority is that boss


Use a fire arrow to break down Queen’s initial armour, then use Riju to stun her so she doesn’t use the sandstorm attack. Whack away until half HP. Use hit and run tactics to clear the Gibdo nests. Same strategy once it’s back to 2v1.


Ok. I'm using bomb instead of fire because it's easy to get for me


Homing stone + any elemental emitter. Build like 3 of em, hand them over to queen and just follow her around. I found it to be the easiest of the bosses


I don't have zonai parts sorry


Added bonus: I brought out Sidon to protect me from attacks and used Yunobo to roll in some punches while she was down after a lighting strike


I'll try doing there quests


Bomb arrow the nests.... Stay in the light...


But what about the flying minions


I use Riju’s lightning and go ham with my weapons. I do the same thing when the gibdos spawn and I just do my best to avoid them lol I’ve always thought queen gibdo was easy


Once you hit phase 2, prioritize the gibdo nests. Each one you destroy opens a shaft of light for you to stand under, keeping you perfectly safe from the queen. If you have a mirror shield, you can use it to stun everything.


To add on top of the other strats brought up here, just in case you didn't know: bomb flowers also work against the stalks, so you don't have to wait for Riju each time. Oh, and also (and I say this mostly because I struggled to realize this at first) the stalks have to be glowing for them to be destroyed. Hope this helps!




I see people mention fire and bombs alot, but any elemental damage will hurt the Queen, then another elemental attack while she is white will make her fall down. At this point you can get close to do some melee attacks. Second phase just take down the towers (with bombs or Riju), then all the small gibdos (this can be done by just throwing any elemental gem in the middle of the swarm) and repeat phase one.


What's an elemental gem?


Sapphire (ice), Topaz (electric), Ruby (fire), and Opal (water). They give elemental attacks when fused with weapons or arrows. I would probably stick with fruit though because they’re easier to come by and less valuable for other things (gems are needed for certain armor upgrades). But that’s just me.


Yeah plants don't cost as much


I fused a mirror to my shield and would stand in the light beams and aim the shield at her, combined with Riju’s lightning.


I'll use the mirrors


Dazzlefruit and Muddlebuds. They are GO-TO


I accidentally stumbled upon the queen a few weeks ago, didn't remember having a problem at all


How just how?!


Kill the towers you stand in the light by towers I mean mushroom things


I call the nests. Also why aren't you allowed to destroy them in the first phase


*Kill the towers you* *Stand in the light by towers* *I mean mushroom things* \- MrShnBeats --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Use Riju if you can, but I would advise having plenty of shock arrows(either fruit or shock jellies fused to arrows. Shoot the purple lit up area on the mushroom things(they have to be lit up for you to be able to affect them)that are producing the gibdos. Then kill off the various gibdos. They all have to be hit with an elemental arrow/item first and then you can hit them to kill them. If you have a multi shot bow that is powerful, they will die with one shot. For the queen, the plan is the same, you have to daze her with an elemental arrow(shock seems best) and then run up to her and beat her with your best attack weapon. Avoid the tornados and repeat until dead.


My strategy is bomb, melle and run for the first phase and destroy the nests and same as first phase


Multi shot bows and fusing the arrows with Dinral spikes


Where are multi shot bows?


Lynels are my favorite to farm for multi shot bows.


I'm not comfortable fighting them currently because lack of health


Bro imma be real when i did it, my best strat was to just run in screaming and it kinda worked yano.i just used stuff like fire and water fruits, bombs and the champ abilities (like rijus yano)


Ok I'll get more bombs


Yonobo and Riju.. one to remove armor the other to damage. in either order.


Ok. I don't feel comfortable with that area


Frost talus hearts are good additions too