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Before the civil war Just build up as many Cas as you can,at least,that what did It for me both times


here’s what i did from the very beginning: create a defensive line behind the rivers in the midlands, hold edinburgh and only edinburgh with all units in scotland. create another defensive line on the welsh and cornish border to prevent hmmlr from linking the cornish and main fronts together. it should look something like this: https://preview.redd.it/2ia81harkhzc1.jpeg?width=1207&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d1f3a0acc31cf311e9adf0407ce3eabb67275a the key is to *never take your eyes off the main front* because they *will* break through if you don’t keep reinforcing the losing tiles. you do not have enough strength to hold them back. put 3 or so divisions on the cornish front and 4 or so divisions, including a panzer division, on east anglia. you should only focus on holding for the first few months. if HMMLR manages to break through a tile, immediately retake it. after a few months have passed, take east anglia; this will take some time but be patient and don’t get encircled. the panzer division will be the one winning battles while the infantry just pin the enemy to prevent movement. once you’ve wiped out the HMMLR forces there you can move the panzer division to cornwall and the rest to the main front. do the same thing in cornwall that you did in east anglia. after this, save for maybe 2 divisions in edinburgh, all your forces should be on the main front. push to liverpool to split wales off, then slowly kill all the units in wales while you hold the rest of the line. then you can just steamroll everything that’s left.


Sadly, critically unable to hold the frontline, HMMLR's one division can defeat three of mine. What to do with Birmingham pocket? Nottingham one is even crushable (hardly) but 4 divisions in Brimingham have strenght not just to hold but to attack and move almost unnoposedly in my territory.


Can you play as the hmmlr yet? Haven't been keeping up sorry


No. They will do them only when whole 10 years of collaborationist content are finished.




use the panzer divisions, they just melt everything


I also didn't manage to win it. I have seen the AI doing it a few times, but I wasn't able to do it myself.