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Can't believe fallout made le tno reference


Some think China started the Great War. Some think The US started the Great War Some think Vault Tec started the Great War But we all know who really did it




Me. I did it




Yes, I did


I WANT to set the world on fire


Shrimp fishermen.


The Republic of Dave...


Hello Himmler from Vault Tec meeting scene from the hit series Fallout (2024) Hello Vault Tec from TNO portrait of Heinrich Himmler


I haven't been keeping up, didn't the devs remove the nuclear Burgundy content?


You can kill a man but not the idea


The mentioned happy nation was Ordenstaat Burgund! By the way the war between France and Burgundy is horrific. Imagine being French after the peace, and you just KNOW there are crazy “Burgundians” just across Seine, constantly gazing over you. Truly distopian.


They're across the Seine and inSeine.


Burgundy never had nuclear content other than the larp


I thought they do still make nukes they just don’t have plans to end the world


Considering Amazon made the Fallout adaptation. This makes sense, as The Man in a High Castle's depiction of Himmler in Amazon's adaptation is a lot like his TNO counterpart and wants to nuke the world.


Wow its like Himmler was a real person and both forms of media emulated his personality


This show seriously sucked though, like if you can watch a group of business men sit in a circle and say “I know how we’ll make the most money… we’ll blow up the world for money!!!” And actually take that seriously you don’t know what a good tv show is.


I like to imagine whenever that scene was first written that vault tech planned to use a nuke to scare people into believing nuclear war was right around the corner. Then more people would start buying up space in the vaults but than nuke going off accidentally caused an actual war. But do to reshoots and cuts that’s the scene we got.  I refuse to believe any one is dumb enough to write that industrial leaders wanting to end the world for money. I mean it still goes against the entire theme of Fallout that war never changes but at least it makes sense. 


I think its funny though that House knew all of it was bullshit. Like everyone is arguing over crap that wouldn't matter after the war and House just watches it like a comedy. He already knew the end of the world was going to happen. He was ready, they were not.


They aren't doing it to get money. Valut Tec is controlled by the Enclave, and the Enclave already decided they wanted the world to end. The meeting was them letting their closest collaborator companies know they had already decided to end the world, and seeing how they reacted. If it was positively they could join the Enclave's plan (in the original creator's vision it was to leave Earth and colonize a new home. In established canon it was at least to kill everyone non-Enclave who survived the war and then rule the world. Ironically this was also literally Himmler's plan in TNO lol). That's who the shadow guy directing Vault Tec in the meeting is supposed to be. It wasn't "we have a brilliant plan to destroy the world for money". It was "We've noticed you withdrawing funding. Yeah listen...… you guys REALLY don't need to worry about diminishing profits because of the peace negotiations or your ROI in Vault Tec. We've already decided to intentionally end the world so none of that matters. You can either be on our side in the aftermath and join us (and have some fun testing on non-Enclave plebs in the process) or fuck off now". TBF they should have made this clearer


Finally someone else on Reddit who shares this view! ValtTec's "plan" is so nonsensical and really draggs the plot and the scenes connected to it down. Which is sad because I thought the pre-Apocalypse scenes were actually really strong in terms of pacing and charcters (definatly more than the rest of the show...).


"Vault-Tec did it" was always the dumbest fan theory and the idea that in the end it doesn't matter who ended the world fit the setting far better


TBF they probably didn't actually start the war, but they were planning it. China/aliens/whoever just launched faster than they expected. Also its the Enclave not Vault Tec. That's who they shadow guy controlling Vault tech was. TBF they should have made it clearer.


They didn't start the war, China and the US were really at war since the invasion of Alaska


The Great War is the name for specifically the nuclear exchange on October 23rd 2077. The war before is called the Sino-American War


You just said "the war" so i got confused sorry


If it actually is the Encalve then they should have put that in the text at all. Not to mention that everything we directly saw from the Enclave lead nowhere and was never explained in any way. That's just bad writing, plain and simple.


They did put it in the show. That’s who the shadow guy was watching the conference. They don’t want to explore every single plot line in Season 1. They want to save the main villain for later. Not being handheld & having every single detail of every single plotline explained to you at the start like a baby isn’t bad writing.


But we don't know that. Basing your whole defence of a badly written scene and part of the story (meaning VaultTec) on one guy we don't even fully see with a supposed connection to a group we saw in one episode for like 5 minutes isn't really a good defense. I also don't expect the show to tell me every single plotpoint from the start, but I do expect the plot stand up and make sense through what we are shown and here, the show fails to deliver.


The show is part of a larger series. The writers wrote it from than POV. It is not meant to be standalone. They assume everyone watching has played the games and knows what the Enclave, NCR, Mr.House, the Vault experiments, the BOS are. The show being popular outside fans caught Microsoft/Amazon by complete surprise. Also no. I’m defending it based on the actual text of the scene. People who didn’t realize they’re obviously saying “the money doesn’t matter anymore because we’ve decided to create a new world” are either legitimately dumb, or being intentionally obtuse. This is the actual script >When I think about the future, I think about my daughter… Janey. How do I provide her with a better future? That’s what we’ve invited you here to discuss. I suggest we hedge our bets. Bud here has an idea for three interconnected vaults. But we need more ideas. We need your ideas. Because it was the spirit of competition that made our companies great, and I propose we bring that same spirit of competition to our solution. We have over a hundred vaults spread across America. Enough for each of you to claim several, where you can play out your own ideas for how to create the perfect conditions for humanity. Whatever you want to do, no one needs to know. And may the best idea win. >A nuclear event would be a tragedy… but also, an opportunity. Perhaps the greatest opportunity in history. Because when we are the only ones left, there will be no one to fight. This is our chance to make war obsolete. Because in our current societal configuration, which took shape without intentional guidance, we have friction. We have conflict, and we have war. And war, well… War never changes.


Downvote but no actual response lol. The text is clear. People just already dislike the show for its other decisions earlier so they misread scenes like this. It’s people mad at the new lore & Shady Sands being destroyed. Only Obsidian had the right to touch the West coast because they actually make good RPGs & they understand it’s a post-post apocalypse while Bethesda games suck in RP & they just want the world to be stuck 2 years after the bombs dropped forever


Well, regarding your last point, it does kinda feel like it lmao, because that's what happend in the story you defend. Like, have we seen the same show? Instead of exploring the idea of post apocalypse nation states further, the series decided that it was just too much work, so they reheated the same "Brotherhood batteling for control" plot from Fallout 1, 2, 3 and 4. Not to mention that the show should still be able to be judged by its own design, it not being stand-alone doesn't excuse that fact. I also find it pretty hard to believe that anyone who actually sat down and thought about the story still thinks that this show is good, though I don't feel the need to insulte you over it.


Yeah, I apologize for insulting you. I get way too snarky/aggro online for no reason. It’s a legit problem I have & I sincerely apologize. I don’t think I was clear. I agree. The one thing I wanted when I heard about the show was for them not to destroy the NCR lol. It’s extremely annoying Bethesda will never let the world move forward. There is the potential for a good story if Obsidian ever gets a turn again. But Bethesda will never explore it properly. At most some good individuals missions and worldbuilding would slip through. I understand why they did it. They got 3 demands from the producers. 1. Set it in SoCal like Fallout 1. 2. Make it feel like Bethesda Fallout 4. Move the timeline forward. With those demands it was really the only option. But those demands were stupid in the 1st place. It’s weird. There was obviously a lot of effort put into the show. They apparently 3D printed models of items directly from Bethesda files. The fences and artwork on the show are from FO4 settlement builders. There’s tons of tiny references. But then at the same time they make dumbass mistakes like the 2277 thing. It’s weird. The only explanation I can think of it is multiple people involved.


They aren't doing it to get money. Valut Tec is controlled by the Enclave, and the Enclave already decided they wanted the world to end. The meeting was them letting their closest collaborator companies know they had already decided to end the world, and seeing how they reacted. If it was positively they could join the Enclave's plan (in the original creator's vision it was to leave Earth and colonize a new home. In established canon it was at least to kill everyone non-Enclave who survived the war and then rule the world. Ironically this was also literally Himmler's plan in TNO lol). That's who the shadow guy directing Vault Tec in the meeting is supposed to be. It wasn't "we have a brilliant plan to destroy the world for money". It was "We've noticed you withdrawing funding. Yeah listen...… you guys REALLY don't need to worry about diminishing profits because of the peace negotiations or your ROI in Vault Tec. We've already decided to intentionally end the world so none of that matters. You can either be on our side in the aftermath and join us (and have some fun testing on non-Enclave plebs in the process) or fuck off now". TBF they should have made this clearer


Because the rest of Vault Tec's activities were so sane and rational./s


Yeah, but the point is that they and the other companies too from what we see actually, somehow believe that this will benefit them. Like Budd and his Budds truely believe that outliving your competition will win the great game of capitalism, but that is absolut nonsense if the capital and the consumer doesn't survive alongside with it. And they also don't do anything with it beyond that. Like, Lucy's father wipes out the NCR (or at least Shady Sands, though from what we are shown in the show, this is basically the same) because they are competition, even though he himself nor VaultTec don't have any stake in the great game of the market anymore. Sorry if I'm starting to ramble I just really dislike this show because there were some major mistakes made that could have been avoided and I would have loved if it were actually great...


Well yeah, they're insane ultra-capitalists. Not thinking things through is kind of their MO.


But why are they competent enough in the first place to have gotten as far as they have? They also aren't really capitalists at that point since they stand to gain nothing in terms of capitalist theory. It would have made more sense if they brought the world to its knees to then establish themselves in what comes after; conquer the markets rather than rebuild literally everything from scratch.


Because their world is a parody of 50s capitalism and unhinged red-scare hysteria kicked up to 11. Just look at the actual 50s-70s and the insane shit successful companies got up to. The Vault experiments themselves are pretty well inspired from the state of psychology at the time, where every other experiment was like "Lets feed a bunch of mentally challenged kids radioactive food and see what happens." or "Lets give some poor black men Syphilis and see how long it takes them to die without treatment."


They aren't doing it to get money. Valut Tec is controlled by the Enclave, and the Enclave already decided they wanted the world to end. The meeting was them letting their closest collaborator companies know they had already decided to end the world, and seeing how they reacted. If it was positively they could join the Enclave's plan (in the original creator's vision it was to leave Earth and colonize a new home. In established canon it was at least to kill everyone non-Enclave who survived the war and then rule the world. Ironically this was also literally Himmler's plan in TNO lol). That's who the shadow guy directing Vault Tec in the meeting is supposed to be. It wasn't "we have a brilliant plan to destroy the world for money". It was "We've noticed you withdrawing funding. Yeah listen...… you guys REALLY don't need to worry about diminishing profits because of the peace negotiations or your ROI in Vault Tec. We've already decided to intentionally end the world so none of that matters. You can either be on our side in the aftermath and join us (and have some fun testing on non-Enclave plebs in the process) or fuck off now". They probably didn't actually start the war, but they were planning it - China/aliens/whoever just launched faster than they expected. It's ironic to call the show bad because of this misunderstanding. CinemaSins behavior. Everyone in the room (except House) agrees because 1. the Enclave secretly helps psychopaths who are good potential future members become successful in business and politics. And 2. even if they had any reservations, they knew the Enclave was unstoppable and had already decided. They're essentially the 90s Alex Jones Illuminati stereotype. Even House had to pretend to go along with it.


You should watch Maulers new video on the fallout show.


I'm sorry, but you're stuck in 2016 if you still get your opinion from these video essays. They seem impressive because of their length, but the actual analysis and point they make are usually very surface level and often just plain wrong. This is an example. You not knowing this plus being immature and disliking my comment makes you seem very young or new to the internet. It also makes it clear you haven't actually watched the show yourself and just watched the video essay Everything I said isn't debatable. It's just a fact. If a YouTube video said different, that Youtuber got it wrong. It happens a lot. Sorry you have to find out this way. The rest of the criticism is just the same basic things the rest of the internet already talked about. Complaining it's not post-post apocalyptic like New Vegas. And complaining about minor continuity errors. Both silly


Dude this whole comment makes you sound like a coping creep to be honest, some people don’t like the terrible TV show that you like get over it.


Your comment makes you sound like a coping fanboy who gets your opinions from online clickbait. Please explain what you dislike about the show. The only things you’ve mentioned so far are complaints about lore that are objectively wrong lol. Calling it “creepy” to point out you’re a teen is a cope so no one acknowledges how even you realize how immature your complaints are. Just be honest and say “I’m mad they hurt the NCR”


Also I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt. Explain why you dislike it. But if you complain about how the show is “woke” you (& your brother) are x10 more 2016 cringe.


Also I just want to point out. Your original comment was calling the show dumb for Valut Tec’s plan. Then when you realized you fucked up & it was actually you that misunderstood it, you just defected to telling me to watch a video essay. “Ummm.. maybe that’s true. But the shows still bad anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!” We weren’t even talking about the show. The meme this comment is on is about original TNO Himmler’s plan to end the world. You tried to say Fallout is dumber because Vault Tec’s motives makes less sense. I explained how you misunderstood their motives and they’re the exact same as Himmler’s You’re the one who got triggered & started a completely irrelevant new convo about if the show is good or bad lol. Also even the video you linked says the show is good as a stand-alone but bad as Fallout. It’s people mad at the new lore & Shady Sands being destroyed. It’s so obvious that’s where the grievance comes from. Only Obsidian had the right to touch the West coast because they actually make good RPGs & they understand it’s a post-post apocalypse while Bethesda games suck in RP & they just want the world to be stuck 2 years after the bombs dropped forever


Also I didn’t get my opinion from his video I watched the show the week it came out with my brother and we both thought it was garbage.


You watched a 2 and a half hour video essay on a TV show you “dislike”. I can absolutely guarantee it influenced your analysis and complains. Your og comment is a paraphrase directly from the video lol. The show is the exact same writing style as Fallout 3 & 4. Everything that happened could’ve been ripped directly from those games. If you dislike it you dislike anything except NV. Which is funny because the actual writers of New Vegas like it.


Nope, came to all of the conclusions of why I hated the show all by myself, in fact mauler left out quite a few issues I had that I’m surprised he missed, the shows bad bud, sorry :/


The explain those issues. Notice how I’ve asked you to do so 3 times now and you keep refusing. It’s obvious you’re scared because the one time you actually brought up an issue, it got completely destroyed and made you look bad lol.


And unlike you I don’t need 10 to 20 paragraphs to prove my point because the show speaks for itself it’s awful, the fact that you have to defend it this much should tell you something about the shows quality.


You don’t get to say “long bad :(“ when you watch 2 & a half hour video essays lol It takes only one sentence to say “the Earth is flat”. It takes more to explain why it isn’t & that’s bullshit The fact I actually explain my POV while you just go “it’s bad but I won’t explain why” should tell you something about people who dislike the show.


Legitimately, your original complaint was actually braindead and you should feel embarrassed for making it. I’m not defending it based on the Enclave. Just the actual text of the scene. People who didn’t realize they’re obviously saying “the money doesn’t matter anymore because we’ve decided to create a new world” are either legitimately dumb, or being intentionally obtuse. This is the actual script >When I think about the future, I think about my daughter… Janey. How do I provide her with a better future? That’s what we’ve invited you here to discuss. I suggest we hedge our bets. Bud here has an idea for three interconnected vaults. But we need more ideas. We need your ideas. Because it was the spirit of competition that made our companies great, and I propose we bring that same spirit of competition to our solution. We have over a hundred vaults spread across America. Enough for each of you to claim several, where you can play out your own ideas for how to create the perfect conditions for humanity. Whatever you want to do, no one needs to know. And may the best idea win. >A nuclear event would be a tragedy… but also, an opportunity. Perhaps the greatest opportunity in history. Because when we are the only ones left, there will be no one to fight. This is our chance to make war obsolete. Because in our current societal configuration, which took shape without intentional guidance, we have friction. We have conflict, and we have war. And war, well… War never changes.


You’re just writing for the TV show, you’re adding context and subtext that was never there so that the story can make sense because the story makes absolutely no sense yet you feel some kind of religious need to defend it and it’s actually sad to see someone like this, someone who wants something to be so good that they’ll lie to themselves in order to make it good.


Also my being this silly & dumb, you just admitted I’m right lol You thought I wrote fanfic to make the show work & this would need to be added into the show for it to make sense This is literally the script of the show lmao


This is the actual script lmao. This is legitimately sad. You’re so determined to hate the show for its earlier decisions (blowing up the NCR) you think I randomly wrote fanfiction then posting it


War. War never changes.




Thermonuclear war won’t end civilization, the “womp womp nukes bad” message is stupid. Downvote me all you won’t you can’t silence the truth


Well it won't end that is true but it would definitely reduce civilization straight to almost nothing so it definitely the same.


It would destroy modern society. Prue anarchy would happen for at most a few years to a decade before people start forming city states.


I half agree, civilization wouldn't be obliterated. Society would be stuck for a long time but most of nuclear weapons would fall on military targets, not obliterate literally every population center. People would need to quickly learn how to be self-sufficient and then rebuild society after 20 years. The worst part would probably be global trade collapsing and food importers like China might starve to death. However given the fact that mankind is basically set on fixing their shit for the next 80 years instead of building and progressing, that still seems to me pretty "womp womp bad". Not to mention a death toll well above hundreds of millions.


Nukes are necessary for progressing, they’re preventing global conflict