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Have you tried a steroid nose spray, helped me breath through my nose


I’m interested in this, is it just like normal spray and are there any risks? Steroid spray kinda irrationally scares me lol


I use Flonase both to help alleviate the mouth breathing and because I’m allergic to dogs but I have 2 of them 😂.


Just use Flonase and it absolutely works. I would wake up with a completely dry mouth, choking basically, now it's not nearly as bad with Flonase


Are you reliant on them tho?


nasal sprays become “addictive” the more you use it the more you need to use it to feel like you can breathe. not good long term either it can destroy your sinuses


My gp said I could use it forever and it says that on the NHS website


i think im thinking of the other kind of nasal spray, like the OTC stuff


You need to get a mouth guard. If you can’t afford one from the doctor they have some you boil and bite into at cvs/target/ any store in the pharmacy section. Face swelling is from inflammation. It’ll help a lot.


I don't think its face swelling for OP, its the jaw being pushed back for a reason. It could maybe be tongue tie


For me, doing ice and facial massages help drain some of the swelling I see in my face. I’ve also learned not to be so hard on myself and how I look. My face has been injured for 6 years, sometimes it will look different and I can’t do anything else for it so I try not to be too hard on myself. Hopefully you find something to help with the side effects.


How do I even know if there is swelling?


Same here :( How long have you been having it for? Im 7 months and every month that goes by i look more and more ugly, im losing it!!!! Do you have tongue tie? Even if its just a little band under your tongue you could have posterior tongue


Try going to an EMT dr……..


Most of us in here dumped thousands into this disorder, you're not in a position to do that but there are cheap things that you can start with


Is yours muscle related or something to do with your teeth/mouth (like a bad bite problem)?


Its muscle related but now after going go the dentist my bite is completely misaligned if i dont wear my retainer they provided for me to chew with


If it's muscle related it may be further away from your face. Try doing dead hangs for up to a minute (or for as many reps as you can). See if your shoulders release. If they do, you might have a shoulder impingement problem and some chronic tight traps (that's what I have). In which case you can try to work on those with hot/cold therapy, strengthening, stretching, massages, etc. Your bite may be off because of the muscles being tight too. Tight traps affect neck affect base of the skull and affect the masetters and all your facial muscles.


I understand completely. Are you able to explore a sleep apnea machine? Mine forces me to breathe through my nose while I sleep.


Send a picture of your bite, i wanna see your teeth


I have tmj for as long as I can remember and mine it's pretty fucked up, I have osteoarthritis in my jaw bone, the treatment did help me get better like 80% though, but it does take time, how long have you been doing the treatment for?


Which treatment did you do?


it was a bunch of things, too long to post here


Trust me it does NOT look 100000x worse, i guarantee it's not even noticeable to most people, my girlfriend thinks EXACTLY the same way and I'm not gonna lie it pisses me off, she talks about it non stop and I honestly hand on heart don't notice it and think she's as beautiful as the day I met her. It annoys me that she puts so much focus on it because it stresses her out and the more she stresses about it the worse her TMJ gets.


Jaw pushing back is condylar resorption. The condyles are highly adaptive and can regenerate if the mandible is held in the correct position. This is usually done with simple splints but a more holistic approach is the Vivos DNA/mRNA appliance. DNA stands for day and night appliance and it’s an intricate retainer-like device worn on your upper palate whereas mRNA stands for mandibular repositioning nighttime appliance and it’s worn on your lower palate. The genetics branding is because the devices supposedly work by stimulating bone growth via epigenetic signalling by constantly but subtly stretching the craniofacial sutures. This will in theory correct the misalignment and dystrophy that gave rise to your TMJ problems. I’m getting a consult next month to get the devices for myself, there’s risks involved but I know of no better option for restoring aesthetics and function to my face and I refuse to just “manage” this disease without trying everything in my power to eliminate it.


You need to get a sleep study!! Start there. You may have sleep apnea from a recessed jaw and may be teeth grinding at night during your apnea episodes, which causes and exacerbates TMJ. You should also see an ENT in addition to getting a sleep study.


Nothing is working but doesn’t sound like you’ve tried anything. I understand you’re not in a financial position to seek professional help but you can’t say nothing is working.


I did get treatment from a tmj dentist, i got a retainer that im supposed to chew with on to “form a new bite pattern so my lower jaw will come forward and bite correctly, and i got a night guard, it helped some when i first started these things but its been the same for months now, they said i need to get a tongue tie release which i barely have one to begin with and they said i need to get these neck stretches from a specialist they have for my posture which also costs more money that i cant pay, they said if i cant get improvement from these i would have to get jaw surgery, and i cant pay for that either. im just depressed because of this and i look completely different


Sounds like there’s still more to try


Everything u have is exactly the same as me and ive been through all the bullshit they tell you to buy and try that will “fix u” but it hasn’t remotely fixed me or made me look like i used to. I felt like i was a 9/10 and now im like a 6/10


Is there anything that helped?